Why Juice Is Secretly Terrible For You

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it's morning and you want to start your day right with a healthy breakfast a cup of coffee and a big ol glass of death that was a little dramatic but I'm not wrong hi I'm Carmen Angelica and I'm going to tell you a few reasons why fruit juice is the worst juice consumption is making those who drink it fat weak and sick but hey I don't blame you juice drinkers because you got duped when scurvy was rampant among sailors in the 18th century the quickest way for them to prevent the vitamin C deficiency was to drink juice from oranges lemons and limes and then advertising companies quickly latched on to the sphere of scurvy and other vitamin controlled ailments advertising that juice contains all these cool disease-fighting vitamins mean the more vitamins the better that's how you say not sick right wrong very wrong that would be like a doctor saying the more aspirin you take all at once the fewer headaches you'll get besides if you really want to get those vitamins you get more vitamins and minerals from most vegetables now maybe you're saying but Carmen juice is less sugar than soda right not at all right super wrong Ocean Spray 100% cranberry juice has more sugar in it than 7up and minute made 100% apple juice has more sugar in it than Pepsi or coca-cola so you might as well just be drinking soda but I'm not saying drink soda I'm just I'm just saying that sugar white you know what don't get me started on soda because we we we are talking about juice get out of here okay not only is juice all sugary lies but when you drink store-bought juice you are essentially drinking rot most juice is usually stored in massive oxygen depleted holding tanks for up to a year before being packaged so by the time it's packaged you're just drinking old fruit sludge that has almost no flavor left that's why companies add flavor packs which are just sugar and chemical flavoring so it's like a zombie fruit dead but looks alive and then you drink it for breakfast now some of you might be saying well what about fresh-squeezed orange juice it's so sweet Oh cute I love that you know if I love the Grim Reaper think about it how many oranges does it take to make a single 8 ounce glass of orange juice 3 to 4 medium oranges for a single cup of juice and if you are drinking multiple glasses you're eating as many as 6 to 12 whole or just in a sitting and it goes directly to your liver even faster because you know you stripped the orange of fiber and now organic juice companies are making juices that have three pounds of fruit in a bottle and toting juice cleanses instead of eating why why drink 3 pounds of fruit in a sitting that's not how bodies are supposed to work you don't need to adjust that much fruit that fast and now your liver is just hit with a tidal wave of sugar to filter through but since that's too much sugar for your body to use as an energy your liver turns it into fat instead which can lead to obesity high cholesterol diabetes and even serious liver damage but the FDA has been pushing fruit juice as a healthy option for 50 plus years and how embarrassing would it be if they went back on what they said now how do you even bring that off to the populace I can email hey remember that thing that we always recommended you drink more of it turns out it is just making you sick sorry love the FDA and then so instead of starting your day with a glass of you know death eat whole fruits and moderation and incorporate more vegetables into your diet to keep up the good fiber and vitamins and minerals and cut down on the excessive sugar and rot intake a lot thirsty is there anything drink ooh alcohol oh no boo alcohol you take that don't bring that to me I good thing I got rid of that [Music] thanks for watching the video please subscribe if you want to see more of these of ranting videos please comment below if you know about anything else that it seems good for us but might be killing us alright I'm gonna go drink some wine now bye
Channel: Cracked
Views: 199,564
Rating: 4.5605826 out of 5
Keywords: Juice (Beverage Type), Food (TV Genre), orange, Orange Juice (Beverage Type), fruit juice, Obesity (Disease Or Medical Condition), scurvy, cracked.com, cracked, vitamins, soda, minute maid, Soft Drink (Beverage Type), Health, spoof, humor, parody, funny, comedy, satire, Juice (Film), Medicine (Field Of Study), Sketch, Eating
Id: 8Cf_GdmjXxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 59sec (239 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2015
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