The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER...

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oh my gosh guys it's the golden amethyst Warden it has a 0.001% chance of spawning these are the funniest fake Minecraft speedruns of all time this first speedrun begins and at a first glance everything appears to be pretty normal he's in survival mode he selected the first slot of his inventory and he has zero XP but take a very close look at the area surrounding him when he spawns in in a real Minecraft speedrun your character will will always spawn parallel to the surrounding blocks but in this speedrun you can clearly see that the speedrunner is actually facing diagonally this all means that the speedrunner has already generated this world and the loading screen was fake so he makes his way to a nearby Village where he gathers some hay and gets some beds he then opens this chest that contains some pretty interesting Loop apples bread and three diamonds now you may not even realize it but some of this loot is completely fake a diamond is only able to spawn in one specific village house a blacksmith but rewind the footage to just a few seconds earlier where we can clearly see that this house is not a blacksmith meaning the speedrunner placed the diamond himself in creative mode to get an advantage because he uses these very diamonds to craft himself a diamond Destroyer that thing is powerful so the Run continues with the runner looking to locate a ruined portal and he happens to find one pretty quickly which seems awfully suspicious well rewind the footage to just a few seconds earlier where if you zoom in on this specific tree do you see how it makes out the shape of an arrow with its leaves this was clearly created by the speedrunner as a way to remember which Direction the ruin portal was located so he loots the chest at the ruin portal which contains two obsidian fairly normal loot the only problem is that means he's just one block short to complete the portal so how is he going to travel to the nether well the speedrunner pulls out a dirt block places it in the final slot for the portal and this guy's dumb it's clearly is not going to work how did that work I'm not even going to try to explain how he did that so the rudder spawns into The Nether and and things seem fairly normal he's still in survival mode he doesn't have any potion effects and he starts searching for a fortress but pause the footage at this Frame where the speedrunner opens his inventory where we can spot a singular Fire Resistance potion hidden in the corner but look just a few seconds ago when he spawned into The Nether he clearly didn't have this potion in his inventory well if you actually place this part of the footage in slow motion you can actually see that there was a clear cut in the video as the lava completely jumps forward in time meaning the speedrunner cut the video and got the fire resistance potion off camera so using this potion it's extremely easy for the runner to kill blazes and get seven rods now a normal speedrunner would then make his way to a Bastion to collect ender pearls but this speedrunner decides to head straight back to the over World interesting and it will make sense soon so the Run spawns in but without ender pearls it's impossible for him to locate the stronghold well he finds a nearby Village and opens a chest with pretty normal loot bread iron and a wa Stone there's no way this is a real Minecraft item so he gets the waist Stone places it down and when he clicks it teleports straight into the stronghold is that even possible now even though the runner managed to get to the stronghold he still doesn't have any ender pearls to complete the portal so he opens this chest and while it may appear as though these are completely normal items one item in particular isn't able to spawn in this chest the lever and it's clear the speedrunner place it there himself because he uses this lever for something very specific to turn off the lights is that even possible so the speedrunner Waits until exactly 1 minute has passed before the lights turn back on and let me know if you can see what's different about the world well compare the end portal from before and after the lights have been turned off it's been completely filled in meaning the portal was filled by someone else while the lights were off so the runner jumps in the portal but finds an unsuspecting guess when he spawns into the end is that Herobrine things just got scary so Herobrine types in the chat demanding that the player throws every single one of his items into the void as a sacrifice so probably scared out of his mind the speedrunner complies and gets rid of all of his items and after the sound of the lightning strike the Ender Dragon has been mysteriously killed was it Herobrine I guess we're never going to know this next run begins and at a first glance it appears to be fairly normal he's in survival mode he selected the first slot of inventory and he doesn't have any XP but in the bottom right corner he gets the message that someone has joined his world this means the speedrunner is playing on a multiplayer server something clearly not allowed during a solo speedrun so the runner loots some chests collects some beds and starts to fight the Iron Golem but while he's doing this zoom in and look very closely into the distance where we can spot a nether portal being built out of thin air clearly it's another player building this likely the same one who joined the world earlier in the run so the runner makes his way to the man-made ruin portal where he enters the Nether and starts to trade with piglins where the speedrunner manages to get 16 ender pearls from a single trade which is literally impossible as the max amount of pearls a piglin can drop per trade is four but rewind the footage and slow it down slightly if you look very closely you can actually see that the ender pearls aren't coming from the piglin but actually coming from the side and if you look even closer you can see particles floating in the air what does this mean this is clearly the same friend we've seen throughout the speedrun using an invisibility potion and dropping ender pearls himself so the speedrunner then makes his way to a nearby Fortress but things only get worse because during his fight with all the blazes one Blaze seems to be slightly different from the rest there's no way he actually thought people would believe this is a real Blaze so after getting some rods the runner heads back into the overworlds now we've seen his friend do some pretty funny things throughout the speedrun but I don't think anyone expected for him to come on the screen wearing a skin with coordinates to the strong holds and I got to give it to him that's insanely creative so after looking at his friend's skin he's easily able to locate the position of the stronghold where he crafts His Eyes of Ender and enters into the end and conveniently spawns in right next to Spider-Man is this actually the real one or is it just his friend we've seen throughout the Run well Spider-Man does all of the dirty work for him and all he has to do is run on the surface and jump in the portal this next Speed Run begins and on the surface it appears fairly normal he's in survival mode there's no items in his inventory and the runner facing completely straight however take an extremely close look at this village house in a normal village house the entrance will always include a stair right in front of the door but in this speedrun we can clearly see that instead of a stair there's a wood plank meaning the speedrunner deliberately marked out this village house because the chest inside contains iron apples and a grenade launcher remember this for later the runner then makes his way to a nearby lava pool but if you look closely the speedrunner has an empty bucket of water in his inventory not one with one which means there's no way for the speedrunner to create a nether portal like a normal speedrun but somehow even though his bucket is literally empty he's actually able to place water that is absolutely mindblowing so after summoning water out of literal thin air the speedrunner enters the nether now the issue with this spawn into The Nether is that the speedrunner somehow has a fire resistance effect even though he clearly didn't have this seconds earlier when he was the Overworld the only possible explanation is that the speedrunner has already travel to the Nether and he almost would have gotten away with this until you look closer into the corner of the screen where a singular wooden pickaxe can be located clearly the speedrunner tried to get rid of it off camera but forgot to clean it up the speedrunner then makes his way to a nearby Bastion where he collects gold blocks and starts to trade with piglins until he finds let's just say a rather Strang looking piglin but don't worry there's no way this piglin can actually trade loot wait how did he just get ender pearls I'm so so confused so the runner then begins to search for a nether fortress but notice how fast the speedrunner is running way faster than the normal Minecraft character speed well take a close look at the top right corner of the screen normally this is the exact area where potion effects are displayed in Minecraft but the speedrunner has conveniently placed a subscribe button in the exact same spot meaning the speedrunner is trying to hide the fact that he's using a speed potion he likely got off camera so he finally makes his way to the Fortress and after killing blazes gets seven rods now I want you to take a mental image of his inventory at this very moment you'll see why this is important in a few seconds so the runner leaves the Fortress before randomly deciding to change tabs from Minecraft to fortnite and literally starts to play now while it may appear that he's being dumb by wasting a ton of time he's actually using this as a way to try to cheat because when he logs off fortnite and finally returns back to Minecraft take a very close look at his inventory there has been a netherite sword magically added to his hot bar when this exact slot was empty before he started playing fortnite it's pretty clear he used fortnite as a way to distract us from adding an overpowered item to his inventory off camera the speedrunner then makes his way back to the Overworld now a normal speedrunner would now use the process of triangulation to locate the position of the strongholds but this speedor claims to have a brand new method that's even easier let's take a listen so all you have to do is go to the nearest tree go 10 blocks to the right and dig straight down all right so no way will this actually work it's not actually going to lead into the strongholds how did that work now you're probably thinking that this speedrunner is some sort of Genius but there's one small detail which reveals this method is completely fake take an extremely close look at the tree he uses to quote unquote locate the strongholds do you notice how the texture of this piece of wood is slightly different from the rest of the tree well this is because the piece of wood is actually horizontal not vertical which isn't possible to spawn naturally meaning the speedrunner deliberately marked out this tree as a way to remember where the stronghold was directly under it so the runner enters the stronghold finds the end portal room and enters the portal now a normal Minecraft speedrunner would then use beds or even a bow to kill the Ender Dragon but do you remember earlier when the speedrunner found a grenade launcher in this Village chest well he equips it and nothing else needs to be said this next speedrun starts with the runner mining some wood and crafting some tools where he then finds a nearby Village he starts by collecting some hay and killing the iron Goa but the speedrunner then finds a very strange house in the village called the nether house what explanation is he going to give for this okay we're going in the brand new village house called the nether house it's a brand new feature so he enters the house and the chest contains all of the necessary items to enter the nether at least the house was named names properly so using his items from the nether house the speedrunner enters the nether where he suddenly starts building straight up digs through the roof and ends up straight into the Fortress he clearly already knew the position of the Fortress before recording so the speedrunner searches for the blaze spawner where he instead finds Notch and the speedrunner is absolutely ecstatic oh my gosh guys we found notch in the speedrun that's so lucky so Notch gives the speedrunner a full stack of blaze rods since when did Notch just give players items so the runter collects his rods from Notch and begins to search for a nearby Bastion but the runner decides to randomly stop moving even though the timer is still going let's check in on his audio to figure out what's going on guys I'm really sorry my dad just told me I got to go take out the trash so I'll be back and the speedrunner cuts off the footage he does realize he's in a speedrun right 5 hours later sorry guys I'm back just had to take care of that really quick so the speedrunner finally returns to the game but he actually just cheated because if you look closely at his inventory he suddenly has 16 ender pearls even though we clearly saw he never went to a Bastion meaning he used taking out the trash as an excuse to cut the video and get ender pearls off camera so the runner craft himself a portal and heads back to the Overworld where he decides to start looking for the stronghold but strangely does not use any of his eyes of vender to do so but this will make sense soon so after trying to search for it Without Eyes AV vendor he suddenly gets the urge to dig down at this specific block I have a feeling the stronghold is under this block trust me it's going to work and to my amazement this actually leads him straight into the stre strongholds but how did the speedrunner know to dig down at this exact block if he didn't even use Eyes of Ender well take a very close look at the surrounding area before the speedrunner dug down do you notice this flower just a few blocks away from where he digs down well this is a flower known as the lily of the valley the problem is this flower is only able to spawn in a flower forest biome but we can clearly see the speedrunner is in a planes biome this all means that the runner placed it himself in creative mode to remind him that the stronghold was under this location so the runner finds the end portal room and crafts his eyes to finish the portal but when the speeder jumps in he gets sent to the nether is that even possible well he happens to spawn directly next to a room which not only has a chest with all of the items he needs to kill the Ender Dragon but a fully lit end portal for him to use extremely quickly so he gathers the overpowered items and gets teleported to the end and using these items the fight ends very quickly subscribe for more fake Minecraft speeduns
Channel: Camdeeno
Views: 649,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eQabCXA1N9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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