A Breakdown Of The Abyss [Genshin Impact Theory and Lore]

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[Music] foreign this Mysterious World beyond the Dominion of the seven or a space void of life and light the abyss is a concept in the entirety of the genshin's world that has yet to fully make its move on the people of devot and today I want to dive deeper into this mysterious realm down below or above who knows really so welcome to the Abyssal void in its Secrets where I'll be trying to explain what the abyss really is and what it's able to do disclaimer this video will include a lot of speculations and theories that are inferential by Nature it's really difficult to fully Define the abyss considering the story also treats it as a very abstract entity so I'll be doing my best to summarize important notes and compile what we know from various lore pieces anyway let's begin the abyss is a mysterious lifeless man described by tartalia's lore as being under the Earth's surface it was an ancient world of Endless Possibilities known for its darkness and overflowing of energy antitheticals with other Realms in the current lore the term abyss and the term void realm are pretty similar but that's the closest we have of what it is in terms of spatial existence the void realm was name dropped in the anconomy event of 2.5 defined as an opposition to the two other Realms of existence the elemental light realm and the human realm the void realm is known as an active Invader and its darkness is unbearable to both Elemental creatures and humans that would explain why Abyssal energy is also harmful to Divine creatures where the actual location of the Abyss is is currently unknown if it even exists but there are two known ways of accessing it you can physically descend into it or fall into the mysterious realm such was the case with her tally who fell through a bottomless crack in the earth and the floods say night that slowly descended through the ancient Kingdom and died in battle the realm is trespass was referred to as the bottom of the world where celestial bodies cast no light this fire libis is also technically a physical place you can enter from and that's connected to the abyss Corridor or floors one to eight that this Corridor is supposed to be able to connect worlds while the Abyssal Moon Spire floors 9-12 lead to the unknown it's not known what civilization built the spiral Abyss but the leading theory is that it's kanria because of the 12th floor similarities a second wave accessing it is through teleportation as we've seen Danes leave the sibling and the herald do it at the end of 1.4 we also know that the golden wolf Lord comes from a world Beyond and teleports into the VOD by its portals time also works differently into VOD versus The Abyss when tartalia fell he spent three months in the abyss while when he returned to the vat only three days has passed time moves significantly slower into vat's vacuum wander never says anything about this distinction but it's also pretty cool to note that the traveler thinks that about the unite cycle are particularly short now with the topic of physical location it is a frequent debate if the ancient civilizations of conoria and the chasm are technically under the jurisdiction of the Abyss or in whatever alternative realm they exist in similar to the dark sea and kanamiya so maybe if not tivat and under the Earth this immediately means of this location and civilization to be safe it's easier to just say that kanri and the chasm are physically in a separate realm of existence than tivot once you cross a certain threshold that stops being in the jurisdiction of the seven but the void realm in and of itself the realm of the primordial monsters and mysterious Darkness could be a deeper and grander evil Connery and the chasm could easily just be on the uppermost level of whatever mysterious Tom is down there but what's even more fascinating about all of this is what the Abyssal looks like prior to the arkhan quest of 2.7 the abyss was described as a Realm of Darkness with Horrors Beyond this world the abyss was first completely seen and identified in the arkhan quest of 2.7 where The Travelers feared manifest their siblings standing in the complete void of nothing however what is described as the abyss in this context is much more akin to the spiral Abyss rather than the Bleak Darkness we would normally associate with something called a dark World instead what we get are stars and an almost Galaxy like Skydome that definitely indicates something much bigger than what we thought the abyss would be we also see the same stars appear when the abyss Herald opens portals so what is this place well my take is that the abyss is connected to the real universe and Humanity in the human realm are separated from the rest of the universe by its creator this can get convoluted really really fast so I'll keep this simple the abyss is considered a different world in all of the cases of the lore and in the book before sun and moon the primordial one named fanus did something fascinating the book says but for the world to be created the egg's shell had to be broken however Thanos used the eggshell to separate the universe and the microcosm of the world it's possible that the eggshell became the Dome of the firmament and the entirety of the fake sky that wraps around to vat the word firmament has been confirmed in the lore of genshin by the goddess of flowers and the flower of Paradise Lost and the chaos Oculus which confirms a dome so if we want to give a location of where the void realm physically is this would be the structure of the Realms the barrier would be where the dark sea and kanamiya and the casimar where the light realm is would be much more difficult to pinpoint though considering its quote unquote under the Dominion of humanity after the fall of the seven sovereigns but at the very least we have a theoretical model but I will say this I believe that this model isn't completely accurate to genjin's world just because the abyss underneath may not immediately mean that it's underground well it's underground in relation to devot but not in the way that we usually perceive underground my theory is that once you reach the actual heart of the Abyss AKA The Mysterious realm where the disorder walks around in it's filled with the true stars of the universe unlike tevat that has a false Sky meaning that the abyss could theoretically be the universe pretty neat Now we move on to the monsters it's actually important to note that when we talk about the abyss we don't only talk about the abyss order contrary to popular belief the abyss order is only a sub-branch of the many types of creatures and monsters that roam and that God forsaken realm and we've actually seen a lot of them let me know about them is that the monsters of the Abyss are either naturally born entities that have already existed in the darkness or creatures that were mutated beyond belief that slowly became corrupted by Abyssal energy of this monsters though are all characterized by their strange alien blood and that they were from Beyond this world so let's see the many monsters of strange Abyssal origin first is that mysterious thing a tartalia fought in his voice lines this mysterious Beast could absolutely be anything and child didn't necessarily give any kind of hint of what it looks like it could even just be a Herald or a Lecter but considering the photo we know about conoria's Origins I don't doubt that child as the Levitt Harbinger would at least be told with a disorder looks like the second is the mysterious bisa Twila torachio the Beast was described as having a Tiger's body in a snake's tail which reminds me of the Japanese mythological creature known as nue but the problem is that Nui has more than just two animals most of the time it sometimes has the head of a cat or a monkey depending on the legend you're reading sometimes even the limbs of atanaki the monster in the mask of the kitchen has blood red teeth so while the Beast itself is unknown in terms of having any real life counterparts this is the closest picture I can really find that really resembles this this creature was able to swallow torachio hole and stain her with deep sin effectively corrupting her and sending her into a rage third are the mutated monsters and this is where the dark abys Realms and conoria begin to merge into one concept the chunk of araciderites states that when Kanye fell a great sinner created endless monsters with dark alien blood flowing through their veins to destroy the land examples of this are durian and the rift towns and this is where it actually gets very interesting because the golden wolf Lord was described to be a monster from another dark world but it along with its pack was also known as gold or rain daughters unintentional creations and that is precisely why it's obsessed with invading worlds so that means that ancient civilizations within the context of the Lord's consistency can be considered as different worlds so it's actually pretty safe to say that while conoria is near sumeru according to the arkhan quest because it's in a different realm altogether you can consider it a different world fourth is the disorder theorized to be the pure blooded conrians that inevitably became the monsters of the Abyss the intelligent and capable members of conoria Sully became their best electors while vanguards became the best Heralds the these are individuals that sworn almost zealous dedication to the abyss lectures are the evangelists who sing praises to the abyss almost like how the devadians pray to their gods but even Heralds demand others bow before the abyss on the other hand shadowy husks may be the foot soldiers have returned either against their will by the abyss or weren't cut out to evolve to the quote unquote Perfection that electors and Heralds were now here's a weird thing in the lore the abyssabling openly states that things we've watched the people he was supposed to protect turn into the monsters of the Abyss but we know in the Care Bear are Conquest that Clothier was only given the curse of immortality and even sought after the abyss entity itself his design and mannerisms even suggests that he eventually became a Lecter with the purple accents so that means that the sibling could be referring to the hilly Turtles and the shadowy husks but not to the abyss Mages lecters and Heralds who seem to operate with higher levels of intelligence and may have changed themselves of their own accord and volition after all it really would it makes sense for The Sibling to blame Dane for the abyss major selectors and Heralds when they serve them now here's another fascinating concept that I actually want to point out and it's the elements of the Abyss the abyss itself can also be considered an extra elementic engine's roster of power sets it's depicted as the purple contrary to the celestial magic which is golden yellow but what's also strange about the abyss that they still seem to follow an elemental system despite being known as antithetical to the light realm or also known as the elemental realm they have entities that can control Abyssal versions of fire lightning water and ice and have been referred to in the lore as such the pyrobes selector's Flames for example are considered Abyssal fire it's never explained why that's the case in lore though how will best creatures receive elemental powers maybe they're manipulating the lead lines to give them Powers maybe the abyss can mimic the elements I don't really know but it's a really fascinating thing to point out I guess we'll just have to wait and see now let's talk about the dark will and this dinner the way of description is described in gentchen's writing makes it seem almost sentient where this dark will plays around with a vulnerable insecurities and fearses of people and provides a false sense of security comfort and power the word sin in genshin's lore has so much weight to it and has continuously been used to refer to the transgressions of the old civilizations the abyss is seen as a realm of true darkness that taints anything and anyone it touches when torachio was swallowed she was tainted but not before being shown that her comrades outside were being swallowed Alive by the Beast as well the bloodstained knight's emotions of pity and rage and chivalry for the Justice of the Fallen civilization that turned into monsters also eventually led him to become a devotee of the Abyss the abyss is also able to amplify Ambitions and delusions to the point of almost changing one's mindset Ajax is a very good example of this where his Ambitions of becoming a Great Hero Of Legends were furthered in his time payment service it was as though the Dark Realm itself sends tartalia's burning passion when he fell down there and met his teacher skirk even during was somewhat deluded by his own internal corruption if you read the lore of the Dragon spine spear Duran only went to monsak because he in his heart of hearts believed that he and everyone else was going into the land of green he dreamed that he would sing along with the gentle people and even wish that in the near future he was blinded to the reality that there was even a cataclysm simply calling his attacking of monstat a journey even going as far as saying goodbye to Venti and devalan like old friends so I don't doubt that the exposure to the abyss can definitely cause psychological damage and even sheer delusion in heightened emotions to anyone that has to last in there the Abyssal will feeds off of strong emotions and wishes but was also a pleasant dichotomy is a strange almost pacifying atmosphere that the abyss is also associated with in the 3.5 arkhan Quest we see this in full display where cloth redeems it as nation and as a hidden beauty that is worthy of Praise but we've actually already seen this in another piece of lore in the drop material deathly statuette you see this description as you gaze upon this Idol you can almost hear a strange comforting whisper all that lies under the Throne of Heaven shall be destroyed by upheaval the Eternal peace of the pitch Dark Void shall Embrace us all the way that cloth are described being at peace in the land of the Abyss also reminds me of the Holy Charles in 2.6 where they felt at the end of their time slowly approaching yet they can only Venture into the chasm for the smallest respite they have it's almost sad as it is frightening that the abyss for all its deeper mysterious evil can still be seen as a form of salvation now for a brief talk about this mysterious sinner from 3.5 there's a lot of theories about who this entity is ranging from Island x z suggesting that this is King Deseret some suggesting that this is The quote-unquote Shard of the night mother from the pale Princess and the six pygmies or a new character altogether but today I won't be giving my two cents on who or what this is but instead I want to plant the idea that there's more of them I want to theorize the crystal sinner we see here isn't the end-all be all of the Abyss but is instead only one creature that became trapped in the heart of the Abyss as a punishment whatever this thing is he speaks like a repentant and not like a god who would beckon and call others tempting them to stay by its side he's even confused why people kneel to him Bane describes him as something that transcends time as he's able to quote unquote see the traveler despite the memories being hundreds of years old I'm not really shocked about this part considering that this is creepy as all heck and time in on these Asians doesn't seem to be out of question for whatever that this really is but I theorize that people who have tremendously damaged tivat by introducing otherworldly knowledge and arts will soon be punished by being sealed into these massive crystals whether it be king Deseret the Invaders and descenders that cause Havoc or even the royalty of conoria that allowed the cataclysms to happen who knows perhaps even someone like Ryan daughter a person who is known as a great sinner for her Abyssal creations and tampering of the Natural Balance of life would be fated to face Eternal punishment within the crystals and that's why she sought out the heart of nebarius or disappeared mysteriously from Albedo's life but that is a theory so we're going to have to wait for more information if that's true but rest assured this mysterious Crystal will be the subject of heavy scrutiny for weeks to come but that's it for a deep dive into the abyss a short video detailing some important notes about the logic of the Bissell void Realms and who or what could be down there discussions of the Abyss tend to be scattered as all hell because we never really got a confirmation of what the abyss even is sometimes it's a realm sometimes it's a place you can fall into sometimes it's Anonymous with conoria so I'll probably get this all out of the way next time but before we end this video I want to say that if you're interested in becoming a test subject I have news for you I'm helping out for a group research paper in class about Facebook ads and privacy targeted Facebook ads you know the stuff they steal your information for so if you want to help out with a 10 to 15 minute survey feel free to click the link below our screening demographic though are Filipinos that are 18 to 24. anyway that's it thank you Filipino test subjects you'll be remember remembered fondly for your sacrifice and my name is often thank you for chilling with me foreign [Music]
Channel: Chill with Aster
Views: 67,917
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Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact lore, genshin impact theory, youtube, genshin impact youtube, yt algorithm, bless the yt algortithm, genshin 3.4, genshin impact 3.4, genshin impact 3.5, genshin 3.5, genshin impact 3.5 lore, genshin lore, genshin impact pantalone, genshin theory, genshin character, genshin kusanali, genshin archon quest, genshin 3.5 lore
Id: QhRDGtnz090
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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