Why Final Fantasy VII Rebirth’s Ending is Terrifying | Discussion & Secrets

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hey everyone before we start the video I just want to let you know this video is going to contain spoilers for the ending of Final Fantasy 7 rebirth my own personal thoughts on it and many more so if you have not completed the full game save this video for later go finish the game come back then I want to know all your thoughts Down Below in the comments because I want to have lots of discussions about this please also know that just because I feel particular way about something when it comes to the game the ending the characters you name it does not automatically make your feelings irrelevant or wrong or anything every just simply has different opinions on this we've got about three plus years until the next game comes out so we've got a ways to go just want to include this before we start the video where do I even begin with a video like this I've been gaming for over 20 plus years and few games to this day have had me constantly thinking about one particular game for literally a month straight there is just something about Final Fantasy 7 rebirth that just clicked from the open world of the planet of Gaia to the fun and engaging combat the character development we get between characters and just seeing this game when I was 6 years old become this amazing piece of art I mean it has to say something when I wake up to make videos every morning that something from this game will sneak into my brain as I prepare intros guides and more so I want to talk about it one final time at least for now just get it out there for others to listen to and see what everyone else thinks whether you agree or disagree I want to have a conversation about the ending and what some parts mean finally what are we most excited for when it comes to part three when it releases most likely in 2027 with all of this out of the way now let's get started now I know not everyone will agree with me which is perfectly fine and obviously some did not enjoy rebirth if you're not invested in the characters the world or anything related to it then it's definitely lower on the scale for those players which is totally fine by the way the developers even said that they want this game to draw new players in and that's not always going to draw every single person in which is totally fine a lot of people who enjoy this game have known these characters since the 90s so it's a big ass sometimes regardless all game reviews are opinions nothing more if you dislike this perfectly fine if you enjoy it please let me know but like I said in the intro there's just something about this game that keeps drawing me back to it I know it's not a perfect game no game obviously is but it can be perfect to you and it's been a long time since I've played a game for over 120 hours in less than 2 weeks and keep wanting to go back to it plus it's a single player game usually it's PVP games that kind of fill that slot for me so what is on my mind when it comes to the game is it the cut scenes with the characters is it the game play well of course it's those but mostly it has to do with the ending and I use quotations when I say ending simply because we know this is not the end of this game there is still a part three to come I mean when this ending hit damn was my brain filled with so many questions and emotions I don't think I ever searched other video essays forums and every form of media to read about this game in this world f F than I ever have before Heck if I open up YouTube on the train to work and I happen to see a discussion video about this game I will literally watch it all the way until I reach downtown Tokyo this game's ending left me with so many thoughts that I had to take a couple days just to process everything and look back at my recordings heck my wife and I talked about this for a couple days during dinner as she herself grew up with Final Fantasy 7 as both a kid SL teenager when she was grown up in Tokyo from the original PS1 game yes I played it back in junior high to the Advent Children movie the side books written over the years and of course the Remake games we had a lot to talk about and we agreed on some things and other things we didn't but again we'll have to wait and see what happens with part three now obviously I don't have all the answers and I can go only off of what I saw what I think it means using what I know from the original game books interviews and more so as I've said it many times already let me know your thoughts Down Below in the comments after I'm done saying my piece all right first part I want to talk about is what everyone calls that scene yes Aeris death it shook many of Gamers back the day and it's considered to be one of the most well-known scenes in gaming so of course many were anticipating it however most seemed to agree that the actual scene did not hit as much as it did back during the day I personally think this is due to two reasons first is due to what follows after said scene after the scene we go straight into back to back to back to back boss fights for over an hour completely taking away any feeling from it now in the original game there was the fight with janova and it had the music playing in the background and they mimicked that for the first boss fight but after that it just goes Balls to the walls crazy and I think that took a lot away from that particular scene who knows though we can see some extra stuff in part three we'll just have to wait and see the second reason I personally think this did not hit as well is because we already know what's going to happen think about it we have known for 25 plus years that aith will die yes remake part one made it seem like we could change fate which we could still see in some version in part three but rebirth follows the original game by about 95% now we could easily say that they dropped the ball leave it at that but I think this was somewhat planned I mean the entire team working on this game has been here since the beginning and over 80% of the staff from remake stayed on for rebirth they have this entire thing planned out and in interviews they have even said that they have the story stuff done so again we could say that they dropped the ball but I get the feeling we're going to see this scene play out again in part three in a completely different way when Cloud truly breaks down at the northern crater if you know you know so after having some time to think I went back and I actually played this entire thing re recorded again to make sure I wasn't missing anything and after watching all of chapter 14 over again I noticed that the scene that got me was actually when aith pulls Cloud into her world that has accepted its fate not our aith and not Zach's world aith but the third aith that we see in the game who's walking around when she and Cloud are in the church and she says goodbye and hands him the white materal then pushes him through the portal just as seph is entering the church damn that hit hard from her words the music and everything happening with in that span of a minute it hit me hard I listened to both the English and Japanese and I got to say both performances by Brianna white and Maya Sakamoto were absolutely amazing top marks it's clear by watching these scenes that this version of ath knows that her world is almost finished and she won't be around much longer but seeing Cloud again recreating her date with him that she had with Zach in the original Crisis Core showed us that she knows what is going to happen no matter what but part of her does not want things to end and she wants to continue to live this scene hit me every single time I watched it from the setting the emotion and just the ending itself just wow then we go back to our main timeline and our ath takes the Materia most likely aware of what is going to happen no matter what if you ask me for this game right here at least this is that scene after this we jump over to the Forgotten City where that scene is supposed to happen but this is where things kind of start to fall apart especially for a lot of people the moment Cloud's little headache starts where you see the static effect and everything I knew something was up then seeing aith open her eyes we don't know if this is goova playing with cloud or the live stream version of her we'll to talk about that later and Cloud just seems to be okay it was clear something is really wrong and then we jumped in to what a lot of people didn't like which was the hourong boss battle sorry boss battles it was just like okay I knew this would happen based on the original and it did yet no payoff initially when I watched this I'm still of the personal belief that I think most of the boss battles should have happened before aith was praying and then we got that scene kind of drawn out however I'm going to talk about this later but I think they're probably saving that for part three when we get up to the northern crater and Cloud basically is lost one thing that was brought to my attention however though is when you start off with the boss battles your entire team actually has their entire limit game filled which is supposed to represent all the sadness and anger that they're feeling from seeing aith die however Cloud doesn't have any of that again is this due to the static effect that we saw with his mind and thinking that he actually did save aith didn't save aith it's hard to say and again part three is probably going to explain a lot of that stuff but in this particular part of this game that was brought to my attention and it definitely makes a lot of sense especially when we get into the final scene of this game and damn what an ending that hit again it's almost like the church scene with the otherw world aith Hit super hard the actual scene that everyone was anticipating didn't hit as hard and then we get to the final scene the big CGI scene at the end and damn it hit again I mean we skipped the barrial scene and everyone is mourning over aith except for cloud like what was this due to the live stream version that he saw when he fought S at the end which by the way I love Max's way of describing our aith she is op as heck she has five game Sharks the game guide and can see into the future absolutely love that little thing that he mentioned so that was clearly aith who is part of the live stream right she knows what's going on it's basically like the Sethro who many think is actually from Advent Children we'll get into that part in a little bit here however as everyone's still sitting around morning aith Cloud gets that static headache that we've seen throughout the entire game and can now see aith and is all happy gol lucky but yet no one else can see her which is kind of a big red flag to me personally then we have the big final CG scene where the group leaves on the tiny Bronco now this made me truly uncomfortable watching this scene which I think the team was going for by the way it's it's like one of those like good moments that's uncomfortable but if if you know you know or if you're maybe thinking the way I did and when my wife watched it she looked at me and she says you're a little uncomfortable watching that scene just how cloud is acting I said right that's exactly how I felt I mean heck everyone is sad still and cloud is acting way out of character now let me know your thoughts down below but after watching this scene over and over and over again the aith he is talking to at the tiny Bronco before it takes off I personally think is goova why do I think that well it's something that Eris said back at the beginning of chapter 14 before she died she says and I quote focus on yourself Cloud this is during the part in the forest where she takes the white materia from cloud she even states she will handle Sethro yet in this scene at the very end she is asking him to promise to find seph Roo and fight him in Japanese she says which is a strong way of asking him to do it the YO in Japanese is used as a strong meaning at the end of sentences it's almost like janova is having this ER Cloud can see act like her as he personally knows her but is dropping these small little hints the players can maybe pick up on plus she literally drops the name meteor spelling out the end of the game which I know meteor has been seen in Flash Visions for the group group but in terms of actual name dropping I'm pretty sure they don't actually know that the black Materia is supposed to summon meteor so what the heck now I know everyone's going to point to the fact that red 13 seems to sense aith for a second when he and Tifa are mourning her still and I originally thought this so too but after watching it over and over again something just isn't adding up again we got a minimum of 3 years until game three comes out which is going to cover a ton of stuff there's most likely also going to be flashback scenes so only time is going to tell I mean it's like remake all over again series will be talked about until the release of game three also seeing Barrett and Tifa damn Tifa is just simply going through it right now when they looked at each other thinking yeah this dude is not okay that kind of helped me confirm my own personal thoughts and opinions when it comes to this ending of the game my final reason for thinking that this is Genova playing tricks with Cloud's mind is simply because the Liv stream version of aith is able to somewhat be sense by the others of the group yet this particular version of aith no one else can one thing that happened right before the release of this game was the Advent Children aring again in theaters this movie released over 10 plus years ago and they purposely brought it back for us to watch it that's kind of where everyone's getting that thought of oh the seph RO from advent children that was defeated SL just still in the live stream somehow that seph found a way to come back and that's this whole remake Trilogy timeline type of thing again if you're not into the Multiverse or any timeline splitting stuff I get it but regardless that's what a lot of people think and kind of makes sense when it comes to the movie I'm not fully on board with that but it does somewhat make sense to a degree however getting back to the movie there is a moment where Tia notices the drops of water when the rain starts healing everybody from the geost stigma she recognizes it being aith even though she's a part of the live stream she even says you've been with us this entire time I mean Tifa and aith had huge develop in this game you're telling me that Liv stream aith can't do something give her a hint or a sign that she is still with them technically I don't know I'm I'm just not buying it some might say that I'm read too much into this or again go back to the whole red 13 thing which is perfectly fine everyone's going to have their own opinions on this and the only people who know how this is trly going to work out are the people actually making the game so only time is going to tell now I could go on and on talking about the ending analyzing every inch and frame and everything when it comes to this but we'd be here for literally eternity so again as I've said it many times in this video I want to know your thoughts Down Below in the comments but there are some other things that are still in my my mind just extra little details that I kind of noticed not all of them are questions that I have but just simply things that I noticed and I can't wait to see in the next game during all the scenes with Zach when he is alone AIS is there always helping them notice the flowers the petals and the light anytime we simply see him and it shows that their connections that they made during Crisis Core is easily going to carry over into part three I find it super sweet that aith is still looking after Zach heck all of the character moments are absolutely amazing this game Barrett calling red 13 nanaki after the cosmo Canyon stuff Tia and aif throughout this entire game Cloud starting to lighten up on the sum of the side missions personally love the part where Vincent leaves the group at chapter 12 to go off on his own and cloud makes a comment about not needing another loner and the entire group just simply laughs at him absolutely amazing and I can't wait to see what happens with cloud in part three seeing other side characters like CIS from Crisis Core in the Turk training missions that definitely brought back a bit of nostalgia from that game and of course seeing cloud and Tifa setting up their even bigger moments for part three if you know from the original you know what's going to happen another thing I noticed while playing the game was actually how some of the translations were handled when it comes to certain lines that are stated and how they differ between English and Japanese now before I continue on with this part because I've seen this online already translating is not an easy job it is very hard especially for a game as massive as this so I do not blame any translators when it comes to certain lines and how they're portrayed heck my wife and I were talking about this for literally a week straight about how certain things are said she's Japanese I'm from the states and even we have trouble translating certain things cuz some things just don't translate very well between languages that being said when you listen to the lines in Japanese and know what it means it can have anywhere from a little to Big differences heck I even saw online that the subtitles for other languages seem to be closer to the original Japanese meaning but English for some reason is not the same in all its places for example when Cloud brings the white materia back to the main timeline sephra says that should not be here but then he says this weird line of very poor form which is just very random when I listen to this in Japanese and even confirmed with my wife he says atsa hitana which literally translates to you need to be punished how do you go from you need to be punished for bringing that thing that should not be here again the that should not be here line is accurately translated but how do we go from that to very poor form maybe in some way it does technically mean the same thing but if you're reading that at face value that can mean something very different another example of this is when cloud and a in the church when a says oh next time Cloud replies with I mean why not yet when he says the line in japanese it says nakadar which directly translates to because we are part of the same group now if you don't know nakama refers to a group of friends not just two people plus my wife made this comment about the way Cloud says this in Japanese that he sees aith at the same level as others in the group like Barrett and Tifa simply one big family which again goes back to what the original definition of now I'm not going to get into any of the shipping or anything like that but being able to tell feelings with lines and tones can make a huge difference so again I know translating is very difficult and some words just simply don't translate well between languages but I really hope for the ending scenes and those big important scenes for the third game that they take their time and go back over them I mean by sephos saying to Cloud that he needs to be punished that could have more weight to the scene of ath dying I mean if he says oh you brought that back I need to punish you now and that literally results in ays death even though again we know that this is going to be happening since the original game that makes a huge difference to just simply uh you know poor form and just leaves that doesn't make much sense to me personally or another example is Sethro referring to the world's disappearing SL their deaths with py which means planet now on the surface this is pretty close to both translations and works out perfectly fine but saying the worlds are dying SL die Return to the Planet aka the Liv stream compared to they are just gone as it says in the original statement there can change how we look at this Multiverse that it's trying to hint at I mean Heck if you are somebody who does care about the relationships in this game knowing the differences between some of these words can mean a lot of different things now I could continue to go on and not about translations and everything I'm not a professional translator so again I know it's a tough job and everything but it's just something that my wife and I picked up on when we were watching the end of this game watching the scenes over and over and just constantly talking about it throughout the week overall though I still think this game is absolutely amazing and I will probably continue to talk about it with friends to reply to comments social media posts and more until the final game is released I'm still predicting it's going to be a 2027 release because that will Mark 30 years of Final Fantasy 7 and it will most likely be on both the PS5 and the ps6 I mean I have the biggest grin on my face thinking about all the new places we're going to be able to visit like Rocket Town wuai Northern crater Cloud's Memories the weapons and so many more I'm personally loving the Remake Trilogy as it's pretty overall faithful to the original Source yet they're trying to expand a ton of the scenes with some of the characters and also try some new things sprinkled in here or there many believe that the Sethro in this game like I said beforehand is from Advent Children and he's trying to create a brand new reality where he does not lose it would also make some sense since aith would know all about this too being in the live stream hence the ending now I know that's a very simplified explanation of this but it's just one more bit to add to the next 3 years of discussions that we're definitely all going to be having I also think that the empty material orb that aith gave cloud is going to play a huge role when it comes to getting his original Memories Back when Tifa is helping him why else add all of that over the course of the last two games with showing it the orb losing its power getting the other Aeris version of the white materia and finally giving the empty one back to Cloud I mean it's even stated that Materia and memories go hand inand oh and one thing I didn't realize until really recently is marleene you know Barrett's daughter I believe Marlene is going to play a huge role when it comes to Zach because it's clear that she knows a good chunk of what's Happening why do I say that well when ith rescued her in remake she did not trust her at first it wasn't until aith touched her hand that Marlene trusted her now what I personally think and I've also seen this online as well a lot of people think that aith showed her to some degree what is going to happen going down the road and that's why she trusted her after that plus how else would Marlene know about Sethro and Cloud being too late to save her game three is going to be crazy and it's going to be in the best way possible and I cannot wait man this is going to be a long 3 years all right I think of on long enough but I want to know your thoughts down below this game is just it's something else it truly is and again not everyone's going to share that opinion I 100% get that so let's just have an honest conversation down below like civil adults let's see what everyone thinks do you think Genova is actually manipulating Cloud do you really think that's the live stream version of ath what are you most excited for when it comes to part three of the game cuz that is going to be cute this game ended where dis one ended in the original game and part three AKA disc 2 from the original game it's supposed to have everything that was included there not to mention a huge emphasis on Bai some areas that we originally saw in the first disc but are now being pushed to the third game what's going to happen it's anyone's guess but this next game is going to be absolutely massive and I cannot wait to see it but that's going to be it for me though if you enjoy these type of discussions then consider checking out our other plays down below and in the top right corner and if you really want to support the channel then a like on the video is always appreciated and you can also go ahead and sub to the channel for having more videos like this I've been tal with direct gaming thank you so much for stopping by the video I hope you have a great day and week and until next time everyone we will see you all in the next one [Music] Johnny a
Channel: Direct Gaming
Views: 11,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final Fantasy VII, ff7, final fantasy vii rebirth, ps5, pc, final fantasy vii rebirth secrets, ff7 リバース, final fantasy 7 rebirth ending, ff7 rebirth final sephiroth fight, cloud and aerith, cloud and tifa, ff7 rebirth, ff7 rebirth ending, is aerith dead in ff7 rebirth, is rebirths ending good, no promises to keep, ff7 rebirth ending theory, final fantasy 7 rebirth english vs japanese, ff7 rebirth wrong translations, ff7 remake part 2, ff7 remake part 3, ff7 rebirth spoilers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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