The worst four days on the Homestead THEN THIS HAPPENED!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so what I'm doing right now is I'm changing out this 10-foot gate for a 14 foot again put the 10 foot gate in here that's just about the smallest gate you guys want to put on your homestead if you're gonna have these in and out gates entrance gates 14 foots gonna be a lot better we got a couple of times the tractors come by to drop off a big round bale and they can just barely squeak through the 10 footer they got to pay attention to the side so if you guys are gonna put in farm gates around your place 10 foot is the minimum don't go to the farm store or set your fences up for a bunch of 8 foot wide gates you'll regret that one so I'm putting this setup on here right now it's a 14 footer I'm gonna show you guys a good farm trick real quick so you know how to put a gate on if you're new to this stuff when you get these gates at your local farm and home store and whatnot and then I'm going to tell you guys this story we'll go down and get spanked and we'll tell you guys this story the other day it happens - pretty tough times and we're going to share with you guys what's been going on and we just want to say thanks to everybody who you know sent out their good vibes and prayers and when we tell you the story you'll understand what I'm talking about but let me get this gate on stay focused and I'm going to share with you this little farm tip here on the on the gate here now when you guys are doing the farm gate now make sure that you put your top pin down and your bottom pin up okay that's what you want that way when your animals tend in inside and it sticks its nose underneath one of these runs which a lot of cows are notorious to do especially the Bulls they'll get their head underneath here and they'll just whip it right off that pin if you have it both of them facing up they'll flip it right off and then they'll be able to get out so make sure you keep that top pin pointing down there's your fence nugget so with one pin going up and one pin going down you're locking the gate in place so it can't be flipped off the hinges this is also good for security you don't want anybody to come robbing your place to just lift your gate right off your hinges so always have your top pin down okay that's what works great now let's finish this in I did theirs when I when I built that ten footer you can see me yeah I put this little pass-through gate here because you know I was thinking well you want to open the ten footer all the time so I made this little walkthrough gate and I never even really used this it was always kind of a pain we're actually going to take this off too because we don't need it anymore now Oh careful Bonner sorry about that you see what I mean I had no I had that one on just like we said and lifted it right off of the hinges there all right so I was thinking about if I was gonna pull this off with a you know pick it out of there with something like I don't have a tractor or a bobcat or nothing here right now so I'd have to do it later but I'm thinking I'm just gonna cut it off because I don't want to create a big hole there right now anyway and I'm not really going to reuse that post got a big creek in the bottom there so once I pull it off it'd be useless anyway because of the concrete so I'll use it for firewood [Music] that's that Oh st. George boy I tell you what that tree right here some serious business that's why everybody builds or why everybody builds our fences out of Osage orange is what they call it hedge it's what they call it around here look at that opening now you're just come in closer to the building and you got all the room you need to breathe and you could just drive right over that ain't gonna hurt you none all right much better plus if I want to bring my truck or anything in here just a lot easier once I put my tie on here it'll be good to go and then we'll go down and see what Stacey's doing and then tell you guys that story now all your farm gates are gonna come with a uh you know they come with a chain take them hook it up on here do an idea how that looks what the horses what I like to use of the carabiner at the end of the fence fan because the horses are notorious lick the game up and down like that or you know they'll bring it around and just say they'll flip off for that knot in case you didn't know here come here let me show you this now this remotely you know for a lot of the beginners out there a lot of y'all are thinking about homesteading and you're about to do it and you're setting up your place right now I get a lot of emails people asking for suggestions and ideas because they're just getting started and some of these tips that I give you guys in these videos they're great for people that are just getting started and also I've known people that have had these gates for years and they never knew what this hole was for so let me show you real quick since I got you a picture so when you run you're gonna flip this around so when you run your line through this little break right here right this is to catch the the gate so that holds that in place right but if they come over they can grab this in and suck clicking it and then it'll pop out and then you'll be open but when you lock it through there then you're supposed to bring it back through the hole like this here my chains not really cooperating but that's about the gist of it okay and so what happens is they can't play with that other side and it takes it's almost dang near impossible to flick this up have it come back out and get it off there at the same time heck even with hands you can barely do it sometimes so that's what that little holes right there for say I'll see I'm always teaching you guys a little something new ha and again a lot of you guys might have known that but I always trying to throw those nuggets in there for you guys ready to try them they love it alright so I like that right there I like this right about right right about right here get it started a little bit and then we'll driver on hold another job well done so now we got a 14-foot entrance to work with a lot more copacetic so when was the last time we saw you guys I guess it was that duh we had that live show we did the other day mr. turkey he's looking good being good to the other mr. turkey was kind of aggressive and being mean this mr. turkeys being pretty nice so far so he might be a we're trying to get a breeding pair but they got to be nice because you know we're helping arrange him so we don't have any troubles there so that's working out pretty good yeah I think the last time you guys were here it was we had the live show and it was rain and rain rain rain after that for days hey I was almost a week ago right yeah crazy stuff so right after that we're gonna tell you this story but Stacy wants me to pull this what is this it's just some you know decorative grasses and I'm trying to get that last you just have to get one big bull it'll come out I did all the hard stuff look see this isn't pull it out it's ready to come right up we'll do some beautification yes how to hunker in to move this grass out of here so doesn't like it's it we've had in here I've want to get rid of a brown is so soft now it'll come out yeah cuz of all the rain we've had so we want to tell you the story though all right so while Stacey's putting in those grasses that's her project everybody has their project around here but then we come together as a team on some stuff and then we divide it back up and get stuff done and she's gonna put that in I'm gonna kind of start the story for you guys a little bit and then we're all gonna get together just cry over all the rest of it all right so if you guys are new to our channel my wife and I we live in a log cabin in the Midwest and we live off-grid with no solar power wind turbines or any of that stuff we basically use a generator for power on demand when we need it and we've found over 10 years of living off-grid that we really don't need a lot of power if we set our mind to it and curb our hunger for it I guess you'd say but we do use it to obviously put videos up on YouTube to try to teach you guys and help you out on your journey to live a sustainable life so we do have a couple dogs we have some Airedale Terriers that we have on the homestead and they are for our farm you know they watch over the animals and they've been really very good and recently we got a puppy and her name is Molly and Molly and Maggie kind of run the place and they stay outside and we haven't had any problems with them ever leaving the property and all this stuff all the dogs we've had we've been here 10 years we've had a few dogs since we've been here we've trained them to stay on the property I mean every once in a while you'll get that little freedom flight but they'll you know for 99.9% they're always here and they're always doing fine so we get Molly as a puppy and maggie is a little bit older than her about a year older the year and a half so she's kind of mentoring Molly on what's up and as Molly's getting bigger they've gotten more playful and then they've explored more and you guys see Molly in the videos and you'll see him see him coming up she's a big big girl now all right so we've been kind of let them do their thing and we had one instance a while ago where Molly followed Maggie and they went into the woods and they were like for a long time like 24 hours and we were pretty upset about it so they gay they came back home that was fine and then we got a shock collar and we started using that for Maggie because she's the one kind of taking Molly off the property what I noticed was that the dogs were developing kind of a pack mentality so I was explaining to Stacy that we kind of had to watch out for that and we were kind of keeping them separate a little bit right so if we noticed they were kind of drifting where they shouldn't be we'd bring one in and our spend time with one and then leave the other one kind of separate so they didn't like you know court together and like make a break for it and that was working pretty good because it's been going on for a little while now maybe what two months or something yeah January February Edwards wouldn't kind of started March February January yeah yeah yeah so like five days ago six days ago we did that live show with you guys and then we have this bottle-feeding lamb situation going on which I'm gonna take you guys along and show you that on the next video or two and I'm explaining to you guys some stuff about sheep and this will apply to goats and even calf's if you guys are gonna rave raise cattle and so the mother had developed mastitis and had blood in her milk and all this stuff so we had to call her really fast what she did we don't want her to get a fever and then that would ruin everything for us and so we actually called her out of the out of the flock one thing you want to do I really tried hard not to do that I'll be honest with you I love my sheep that really mean a lot to me and I didn't want to call her out so when I knew she was a problem and you know I was just yeah I was just trying to make it work she had had a lamb before two other times and each time her left teeth was clogged so the colostrum plug was in there the baby wasn't able to apply enough pressure to get it out and then the bag would swell okay so you have to stay on top of watching the bag if it starts swelling you'll wanna get in there and free up the plug milk it and get it back to the same size as the other one so the first time that happened we did it was successful is no problem she went on she nursed had a great you lamb and then after that she did it again and I thought okay so instead of calling her I'll just keep an eye on her okay and happened again and we did it again and this time she apparently even got you know inflamed faster even so I wasn't able to catch it as quick and develop a bullet in there and the mastitis now we could have gave her a huge dose of antibiotics and all that stuff I really don't want to pass that on to the lamb and plus that the teat was already compromised I just thought it was best that we pursue bottle-feeding it okay now we've only had a bummer deal a couple times here we've had to actually bottle feed a lamb normally everything works fine I think what has it been like two times other had happened and we basically there was like a neighbor that was like oh that's so cute I'd love to do it and we were like knock yourself out because it's a big it's big commitment yeah I mean you know you're out here every couple hours every hour four or five times a day through the night so you really have to stay vigilant and we weren't really interested in it that's why we don't have milking cows or stuff like that you know we're kind of picking our battles because we can get milk here or raw milk you can buy in our state no problem and it's inexpensive and it's a lot easier for us so you have to think about all the stuff guys when you're setting up your homestead oh my goodness so the the Lambs needing extra attention so five days ago Stacy and I were messing with the lamb and the dogs were outside and we hadn't fed them breakfast yet and so us I'd mention the states yes mm we probably feed them breakfast and you know how it is you know you get caught up in it and then we were extra few of minutes doing that and sure as rain the dogs ran off I was in the morning five days ago today and today is Monday if I get this video done in time I'll get it up Monday but if not you'll be seeing a Tuesday more top of the morning to you they were gone okay so I thought well you know they probably just whatever and they'll be back in a little bit so she's gone for the first 24 hours right and we're like oh here we go again but normally we're thinking uh she's gonna come back they'll be back and then the next day comes around and it's I mean we're having rain guys like crazy we had rain thunderstorms lightning oh my gosh and the Coyotes have been we live I mean you know we're on the edge of the forest here so we have coyotes skunks Fox mean raccoons they say that when dogs go away every day it starts dropping so like the first 24 hours you got like 50-50 chance that they come back and then the next 24 hours things drop stones like a thirty or forty percent chance that they come back so every day it gets worse and worse and we're really getting upset so the first day goes by you know the second day goes by and your weight we're ringing the bell our dinner bell we're ringing them the bell and we you know going around the neighborhood drive drive drive every night I haven't gotten any sleep you know it's terrible it's like these are your kid yeah and you know we're hearing the Coyotes have been just really loud really crazy because it was raining this whole time that they're gone we've had high winds and a lot of rain and the Coyotes were just power drop we have like five packs I think around here that we can kind of keep an eye on them we over the years we've heard you know there's over here and over there and so we know that and you guys are new to homesteading if you have coyotes in your area a lot of times those coyotes will get together and they'll send out one coyote and they'll make all these kind of noises to try to get the you know the domestic dog to follow it back into the woods and then when the domestic dog comes in they'll all pounce them kill them and you know take care of food that way so man I was really buggered up in day three and day three was one of the hardest days not having your dogs around because you get up and you look around you go do your chores and and there's there's nowhere to be and your mind is racing it's like you know you think they're dipped somewhere you know they're hurt it's raining and raining the wind is so bad we have wind gusts of 40 miles an hour and it was just so hard and you guys know you know when you're like waiting for someone and you're worried about them and they didn't show up and in the meantime I'm doing my potatoes here and because we we are getting so much rain here I can't I wanted to get my potatoes in by Saint Patrick's Day and it's been way too wet and we can't do it so I'm trying to do we get some wind and at least I think in the raised beds luckily we have raised that I'm gonna get these potatoes in and if you guys have never done potatoes they're so simple and easy you just get your seed potatoes and then there's a little eyes on here like little sprouts coming out and then from this one potato I can get quite a few different plans and basically I'm gonna just cut these just like this where I see the little little eyes popping out and I'm gonna let these set here and they're gonna cure so they kind of get a hard skin over them and then basically this is my little plan I'm gonna go ahead and plant them in my garden probably well that was day three stay she was pretty upset I was pretty upset I was probably so upset on day three towards the end of it I was actually laying down the law on the dogs I was like I don't know man if we get more dogs I don't want to have inside dogs cuz we bring those dogs inside especially during the winter time and love on them and stuff and I feel like I was just getting too attached and I was like if we get another dog you know they're gonna be outside dogs are gonna give it kibble and we're gonna leave it off I was trying to detach from those dogs there's like days I'll do back and forth back and forth yeah there's mr. tricky yeah man so there were on the day for we wake up in the morning still no dogs and I think the rain had finally started slowing down a little bit on that day day four and we got through the day pretty good I think yeah that was like Saturday so Saturday night I think it was not my five or six o'clock that's when I reached out to you guys and I posted that this is crazy I know if you if you're totally in with this you're gonna be like what that's amazing but some people are very skeptical and they're like oh so I'm just saying we're just telling you how all this went down like document and let you know so about six o'clock I put this on Instagram I just took a picture that I had of the garden because we got some nice clouds rolling by it was just kind of a boring picture because we cleaned up the garden and I was really trying to capture the clouds I thought they looked really cool but it just it was just kind of very plain and boring so I put a post up for you guys homestead homies on Instagram and on Facebook and I'll let you guys know that we were having a hard time and that we really appreciate your prayers okay now this is where the goosebumps they don't start flying around right there's like six six thirty you guys could go check our Instagram and and just to verify it okay and now we're just hanging out it's still kind of rainy and it's stopped I think yesterday it was pretty decent yesterday just really windy yeah when you know the little wind warnings on your phone yeah and so even while we were having waiting for them and all that stuff you know I was just like you know the with the rain and the wind you know they could have got far enough away and their scent washed away I mean we're just going through all these snow because we get so much rain and they yeah good noses but you know dogs can't find their way home if they can't smell where they came from I guess and who knows how far they went so you know coyotes and also whose is really nuts and so we were like you know at our wits end about it so we were just relaxing then after I put that post up on Facebook and Instagram and I asked you guys to pray for us cuz we were going through a tough time because we were my means but just feels really empty when the dogs aren't here yeah I was going to do my tours I mean I'm doing it and I'm crying and it was just so hard I mean it you know you just don't realize you're like potted they're part of your family and they help everything in the chaos and everything around here we had chickens on the front porch the animals were going crazy the cats were everywhere I mean the dogs keep everyone or they're like a little policeman of our farm and it was so hard it was really hard for it it wasn't it was hard for me and I mean I was getting to the point I really like dogs and I'm like you know we're gonna have one dog outside I don't wanna have any connection with it but again I put that thing out you guys okay so everybody's you know you guys started blowing up our phone thank you guys so much for caring about us you didn't even know what was going on and Stacy didn't even know I did that as a matter of fact because I I put that thing up and then I came in the house or whatever and I think her phone got a notification so she looked at his heels well why did you put that up you know and I was just like I don't know what else to do so I'm putting it out there to the universe and I'm gonna get some prayer some some vibes I'm gonna do something I don't know what else to do haha and I'm not kidding you guys it was about I was about 10:30 it was 1051 yeah I mean it was getting late we were we were wrapping it up you know I was doing a few things on the computer and I had the window cracked open and I heard a bar well like way way better way now if you guys are new to our channel as well I know I keep saying this but we used to ride Harley we wrote a Harley Davidson from coast to coast and when we pulled into Venice Beach California we went up to the hotel room we dumped off our luggage changing some shorts after a long ride and we walk down to Venice Beach and on our way back from Venice Beach to our hotel was like on the strip there I actually heard my motorcycle start up and drive away I'm walking down the street we were walking down the street and all of a sudden you could hear it so but they stole our motorcycle in California Venice Beach California it was that same kind of feeling that I had I was like I heard that bark way out in the distance and I knew that was my dog and I turned off the computer really quick and she's like what's up I said I heard Maggie I heard an army I heard Molly I heard Molly and so we're like tuning in real good and then I heard a bark like one more time when I jumped off but I grabbed my light and everything I had my headlamp and I'm blasting my headlamp over this way to the South here as far as I can and then all of a sudden I see your eyes her eyes are bouncing and running down the street and she's barking and I told Stacey I said they're here they're here there's Molly Molly's right there and so she's like she is she is I'm like yeah wait hold on five four cuz I already saw her running she's coming three two and boom she was right here in front of the house of oh my gosh we're so happy we were like Oh Molly were so happy to see you she came in the door oh my gosh guys she came into the door and she was so excited she was whittling and everything go crazy and all of a sudden then she puts her nose down on the ground and she like rolls over and back and then she puts her nose on the ground and she just falls down literally I mean like robbing onto the floor like oh my gosh these are my smells these are my people oh my gosh we were crying getting goose bumps we were like oh my gosh and then of course then you jump right into checking her body you know making sure she hadn't had a fight with a coyote there was the open wounds yeah and then it's like well where's Maggie yeah because she wasn't right with her so I dug yeah he was getting ready to get in the truck and started driving that away and then all of a sudden I hear some kind crunching on her rocks which is good these rocks are great because you know if anything's walking around me you can hear them on the rocks so if you guys don't give my security stuff know anything you can tell if you're big or small you can tell they're chickens or if you're a person and really here so all of a sudden I kind of I kind of heard like dog rock you know movement and so Maggie came around the other way back way here I'm like I don't know she must have came around she came through that way and through the woods up this way and then through the back and molly was running down the street here but Maggie was so excited to be home - I think you know she she thinks she's a big tough girl and she's gonna take Molly off with her but I think that she bit off a little bit more than she chewed I could see it in her eyes she was like you know I'm kind of sorry about this but yeah they came back and like yeah Molly's paw has a huge gash in it she can hardly walk and and Maggie's kind of her paws are kind of messed up to you yeah I'll take you guys over here show me what you're looking like right now Oh Molly see Molly's getting to be a big girl there's her bones she's big girl gets big bones right she's so good so she's a little tired yet and then you could see right here on her paw she's got a gas kind of right there on her Paul right there so other than that she's pretty good she's limping around a little bit no bite she's being a good girl they are super tired well you can't really tell cuz she's a puppy but she is tired and then Maggie's way over here she's still so tired she just has a tired looking face doesn't she oh my goodness that is so worried but her paws and everything is good with her but she is pretty tired right now and she's got a little bit of a you know her hips are sore from all the running around four-day dog story yeah motional rollercoaster because you know it is pretty some of you guys maybe they're starting a homestead or if you already have a homestead and how important a farm dog is yeah - you're just a whole little just keeps an order it really does it keep so much order and they're so important that they have such a great job here besides keeping you know us company and our great companion for us they do have a job here so when you're not it's like your Foreman is missing you know you have your Foreman here on the farm and it was so hard I thought this is so boring I I miss my dogs so much it's crazy how much they do here and you relighted until they're gone you know and so it was kind of tough it was really tough yeah for both of us seriously your guys's prayers and your action we're totally buying into you made it happen literally just a couple hours later all of a sudden we heard her we looked at each other and it's like oh my gosh it was like thank you guys so much you so much it was I did it is all that good energy was in the universe and look what you did and all your prayers thank you very much and you know you guys sent it out there and then all you all that touch base with us on the phone on a more personal level because you know how to get ahold we haven't been able to we've been kind of running around today before this video so now you know what happened and I'm just bulk saying my bulk Meho thank you guys very much for supporting what we asked you to do and you prayed for us and actually made this I'm totally telling you I'm totally believing that you guys made this happen okay I mean we were four days in going on the fifth day there was no hope with the Coyotes we could still hear in the off to the distance we've heard the stories before and then you know the second part of that is possibly somebody took them you know that was another thing that we were worried about around us we don't have a lot of people and the people that do live around us we know all they've been a quite a few miles around here and we know we know our dogs and everything like that so I wasn't buying into that hardcore but it does happen you know keep tags on our dogs so people can get ahold of us if they find them if you guys have a farm dog make sure your dog has a tag on it I'm not into the microchips but you might want to think about a microchip or something like that but again thank you guys very much for coming through for us for helping us out getting the dogs back home we're totally thankful yeah thank you so much I mean it was just I mean it was it was crazy these past few days and and we're so relieved we've kind of got a good night's sleep finally this night though so we're gonna do some more videos coming up we're gonna try to get these dailies out for you guys again breaks over the Suns here Springs in the air it's not gonna rain for a couple days so we're gonna plan on doing lots and lots of stuff our heads back in the game because our babies are back so we're gonna be building some more raised beds we're gonna be taking you guys on the gardening videos we're gonna walk you through this lamb issue and show you guys about bottle feeding a lamb it could work for a kid goat or even a calf we got just a ton of stuff for you guys if you have hit that subscribe button yet make sure you smash it down below give us a big thumbs up on this video because y'all help make it possible you did it you did it so thank you thank you yep and we'll see you guys on the next video alright smash that like button on your way out okay and leave a comment
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 242,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off Grid with Doug and Stacy, Doug and Stacy, Doug, Stacy, Off Grid, off the grid, off the grid living, off the grid homes, off grid living, off grid cabin, off grid with Doug and Stacy, off grid solar power system, off grid house, off grid homestead, off grid solar, homestead, homesteading, homesteading for beginners, homesteading off the grid, natural food recipes, holistic health, holistic living, off grid log cabin, log cabin, Airedale terrier
Id: SpwHWjMn1wI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 10sec (1870 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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