CAST IRON cooking tip no one tells you! | OFF GRID LOG CABIN

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well welcome back to the log cabin it is another blustery very windy windy day today and it's getting ready to rain so I thought it would be a great time to put the wood-burning cook stove to work and get some cast iron and really make a easy simple breakfast that you guys I think will love I know a lot of you guys say that cast iron pans are a little heavy for you because I know they are for me and I want to show you something that is probably since I could discover this it's one of my favorite ways to cook let me show you this real quick kids art comes in different sizes and it is heavy a lot of times you have to hold it with two to weigh out duty to do wrist exercises because they are heavy especially when you get these big ones like this and I'm always having done saying come and help me Doug I can't figure it off of the stove and put it up so cast iron can be very heavy and so I think a lot of people tend to move away from it because it's too heavy but I have a solution that you guys are gonna love so for years I was using these bigger ones and they were fine but then I discovered these little or cast iron pan and actually I love it because if you just have a single but you're single or you just maybe have as a husband and wife or just two people this works out great it's very easy to pick up and I love the way that it comes out I cook so much with these it makes the best like Dutch baby little pancakes it's amazing and actually when you fill this up it's enough for two people and the other thing that I love about it is when you put your eggs in there you can put two or three eggs in there flip them over they come out perfectly brown and they look awesome so these pans work out amazing and I'm going to show you a great recipe that you guys can use and then generally if you have two people and your people you can get two of these pans and they're really easy to manipulate and they're not very heavy so I want you guys to pay attention don't pay attention to a shirt because we'll talk about that later but we're gonna go outside and we might have to put on some background music because it is a little windy outside and get some things for when I'm making for you let's go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] well that was fun I got mags how do you guys go ahead and put your eggs in your pocket and then sometimes forget about them and then later on you go and you have like crack dig in your pocket leave a comment below if that's ever happened to you because this happened to be a few times dug this up at the woodlot and I'm gonna make him this breakfast so all I'm gonna do is get rid of these big heavy pans we'll put them back you got cuckoo at the same time and if you're new around here my husband I live in this log cabin that we built ourselves we live off-grid we have no public utilities or wind turbines or anything and that is our cuckoo clock so all you're gonna need is three four five eggs depends if you're doing one or two servings I'm using some onion flakes some dehydrated onions if not you can use regular fresh onions these are just some of my onions I'm gonna make one serving so all I'm gonna do is use three eggs so I'm going to crack my eggs in the pan or in my chips in my bowl and I'm just gonna whip them up now a little trick to making your eggs fluffy just a little squirt in there now the trick to doing and using your cast iron is you want your pan to be warm so I make some of this ghee which is clarified butter just basically taking the milk solids away from the pure butter oil so I'm gonna liberally put some ghee in there and then I'm gonna put this in our wood-burning cook stove in the oven at about 350 or so so the pan and the ghee gets nice and warm and everything else all right while we're waiting for my pan to get warm let's talk about the new t-shirts what do you think the permaculture pyramid I love them I think they're totally cool the links will be below I just love my wood cook stove put that oak in there really get the temperature up good so it's been in there about 10 minutes so my pans nice and toasty and while that was in the oven I washed and chopped up my cilantro I know a lot of people don't like cilantro you can use any other herb you can try parsley would be really good with this too so you can do parsley or cilantro but we love cilantro so I'm using me I got some sour cream and this is some of my fermented salsa can use any kind of salsa and all you're gonna do is take your egg mixture pour it in the pan already kind of cooking sprinkle some of your onions on it stick it in the oven for maybe 10 12 minutes or so [Music] until it's golden brown your oven should be about 350 you're gonna keep it in there about 10-12 minutes then we'll check it in just a little bit in the meantime I want to talk about kind of when you guys eat when we're heating and I always tell you this we don't want to eat food that's always been cooked all the time it's always good to add live food into every meal so in this meal I'm gonna be adding of course my cilantro and cilantro I love cilantro because it is amazing it's one of the best heavy-metal to tax the fires for our body just to help us get rid of those heavy metals which were inundated with and everything from the air from your furniture from the food we eat so I always tried to like get cilantro in our meal so I'm going to do the cilantro and then I am the fermented salsa and fermented salsa if you guys haven't made it it is so simple and easy to make and it only takes three or four days to let it ferment and then it's ready to go I do have a video on that so check that out if you guys haven't seen that video and it's very simple and easy wait I still have some salsa from last season down in our root cellar that we still using it tastes amazing and so that's what we're going to put on there so I have a fermented food which is a live food probiotic and also my cilantro so try when you're eating your food think about every meal if you're having breakfast lunch dinner however that you're adding some type of live food on to it and try not to eat just everything cooked because then that way you'll get a lot of those good life yummy enzymes nutrients from your food and here's another point about eggs we have our own chickens so we have farm-fresh eggs but maybe you guys don't have you know the opportunities to have fun fresh eggs there's so much benefit to getting farm-fresh eggs health-wise so if you guys are living around farmers or you can get involved into US Community Supported Agriculture CSA or go to farmers market where you see fresh eggs do it because farm-fresh eggs when you look at the yolk they're much more orangie and bright yellow because of their outside running around eating the bugs and the worms they're getting vitamin D and they're getting all the benefits from that compared to a conventionally raised chicken that's cooped up inside that might be crammed together that's not getting all those wonderful nutrients you also get a lot more omega-3 fatty acids from the a compared to the omega sixes and omega sixes help to contribute to inflammation if you get too much compared to the Omega threes which are anti inflammation so you're going to get so much more nutrition out of a farm-fresh egg so if you can I would go that extra mile like I say get involved look up see SAS Community Supported Agriculture and your farmers markets and start getting those eggs if not start raising some chickens a few moments later alright then about 12 minutes hmm looking good so now I'm just gonna let this cool just a little bit and it's gonna deflate sometimes that you puff up really big just like you're making bread it's gonna deflate a little bit and then we'll dump it out in the pan and I'll show you how I finish it up a lot of times we'll just eat out of the cast-iron pan but I just want to show you how easy and it comes out of the pan and how pretty it can look so wha does is it flips out and then I'm gonna go ahead and put my sauce on top of it just like that put my sour cream avocado the cilantro I normally will put like a whole avocado on there but that's all the avocado I had left because I think the avocado really makes it taste amazing but it's up to you you guys have an avocado you can use it it tastes good without avocado too so that's all it is and then you just serve it up and it is amazing oh it smells so good I'm starving to death hmm hmm it's delicious leave a comment below if you guys are gonna make this give it a big thumbs up because it is a big thumbs up it's so good so I want to know I want all you guys to do it so leave a comment below other than that guys have a awesome day start cooking from scratch and I will see you later bye I'm gonna fishing [Music]
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 227,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off Grid with Doug and Stacy, Doug and Stacy, Doug, Stacy, Off Grid, off the grid, off the grid living, off the grid homes, off grid living, off grid cabin, off grid with Doug and Stacy, off grid solar power system, off grid house, off grid homestead, off grid solar, homestead, homesteading, homesteading for beginners, homesteading off the grid, natural food recipes, holistic health, holistic living, cast iron, cast iron pans, cast iron cooking
Id: 5slJcHZ3o7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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