Why I Became Immortal On 0% Health...

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if you were on zero percent Health would you die to a bush would you find a glitch that makes you immortal making your own killable well it first started when I joined the server the hearts Festival has started meaning anyone below 50 hearts in 3 hours will be banned you can gain Hearts any way you want except no killing time starts now go every hour seriously okay everyone rushed outside the building preparing for the Heart Festival and as soon as I tried to get my first heart yo what is that I'm on zero percent Health it's only happened as soon as I left the room I'm gonna be slightly careful now because any sort of damage will now kill me including a grass Bush but wait what's that don't know if anyone's there but if I want my first heart I need to investigate this machine yo what's going on over here I see Kipling emo My Guy anymore what is this man the machine of Wonders machine of Wonders what are they doing if I'm stuck on zero percent health is everyone else I need to find out and if you hit any of these you will get a heart in return no I can see your Hearts right there she's got 20 meaning I'm the only one affected by this glitch all right so I get my hearts now right yep of course obviously Kipling fly up into the sky that was a whole explosion meaning if I arrive first I would have been the one to be shovel and instantly killed is that TNT Michael if I shoot it oh oh yo that was the most big brain thing ever and I've collected all these Loops but I didn't gain a heart but acquired full netherway this means there's no way for me to redeem Hearts through killing and that's why I'm gonna use this netherite to get some golden apple sauces there's your gear take it full netherrite you can check it yourself it is yep and I'll take those golden apples well here you go perfect and now that required a golden apple I can now test if I'm able to gain absorption Hearts okay please please please please all the effects are there but there's no absorption you can't be serious what is this this is no longer a glitch instead someone's made it that I will lose the horse festival and be banned from the server but there's still one thing I haven't tried and I don't have it in my inventory since I need 50 hearts and I currently have zero I need a way to gain them fast which led me to building this machine and it looks good and in my inventory is a thing called hall now there's actually no way for me to redeem this because it doesn't really help me it's not even a real heart if I just put it inside the Anvil remove the empty and voila I now have a heart and now I'm gonna give them a chance to win this fake heart for some real ones I'm gonna take this diamond block out and put the heart in and we're done although to make myself less poor and just in case anything goes wrong I'm wearing diamond everyone constantly looking for hearts it took no time for people to arrive yo Cliff I'm here all right listen inside one of these chests is a heart and if the light lands on it you could take the heart and walk away a winner okay but what's the catch that is is you fit okay listen the catch is it costs one heart to play well that's fine I have 10 hearts on me right now yeah I can see you're pretty stacked right now so let me see it oh okay if you want to give me the one heart okay there we go and it's now off you're aiming for one of these chests and inside one of these chests is a heart how do I know that all these chests aren't already empty because check the middle one okay okay yeah fair enough all right give me one more and we go again and it's going off it's going off it's going off which one is it gonna be bro this is rig it's rare ever had to land on the same one with luffler having really bad luck my machine was looking very suspicious and the plan was about to fail this is it this is it this is what you've waited for this is exactly oh oh look at that you did it you actually got a hole that's all yours thank you very much you can leave okay with one fake call I managed to get free meaning the plan was a success so let's do the same thing I'm gonna remove the empty and boom I have another fake heart which is gonna go back in this chest and kipley's gonna walk in any minute any minute please Cliff sorry I was late emo tried to murder me but I'm here okay perfect you've got 20 Hearts that's what I see I want every single one of them whoa whoa whoa what am I getting out of this huh a chance to win one heart inside here all right here you go okay perfect and now your aim is to land on one of these chats one it's a random chest NHS can hold the heart congrats oh I want to play again oh we're going again we're going again we're going again another one double one oh What's it gonna be What's it gonna be oh nah you kind of you kind of lost everything well I really just broke even now if you think about it whatever I'll leave this is I don't want to lose anymore okay yeah that's completely fine with me so it's typically losing most of our hearts I finally had enough to leave this place behind I could finally test if I'm able to redeem real odds I have acquired 16 hearts and they're real hearts but why can't I redeem them these are completely useless it must be because I'm on zero percent Health the game registers me as already dead meaning this entire Festival is against me quiff has been caught killing emo he's been sentenced to death you are free to kill him wait this is kind of bad someone saw me kill emo I report it to cash meaning I'm the most wanted man on the server and since a single Bush could kill me my chances of surviving are extremely low but uploaded by all and it says he has two hearts this could help me escape the zero percent track but my also sword zero percent bro what and I still can't redeem the hearts this means my accounts have been Hardware trapped and the player behind this all was prepared for everything so this account's kind of useless right now to me oh yo yo yo yo yo yo yo I ain't gonna run bro what was that all account was killed right in front of me meaning people really want me dead and if I want to survive I need to find a way to become immortal on zero percent health either way now I have 20 hearts and thank you server for announcing it to everyone with my chords but this might work in my favor I would say use the hearts as bait I could lose someone to a certain area and build a trap underneath for example right here might actually work this doesn't go deep enough to kill them in one drop this should kind of work for now it's a pretty big hole good thing I have this in my hand I gotta be very careful because even one stab will kill me I'll put it there fill this place with signs and cover it with carpet I just need to leave the 20 Hearts there go deep underground yeah I know you're around here where are you oh actually bad yeah can I click this Loop okay uh let me actually wear this just in case anything comes with me I know how full never right again and an instant Health 2 potion I can use this health potion because there might be a way to negate any sort of damage with the potion and that's why I'm a single player I'm gonna place a pig inside you're gonna be my test subject let me play some drip Stone here and time to test this but I use this command the drip stone is gonna fall and kill the pig can I no it's that not work really let me try again I just placed you there I don't think I timed it right all right time test this again it's falling wait yo you took no full damage if this actually works an instant health potion may be the only way to become immortal one more time you survive Brother The Pig Never Dies well right now I only have one potion and I lead at least a hundred but there's people God in the pool and I can't really enter that that's because the nether's been regulated meaning it can only enter with a fee but luckily I have that right here it costs 15 hearts so quick do you have the 15 half right here take it there you go 15 hearts all right then you're free to go yep all right I'll see you guys soon but that was the thing I as soon as I enter the nether the worst was about to happen yo wait whoa oh there's no one up there that wasn't safe that was actually insane reactions let me break all this bro as soon as I saw the obsidian I knew I was inside a truck someone was out to kill me but the potion worked or I'd be dead right now and now with no potions I wouldn't be able to survive another trap so I had to find the player who has everything and that is Vault hard required yo who needs a heart when I can shrimp just I could just mind it I got minded fatigue that must mean there's an Elder Guardian somewhere luckily have some hearts so if I just throw this in why is it not opening on my heart disappeared yo why is it not opening I can't craft a boat though yo I'll find a way to sneak in somehow is there no way for me to glitch in what if I throw another half it's not opening and that's when I realized you need the heart of the owner AKA Skizzy and without it there was no way for me to enter but now I can't need to find Skizzy who should be inside there Skizzy oh you're right there oh hey Cliff what's going on buddy all right listen I see you have 46 Hearts yeah I'll give you these three hearts if you just give me one dude what of course that's a great deal yeah there you go perfect uh yeah I just wanted to help you you know reach the requirement wow that's so kind of you thank you bro yeah yeah anytime anytime because your voice about to get raided idiot but now that I've successfully quite as hot I made my way back to his vault and was ready to steal it all please I have his heart I could put it in here and is it oh Yoho that's so small oh yes okay there's the Elder Guardian and totems yo wait another four by wolf totem's help me instant healing I really don't need any of this loot these are all mine now perfect yum stack take all this hey hey bro yo what are you what are you doing tomorrow what are you doing in my Vault no no no no no no get out I'll get out dude I'm literally gonna kill you bro I'm gonna kill you bro oh get out yo yo yo yo oh my no way bro what are you doing here dude no way out of here no way no way I just Spam it oh my god oh oh no no no no no no bro I'm putting up potions I'm running out potions oh yo how how did I kill him this is is on Breaking Free swords I don't even know but yo I'm taking all this potions these potions came in so clutch and since he's dead I have more time to read this bowl I have a quiet unlimited resources to help me survive the festival attention 30 minutes left till Festival is over even though I figured out a way to not die I'm still nowhere near 50 hearts and I couldn't evade the ban I have four Hearts so first I need to find the player who put me on zero percent because killing him would reverse this curse and that's why kipoli I've come to you hello now see kipley holds all the information on the server and our price I could figure out who was behind all of this Kipling here you go four Hearts every bit of Hearts I have and what do I need to do tell me who put me on zero percent I see I see all right listen carefully are you listening yep first you need the blood of a galaxy only then will you escape the machine and this will lead you to the depths of the sea where you will finally be free yo just tell me where it is why you tell me a riddle I'm afraid that's all I can offer you my friend okay well all right uh I need to figure out this riddle first the Pluto of the Galaxy would that mean the sun do I need to kill you how am I even supposed to do that am I able to suck up a sun I can't really suck the sun well that kind of don't work so I guess I jump back down bro what is this come on okay what would the blood be wait look at sourceless his face sauces skin is the Galaxy meaning do I need to kill him and his name tags right there but he's in full netherrite and I only have seven potions left but I do have lava bucket first I do this the love is right there this will set his house on fire causing a quick distraction no no no no no no no no no no okay perfect oh my Splash myself with invis talk to him I don't think you're gonna be of any help oh my oh my okay I passed the lava I'm still on one heart though oh my yo yo wait what building is that there's no building like that on the entire world but now I have the blood of a galaxy so what's Escaping The Machine it must be Toby the bot because the bot is a type of machine I think this is Toby's house so if I go to his house I'll maybe find something I'm gonna kind of break into a house there must be some think I'm missing is it at the top no because it's all ocean but wait a second this would lead you to the depths of the sea where you'll finally be free meaning of the top of Toby's house might be the answer okay I I really don't I don't know what I'm looking for I'm worried this is the 32 and must be there only one way to find out okay okay I must be close it has to be around here right because right now I'm in the middle of the ocean yo yo yo yo yo yo wait that's a command block and what's this on my screen yo I don't know why I'm seeing on my screen command blocks right here and then first I need to pass this up is anything around here well then the command block I've only got one shot this trapdoor goes there TNT lever I hope this totem works I don't I might die from this okay the command Block's gone but I don't know if it worked wait my horse go back to normal the command block was the course of my zero percent health and now that it's destroyed I was back in the festival I've only got one heart and nothing else and with 10 minutes left I had to get 50 or I'll be banned time to improvise selling everything you need here at spawn and now people should come running to the shop hey quick quick so somebody killed me and don't eat yet some armor all this you can take it all wait a minute let's try it yo why are you chasing me he's chasing me yo I need to dip I need to dip I need some dip I've got Hearts but I still need 33 more in eight minutes Toby Toby Toby Toby Toby there you go you won four totems there you go four totems how many hearts can you give me uh 15 I'll take 50. why do you even beat us you can't even redeem them Yo wait why can't I see your heart up there hey let me back away slightly no one should have known I was on zero percent Health but Toby did I also couldn't see how many hearts Toby was on and my God was telling me here's the entire reason I was trapped yo Ayo I now know who did it I know I know who did it now I don't have any armor I was kind of stupid I sold everything there was no way I could kill him he found a way to keep himself alive non-stop using the totems I just handed him how would you kill someone who's Immortal you can't but you can trap them in the void where they will never Escape five minutes till festival's over that's why I'm back in the shot I'm gonna go for this middle block right here right here is where you'll die do this TNT TNT if I activate this boom like that perfect the voice is all broken I'm not even gonna make a trap I'm legitimately just gonna pour dirt there stand right here and tell him to come to spawn and now when he arrives at the shop he'll fall into the hole how many hearts can you give me 17. all right yeah yeah can I take 17 Hearts real quick uh sure all right I'm gonna give you the best item you see all these health potions how good are these health potions right now I'm no longer trapped and yeah goodbye yeah you're trapped forever buddy for a guy that was trying to act nice he was an idiot but nothing's popping up in chat so he's trapped festival's now over any 150 Hearts will now die okay let me redeem okay there we go I have 50 Hearts I think 10 20 30 40. I've got 49 horse give me a heart please yo so I fell on the world bro am I banned I respawned wait how and I'm back to 0% Health it seems like I broke the game the game thinks I'm completely dead which means I became Immortal as I'm no longer alive or completely dead
Channel: Quiff
Views: 1,622,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Quiff, minecraft, Why I Became Immortal On 0% Health..., immortal minecraft, 0% health, 0.01% health, lifesteal hearts, dream smp, stealing hearts, most dangerous minecraft server, infinite hearts, buried this smp alive, max hearts, minecraft infinite, lifesteal, minecraft smp, my friends trapped me, lifesteal smp, minecraft friends revenge, parrot lifesteal, minecraft trolling, doni bobes, bionic, minecraft hardcore, hardcore smp, minecraft survival, quiff trapped, socksfor1
Id: 3kuBDcyXQWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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