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[Music] welcome to the Pacific Northwest this is Midwife Mountain and I'm Patti I am a homestead homey because I love to watch off-grid with Doug and Stacey what's a homestead homey why do we know it's Friday because we're gonna do a little health video health videos are hard one needs to watch today make sure you pay close attention we'll wait two seconds for you to get your pen and paper also thanks for sending in the intros we really do appreciate it you guys and really I think it really brings community to the channel so if you'd like to send one in please do and you're just gonna say your name where you're from in the world that you're a homestead homey and you're watching off here with Doug at Stacey yeah all right so what is on the health plate for today I want to talk about your where your health really come from I know I know we're from your gut it does it really does um I truly believe you know 80 percent of your immune system is is from your gut so if you have an unhealthy gut then everything else is gonna go haywire yeah well unhealthy that could be too but you know thank you could cause like you know if you have skin problems if you're having like have the most psoriasis rosacea if you're having possibly autoimmune diseases some of these issues can be fixed just by healing your guys disclaimer we're not doctors nor do we do pretend to be one make sure you do your homework don't believe anything that we say but we know we're talking about hey so you know just basically by adding these type of foods that I'm going to talk about and I'm going to tell you the you know the benefits of them and um kind of some little extra things about incorporating fermented type foods into your diet daily and it doesn't just have to be like actual food food I'm gonna talk about drinks too because you know just like anything else everybody's different some people may not like you know for men pepper or beet kvass we have a video about that right yeah mica bath actually came I mean these foods have been around for thousands of thousands of years they used um you know to help preserve their food they have had them for health they had them for healing they've used them with great results for thousands of thousands years all over from the Middle East using you know yogurts and soured milk you know to the Asian you know South Asia like India and Pakistan in those places you know they're using a lot of the the milk and dairy ferments keepers even in like Japan and China that's where how Gucci came from so they've been using these for such a very very long time so what she's saying basically that is if you maybe you don't like kombucha but maybe you could have another fermented drink like a beet kvass or something else so you just have to find what works for you get on it right right for sure I love it so you know just trying different things you know some things you like some things you don't you know I know like I'll do because off when we have a lot of beets I don't do it all the time I do do kombucha it's continual I have it it's continually so I can come mooches going all the time yogurt is homemade you know from my Rhonda that's going all the time and then I'll in a date and do other things there because just like everything else you and just like your diet you guys I know there's so many people out there that eat the same thing every day every day you have the same thing for breakfast you have the same thing for lunch and maybe you'll bury dinner a little bit but if you keep eating the same thing every day and every day your body is not going to get all the vitamins and minerals it needs so you may end up ending up having some you know vitamin and mineral deficiencies there's people that actually get sick from eating the same food every single day right because you need a variety of everything same thing with fermented foods or what we call you know probiotic rich foods you don't want to do the same thing all the time because you want to introduce to your your system a variety of this bacteria you don't want the same all the time you want to mix it up that's why if you're going out and spending a lot of money on expensive probiotics you know if you want to save some money you can start you know fermenting your own vegetables or making some of these for many drinks you're gonna get a variety if you're doing the same probiotic all the time and all the time that you're getting from the store you're getting the same bacteria so you want to mix it up so if you do go ahead and get probiotics in the grocery store or the health food stores make sure that you'll do one for maybe a few months and then change it up and get a different kind because you want to introduce different strains of bacteria to your body because you want to be as strong as you know your immune system if you want to introduce all these to your body I mean we're trying to tell you guys you have to eat live food that's why you guys watch our shows you know we want to teach you guys about fermenting eating live foods you can get the great probiotics the bacterias the microbes you know you know you guys watch these a holistic or natural gardening channels and you want to you buy into that for your garden what that soil is good and microbes know it's the same with your body imagine that there's actually a connection there so we just keep trying to bring you guys this information and you know we do get contacted by people that are trying things and that they can notice the difference in their energy levels in their health and their happiness sleeping overnight and you know we're also going to probably talk about if you do start implementing some of this stuff that we talked about that you you know you kind of ease into it you know you just want to start drinking or eating a whole bunch of fermented food at once because you'll get bloated right it bloated you could you could also have something they call a healing crisis because I want to talk about why we should add these to your diet and one of them is detoxification because it's a very good way to get rid of heavy metals which were inundated with day in and day out from the air that we breathe from the things we put on our skin from the food that we eat so it's a great heavy metal to tax a fire and for toxins so detoxification is great it's just a great way but it's also really good for your you know up in that immune system and digestion so I know people say that they I get really bloated or you know there's you know they just kind of felt you know my area because it's a and so it's just one of those things that you can start slowly you know when we have like the fermented vegetables try maybe a tablespoon or two and then maybe work your way up to maybe a fourth of a cup or so to have a bigger serving or maybe when you're starting to come bucho you don't want to have a whole big bottle just have a little bit because you do have detoxifying effects they call it a healing crisis sometimes some people may have it some people may not where you might just not feel very good maybe you're feel fatigued or maybe you got a slight headache because it's detoxifying getting all this gunk out of you and it's trying to clean you out so um take things slow you know introduce you know just have a little bit and then if you're feeling good then you can kind of hide more to it that's why I always like to have a variety that's why you know the probiotic type ferments or cultured foods you know I like to do drinks and I like to do the actual foods if I'm gonna ferment up the vegetables so we like and then also I'll do the dairy - yeah we kind of mix it all up and everyday you know maybe we'll have a combo job we'll have some yogurt we'll have you know some fermented vegetables and maybe you know one day maybe we'll just have one of them or maybe one day if something happens we forget we won't have it you know we add it back in you know try not to be so like rigid and the things you do because life isn't like that I don't think you need a I never miss affirmance food I mean every culture in history has used fermented foods for health and for vigor and for detox you know and you know behind for life so you know this is not some weird science stuff that's going on this stuff has been around this is ancient stuff we're talking about yeah here's the big one it's cheap I mean you guys it's expensive if you go buy probiotic this is so cheap if you make homemade kombucha it's three dollars in something cents a bottle if you buy it at the store it's pennies to make it at home all you need is tea sugar and water meaning easy easy easy Phoebe and besides that with the vegetables especially if you grow a garden I mean all you need is you know salt your water and your vegetables and just you know a little time and it's so simple so simple and another way you confirm it - yeah fermenting for dummies yeah and another way you can ferment is by using way so the reason why Stacey and I do a lot of the salt rinds and stuff is because we're trying to bring you the information that you'll easily have on hand so like you'll be like oh I want to try that and you're like I got a bag of carrots and some salt and you got the filtered water so you can do it but you can also use whey which we might be showing you later I'm gonna do that way I'm gonna do a drink so you get ready to look at a really yummy drink I may use way because way is just basically kind of knock you lates it gets your culture going quicker so your ferment will be done faster right use your when you use your way right anything else you want to talk about no I want to talk to my it's less expensive it has variety yeah so you know variety is the spice of life trying different permits if you like it do it if you don't don't do it and kind of mix it up don't just do peppers all the time don't just do carrots all the time mix it up because they will last a while in the refrigerator when you're doing this cool let's go check out what you got uh fermenting over here okay come on over okay so now we're over here we're getting ready we're gonna be making a fermented lemonade so get ready cuz it's really good and I have to tell you a little secret fermented lemonade was really the very first fermented food I ever tried way before the kombucha before the fermented vegetables this was the first thing I ever tried that's very very easy to do so all you need is five ingredients I've gotten this recipe from the nourishing traditions cookbook by Sally Fallon that I have had for many many years and I loved it to death and it has so many wonderful ideas in it so this is from there so basically you need five ingredients you're gonna need lemons and I'm gonna do about a half gallon or two quarts if you want more than just double the recipe six or to eight lemon these were six bigger lemons so I did six lemons and I just squeezed the juice you're going to need about a half a cup of way and you're going to need a half a cup of raw sugar or suka Nate and I'm using the sukkah Nate today because suka Nate basically it's sugar cane natural it's a very minimally processed sugar you can find it in most of the stores they do have it sucA and 8 E succinate and it it kind of keeps the the molasses ease flavor and keeps that in there more so it's very mineral rich and it just gives it a good flavor so when I do a lot of my drinks if I ferment drinks I like to use the soup in it so you're gonna need 1/2 a cup of that and you're gonna need about half a teaspoon of ground nutmeg okay because it ferments it really gives it a nice flavor all right I want to talk about how you guys can make way because a lot of times you'll look at a recipe and it just calls for way and people are like how do I get way what's way what's way and it's just basically the liquid that comes off of you know your yogurts or York laberd milk now I'm using raw milk some people might say well I don't have access to raw milk you can do this get a good organic plain full fat yogurt at the store and you can do it yourself now I showed you a few ways you can do it here's just a unbleached coffee filter and I just put some yogurt in there and this clear liquid which this is the elixir of health right here they used to drink this instead of what they have like coffee Paulette parlors that people go to like Starbucks this is what they used to go to to drink this stuff because this is full of protein and so many nutrients it's really good for you so and this will last in the refrigerator for a few months so once you've strained it keep it in there and you can use it to do some of your ferments so this is one way you can do it and then this liquid here is your way I also did a video called lacto-fermented blueberries will link that above and I use whey in that video so you can check that out here's another way I just did my little strainer basket like this and I put a you know cotton thin cloth in there I put my yogurt in there and here's my liquid here on the bottom which is the way that's another way of doing it and then you can put it in a mason jar and save it or if I have a lot I'll put it in a cheesecloth tied in a knot I hang it up with a spoon let it hang and it'll drip down and I use it that way so it just depends there's lots of ways you guys can do it and then you'll have your way all right so five ingredients very easy I'm doing a half gallon here or two quarts so all I'm gonna do is start with my cyka net or your raw sugar half a cup and that's gonna ferment out okay and then I'm going to do my half cup of my way now some people might say I don't do any dairy so guess what you can use water kefir so just replace the way here and you can do with water kefir and it'll do it the same way so water kefir is good for you guys that aren't doing it any dairy all right so then I'm gonna do my lemons my six lemons big lemons that I squeezed just like that and then I'm gonna put in my half teaspoon of nutmeg and then I'm gonna fill it up rest of the way with my water don't you pour and then once it gets filled up I'm gonna go ahead and shake it up and then I'm gonna put the lid on it so this is easy and now since I put the way in it it's gonna speed up the fermenting process and I'm gonna leave it out two to three days all right just so you guys know this is filtered water make sure you have filtered water don't use any of these ferments with a chlorinated type water because that'll mess everything up so make sure you have good purified water it's not on straight so I'm gonna shake this up really good and then I'm gonna put it somewhere you know to cover a dark place and I'm gonna let it ferment 2 or 3 days now the two days if it was warmer you know when you're home I might go 2 days 3 days it's gonna ferment off a little bit more of the sugar and you can taste it and see if you like it so I shook this up really good everything's dissolved and mixed in here and like I said you're gonna put in a dark place let it ferment for 2 or 3 days the longer you let it ferment when you get closer to three days it's gonna be a little more sour I know a lot of people when they get that sour taste they might want to put a couple drops of you know real stevia in there or you might want to put some juice you know do whatever you want I know a lot of people will also do this and I've done this quite a few times with strawberries strawberries are in season right now so besides juicing the lemons you can juice your strawberries also it'll give it a different you know flair to it try it out and see what you guys think when you're done and your two or three days and you think it tastes good then you're gonna bottle it put it in your bottle put the lid on it put it in your refrigerator and actually the longer you let it set it just builds a better better flavor especially with the molasses from the sukkah net and also from nom but nutmeg so if you do it put in the refrigerator for a week or so and then start drinking it it's great all right guys so that's it for our fermenting Friday yeah that was pretty good and hopefully you guys will give this a try and leave a comment down below if you've had something like this before or just if you want to interact do you put those strawberries in the mix while you're letting it ferment or when it's done no you can do it at the beginning or you could do it at the end I mean either way but if you want the flavour in it then you can kind of put the strawberries in it when you're fermenting it or if you just want it to look pretty you could do with blueberries at the very end when you're ready to serve it you know what I mean that's so cool about ferments use your imagination yes and they really come out good I mean if you want to go ahead and try raspberries in it try it raspberries one juice as well as a strawberry but maybe raspberries at the end when you're going to drink it for the final product so our thing is guys we're just trying to bring you the information you guys kind of tweak it and move it and make it work for you I mean lemonade bites office yes that's golden but if you have neighbors and stuff so thanks for watching don't forget we're gonna be at Mansfield next week we'll be there Sunday Monday in Missouri and it's at the Baker Creek spring planting festival and it's down below is the link we're also going to be at the grater homesteaders of America conference the premier homesteader conference in America in October 14th in Virginia we're gonna have more details about that coming out but there is a link down below if you want to get your tickets and I know that they're selling pretty good right now so you might want to make your plans and get everything in order for that one and the fermenting kit winner oh yeah the next video that you guys are seeing we're going to announce who won the fermenting kit and will also be doing the homestead army of the Mon man we have so many give outs high five and you what I think I know who want homestead yeah I pretty much let her choose the homestead homie the month we're just looking for you guys that leave comments on our videos if you have other social media platforms that you're using the you know shares and and you know talking us up on the other platforms and directing people our way that's just we're just looking for interaction you know just like a homie does it's a group of peers right so we're all hanging out we're doing our thing and we're looking for you guys to make sure you're interacting with the channel don't forget to check us out on Facebook Instagram or Twitter I will see you guys Sunday see ya hey guys thanks for watching our video you might want to check out these videos and if you want to become a homestead homey click the picture of us below we will see you tomorrow
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 491,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off Grid with Doug and Stacy, Doug and Stacy, Doug, Stacy, Off Grid, off the grid, off the grid living, off the grid homes, off grid living, off grid cabin, off grid with Doug and Stacy, off grid solar power system, off grid house, off grid homestead, off grid solar, homestead, homesteading, homesteading for beginners, homesteading off the grid, natural food recipes, holistic health, holistic living, Lemonade, probiotics, probiotic lemonade
Id: 2WJlhlFIj28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2017
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