This Picture Just Ruined His Entire Career

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I've never been a huge believer in fate or destiny that people's lives follow a predetermined path that they're forced to go down I've never really subscribed to that belief until recently I think there are people out there that are just born to be losers just like a joke of a person that follows this trajectory of the most pathetic path possible I'm talking specifically about one man that I've made multiple videos on now named Billy Mitchell the self-proclaimed video game player of the century a lame ass title that he pretty much gave himself because he had some high scores and some old video games most notably his king of Kong score the high score in Donkey Kong which he cheated for I know that's a a dangerous word to be talking about in the same sentence as Billy because he is so litigious he sues everyone who accuses him of cheating or even makes fun of him in relation to cheating he even tried to sue Cartoon Network because his feelings got hurt when there was a villain in the Regular Show that bears a resemblance to him who blows up when he loses his high score in a video game and he got so offended this sensitive nematode got so [ __ ] upset about it that he tried suing Cartoon Network and subsequently got laughed out of court for it so not only is he so pitiful that he fakes his video game high scores but he also is an insufferable douchebag who legally comes after anyone that makes jokes about him or talks about him in a bad light and he fails to realize that the person that does the most damage to his reputation is himself for these absolute childish Tantrums that he throws he is a known cheater there are mountains upon mountains of evidence against him there is more evidence to confirm Billy Mitchell has cheated then there is evidence to confirm the Sun is hot he is a [ __ ] cheater but even if you want to disregard all of the evidence that currently exists Carl jobs recently made an amazing breakdown of new evidence that just surfaced that 100 percent confirms that he has cheated his scores the the video is amazing Carl jobs I recently made a video on about Billy Mitchell because he is being sued by Billy not once but twice one of them because he used a meme that insinuated Billy as a cheater it's it's beyond comical at this point but now all of that seems like it's going to be completely washed you can just wipe your ass with a lawsuit at this point with a new evidence that surfaced that Carl jobs highlights here and I'd like to go over the whole situation here with you and show you some highlights from it I'm also going to put a link to Carl's video in the description so you can check it out in its entirety overall I'm just super excited about this and extremely happy to see where it goes from here because this should 100 put the absolute kibosh on all of his lawsuits since the truth is now known no matter like if you disregard all of the other evidence this one is completely irrefutable I think and uh that's great Billy Mitchell man he just can't stop collecting these L's uh just to quickly bring everyone up to speed here Billy Mitchell video game player of the century also punching bag for the Regular Show where he even tried to sue them for making fun of him in an episode has come after many people legally for all kinds of defamation cases and the core of it boils down to people accusing him of being a cheater and I'm gonna go a step further they're not just accusing him like you know allegations of cheating they have caught him being a cheater but he has always maintained his innocence and that's where it all stems from he still claims he's never cheated and anyone that makes fun of him or says otherwise gets a nice fat lawsuit from Billy Mitchell cooked up in the deepest pits of his basement I guess I'm pretty sure he writes him himself and he takes it as far as it can go have you been sued Billy Mitchell has still not sued me and I have made fun of him [ __ ] 50 times by now I don't know why I actually feel left out I I feel like I'm not part of the cool kids lunch table here because Billy Mitchell won't sue me he is suing Carl because Carl used a meme of Billy that made fun of him and insinuated he was a cheater Carl used the meme I have Point Blank called this absolutely disheveled drunk looking man a cheater a million times point blank and he won't come after me [ __ ] yeah I'm gonna sue him for refusing to sue me how is it possible that he performed them at a live event in front of hundreds of people if he faked it and actually played on an emulator the videotapes must be fake or are not his actual gameplay or should just be ignored because he has real people that say he really did it and they saw it happen must be legit as Billy said in his lawsuit if everyone is lying it must be a conspiracy akin to that of the Kennedy assassination pardon what was that thus Twin Galaxies case essentially rests on a conspiracy nearly as Broad and untenable as the Kennedy assassination I like I said I'm pretty sure he writes these himself what self-respecting lawyer is going to sit down and put that in text who who would do that like I'm surprised he doesn't go into like the subruder film what they've faked here is akin to the zaprooter film and in fact the moon landing too while we're at it the videotapes were the only tangible evidence these scores ever happened so that's all anyone had to go off aside from the tapes it was just people saying that it happened which really doesn't cut it there was no footage obviously playing there was nothing to indicate that he was even there or I'm sorry to keep pausing so frequently it's just such a wacky case he still believes that he shouldn't be accused of being a cheater because even if those tapes are faked or whatever people saw him do it live and have said verbally said he did it that's [ __ ] useless I could get people together and say that I grew five inches but then if you see me on camera and I'm five six I can't just be like no that that doesn't that doesn't make sense that's as untenable as the Kennedy assassination it's all fabricated it's fraudulent look at all these people that said that I grew five inches it's [ __ ] worthless it's a [ __ ] worthless statement and I don't know if Billy's too stupid to realize that or if he truly does believe it because why would anyone take you at your word I could say I got the high score on Donkey Kong I got a 15 billion and then I could have everyone in chat say yeah Charlie got a 15 billion should Twin Galaxies put that on their website make me the world record holder I don't have any video evidence of it but I have a ton of people that said I did it the answer should be a resounding no it's so silly it's so silly without a played at all that is until now for the first time in 15 years photos of Billy Mitchell at one of these events where he claims to have achieved one of his World Records who have surfaced and I'm not going to be very cool these photos absolutely destroy Billy's case he is done there is no more Billy will lose his lawsuit these [ __ ] this is this is already so [ __ ] good so these photos destroy the lawsuit why the the referee who looks really sad to be there did he did he let the cat out of the bag man that tie is mean though look at Billy Mitchell's tie holy [ __ ] Captain America over here these Fighters do more damage than anything that has come before them and I'm not exaggerating even if you disregard all of the videotape evidence Billy's World Records would still be disqualified and he would still be banned for lying just because of these photos so how is that even possible let's find out I really hope you enjoy man this would be worse than if his sex tape leaked the Legends I am super excited because the second is a 1.05 million point score Billy achieved in 2007 which is known as the mortgage brokers score this is because he supposedly achieved it at a mortgage brokers convention the videotapes for both of these scores show footage that isn't legitimate this is a fact and it's why he was banned but aside from let me read that one more time it's been a while since I've seen this it is inarguable that he was cheating by the way it's not allegations it is legitimately inarguable I can't remember did I did we go over the entire evidence package on stream at some point am I having a fake memory right now maybe we did it on the podcast because I do remember going through at least a good chunk of it quite a while back number three is just a single sentence during the event Billy played in a very large convention room and interacted with and performed in front of thousands of people myself included and it's oh oh oh this is all one person's statement Oh I thought this was five or six different statements from different people I was like what the [ __ ] there's nothing more there this is one person's account okay this is part of the the whole thing from her statement I was like Jesus come on I don't know I feel like going through the whole thing but I guess a written testimonial claiming that they saw it that's all you need surely there's no such thing as lying and many of the members I worked with are still active members now all this information is very available very public and quite memorable Sheila why are you writing that with so much attitude you're not the one on trial for cheating or anything but that was very that was a very aggressive sign off this leaves three witnesses that say they directly saw him get the world record the first is from a guy called Richard Malian he says he watched Billy's score reach Beyond one million points and that he saw him achieve his targeted score Richard is actually a childhood friend of buildies in fact he appeared opposite Billy into the school yearbook oh let's not hold that against him while it is common for friends to love for each other let's not assume that's what happened he has a nice suit and he has a nice watch very trusty dresses this well could lie so I'm going to put that into the yes column for the no column there isn't much I found out about Richard that really concerns me except for this super tiny detail of him pleading guilty to conspiracy Securities fraud money laundering and criminal contempt in 19 could have happened to anyone and in fact I'm going to tell you what happened he was set up by Twin Galaxies they knew there was a connection between the duck and Billy Mitchell the king of Kong and they tried to attack everyone in Billy's Circle complete misunderstanding very fabricated not real 1896 after an FBI against them I mean it's probably nothing but it would be remiss of me if I didn't include it maybe this is being too judgmental but I'm gonna go ahead and add to the fact that he was charged again with fraud in 2019 by the SEC and had to pay back 750 000 once again Carl this was a setup my my man this this was Twin Galaxies trying to take out the witnesses you know no different than Scott Pilgrim Vs the World where Scott had to go through all the ex-boyfriends and [ __ ] this is Twin Galaxies going through all of the witnesses right now this you can't hold it against Richard here he did nothing wrong in 2021 Richard was unfortunately arrested for conspiracy to commit fraud look he has just not been lucky when it comes to fraud he keeps getting caught I for one this picture here now I know it was a frame job and I know it's all false because they're doing my man Richard so dirty with this mug shot here like it looks like he's [ __ ] skydiving like all the Skins being pushed towards the back of his skull here it's like he's [ __ ] melting where does the the next start and the chin end oh man is he laying down and they took this picture what is going on here keeps getting caught I for one do not hold this against him when I look at this table I see three to three it's pretty that's tough that's a toss-up I'm leaning towards trusting the guy but you let me know in the comments what you think okay so Billy's first witness is a bit sketch who's number two Billy's second witness that says he saw him oh God it's Todd Rogers oh boy this is not going well okay hit me with number three surely we're gonna get a winner he's probably not going to touch on Todd Rogers Todd Rogers is another notorious cheater of these old game high scorers he has a whole Saga of his own I I don't even think I could do it just this trying to summarize it here but that is so poetic that one of the other Witnesses is [ __ ] Todd Rogers that's amazing what a this is like a team of Avengers that he has for Witnesses the third witness that says they saw Billy get the score is Kim Mahoney who is also Todd Rogers girlfriend I'm gonna be completely honest here coincidence the impression that Billy's Witnesses may not be entirely trustworthy there's brilliant Todd posing with a couple of people there's a camera that was recording Billy play even though that footage doesn't seem to exist for some reason imposing ends can with a thumbs up maybe this is just after Billy got the world record I have to admit everything here looks pretty legit and oh my God what is that I don't know what I'm looking at I'm not knowledgeable enough what is it is it a copyright 2023 on there that joystick is not an original Donkey Kong joystick this arcade machine does not have original unmodified Donkey Kong arcade Hardware oh Jeepers original Donkey Kong stick it's got a big black ball and a short column Billy's arcade is a tall stick with a smaller ball and it's obviously red so the stick has been changed to something else easily explainable this machine was considered so legit that they had to change out the stick otherwise because people were fighting each other to compete for high scores on it because it was so [ __ ] real so the stick just got worn out from over usage but the machine that's the only thing that's been changed that that much I'm sure of or you know what that's a good point this could have been a special edition cabinet that was sent to Billy Mitchell by Nintendo themselves they were so happy that the king of Kong wanted to use an arcade cabinet that they made that they gave him a special Red Stick you know for the red white and blue because he's such a patriot obviously easily explainable on top of that it appears to be an eight-way stick now the original Donkey Kong stick is four-way which means it can only go up down left and right the game can be played if you want to steer barrels while on a ladder you have to stop and hold left or right because you can't go up and to the side at the same time but with an eight-way stick you can continue to climb ladders while steering barrels by using the diagonals with an eight-way stick and to do things you can't do on an original arcade which I'm actually just even shocked that he played the game I thought this was going to prove that Billy Mitchell's never even touched Donkey Kong in his life so honestly at this point I have a little more respect for Billy knowing that he just used a cheating device in order to have a better score like to play better I thought for sure it was going to come out that he just doesn't even know what Donkey Kong is he's never touched the [ __ ] thing in his life which is why they are banned so not only is the stake not original which was totally banned it looks like an eight-way stick which is extra banned his entire lawsuit against Twin Galaxies is based on the premise that he played on unmodified original arcade Hardware which is categorically not true very wrong videotapes but now from the photos as well and his lawsuit is full of lies where Billy claims the hardware was unmodified everyone just got caught out and it gets how how did they even let this happen surely they would have recognized the stick right this man dedicated his entire life to Donkey Kong in his high score he did one thing that isn't even that cool getting a high score in Donkey Kong and he let it Define his entire [ __ ] life for the net for the last 22 years 24 years and he wouldn't recognize that the stick isn't original surely he would have done everything in his power to keep these photos buried [ __ ] burn the photos for God's sakes he would have had to know that people would be able to easily see that it's not an original stick he didn't release it I I get he wasn't the one that released it what I'm saying is I'm sure he would have done everything in his power to stop it from ever coming out like legitimately burn these photos but maybe that was just beyond his control at this point like who released it well maybe Carl mention it here in a moment I'm just shocked he wouldn't go immediately to the event or he knew the photos were being taken he was literally giving thumbs up with the Todd Rogers in front of the cabinet so he knew there were photos and he would have known that people would have recognized that as a not legitimate unmodified stick so why would even a let photos be taken and B not go to the event and like [ __ ] scrub those archives you may be wondering why Billy would lie about something that can so obviously be dispersed that's what I was just talking to answer is that Billy didn't know these photos existed in fact the entire Donkey Kong Community didn't know these photos existed as they were only made public recently and not by Billy Mitchell these photos were never made public and they were only retrieved Now by directly contacting the organizers of the convention that blows my mind he literally gave a thumbs up multiple times with Todd Rogers in front of that machine who is he giving the thumbs up for he knew pictures were being taken what did he think happened to that what what wait what this is a cool angle of Billy though I will say his hair looks even more like a Lego block in this angle but I still just can't believe that he wouldn't remember photos being taken because he posed multiple times for him I'm also surprised that it took this long for someone to contact the event staff from the uh the the mortgage thing I feel like a lot of people would have thought to do that a long time ago but maybe just now they finally found the photos I cannot wait until this goes to trial and you best believe that when it does I'm going to cover it I'm excited and I think you should be too I am this is going to be a lot of fun as always thank you so much for watching you Legends I hope you're having a fantastic day and I will see you in the next video this is also great news for Carl this is a big Carl W as well because he's he is currently getting sued by this goofball this goober and as everyone knows the number one defense against defamation which is what Billy Mitchell is coming after him for is the absolute truth and now it seems it has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt he cheated thus the case against Carl is [ __ ] kaput and it really just goes to show you sometimes the simplest means and like the simplest explanations are the most effective hey so you got this at a mortgage convention what year and and where was it why don't I just give him a call maybe they have photos hey you guys have any photos oh we do yeah you want them yes please bang and now it's all now it's all over for Billy Mitchell's case aren't frivolous lawsuits illegal yeah but it feels like a lot of people get away with doing that he's made like an entire [ __ ] career off of frivolous lawsuits has he actually won any lawsuits my man I don't think he's even had one of his lawsuits make it to a trial they get thrown out so quick but it's still expensive for the people he sues it's still a headache it's such an absurd thing to ruin your life over all right let's let's not get carried away Billy Mitchell didn't ruin his life over this he's not going to go to jail on he's just he's he just has a legacy of being a [ __ ] joke of a person and an insufferable [ __ ] for all the frivolous lawsuits he tosses at people that make fun of him or point out that he's cheated he hasn't ruined his life the man has a [ __ ] hot sauce deal for God's sakes none of which I think he earned by the way he has one Accolade and it's high scores at Donkey Kong that he [ __ ] cheated so in fact he got he got dealt a really lucky hand he got one thing that he's never let go and he's somehow found success from it you might want to tone it back before he sues you he can't anymore he literally can because the truth is now abundantly clear even if you set aside all of the inarguable evidence of him cheating now these pictures that have come out confirm it even more beyond a shadow of a doubt he legitimately can no longer Sue anymore why do these confirm he's cheating oh if you weren't here I'll give you the quick explanation so the whole claim is that he got the high scores on an unmodified original Hardware however now that these pictures are out you can see it's not so the original Hardware did not have this stick it had a small black stick so it had a black ball on top in the stick not this so immediately that disqualifies all of his records because it is not unmodified Hardware he's lied about it it is clearly modified oh yeah and it's an eight-way stick apparently which is another banned device because it gives you an advantage you're able to cheat the game a bit more by being able to go in the other four angles here diagonally so this stick right here just throws out everything he's ever claimed it's just the stick cover well it wouldn't matter let's you know what let's play ball with you let's assume that is a stick cover and the original stick is still under there that is a still not allowed and B impossible because here's what the original stick looks like it's a tiny little goofy like almost door handle doorknob not that long stretched one so it can't even just be a cover it is a completely different stick chode versus grower yeah I guess kinda the OG is more chody not only that I bet there was an emulator built into the arcade box we're not we're setting aside all of the massive amounts of evidence talking about it being on emulator not original Hardware we're setting all that aside and just going by what we can physically see from the photos of the event where it is clearly modified we don't you don't even need to touch all of the deep analysis which also confirmed that it's illegitimate you can just look at the photos from the event and still get the correct answer that it's fake I'm curious to see how he decides to fight this you know he'll not he will not admit it so I'll make a prediction and right now I'm on fire with my predictions I think the way Billy Mitchell tackles this is the exact way that any [ __ ] geriatric person would it's all fake Photoshop AI fabricated he's going to claim that these photos are fabricated they're AI generated or AI enhanced something like that the photos are fake they've done something with the knob it's you know this was an original knob but they've edited it all out he's going to harp on it being photoshopped and doctored 100 percent
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 7,517,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yaExZHV_sjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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