WHY I wear "AMISH" clothes

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[Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now before we get into the clothes I want you to realize that I just showed you guys how versatile raised beds are we put these in last year for pollinators and growing the flowers and everything with one layer one level on the raised beds we found that some of the plants didn't really root as well as we wanted them to and so we're gonna make them a little deeper so those roots can really go down in there because we plant flowers and stuff in there that are gonna come back every year so we don't have to worry about it the problem is is when it's too shallow they don't really get healthy and they you know a lot of them die off so this is gonna make it a lot easier it kind of looks cool too so if you have not downloaded the PDF for the chicken coop it's totally free I'll leave a link in the first comment of this video you might want to go do that and just we were suggesting to you guys that you make a binder of all this information it's totally free and all you have to do is go register in and get the download and then you can keep every month we're gonna do one and you can keep a binder with all this information in it so when you're ready or if you have a question or you want your husband or wife or somebody to do a project then you can just stick them on the notebook and then they can get out there and get it done so if you registered for the PDF for the chicken coop you'll automatically receive the new PDF which is going to be about how to build a raised bed it's gonna have parts instructions materials lists everything like that and it's super easy everyone that got a lot of good feedback on the last PDF on how easy it was a lot of people already made them and sent us their pictures and everything so awesome for you on that so if you didn't sign up for that one go sign up for that one by the end of the month so then you'll be automatically in there for every month that we send them out and if you didn't do it you're gonna have a couple more days maybe you're watching this video later just go ahead and click the link about the raised beds in a future video that's coming up you might have to hone it down but if you do that then you'll get them every single month so what we're going to talk about right now real quick we had a really bad day today it's a lot of rain a lot of overcast as you can tell in the video no drones today for you the sheep are doing fantastic on the other coming there out there we have boulders and stuff and every paddock so they can jump on them and it's really fun to watch them get out there and explore their new territories and they're really all fat and happy over there and actually mr. Turkey and mrs. Turkey are doing really well with them they've actually mr. Turkey got off the fence line now because those animals are in his paddock and he's just kind of hanging out walking around getting some eats and and you know just kind of doing his thing so everything is working really good with that and I'll show you that in a video coming up pretty soon here so what I want to talk to you guys about is one of my most asked question are you out of it and why do you dress like that and the answer to that question is quite frankly no I'm not Amish and I'm not Mennonite or play one on YouTube or Facebook or anywhere else basically when my wife and I left the city life we came out here to live a very simple life we wanted to slow down and we wanted to just grow our own food be left alone and really just kind of really enjoy the second half of our life right my wife and I were in our 50s so one of the things that we were looking into were like fabrics and blended stuff got your polyesters you got all these manmade chemicals that they're making clothes out of and that stuff's on your skin all day long so we made this commitment that we were going to use like 100% cotton and we were going to use clothes that were basically natural and get away from like chemical stuff because one of the main reasons that we came out here as well was to live a more healthy and sustainable lifestyle hope you guys are following along on that bill - that's gonna be pretty neat it's a solar-powered workshop I'm going to have a tinker shop right there and it's gonna be all solar-powered and a lot of neat things are going to be put into that building it's also going to be our Learning Center where we're gonna bring people to our property we're gonna have classes and we're gonna teach you guys about living a sustainable life maybe have some boot camps on health and nutrition and stuff like that but back to the clothes so we made this decision also that we were going to limit the amount of money that we spend outside of our neighborhood and our property and area which would mean cutting back on things like Walmart and big box stores Macy's and all the stuff where we were buying all of our clothes in the first place you know Levi's and polo and Nautica and you know it's all that stuff that people get we had all that stuff and Nikes and you know just whatever so we decided to cut way back on that stuff and be more intentional with our money so when we moved to this area we actually found out that there was an Amish community close by I was friends with them started learning some of their ways and then I asked him I said you know I'd really like to keep my money right here in my neighborhood and I like to be able to be a hundred percent cotton and have a shirt made for me and I would like to give you that money instead of spending that money at Walmart or any of these other big-box stores and they were that really resonated with them and also a lot of the ladies in the Amish community they worked from home so that was another big plus they were able to get some income on the side and then make my clothes and I love them they're super functional they're easy to wear they're durable I'm in these clothes you guys have maybe if you've been around here for a while you've seen I'm really hard on my stuff I mean I'm out working all the time and these clothes are really lasting me a good long while so basically I had to make my first couple of outfits I started wearing these clothes doing work here on the homestead I just built the log cabin I was starting some other buildings and I felt really good about keeping my money in my community so after that a friend of ours saw what we were doing out here and he was like man you guys should really be posting videos on YouTube and that could really help a lot of people and I was like YouTube I've never even heard of it and I'd already built the cabinet that's why there's not much video of us building the cabin now I do have some still shots and and some pictures that we took while we were building it so what I'm working on right now for you guys is a video I'm trying to do the best I can to round up all of our pictures we really weren't into that kind of stuff then and I'm gonna try to put a video together on how I actually built this log cabin in 90 days pretty much by myself we did have some friends come up occasionally to help but the most of the build was totally done by myself and with no carpentry skills so I hope that gives you guys hope if you're thinking about living this kind of lifestyle as well that you can actually get out and learn things you know we've been here eight years and my skill level has improved a hundred percent so I just want to encourage you guys about that so I started wearing the clothes and they're super functional and everything else and I just really enjoyed it so I never went back so I have some blue jeans upstairs you know there's a typical Levi's that you guys probably wear and I just don't wear them these are just way more functional and comfortable for me and I just like I said I really believe in employee in my community and keeping my money as close to my house as I can some of the times I hear about you know bozo or bozo or whatever his name is who owns Amazon or even Walmart you guys are like all the big-box stores put the small man out of business I hate to kind of bring it to you guys but you're responsible for that not the big-box stores when you're intentional with your dollars you continue to shop at those small family stores and those small family stores can stay in business I mean they never really relied on a global economy they relied on their community but what happens is for convenience and a little more selection and maybe the price is a little bit cheaper you guys migrate to the big-box stores and then that leaves the home man high and dry and then he has to claim close up shop and then everyone points the finger at Walmart and and I could go on about this and if this is in a lot of different areas alive this is how it is so guys be intentional with your dollars and you know don't blame companies who want to start up and make money blame yourself because you're the one not being intentional with your dollars okay there's my soapbox for the moment so anyways that's why we're arm is closed and I also remind you guys that if you ever stopped an Amish person and you talked to them for a little bit and you questioned them about their clothes to an Amish person or a Mennonite their clothes are not their religious beliefs they are not their identity okay basically the Amish made a decision in the 1800s and the 1900s early 1900s especially up at the Round the industrial Revolutionary Age Revolution Age you know the Industrial Revolution they made a decision to kind of keep it simple and just keep things the way they are because they saw the fast-paced world that was moving along outside of them so what happens is they just maintain the clothes from that time period they know how to make them it's passed down from generation to generation how to make them and then they still wear them and you guys are thinking that's their religious identity when that's farthest from the truth some of you guys have a problem you know not you guys your homestead homies but people that maybe happen across the video or they see me out in public and they think that I'm making a mockery of Amish because I dress this way and I'm not Amish they also think that how much don't agree with the clothes that I'm wearing when in fact they make my clothes and we're really good friends with them and so I've never had a problem with any Amish person actually coming down on me about wearing these clothes okay basically if you were to find some research and you look around this is just called plain dressing I'm just plain dressing dressing plain and it just keeps life really simple for me you know all my shirts are the same color I have a gray one a couple of white ones these tan ones so it makes it really easy all my pants are just pretty much exactly the same the suspenders pretty much exactly the same so just very easy for me just to grab something and go I don't have to worry about oh do I want to wear this I used to be really hung up on that stuff guys so I'm just kind of encouraging you guys no not saying you have to go out and dress like this or you know anything else I'm just trying to give you guys an example and a reason behind what you see here on YouTube okay there was never our intention to dress this way for me to dress this way and then for us to produce these videos and then kind of have some trickery going on where you think I'm Amish or Mennonite you know we're very plain about saying that we're not either and as a matter of fact you can tell by Stacey she's definitely not so we like to say I'm a little bit country and she's a little bit rock and roll all right so I also wanted to show you guys how easy those beds were so stay tuned for that PDF I'm glad we got that out of the way we have a lot of new subscribers around here and some of you guys know because you've been around for a while but I just wanted to air that out and then also there are a lot of people that dress this way one of our good friends actually her dad has been dressed in plane for a year and no problem there so that's basically what this is just called dressing plain this isn't like an Amish identity it's just clothes that they wear because they've been around a long time and they just maintain that from generation to generation they have no problem making my clothes and I definitely have no problem keeping my money in my neighborhood so hopefully that was enlightening for you guys we'll see you guys on the next video hopefully this weather breaks a little bit we got a lot of stuff going on we're gonna get back on the solar powered workshop build we have some more stuff going on in the garden we're gonna share with you guys and one thing I want you guys to know before you get out of here is this channel is about the complete homestead self-sufficient sustainable lifestyles rainwater catchment growing your own food eating healthy from the garden raising animals low stress life you know just having fun you know kind of marching to the beat of your own drum so if you like that kind of stuff and maybe you happen on this video for the first time hit that subscribe button follow us along on our journey and hopefully you'll pick up some hashtag nuggets along the way we call nuggets little learning experiences that we share with you guys that we've learned we're just trying to take some of that pain and heartache out for from under you guys you know if you're on this journey so you don't make some mistakes that we made so thanks a lot for watching the video really appreciate it see you guys on the next one like I said hopefully this weather breaks up and we're gonna get Thank You mr. Turkey perfect timing we're gonna get busy alright we'll see you guys later
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 377,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off Grid with Doug and Stacy, Doug and Stacy, Doug, Stacy, Off Grid, off the grid, off the grid living, off the grid homes, off grid living, off grid cabin, off grid with Doug and Stacy, off grid solar power system, off grid house, off grid homestead, off grid solar, homestead, homesteading, homesteading for beginners, homesteading off the grid, natural food recipes, holistic health, holistic living, Amish
Id: -xtNzuFdxKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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