Truth about Zack in FF7 rebirth Explained Crazy Theory #finalfantasy7rebirth

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I hear many people saying that when we play as Zach in ff7 rebirth we're in a timeline where Zach survives however I'm here to tell you that isn't completely true rebirth contains many red herrings but if you look deeply enough the clues left by the writers shed a different light on the entire story so let's return to Zach and this supposedly alternative timeline at the beginning of rebirth we see Zach carrying a moco poison Cloud to midgar our first clue that something is off is the white angel feather falling from the sky some might think this doesn't mean anything or it's just paying homage to Christ's core but no this white angel feather signifies aith how do I know this well like I said before rebirth contains a lot of red herrings but don't get me wrong the principle of check off's gun still applies here in the story of remake and rebirth but before we go any further let's first Define what a red herring and Czech off's gun are a red herring in literature is a literary device that leads readers or audiences toward a false conclusion Czech off's gun is a narrative principle that states that every element in a story must be necessary and IR relevant elements should be removed now let's go back to the white feather falling from the sky in the beginning of rebirth we see a similar scene towards the end of the game when cloud and aith are on a date in the alternative world we see black feathers falling in a similar fashion just like the white feather in the beginning of the game we obviously know this is SEO because of the black feathers anyways we know that aith and SEO parallel each other strongly especially in this remake series for example aith controls the white Whispers and searo controls the black Whispers aith has the ability to invade Cloud's conscience dreams and the ability to bring him to another world or timeline and vice versa for searo so yeah aith and searo are literally the light and darkness of the entire Final Fantasy 7 lore so one can only conclude since the white feather parallels the black feathers that this white feather signifies aith so what does this mean it could mean two things aith has some kind of control of this world or aith is overseeing this world I know some people might think this white feather might be just an Easter egg for Angel but I L doubt that because one the story of remake and rebirth is written in sort of a symmetric Style and what I mean by this is that we will see one scene in rebirth for example the white feather falling with no dialogue or no clue to what's really happening mirrors the black feathers falling in the alternate world but this time there's dialogue to inform the player what's actually happening and there are a lot of scenes in remake and rebirth that do this a lot now after putting all that together your anten should be going up right now that something in Zach's timeline or world is off now let's go over the next biggest clue that this Zack timeline or world is not what we're led to believe it to be the next biggest red flag is that the events that happened in remake's Timeline leading up to rebirths seem to have happened to Zach's alternative midgar exactly except that Avalanche lost and most of them died this is a major issue because if this were a true timeline where Zach survived none of these events should have happened yet but they did we all know in the original timeline after Zach died Cloud took the Buster sword headed towards midgar met with Tifa and Avalanche and blew up reactor one but when Zach arrives in midgar these events already happened strange some of you might think well maybe in this timeline the events of avalanche might have happened sooner but that's impossible because cloud is with Zach and you might might say well maybe in Zach's timeline all the events with Avalanche happened without cloud and again that is impossible the biggest clue to suggest that all the events that happened in remake's Timeline happened in Zach's timeline and yes Cloud was there with Avalanche is these two scenes here listen carefully to what this Shinra Trooper says we still have one supect on EX Soldier armed with a buster sword highly dangerous I repeat The Fugitive is an ex Soldier armed with a buster sword the trooper says there's one suspect that they're looking for and he's an ex soldier with a buster sword re remember and these Troopers are looking for the avalanch members who were on the Midway highway now listen to this next scene carefully all nearby unit secure the cite immediately do not let them Escape be in an Soldier is with Avalanche Target is armed with a buster sword Zach was never an avalanche and Zach wasn't even in midgar when the events of the end of remake happened and to reinforce that these Troopers are looking for cloud in the beginning of the game we see sort of a recap of what happened at the end of remake this can be a red herring if you are not paying attention you might think this is just an opening recap to get the player up to speed on what happened at the end of remake but it also serves another purpose look at this scene we see Shinra troops watching the surveillance videos of avalanche escaping the Shinra building and it's a blink and you'll miss it moment did you catch the Shinra Trooper in red it's the same one who said this we still have one ex Soldier armed with a buster Su highly dangerous I repeat The Fugitive is an ex Soldier armed with a buster sword so this is more than a recap this is Canon to the beginning story of rebirth with all that said I'm 100% sure that the Shinra soldiers are looking for cloud and not Zach and if you are still not convinced listen to this scene carefully of course this is only the most recent in a series of crises multiple reactor bombings followed by the fall of the the fall of the sector 7 plate culminating in this unprecedented destruction caused by a massive tornado which swept through sector 01 and two after a briefing with Shinra investigators mayor Domino released a statement declaring the tornado to be clot weather Warfare perpetrated by the infamous Insurgent group known as Avalanche the administration also suspects the involvement of wuai and has begun investigation into the [Music] matter [Music] now listen to this scene of course this is only the most recent in a series of crises multiple reactor bombings followed by the fall of the sector 7 plate culminating in this unprecedented destruction caused by a massive tornado which swept through sectors 0 1 and 2 after a briefing with Shinra investigators mayor Domino released a statement declaring the tornado to be quote weather Warfare perpetrated by the infamous Insurgent group known as Avalanche the administration also suspected the involvement of wuai and has begun investigations into the matter all of these scenes are 100% proof that Zach midgar is kind of a replica of remakes midgar except most of avalanche is dead cloud is missing and the planet is dying okay but for now let's focus on bigs and the scene with Zach in Sector 5 this will give us the biggest clue as to what's really happening in this alternative World Zach is in so there I am on the ground bleeding out watching everything go dark thinking this is it this is how it ends only it isn't suddenly the wind picks up out of nowhere it TS of me so hard it feels like it's tearing my soul right out of my body [Music] next thing I know I'm back in the orphanage but nobody can tell me who found me or how I got there it's a miracle sounds like what happened to me whole freaking Army unloading on my position I'm every [Music] single but then the game starts one minute I'm outnumbered and the next I'm alone none of it makes any sense I somehow managed to beat the odds and wake up here alone why in the hell did fate pick me did you catch that bigs is literally explaining his death he says that everything goes dark then the wind picks up out of nowhere tugging at him so hard it feels like it's tearing his soul out of his body then bigs wonders why fate picked him now Zach on the other hand accounts for how he ended up in this world which is strangely different from Big's account while bigs literally explained how he dies Zach explains how he was saved ladies and gentlemen this is the biggest red herring in the entire game I believe Zach is dead the strongest evidence to support this theory is a random NPC in Cosmo Canyon listen to this dialogue carefully that the planet be upon me now would anyone else like to share their story with the group so my parents are no longer with us here that is but I believe they're still out there on another plane I've been reading a bunch of theories about this alternate world in the hope of going there someday and over the course of my studies I stumbled across a fascinating Theory it address the issue of what the live stream is arguing that spiritual energy is actually a manifest ation of our knowledge and memories like I said it's a fascinating Theory but it's incomplete what about our hopes and dreams we remember those don't we so what if spiritual energy doesn't distinguish between our real Liv memories and the unrealized desires buried deep in our hearts what if coming into contact with that energy allowed us to cure Through the Looking Glass so to speak it's just an idea but I hope to find the truth someday well isn't that Splendid blessings of the planet be upon you and may the Bounty of the planet's knowledge be with you forever more now then would anyone else like to share their story what's extremely interesting about this dialogue is its placement in the story right after this is Red's trial and right after that is the ghee segment but there's an interlude in between where we go back to Zach's World Zach confirms the wind he felt with was aith it's me the wind that was you wasn't it hello in [Music] there Zach is thanking aith because he thinks she saved his life but in reality that's not the case again when big describ this wind that's when he described his soul being pulled from his body but Zach felt the wind and he sees the bullet being moved now for this to make sense we have to go back to the NPC in Cosmo Canyon again and analyze her last few sentences about unrealized desires so what happened here is that Zach's unrealized desires buried deep in his heart came into contact with his Spirit energy and remember the spirit energy cannot distinguish real memories with unrealized desire so when the spirit energy made contact with Zach's unrealized desire which is to defeat the Shinra troops so he can see aith again in midgar and that's why we see Zach defeating the hordes of Shinra troops to support this theory that Zach is in fact dead let's go back to the as scene where Zach touches arth's hand we cut to the scene where aith has her hand in the live stream and she can feel Zach's touch what I don't know how to spell it out for you but the game is literally telling us that Zach is dead and guess what there there's more evidence supporting this theory that Zach is indeed dead throughout remake and rebirth but for now let's focus on aith we know aith is sensitive to the life stream due to her being a cetra in remake and the original Final Fantasy 7 when aith was a child and living with her adopted mom amyra ath ith tells Elmyra that her husband has died and went back to the life stream mommy don't be sad that's what she said to me one day out of the blue so I asked her what's wrong a man you really really loved just died his heart came a long way to say goodbye but he couldn't stay cuz he had to return to the planet in Crisis Core it is heavily implied that aith knows Zach has passed on ALS arth cross paths if if you Analyze This scene carefully aith reacts to Zach's presence or Spirit energy per se almost there Cloud we're almost [Music] there [Music] there's also a scene at the end of rebirth when aith makes contact with red who is also sensitive to the life stream red reacts when aith comes close to [Music] him [Music] harth for for scenes is to convey when a characters like aith and red who is sensitive to the life stream come into contact with Spirit energy they either react or flat out knows who that Spirit energy belongs to now now the ending of rebirth and remake kind of mirror each other for example the end of remake when we have a character who has passed and becomes Spirit energy like Zach arth reacts to his presence in rebirth we have aith who has passed became Spirit energy and red who is sensitive to the LIF stream reacts so what's this alternative midgar well let searo explain this one behold the true nature of [Music] reality when the boundaries of Fate are breached new worlds are [Music] born the planet encompasses a multitude of Worlds ever unfolding so what sephra is basically saying is at the end of remake when fate Was Defeated a chain reaction happened where the planet created infinite worlds now now when searo says the planet he's basically referring to the life stream so we can conclude the midgar Zac is in is in the Life stream but that's not 100% what's going on and to put the last puzzle piece together we need to go back to the ending of remake hey Cloud you see [Music] that [Music] [Music] [Music] r I don't think it's just me but it looked like midgar seems to just pop into existence to conclude part one of this video about Zach I believe the Zach we play as in rebirth is nothing more than his Spirit energy melded with his unrealized desire that traveled to a replica midgar created by The Whispers And The Life stream in part two of this video series I would like focus on midgar searo and and aith thanks for watching
Channel: NerdGeekTalk
Views: 3,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Descript, #finalfantasy, #finalfantasyvii, #finalfantasyviiremake, #finalfantasyviirebirth, #finalfantasy7rebirth, #ff7|JX1 7, #squareenix
Id: gjZzoBmvTDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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