Why I Hate MOST Linux Distributions

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now most people know I use Linux this is my desktop and right behind me it's gorgeous right I love it but uh why I say I hate most Linux distributions is it it feels like someone did what I did back here and then decided to say hey this is good for everybody and that's what I hate about most Linux distributions is it's not good or it's just a bad copy of Windows or Mac you know usually they take a cue from them so what do I mean by all this like when you look at mini distributions whether it's like a gruda or all these other distributions that get thrown my way in my inbox and say hey review this distro well at the end of the day a lot of these distros are just cobbling together everyone else's work and then calling it a distribution and that's all I did with my distribution back here I mean that's just me putting together the tools I like and then making it a distribution and there's some caveats to here when I said the title of this video most distributions what I meant by that was there's some distributions that are perfectly fine and it's just not uh they've done a good job of Designing their own tools and making a more cohesive experience and not just cobbling stuff together a good example of this if you're a noob to Linux and you want to try Linux install Linux Mint it's my only recommendation and the reason of that being is Clem and a lot of the team over there they've done and put in a lot of work they didn't just take some other people's work and then tossed it in their distro they did their own desktop environment they did their own update stuff they wrote a whole bunch of Python scripts to make a very cohesive update experience there's so many things that they did with Linux meant that were so good and so unique to it that's why it's a recommended distribution and I don't personally use mint I use Debian which hey vanilla Debian is not for noobs but I love the stability and reliability of Linux server let me say that again Linux server not a Linux distribution desktop distribution Linux server is the reliable stable Linux that you hear about when it comes to Linux distributions I would say it's only a matter of time before a noob breaks it because at the end of the day they're going to try and make it work like a Windows or a Mac and they're going to try and do some silly things that frankly cause it to do all kinds of shenanigans and just it's a bad experience for many new users if it's a user that only uses it for like web browsing or something like that a base distribution like mint can do it but for most users your Gamers your your Advanced users your developers all those types of people I say stick to the main line whether it's Debian whether it's Linux Mint you could do you know more polished products I I like kubuntu believe it or not even though it's an Ubuntu derivative it's still a very proven and has a massive user base that it's good these are just a few distributions like as far as recommendations go uh there's really only four that I make these days and it depends on where you are at in your journey the first one Linux men if you're complete Noob it's a good starting point it does a good job of holding your hand the second one that I recommend a kubuntu I really like the KDE experience and kubuntu does a great job of polishing the product and it has a massive user base the third one Fedora once you start to understand these two you can move on to understanding package managers and Fedora does a pretty good job of uh having a really stable system because it's based on probably the biggest corporate Linux entity Red Hat Red Hat Enterprise Linux well fedora's its desktop equivalent of that operating system and then finally for the fourth one uh just vanilla Debian you know that's like your more advanced user someone that wants to take a server and kind of build on it and make a very very good system there's a reason why hundreds of distributions are based on Debian it's it's a very good distribution so those are really only four and I know some art users are already screaming at me in the comments and I hear you Arch is great but it's at the end of the day it's just for the hobbyists not not that that's a bad thing but it's really for those hobbyists you're not going to see anybody in a professional sphere use Arch because eventually an update will break it and that's just going to be uh problematic so as far as Linux distributions go though it is the year of the corporate corporate Linux desktop and what I mean by that is you need to look at Linux distributions and see that there is an uptick in adoption when it comes to the steam deck for instance that's really early Steam OS which is based on an immutable version of arch it's a mouthful right but it is sold more than one million units that's amazing and then we also have Chrome OS on the other sphere controlled by Google you have valve over here you have Google over here and they've made incredible distributions and that's why it's really turned me off to so many Linux distributions because they're all just wannabes at this point they need to do something like these two companies have done and make a cohesive experience and I think the big thing with it is when it comes to steamo steam decks Steam OS it is a very good experience but you're not going to choose your desktop environment it's going to be KDE you're not going to choose the entry screens they they make choices for you and they don't try to appease everything and everyone the problem with most Linux distributions are they're not like that they're like hey we want everybody we have one percent we're all fighting over this really niche market and that's awful it is just a terrible experience and that's why I hate most Linux distributions because they're trying to be so much and by trying to be so much they are nothing to me they're dead to me and that's kind of where I'm at in this thing it makes sense when you think about it same with Chrome OS it's unabashably Google and you're tied into this ecosystem and they've done a good job of saying this is what the desktop looks like and they do that because they can support it and it's really easy to work in all those updates so does that mean that Linux desktop is doomed are we just doomed to have the corporate overlords of valve and Google and whoever else enters the space come in well not so much I think it is always an amazing building block and Linux server gives us anything that we want so someone that wants to come in and tinker and really do these things I don't think there's anything better than Linux because we're just having an infinite number of options to build amazing desktops and and just do amazing things and just explore and really fall in love with Computing and that's really what Linux is to me so I just hate Linux distributions that's why I don't really review them I don't do any update news I don't do that because to me it's pointless it's going nowhere you're just preaching to the choir so to speak and that's why I hate about Linux distributions and why you don't see any distro reviews or these things that normal Linux channels would give you I kind of want to explore because I saw something on Twitter I want to leave you with this and it was like hey what Linux content creator do you like that represents your interests and beliefs and to me that was an insulting insulting question not because it was a yes or no question because the question itself was so fundamentally flawed I'm not here to be your Echo chamber I'm not here to make you reinforce your beliefs I'm here to challenge your beliefs I'm here to make you think differently so you learn more that is the whole purpose of me in this channel it's not to sit here and be a fanboy and be like hey let's all just go out together and do this one thing and we'll all just high-five each other and it's great no it's to make you think differently to make you learn to improve you and to do that I have to challenge your beliefs I have to challenge your interests and let you see the flip side of the coin maybe some people may like well you're a fence writer you'll go back and forth I do these things because I don't care if I make a fool of myself I care about how much I'm learning and the amount of skills that I'm gaining because at the end of the day YouTube can disappear and I'd still have that massive skill set that I built up because I thought this way I might not have as many followers if I would to just go with the trends and just do the things that everyone does but that's the reason why I make videos like I hate most Linux distributions because it's a different stance it pisses people off and I do that because I want you to think differently much like a Mac I felt dirty
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 50,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech
Id: KT0m9DM8moc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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