25 Things You Missed in "Caribert" Archon Quest (Genshin Impact Lore, Theory & Speculations)

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I'm sure you'll agree that everyone's curious about their roots on some level and my roots they're in conria which is said to have been located deep underground somewhere near sumeru the only reason I knew that conria was near sumeru is because I happened to read that in a book when I was young [Music] thank you [Music] my life had less and less to do with conria as I grew up and so I started caring less as well I used to believe that I had inherited some sort of Duty from my father but then I began to wonder maybe my father left me in the peaceful land of monstat for no other reason than simply to give me a happier life [Music] these days my surname albreak probably the only link to conria that I have left then we are already acquainted Kaya Albury descendant of the Abyss orders found her I take it that you weren't aware of this until now Kaya or you wouldn't have been so forthcoming with your surname my real name is clotor clotor albarish [Music] here's Kari bear my illegitimate son [Music] this is where you must stay you are our only hope forgive me Kaya [Music] Kaya Albury descendant of the Abyss orders founder [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] thank you interestingly [Applause] the male skeleton appears to have been interred much later [Music] putting a silk scarf in its hand unless clotar Albury finally found a way to rid himself of the curse [Music] shall now become the loom of fate [Music] oh my that's quite a lot of baggage for a surname isn't it though I must say it does confirm an old suspicion of mine I suppose that was why my father left me in monstad after all foreign [Music] well perhaps what you told me just happens to answer some questions I carry in my memories and in any case I recognize your eyes you're a pure blood conrian aren't you [Music] hey hold on now this conversation has taken a rather sudden turn for the deadly serious and I'm afraid that as someone from monstat I'm not accustomed to this sort of atmosphere so what if I know my ancestry do I strike you as the type who would be bound by that kind of thing relax I'll be just as delighted to hunt down the abyss order tomorrow as I have always been [Music] the fact is I still do not know him well it would be meaningless for me to jump to conclusions but can a person truly be unaffected by their ancestry this remains to be seen well I suspect that they call your brother their prince precisely because there is a succession of sorts hey time to wake up the sun has risen [Music] [Laughter] what a deep sleeper you do know that we need to all right rest here a bit longer then I'll head into the forest to investigate your travel companion you mean the one that was keeping watch by your side last night you go companion departed for the forest early this morning that much I saw with my own eyes hmm tear stains you dreamed of your sibling last night didn't you [Music] [Laughter] there must be something different about your brother because as it turns out the world has recorded information on him after all there's only one possible explanation he belongs to this world [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] foreign [Music] disaster he began his journey through the Seven Nations of tavat [Music] foreign [Laughter] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] nice wretched curse of immortality it was a little gift given to the people of conrey are by those vile gods we lost our home our loved ones everything the agony of the cataclysm itself was already too much to bear but then came the curse robbing us any chance of release all we can do is watch helplessly as our souls erode in our bodies decay [Music] [Music] although conoria began with a single bloodline it was a home to others too any who forsook their gods and came to Conrail were welcomed as our fellow citizens [Music] and the cataclysm came we pure blood connorians were declared the greater Sinners upon us the gods placed the curse of immortality but those whose ancestry belonged to the domains of other gods were punished with the curse of the Wilderness as they fled turning them into monsters foreign [Music] I'm sure you're wondering why I brought Curry bear here to sumeru well it's because he needs a medicine that can only be made here one which will help him to recover his Clarity of mind [Music] but it is said that this medicine is imbued with the power of sumero's God of wisdom and can awaken the Mind from a state of Deep stupa it has been used in the past to treat cases of mania [Music] I read about it in a book from the Royal Library of Conrail it was banned I mean since this medicine requires the power of the seven to work please god of wisdom I seek not to disavow myself of a sinful blood that flows through my veins I wish only to beseech you to have pity upon her Young and an unfortunate soul my son Cara bear he was turned into a monster before he had the chance to witness anything beautiful in this world this is no fate for a child [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] if everything the gods have done was in order to have the impious people of Connery above their heads and I bow to you now [Music] thank you [Music] oh God's above what more do you want from me you took everything from here and I still bowed to you I give you my very life if only you care to take it she won't even let me die one day I met a beautiful woman amongst the people her Roots were in monstad with that mattered not to me it was love at first [Music] for some we were separated I do not wish to dwell on it a male and female skeleton buried together there is a waterfall near the statue I prayed at I need you to collect some water from there around two in the afternoon once you're back I will make some fertilizer for the mushrooms [Music] I need you to stand guard here for a while and whatever you do don't let any forest rangers approach the house ah good I'll be back soon the fertilizer won't take but a moment to make right and Cory bear scarf was a gift I once gave to his mother I use it now as a marker of sorts [Music] the most crucial ingredient in this medicine is the unusual mushroom which makes things complicated but not impossible ah I grow them in that field the details don't matter right your curiosity and just do what I instruct if you truly wish to help me that is how you can do it [Music] foreign [Music] he was a perfect being I'm in awe he had the most wondrous Aura a perilous yet beautiful power oh really mesmerizing [Music] oh why do you bow down for fear of the unknown or power as you covet [Music] oh dear creature why do you bow down for I am no God I am dinner you are like a flower born in sin you're pure spotless I dwell you need no longer hold back you were such a countless lies what do you mean that he saw the traveler how's that possible I fear that while these things would limit anyone else they are no obstacle to him go for go fully come a Transcendent one rise rise though upon you and I shall shed a tear at the end of time as i gaze back upon my life [Music] thank you [Music] the heart traveler you're awake finally we can Rejoice together we saw it too didn't you unmistakable eh the power inside Corey bear and the power of the one you call us [Music] was one of the same [Music] foreign I fear that while these things would limit anyone else they are no obstacle to him it's the kind of knowledge that doesn't belong to this world and a form of truth that can't be understood it came from the very bottom of the Abyss even I could never understand it [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] you have to promise me something never take off your mask understand whatever happens you mustn't take it off [Music] let's go Traveler there is surely a reason for its disappearance and I do believe that someday in the future we shall see it again [Music] [Applause] [Music] you saw too didn't you unmistakable eh the power inside Corey bear and the power of the one you call us sinner it was one of the same are you positive now it's the power of the Abyss isn't it [Music] horrible did not deserve his fate but now it's wonderful he will be able to weave his own destiny Anew born into abject sorrow he now become the loom of fate [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] we once believed that you would bring new strength and hope to conria we yearned for that future we looked to you to take us there but what did you bring us instead [Music] thank you [Music] hey hey [Music] to us you with your with you a wondrous mystery far beyond our imagination and comprehension and the one who controls the abyss can control everything [Music] foreign [Music] still as I'd suspected the notion of the Loom of Fate did indeed rear its head during that time and it seems closely connected to clotar albariq's son kariber and what happened to him and yet your brother never breathed a word of this incident to me I wonder was that the moment that he decided to go down this path [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: CatWithBlueHat
Views: 254,784
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Keywords: catwithbluehat, Genshin Impact, Genshin, Impact, genshin impact story, story, genshin impact facts, genshin impact theory, lore, genshin lore, genshin impact lore, genshin impact reacts, genshin impact gameplay, genshin impact mihoyo, genshin impact version, reaction, caribert, 3.5, 3.5 archon quest, caribert quest, caribert genshin impact, genshin impact caribert, genshin caribert, caribert archon quest, caribert genshin, genshin impact 3.5 archon quest, new archon quest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 46sec (1906 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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