I Designed Youtuber Minecraft Bosses…

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I'm a 3D artist and today I turned YouTubers into overpowered Minecraft bosses and even show them to a professional mod developer to rate them from one to ten what I made in this video was absolutely terrifying so if you like what you see I'd appreciate if you subscribe the first YouTuber I decided to violate was moist critical he's been on the platform since Windows Vista was cutting edge software and he's been uploading ever since but the model I was going for realism so I started by blocking out the legs but I quickly realized realism is not the best idea in a game where you can get out of bed instantly without having a stroke I decided I might as well keep going but it quickly ballooned out of control when I started referencing Donkey Kong as my primary material it looked pretty bad but I kept adding things until my eyes went numb and eventually my synapses were fried enough to like it people are always telling me my models are a little over the top I personally don't really see where they're coming from but I did tone it down a little bit since I'm feeling charitable this week it took a long time and I did have to search some very questionable reference terms but the model is looking fantastic it may be cursed but yeah it's nightmare fuel after a short existential crisis it's finally time to move on to painting most of my models have intricate details and textures for me to paint which can take multiple hours to get right for example this Axolotl Mech that has hidden armaments under various hatches and vents even has this whole room inside for an axolotl pilot why did I choose to make this I have no idea but this this makes me very excited most of this texture is comprised of like three colors which means my 15 second attention span can finally rest easy that's when I realized it's never just that easy is it if I'm going to impress the mod developer this boss needs interesting phases that don't allow the player to Simply relax phase one the slap the start of the boss fight would be relatively simple now I'm not entirely sure how you would summon the moist boss probably from a swamp or something but I am sure that a slap would be an appropriate opener to the fight pretty simple stuff here just give it a little wind-up that pig has left the Mortal plane he's not coming back just keep that up until phase two this is where things really start to pop off the swamp Sentinel will begin split himself into multiple entities all bearing the same appearance this attack of course is consistent with real life only in this version the fake ones will explode if you try to hit them the goal of this phase is to disorient the player add some confusion to keep things winnable the real one will have glowing eyes or something this of course brings us to phase three Ascension in this phase the boss starts levitating finally embracing its true form sprouting four additional arms made of pure moisture also known as uh water now this is where the fight really gets crazy he's teleporting through the sky the arms will block projectiles slap you around but over time you can destroy the Arms by dealing enough damage and only when you've destroyed all four arms will you get the chance to slide in some additional damage and that would be the end of it it may have taken a while but I'm proud of how this boss turned out hopefully he doesn't see it nonetheless however compared to the boss I made next this barely scratched the surface now to close my 47 browser tabs oh yeah this video is sponsored by Opera GX the only web browser with a Minecraft server since about two years ago I've made a living customizing things I customized my logo I customized Pokemon I customize my spine into having scoliosis from sitting down so much and Opera GX offers more customization options than any other browser on the market and I know you're looking at your PC right now thinking that's gonna explode it's not gonna survive boom hard limiters for Ram CPU and network usage so it doesn't get between you and your monkeys that throw darts at balloons for some reason no more lag even if you have more than three tabs open at the same time it's crazy in fact you can even stream music directly from the sidebar that pauses whenever you start a YouTube video or something else you need to hear like the fact that this browser has a Minecraft server I'm pretty sure this is the only one to have that let's see if they recognize me here's the IP if you want to join yourself thanks to Opera GX for sponsoring this video use my link below to download it today and they have built-in ad block you're welcome the call with the mod developer was coming up quick and I needed at least one more boss to show them so I had to act quickly the next YouTuber I decided to make was Mr Beast I started the model based on his logo and gradually turned it into a giant Puma which is very convenient since I've been making his 100 million play button in the same shape but just my luck it's actually more difficult to make it out of cubes than it is to make it realistically unfortunately just making a big cat isn't going to cut it and most good boss fights there's usually some kind of theme guiding the design take General radon for example now this is a giant man riding a tiny horse who throws rocks at you refuses to elaborate and then leaves halfway through the fight only to crash back down as a meteor now what do all of these features have in common gravity magic the point is Mr Beast just like General radon has a lot of good themes I can use money subscribers lightning and war crimes picking which of these themes to use will probably be difficult but for now there are more important issues the model for example was finally starting to look decent the nose area was difficult but once I remembered I can rotate things it started to go by pretty quick I spent a while bending the joints around to make it look more animated as opposed to some cubic models I've seen But even after giving it this Dynamic pose it was still looking a little basic so I came up with a workaround that's only slightly cursed what if Mr Beast was riding it I think it perfectly rounds out a very solid model for the color I went with the blue and pink of the logo and laid it out using the wool pattern the only difference is it's more saturated here since bright colors make my brain happy the hardest part was actually Mr B's skin of all things you know for being so simple these two are the most confusing textures ever made looking back on it critical's texture only had about three colors and besides a couple of irrelevant details this one only has two which is great because now I can actually get some sleep tonight maybe I'll even leave my house we'll see how the phases end up I guess speaking of phases let's talk about difficulty I've made a lot of bosses in my time but most of them end up with one or two attacks which just doesn't live up to the standard set by Minecraft okay well yes it probably surpasses the standard but it certainly doesn't live up to the standard set by other games take for example nightmare King grin and just one fight he will smack you across the room yell at you summon spikes from the ground and turn into a puffer fish while this is still happening some guy is obliterating a church organ while laughing at your inevitable demise and this is just phase one now let me ask you a question which do you think is a more satisfying boss to defeat nightmare King Grim or this big loaf of a dragon who will quite literally sit still so you can destroy it I put a couple final touches on the texture like animating the lightning bolts and making the eyes glow bright pink and with that it was time for the phases in Phase One the Beast will charge forward but can be stunned if you bait it into a wall or something this way you can't just stand there and shoot arrows on top of that it would hurl gold play buttons around the room probably more aggressively than this I think they've got pretty good weight to them could easily cause a concussion at least for Phase 2 Beast Boy would launch exploding money into the air that Rains Down within a certain area and drop lightning rods down that Arc electricity between themselves after a few seconds and finally in Phase 3 all of the previous attacks are free game but they are all stronger charges are faster lightning rods are quicker he blows more money than a gentian player does in a week and if you do manage to survive that would be the end of it I'm not sure what he would drop but if you have an idea feel free to let me know this one is less cursed than my others but I really like how it looks anyways I mean now that this might become an actual mod I have to have some standards unfortunately my opinion is irrelevant because it was finally time for the mod developer to judge my work will he be impressed or will he be confused I'm honestly kind of confused are you prepared I thought I was but now I'm not so sure it is beautiful I hope he sees this I love how you got his tattoos with the limitations of the pixels that's as good as you can get I'm just I'm blown away at this you even put a little hole in the Hat some things I noticed the hair looks a little stringy the ABS definitely make me uncomfortable but I'm not really sure how else you could show them doesn't critical usually say something not a number out of ten some sort of plugging it into the moist meter I'm gonna love your impression plugging this into the moist meter I'm gonna have to say this is probably a solid uh 69 out of 100 it feels most appropriate whoa is that his actual Minecraft skin that's pretty cool that's a nice detail you even got the two different halves of the muzzle I like that you know it's got a very uh powerful intimidating pose and of course Mr Beast looks like he's having just a wonderful time like he's finally snapped I know I said I wanted to be more critical on you this episode but I mean you even got the shading on the butthole I honestly can't find anything negative to say about this I'm gonna say an eight and a half and that's me being critical anything you want to promote I just released a new mod you can see that on my curse Forge page it's called bound tools cool thanks for your time man yeah thanks for having me and just like that it was looking like the project was a success but I'm not quitting until it's tens across the board see ya
Channel: Daniel Krafft
Views: 1,835,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, blender, minecraft art, minecraft mobs, creeper art, villager art, 3d minecraft, 3d art, minecraft animation, blender 2.8, blender eevee, cycles render, game art, blender tutorial, tutorial, animation, minecraft build, cute creeper, iron golem, enderman, fall guys, 3d, mrbeast, mrbeast playbutton, mrbeast award, wither, ender dragon, warden, axolotl, lego, lego youtube, lego set, daniel craft, dream, linus tech tips, markiplier, linus, modding, mod, mod showcase, 1.16, 1.17
Id: iLzN-Kk0Vn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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