Off grid homestead hygiene

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okay okay Shalom Shalom YouTube today's a special treat today we got dog and Stacy in the same camera shop we are combining our popularity into one jam-packed video for you to check out with all your awesomeness so butter and jelly peanut butter and jelly are almost it what's that thing we used to say yeah no no no that's a song oh he didn't care no we were just saying a little while ago it's kind of like peanut butter and jelly but it was like a saying you know I don't know you remember how my wife is slowly showing signs of Alzheimer's no because I take coconut oil that won't happen all right so we have a little bit of buddy just going on it's the end of Winter Springs coming it's warm today 50 degrees snows melting the creek that runs alongside of our house is rocking you think we were in the mountains somewhere yeah this ring run off it's crazy we have so much snow and it's melting all today yeah we love that stuff it's except for the mess that it creates so as soon as the ground gets dried out we'll be hitching up the team fly one under the garden probably I don't know if I'll drop off a video but we have to trim our blackberry bushes we were doing strawberries and we found out basically that is labor-intensive it is so much more we started you know we don't smart or anything small we started with like 250 strawberry plants would like any more Rose it was my favorite garden yeah so I'm in BlackBerry's er I like them better a lot of we might easy I berries and if you can get past the weeding and we put a lot of straw down that's why they call them strawberries we put tons of straw down and then both the problem is even to when you go to pick them you have to on your hands and knees you're always squatting so it's like really hot outside it's not very much fun along with all the other stuff in the gardens so we're gonna have like a little patch of strawberries and that's it yeah we've hunted strawberries but we're on the blackberries and they're the bomb right great bro awesome pick a buddy money me yeah and not too much going on we put some straw out for those too but it should be a lot less labor-intensive we put them in the last year records oh yeah yeah we put it in last spring yeah so there we actually got blackberries off them right away so so we though we got a trim those but yeah there's gonna be a lot of stuff going on if you guys are subscribing to us and checking us out during the winter we're going to be cramming so much stuff through spring summer and early fall they follow that I mean you're going to get some bang for your buck over here grown and paid so today right now we wanted to bring this video because what are we calling it homestead hygiene homestead hygiene because you know when you come from the city when I was growing up my spacing and tell you about herself but when I was growing up my mom cracked the whip you had to take a shower every day wash your hair every day and that was just kind of a thing she believed in the thing that she did you know I mean she always had us in the shower taking a bath whatever but every single day you had to have that and now we're fine fine enough she found out we're finding out that's totally bogus so we're gonna talk about that today what happened when you were a kid was your mom strict on well no you just took I mean I gonna bath everyday when you're older you just lie to you we just you know everyone - did it you think of it you took a shower being but I have to say because my parents were older when they had me so my mom they were like 40 she's the only child so so my dad you know kind of grew up like old country way and he I mean he took a shower once a week I mean once a week once a week um and then you know everybody else would just you know soap soap soap they advertise everything is about oh this luxurious soap this and that well now you know um you know you're finding out that you have like these will night Byam biomes on your skin just like you have got flora to help with your gut bacteria to help with your immune system well same things on your skin because your skin is an organ so people are just obsessed with cleanliness when it comes to cleaning and soaking up all the hand sanitizer every time you touch something got a hand sanitize scrub scrub scrub scrub and so you there's a reason we have this I mean of course you're going to have germs and it's just wash your hands and things like that but people are doing it too much and you're taking off all the good stuff so we kind of want to talk about this because when we moved out here um right now we're kind of limited on a water so we know how much water takes to take a bath how much water it takes to do the dishes how much water takes into your animals I mean it's a precious commodity so you know people take it for granted I need to take for a person to take a shower just a shower um for seven minutes it's like it'll fill up a whole bathtub so and people are taking more and more showers and sometimes you're taking more than one one a day no just kind of depends on up what's up so we wanted to talk about kind of like how it is on the homestead how we take care of herself how we clean ourselves and all that so yeah so basically what we do is I lick her and then she licks me just like the cat's then we're just clean we lick our hands and our feet our paws our skin no I'm just kidding no but so yeah I mean I'll just say this underarm deodorant is a multi bazillion dollar business well it is so bad for you they don't want you to know other than out there you don't heavy metal hey they don't need it and be that it's not good for you and the one thing that I can tell you for sure is that when you're eating toxic you're gonna smell toxic okay so um cuz I'll just tell you I'm a sweater and where we lived you know because we haven't always been like this I mean it's like this gradual transition you know she's always been kind of a healthy eater but we've gotten even healthier as time was brought on right so um I was eating toxic and I would smell you know because I'm a sweater but as we've gotten out here and the last couple years maybe we were on the grid and living in town we were eating better so I was thinking less because it's that old adage of garbage in garbage out right stinky and sticky out right stinky and stick yeah so when you're eating toxic you're gonna wreak faster and more profound than you would if you're eating good since we've been eating good I mean I've even used deodorant okay let's talk about deodorant I don't but real quick I haven't used your ranking I can't even tell you how long and she does make our homegrown deodorant with oh yeah whatever I know hold on just bacon soda soda basically is baking soda with some lavender yes we do use that but I only I give I barely put like any smells I'll say you need to put a little on you really need a pinch pretty rare yeah and so I'm not afraid to tell you I might take a bath you know what twice a week once every two weeks depends on what I got going on in the winter time that's a lot slow because your skin gets dry but like you know once a week if you take a good bath depths I mean that's for us in the winter now in the summer it's a different story yes wedding and we got dirt along the pond and use some soul about oh yeah we'll take a gallon jug of water or just kind of rinse off but the thing is on on taking a bath um the where most of the problem people have it is probably from the waist down so and your feet and your hands and under your arms so basically you'll take a you know if you take your shower you'll take a shower and when you're if you let's say you're gonna take a shower every day or every other day to maybe cut back it'll help with em cima dry skin stuff like that don't wash with soap your whole body's just wash the dick your underarms below the belt you know and your feet and those are the things you want to target on especially de lille if you're not going to take a full bath or a full shower every single day you want to make sure especially your feet because you're picking up stuff especially if you walk bare barefooted to get all that so wash your feet you know wash private parts wash under your arms and then don't put so much soap everywhere and then when you're done you get all the good stuff off of your your body all the my violence and then you put like chemical a lotions and stuff on you yeah you're going to do it coconut oil or olive oil or something that you can adjust the same olive oil we'll use of our salad just slap such laughs it rubs it right on her Ameno me around my feet and just think about biblically to that the the high priest would wash their hands and their feet in the brazen so you know that's the you know focus even to this day even you shoe all right the Messiah is talking about washing the feet you know that's always been a big deals because you know when you're connected to the earth walking barefooted you know you're getting that onto your feet so you want to wash that off so it's uh it's good stuff and when you're okay this is the largest organ your skin is large right so if you're washing it all the time I think putting those chemicals on there your body's sucking those chemicals 80% of what you put on your skin it sucks it so you can't okay what are those kidney problems liver problems all these different problems with your inner organs your and your stand in that shower think about it you know the waters got chlorine well at that that you should have a water filter if you do take especially showers a lot yeah fluoride get a filter you're breathing it too right you hear about drinking water has fluoride I mean that same water is coming out of your shower there's no separate water and you put that all over your skin and your skin something that stuff it not good not good okay talk about that you talk about it all right so if you're gonna use deodorant and the thing is is if you use it all the time and when you don't use it you're like oh my gosh I smell so bad so there's like a weaning process that you have to go through because we did go through that it was hard you're like oh my gosh I smell so bad and especially in the summer where you were if you were a shorter sleeve or something um for us I tried some different recipes if you get online you can find a lot of different recipes that work um baking soda is an odor absorber and it works fabulous all you need is a pinch don't do a ton here we are totally into like excessive don't put it a lot because you only need a teeny teeny teeny bit what the size of a dying maybe if you could if you put in your hand I mean little bitty I mean you don't need right yeah how about the size of a dime or a penny I think a dime something petty and then you can put it put a little spritz of water in your hand you can rub it together like this so it's such a thin film and you're just going to kind of wipe it right that's it that's it and then wait a little bit and let's say you were like the stinkiest you can have hands and you couldn't take a shower whatever you had to go somewhere it sucks up and odor like you cannot believe it that's baking powder now you've got a soda that's why you put it in your fridge right because it sucks up to all that smell that's the same thing that's gonna do on your body and what it's healthy for you doesn't have aluminium it's not gonna have any of those bad properties and not at all many people if you guys are watching this if you look up dr. Mercola dr. Mercola did a whole thing today that's kind of how because I wanted to talk about it I thought well let's do today cuz he just uses a little bit once a week and he talks about all the benefits of not using especially a shoot and I don't even remember any of the names of the stuffy more brute or a degree or sure oh no no you don't worry about nasty that's a fan yeah bad news bad news and I would say just you know only use it as necessary but try not to use it if you don't have to if you're stinky somebody's going to let you know especially your significant other because if they can't tell you that you're stinky or your zippers down you know there's a problem that's up so that's deal okay now this is now castile soap has been around forever I think it got its name from Spain it's just a way it's like a vegetable so it's usually it was always made with olive oil but now they have more hybrids and all that and this dr. Bronner's is a is a popular one I mean there's lots of other types of castile stuff so we're made with like avocado avocado oil coconut oil hemp oil that's hip oil and so it's got a mixture of a few in here but this is a liquid one and here's the bar soap and what's good about this you can use it for everything you can wash your hair with it you can do your laundry with it I make my laundry detergent using this too um you can press your DS I do my make homemade soap with it like we use or with our hands you know there's what you can do with this millions of things and that's why I say I'd like to pick a couple things and just keep it on the homestead and we use it for everything so this stuff is great it's very gentle for children um for anybody you know and there's really not any allergic reactions but if you have an allergic reaction all right us told you - oh good more it's just very gentle very wonderful Castille so here's a bar soap if you want to take you know a bath of the bar soap it's great no where are you picking these up at you can learn them online or get almost anywhere carries they come in st. Louis or whatever well I get it a Trader Joe's gallon Whole Foods has a little market problem I know Roberto Fit Whole Foods sure he doesn't need a shopping idea she does it but I'm gonna I would like to do I'm gonna make out of the bar you can make the liquid soap so I'm going to do a video sometime later about that but um what I want to do is show you I make homemade wet wipes right and they're wonderful wonderful because there any bacterial and viral and fungal and if you just want to wipe off or you know just clean your hands or just whatever even under your arms it totally cleans you up and it refreshes you and they're just great and again one of the things on the homestead is knowing where the products come from if you can make and mix and prepare and supply your own products for yourself out of common ingredients that you can find you'll know exactly what's going into that and then what's touching your body or what you're ingesting into your body that right you want to know where cause a way to go that's freedom web mics are like multi-billion dollar how many all this but look at the chemicals on there it was terrible and then you're putting on your baby's butt right you know think about that and it's very inexpensive to make web light we're on a very inexpensive and you can make a ton of them and you know exactly they smell so good and they're wonderful a lot of those baby wet wipes you put on your baby's butt that you just talked about they'll entice you with life it has a little era or you know it'll it'll show you some nice little thing and then people never ever read the background every it's is it's like a freaking paragraph long in small print of all the other toxic garbage that's in there but on the front it has this nice aloe vera plant and everyone knows olivera's good and then bone you pick purchase it and smear it all over your kid come on down that's right okay celery basically and there's millions waves doing it you can use an old wet wipe container um I just got little thing you know like a little Tupperware thing like this and then what I do is I get my wet one I get my paper towels and you want to eat them better you want to use a better paper towel yeah like a quicker picker-upper bounty or so yeah yeah better a better one will spend it'll work with a cheaper one too but basically what I do is depending on the sides or the one she's already pre folded for the next batch so here it's got the two like little rectangles and then I take it and I like to fold them like this okay so this is going to be a portable one that if you were a mom and you wanted to make homemade wet wipes pour it in your diaper bag just what you can put in your diaper bag and I haven't done it yet I'm going to show you so I put it in here I think there's 20 of them in here and they're gonna push down because I'm going to get them wet and then you put them in a nice ziplock bag so this is my to go mine or I might I have one in the car that I take with me so that would be another one or instead of their I would put all my dry ones in here I think I can fit like thirty of them in here and it'll be pretty high when I first do it okay so then what I do is I get a cup this measures to be a cup I use this to measure everything with it's not an official measuring cup but I have good water in here not chlorinated water pure water and then I'm going to get a squirt of my soap you can whatever just shope you have I just do a little squirt and then almond oil so it'll be a little bit more moisturizing and then I put a little couple squirts of that in there and then I'm going to put lavender and tea tree so I'll just put maybe some lavender yeah and there's some tea tree oil okay and then all I'm going to do is pour it in the back kind of cover it up pretty good okay and then I'll zip it up lift it up pretty good and then it's going to soak it up you don't want your wet wipes to be really wet like first at first I started do it and I put my oh that's not enough and I keep pouring stuff in there don't smush it'll do it so so you think you're getting too much you don't want to put too much because then they'll get too moist you want to just a little damp yeah when you use a mill tear on you and all that yeah so then when you're ready you just take them out and then you can use them and they smell great you can use any kind of flavor essential oils that you like I mean any any of them will work if you want to put a little merrier if you want to do like peas oil I mean I tried different ones all the time but I always keep these like in the bathroom um they're great or even is like you know if you're going to the bathroom you can use it as a wet life like that too because it's also it's anti bacterial fungal but you know to worry about anything going on you know if you don't want to get my cup and it going to infection I want to get two versus all that it'll help with any dad stop so you should probably just do it anyways it's good for your for a crack attack you know you want to keep that clean down there behind you - Mac attack joke I always like to throw jokes out there she loves it so yeah so basically what we're talking about during this whole video in case you didn't get the gist of it is don't over wash and uh or maybe if you take an advance hour every day try to do Ellen other thing is your hair so a lot of girls especially wash their hair everyday and it takes all the natural oils out of it maybe if you do it everyday try every other day and you'll notice your hair is healthier or shinier or if you have really thick hair once every five days six days even once a week because you'll just notice is like wow you know I have a friend too that started taking coconut oil and he's telling me I mean he's no and a difference in his hair and because of that difference he's saying he's not even washing his hair as much as he did before and this is a true testimony he just talked to me about it today even and he's noticing the difference already he we you know are we had our video about oral hygiene and using the coconut oil but you can also eat a teaspoon a day and it will work on your insides and make everything your skin will be a little better and your hair and your fingernails I mean that's really good fat for you to take in and he's a he's testifying that it's really helped he's noticed the difference in his hair so I thought that was good so he says he's not washing his hair as much because it's you know he just feel that it's healthier that he doesn't feel like he needs to wash it as much okay let me talk about something a little different than that sure but on the same kind of wavelength um I know a lot of girls who wash their hair everyday oh my gosh I can't go without washing my hair but you kind of go through just like with the deodorant you kind of stink a little bit when you're trying to withdraw it's sort of like being on drugs I mean think about that there's only really small pastas my body is so with the same thing with the hair they'll be noticing like oh my hair is kind of weird you know because you've been used to you know the oils being taken out and washed all the time so you got it have to go through a process where you maybe you'll go every other day and then you'll notice as you keep doing it that your hair doesn't look greasy like it would if I watched it every day then you can maybe go to three days and see what happens but the more you start doing it your hair will get a lot more healthier and then the oils will be staying inside less you're just aren't doing it the left Mori practice unless you wash your hair right so once maybe every other day if you do it everyday try it and just do it for a while if you would have it right we don't have to be these obsessive compulsive clean freaks that the big companies want us to be because then we consume their products and then they buy yachts and mansions and live on private islands do you want to you know keep your hygiene up this isn't an anti hygiene YouTube video what this is is just explaining to you that you're overdoing it you know mean again you know I was talking to somebody the other day and I'm saying you don't see how Gore living the way Doug and Stacy do you don't see the elitist who are out there talking about global warming and all that stuff living the way Doug and Stacy do you know all they do is shake their finger at you and tell you you need to cut back on consumption while they while they consume consume consume so our point is that you don't need to shower and bathe every single day you can save the environment by not using as much water resources from your local municipality if that's where you're at or if you're off the grid of course water is a commodity you know wells do run dry and you know just cut back on things that are kind of wasteful and showering every day and washing your body every day is not necessarily on the stove right rinsing off is great rinsing off and then washing the necessary areas right that's that's good we're just talking about you know come on you know what I'm talking about you guys like to stand in that shower let the water beat down on you especially are the other thing is hot water don't do like boiling hot shower because that's really bad for skin you're gonna do it to a little cooler water no more take freezing cold water you see those YouTube videos where they're getting the freezing cold water it's good stuff wakes you up yeah coming up through this video I'm gonna take Stacy down on the bottom I'm gonna put her in there right quick but um so basically that's it we shared with you how to make some homemade hand wipes so you don't have to buy from the man you get your paper towels a couple good water not chlorinated water and some of your favorite smell goods some tea tree or and some lavender mixed together with some olive oil to give it a soft touch almond oil or olive oil work - whatever you got jojoba oil whatever Helia squirt of the castile soap castile soap super good member we like to use one thing that covers a lot of area castile soap you can use tons of different applications and then put it in a bag or put it in your container oh you got wet wipes that you don't have to buy from the man they last give yourself a bath you could dry what anything would spot clean you're like if you're camping these are great we take for you yeah if you had some sofas yeah rain you know we're gonna help you get a bug-out bag together without even making a bug-out bag video seeds homemade hand wipes what was the other thing we talked about that would be good in the bug out back remember no she doesn't told so that's it that's it from Duncan Stacey we just want to drop off this hygiene thing if you come into our log home you will not smell funkiness we're not some people saying hey don't think about we don't take your bath right and we don't stink or nothing so while we're doing is trying to say that you don't need to do it as much give your organ give your body oh you just got cuckoo so you know give your body a rest from that just I mean it's just you just think about it just drying it out then what you do is you dry it out and then the man want you to come in by the moisturizer so then you go buy the lotions and then you dry it out again and then you buy more lotion and then you know - vicious cycle break free from all that stuff enjoy the homemade stuff okay my skin I would always be skin with itch and all this kinda stuff all the time and then when I stop taking so many showers with a lot of soap right Mike I don't itch anymore and we were using still pretty good so probably I mean what's not losing like dial or nothing to me well no I yeah Jenny but I'm not - like what how I always took really hot shower you know all that you got to take all that and consider what's the water that's coming out of those showers are you know is bad we got a filter yeah we did have a filter yeah you can get on my today I'm at Home Depot on it you can throw a Mon tier see how I use filters and they're great you change maybe four or five months right and it does help when we did notice the difference where we started doing this because then you're breathing that chlorinated stuff that comes out of your municipal water all right be aware of that okay so if you got any questions leave them in the comment section below hopefully it was helpful to you if you want to see more of the Duggan Stacey show the comment down there usually we just have one person doing the video whatnot and also make sure you hit the like button and also the subscribe button if you're not subscriber already and I will drop a hint to you that that video that everyone's been anticipating about the is not too far away so we're not going to tell you which one it is but when we do it you'll know and then it was going to be you're going to have to do a little something on your end and like said we're going to have a first place in a second place and we're going to give you all the details in the video we're not going to label it as a contest video so we don't want to catch the people that are just surfing around YouTube looking for contest videos trying to win and never really participating in the channel we're going to embed it into a video that we're doing and so then you'll know hey this is the video and then you can respond accordingly and then maybe you could be a winner and we give away what it's going to be something cool telling you first place second place something cool so it's coming don't think we didn't think forget about you and we want to thank everybody for subscribing or watching us and sticking with us and sharing their ideas and talks and you know I got some people out there that are talking biblical stuff with me and I appreciate that and you know I will tell you that what we won't agree on some stuff and I'm cool with that but if we keep the we have to keep the Torres the gold standard okay so if you want to try to bring up something in the New Testament and say that this is how it is if it does not have a root or a bar witness in the Torah then it's going to be discarded okay because that's the facts Jax there's nothing no there's too much corruption going on in the New Testament with the hellenization with the Gnostic beliefs with the Mithra beliefs that have been incorporated into Christendom just like I said about the three wise man there's no such thing as three wisemen in your scriptures yet every one of the people in Christendom and we were one included you know not say anything bad here I'm just saying that you know once we started studying and we've rejected the live we started learning the truth that that's the problem that's been told to us and we believe it and then we try to read into the scripture what it's not even there but we're trying to read into it because we already have this belief system you have to shed what you believe so to speak and start to look at the stuff in a different mindset not the greek-roman American Western world mindset but the Hebraic mindset of the first century and what they would have believed and just just that's all I'm trying to say so I love talking about that stuff I got a couple people right now we're kind of going at it I'm looking for a couple more videos are not videos but email correspondence from some people that we've talked and I've been waiting for them to respond and I love doing that stuff so I never shy away from that so if you want to do that I love that and you know we got a lot of comments about some of the stuff we're bringing up people or ask some questions about the de and about the mouth stuff we just love to interact with people and hopefully you know all about you know knowledge and be aware we've been like dumbed down all this time to buy this and do it when really I mean it's all been given to us right you know that's why we're trying to go back to the 1800 lifestyle in this household we try to live it the best we can we're learning more um you know we work with them all the ways are the best ways all this consumerism commercialism and all these isms and this television stuff and you know again a big throw out to our tiny home adventures they pulled the plug on the kids took the TV away from them and you know the heck's who shallow in their home from doing that the kids were fighting with each other and all that stuff and then they turned it on and they notice the difference immediately that the kids were vegging on the couch I think they said six hours or eight hours or seven hours or something that is the worst thing you can do for your body is sedentary is sitting on a couch for that long time we are made to move move move the man is the hunter and the gatherer we are to be out there moving and shake and all the time our bodies are made just for that we this doesn't have to do with hygiene but right I was talking give you guys a little another challenge what if you start doing this for every hour that you sit try to stand up for at least 90 seconds because that kind of recharges everything your triglycerides and just how the body is moving and reacting your limps of and everything so and then a dr. Levine he did this really cool study on this and it really is it really works so try to stand up move around to get the body jump-started and go again and then sit back down because in agrarian societies like you know well we work a lot here so we don't have time to sit often so for three hours um they maybe would sit three hours out of the whole day and agrarian societies but in our day and time people sit for 10 12 13 so it's so bad for you that's why we have a lot of rightness disease a lot of problems diabetes I mean it's just really just terrible so get up and move in if you can't do it then get up stand up and kind of jumpstart your body it only takes about 90 seconds you know if you want to just kind of stretch a little bit and then sit back down after your 90 seconds um and it's great so we just wanna that was a teaser for one of our future YouTube videos alright well thanks for stopping by we don't want to keep blabbering I'm going to get up because I'm in charge of the camera operations our our camera crew called in sick today so I don't know our camera crew could work today it was Shabbat so we couldn't employ them to work today so we're on our own so and I'll say take charge of your holistic health see you later
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 207,668
Rating: 4.9235435 out of 5
Keywords: Off, grid, homesteading, homestead, hygiene, soap, bible, Torah
Id: AnPvceLikXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 20sec (1880 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2015
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