I HATED making SOURDOUGH BREAD until this happened!

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hi guys welcome back to the log cabin and it is another rainy day it's very cold and wet and I thought it would be a good day to come on in and make some grilled cheese sourdough sandwiches and I put a couple extra ingredients that make it extra special so I wanted to bring you guys along and kind of show you how I make my grilled cheese sandwiches I guess it's been about 10 years or so Doug and I started our off-grid journey and we you know try to get good and master a lot of skills and for me you know I learned how to ferment I learned how to can I learn how to forage I learned how to you know work the wood burn and cook stove and I mastered all these skills and I got very good at them and uh you know making kombucha I mean all these different things and I got really good at everything but the one thing for me that I struggled with so hard it was like my kryptonite was making sourdough bread and I know you guys can totally totally relate with me a lot of you guys can you know you watch all these videos and you watch people making the perfect sourdough bread and I could never do it and I would get frustrated and I would have so many problems so let it started when I started really getting into it a few years ago I had gotten a sourdough starter like covered wagon sourdough starter and I was so excited well we live off-grid we don't have air conditioning and then I was feeding it over and over every day and then you get all this sourdough starter and it's like you can't make enough pizza crusts and pancakes and biscuits you know to get the amount that you have of the dough so I was like oh my gosh but I just kept it up you know and what happened was in the summer time it got so hot here you know it's a hundred degrees very humid it would get rancid and so then I kind of stopped doing it for a while the other thing that was hard for me was like I like things to be as easy as I can I don't want it to be a lot of trouble because I have a million things going on here so like when I make bread it would make such a mess you know I'd have the flour all over the counter and beyond the floor would be all over the cabinets then you know what happens when you get water with the flour it gets sticky and I would have big messes and you know then you have to knead it and then you have to put it somewhere and you have to let it rise and then you have to knead it again and you have to let it rise and then I would forget about it and and so it was just really it was very complicated for me and then besides that like you do it all and then you would put it in the pan and then I would always forget to score it and then and I know you guys have done that too you forget to score it and then it would be really flat or it wouldn't look pretty I mean it was just crazy I tried it in the cast iron pans I've tried it you know the cast iron pans it generally works it was okay but I just was never very comfortable with it like it was always like oh I got to make bread again it wasn't one of those things where I was excited to make bread so I just started doing like a lot of problem-solving and trying to figure out how how can I make it easy for me where it wouldn't be messy where it would be easy and it would be something that I could do and I would be very successful and it would be healthy for me and it would taste good and it would work and then I remembered what my wonderful husband said progress not perfection and that was I think what I needed to hear to kind of help me kind of go to the next level you know sometimes it's good to get like a little motivational speaker to kind of help you and say hey you know you need to do this and he was my motivational speaker that kind of helped me and from man on out I really put my mind to it and I said I'm gonna figure this out and I did so first of all before I give you my secret I'm gonna have to have you guys wait till the end of the video but sourdough is a traditional bread and it is the oldest form of you got kukuda so sourdough bread is a traditional bread and it's the oldest form of leavened bread it dates back to ancient Egypt now back then all bread was either unleavened or basically sourdough bread now it is thought that sourdough bread could have been by accident when the bread the unleavened bread was left out and then the wild yeast attached to it and lo and behold you get sourdough bread so the sourdough is made from the wild yeast it's not like an instant yeast like we're used to now like the commercial yeasts it was something that we got you know from name it's much easier to digest the bacteria and the yeast of the starches gets broken down into grains so basically it kind of pre digests it and then in turn it makes it easier on your digestion but it also has a much lower glycemic index and it won't spike your blood Sugar's like other breads generally will because it's assimilated to the body much more slowly so a lot of people that can't tolerate traditional or actual like conventional breads can tolerate sourdough bed much better and even some people that may have certain types of gluten intolerance --iz can do the sourdough because of the starches being eaten up and predigested and then also if you have problems with blood sugar you're able to eat the sourdough and I'm one of those people that I can't eat regular bread or I can feel my blood sugar I'm very sensitive to that but I can do sourdough bread and it does not bother me at all but everyone's different so you always have to check and see so now let's get started and I'm going to show you the sandwich that I'm going to make today and talk a little bit more about my recipe that I have perfected over the years but all you're gonna need to make this grilled cheese sandwich is your bread and I'm gonna do the sourdough bread of course and you're gonna need some cheese of your choice today I'm using Gouda and I'm gonna use a little cream cheese you don't have to do this but I'm just gonna kind of put a little kick into it so I'm gonna do them cream cheese and then some greens it can be any kind of greens if you feel comfortable with I have some arugula that we had in our coal frame outside and a little spinach so I'm gonna do a mixture of those but you can do all spinach you can do a ring Rugel a can do kale can do Swiss chard whatever green that you like and a little you can do some olive oil I'm gonna use some ghee or some butter or something that you are comfortable with and that's it so let's get going the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm going to saute my Green's in the ghee right now so that first my greens are sauteed and so I want to kind of go back a little bit and talk to you about how I got the sourdough recipe and and kind of how I went through my process so I had got it from Baker Creek at their spring planning festival at the spring planning festival in Mansfield Missouri and they have a bakery there and they had the actual sourdough culture so I got a covered wagon sourdough culture from Tajikistan and basically all you need to do is to keep it as you feed it every two weeks and I thought awesome I can do every two weeks just keep it in the refrigerator and feed it every two weeks so what I liked about it and I had tried different ways you know feeding it in the morning feeding in the afternoon feeding at night what worked for me the best was in the evening I would pour my whole jar out of my starter and then I would put 3/4 cup of warm water to 1 cup of flour easy stir it up let it set overnight when I got up in the morning then I would go ahead and pour the majority back in my jar to put in the refrigerator and then I kept about 3/4 of a cup of the starter in my bowl to make my bread with to the starter I added 5 cups of warm water make sure it's you know a filtered purified tap water spring water you don't want to use chlorinated water so 5 cups of the warm water and then I did 5 teaspoons of unrefined salt I like to use the Redman salt and then it had 1/2 of a teaspoon of cane sugar and 1/2 of a teaspoon of olive oil so I just mix that all together and then what I really liked about it after that it was all mixed up then there was no measurements on your flour because you know a lot of times when I'm doing this recipe I'll try different types of flour so sometimes I would mix spelt with I'm corn flour or spelt and whole wheat flour you know just different it just depends what I was in the mood for a rye or whatever you're using whatever that you use so what I would do is you would just put in enough flour into your recipe that it would make it into a bread dough so that works got great I would just put my flour in there and then I would just kind of I used I started using I started using the spatula because I try you know there's all the different cutting things and the different tools and I was just having a lot of troubles with it all so I just had my big stainless steel bowl and I would just kind of fold it over and I started that like kneading it that much then my handle bit sticky I didn't want to get so much in the flour I mean you know you know guys you know what I'm talking about so I would go ahead and I started put in the bowl and then I would just kind of fold it over a few times and then I would let it set I put my towel on it and then in the morning I would let it go all day and then around dinnertime I would go ahead and it would rise a little bit and then I would go ahead and I would fold it a few times more then I don't put the towel map on it and then I would let it go overnight and then in the morning I'm gonna go ahead and get ready to bake my bread I would take the towel off and I would go ahead and knead it a little bit with the spatula and then I would put the bread into greased bread pans now here is where I started having a problem like I was telling guys earlier half the time I would always forget to score it and then it would be very flat and it would rise very well so I remember I go over to the Amish a lot and when they make bread they would get like two stalks of the bread dough and they would put two of them in a pan and that's how they bake their bread and they kind of go together so that they're easier to break apart so then I started going because we don't it's just duck and I and we don't have a lot of people so I thought I'm gonna do it in three chunks so I would get my pans and I would put three blobs of dough in each of the pants and the cool thing about it as you can see it kind of makes it look crazy-looking I liked it because all I would need to do is I can just pull it apart watch see how nice it just pulls apart like that because of the three little blobs that I put in it so I call this my my ugly three not bread sourdough bread and that way let's say I'm gonna just use this piece and I can put the rest of this away and it doesn't you know kind of get all messed up so I started doing it like that and it was working really well and look how pretty it looks by the way isn't it nice nice and dense it's a wonderful bread so I just started doing it I didn't need it that much I just would you know let it set most of the day and I would do it in the next morning so the next morning I would put my three blobs in my trays and then I would put it in the oven and a lot of recipes that you look for sourdough bread it says you know you need to put your temperature high and then bring it down low well half the time you know I forget or I'm busy and I have a wood-burning cook stove sometimes my temperature isn't perfect so I would just kind of think it'll still cook won't it if I just keep it at a regular temperature so generally it was about 350 or so I would put my bread in and just I wouldn't adjust the temperature I would just put it in just like that and let it bake you know about 30 minutes or so and it works wonderfully it works out great so I've been doing it I'm very happy I'm a very happy sourdough maker now I enjoy making it I make it consistently all the time I give it as gifts now I love my sourdough everyone loves the way it tastes and I'm so hot so happy is this is the one thing that has just been just really my nemesis and I could never get right but you know persistence pays off as they say and it's turned out great and we look forward to it and here's the other thing that's awesome about this bread it smells heavenly too right now that it lasts so I keep it in a cool and a cool pantry in the back and I have this bread and it'll last back there it doesn't get more there or anything a couple weeks and it just might get a little harder you can just put it in the toaster well you don't have a toaster but you can put it in the oven or you know just warm it up and it tastes great it just tastes like I just baked it so I am very happy about the spread but let's get started I want to show you how to make this wonderful sourdough cheese sandwich so one of my little naps that I just cut off I'm gonna go ahead and cut some slices see how my sit slices so nice and pretty as a picture huh I already have my greens there in the pan already and I'm gonna place these in in the buttered pan so they get how to toast it oh here leave another comment below how many people like the heel of the bread the best or do you like the worst let me know that would be my part I like that part of the bread don't doesn't as much so he gets the other part you know sometimes things that you think are really complicated they really aren't so I think I was looking into things way too much and basically it's very simple you know you don't need to knead it too much I mean this is something that's been done for thousands of years it's and it really it's not like if they say rocket science and just through practicing and trial and error I mean this works out the best for me so I flipped my cheese over and I'm gonna get a little bit of this cream cheese and just brought it on top of it Brad I got the cream cheese then I'm gonna put my cheese I'm gonna put the Gouda cheese on it time for the green now I have my greens and the cheese and little cream cheese on the buttered bread now you have a choice here if you guys won't put any seasoning if you want to put some garlic you could put some garlic powder on there if you want or if you want to put something like cayenne pepper if you want a zing to it you know whatever you guys feel comfortable do and you can put on there or you don't have to put anything at all it's dinner time we were gonna have this with a little tomato soup how would you guys like grilled cheese a tomato soup it's one of our favorites here I love it and I bet you guys do too but leave a comment below on that when you owe me three comments in this time but seriously I know a lot of you guys are struggling with making bread and I just try to make it as easy as I could and this really worked out good for me I didn't have to knead it I would just let it go for a whole day and a whole night and not have to really worry about it just kind of flip it a couple times with my little spatula thing and it was so easy and I just keep everything and the only thing I got dirty was my big stainless steel bowl I didn't have to worry about my counter or anything so this was my foolproof way of doing it I really like doing the three little knots in there or you could do two I didn't have to worry about scoring it sometimes you just Gordon it would poof back down and so this just always works really great for me so I don't know if you guys are having trouble maybe trying like I'm doing it and don't worry about how it looks it's all about how it tastes and perseverance it does pay off and I'm very happy I finally mastered my sourdough bread other than that guys I hope you have an awesome day and looking forward to spring and I will see you later I'm gonna call Doug in right now he's up up at the front at the woodlot working see you later see how nice it just pulls apart like
Channel: OFF GRID with DOUG & STACY
Views: 211,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off Grid with Doug and Stacy, Doug and Stacy, Doug, Stacy, Off Grid, off the grid, off the grid living, off the grid homes, off grid living, off grid cabin, off grid with Doug and Stacy, off grid solar power system, off grid house, off grid homestead, off grid solar, homestead, homesteading, homesteading for beginners, homesteading off the grid, natural food recipes, holistic health, holistic living
Id: XyIHbkBr0R0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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