Cutting Windows Processes in HALF

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we have some big updates today with the windows utility as i've really done a lot of commits probably about 50 commits in the past couple days and i have a whole programming sprint for all of this month to really take it to that next level let's get on the desktop and check it out okay so this is a brand new fresh install from just a disk so let's go ahead pull up our task manager and just kind of show you what our processes are sitting at right now about 120 processes 121. this is probably a little higher because this is virtualized where a non-virtualized usually hovers around about 10 less processes about 110 but let's fix this we're going to actually just go into windows terminal as admin this is windows 11 but the same thing works on windows 10. from our powershell the very first thing we do is just launch the script we do an iwr which stands for invoke web request and then we're going to do uscb and then type https forward slash win and then we just pipe it into an executable like this this executes the script a lot of people ask for executables so i want to first say thank you to everyone that donated for the executable over on i'll put a link down in the description if you want a full blown executable but this does the exact same thing this is just a wrapper for it the very first thing you're going to notice if you run the tool in the past is we have a little bit more pretty interface which i just kind of want to show real fast i designed a bit more took out some debugging so you kind of see what's happening in the background a little bit more so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm just going to do like ear trumpet if there's any more programs that you want me to add in the install portion as long as it's available in wind get i'll add them and i've just kind of slowly been expanding this out to where it's even better than night night now and just overall just an amazing experience but even if you don't use this what you can do is just click the upgrade installs button this does a win git and upgrades any existing installs now obviously since this is a fresh install we really don't have anything but we will install ear trumpet just so you can see that if you're not familiar with ear trumpet you know how this volume button down here kind of just sucks in windows 11. ear trumpet kind of fixes that so i really like ear trumpet and this is the first thing that we did to improve it and i say we because there's a lot of talented people that have contributed to this project which i'll get into here in a minute uh we just hit update sometimes this fails out of the gate which is fine on the first run but usually it catches it again now looks like on this fresh windows 11 install i ran into something to microsoft just keeps changing stuff up a bit but i did have to launch the microsoft store and then go into the library down here and actually click update manually to win git when gets actually installed by default but i thought that was kind of interesting so let's try and install ear trumpet again this time and this time i believe it's going to work yeah so an interesting bug there if you do run into it that was my fix for it but i'll see if i can't figure out another work around as right now with winged in the install process we are working on a multitude of different ways to install it from msi bundles directly from the store so it's just kind of a moving target as microsoft doesn't really like the fact i'm kind of bypassing the microsoft store for uh to do this now the tweaks section i've done a lot of optimizations and you see like the console is much much cleaner so let's actually move that over a bit and i'm just going to kind of show you we'll just do a desktop install here and run the tweaks i cleared up a lot of the red text we were getting because i really want you to see exactly what it's doing and then you can actually debug it or look at it in the actual powershell file and then as far as the config features a couple new things we have an sfc scan now uh i did fix up some of the updates which we're about to get into all the legacy panels are just kind of here for fun uh which i really really like those uh and just like the sound setting i always come in here this is uh mmsis.cpl so this is the convince section i don't use this too much because honestly i know all the commands so usually if i'm trying to go sound or power panel or even just basic control panel usually i just do it manually without even pulling out my utility but they're very very nice shortcuts to have to access and configure system because going through the new settings menu in windows 11 and windows 10 is just kind of a nightmare so i don't really like it uh and then the updates now this section i'm about to overhaul a bit there's i think some misspellings and i don't like how this is structured i don't think it's very clear to some users obviously the disable all not you know that's not recommended but some people have asked for it the default out of box settings is something else that it just resets everything to how it was as you first installed it so that's like a complete reset uh and then we have the security ones which i always recommend doing it just basically delays feature updates a couple years and security updates just about a week and that is what i recommend doing on every windows install and here is also the final uh processor count after a reboot after running this tool in just the basic desktop tweaks as you see pretty awesome upper 60s lower 70s far better than the 120 range we were running into just much more performant and just how windows really should be out of the box now a couple other things here that i wanted to go over under the tweaks section this undo all was not working properly before so i apologize if something messed up or you had a problem with the tool before and then you try to undo it and the undo didn't work this now does work i went back through kind of cleaned up some stuff anything added i make sure that that was removed during the undo section as i thought that was kind of important to make sure that it's very easy to basically tweak everything so this is the update on the tool right here but on the github where a lot of the issues reside i want to show you what the future holds so here over on the github is where we have all the future new stuff if you have a problem pull requests all the things can go right here it's where most of the development happens or i'm pretty much all the development i've expanded the readme to make this a little bit easier if you want to contribute and get an executable wrapper this right here is how all this is funneled without everyone that has bought the executable i would probably no longer be maintaining this project but so many people have that i will be basically improving it and making it even better for now into the future for a very long time so thank you everyone that has contributed there and now i want to show some cool future fork requests specifically some really neat things um carter and the developer derp here i i love watching what other people do with my projects right now developer derp's working on run spaces which is how you can use different threads of your processor to make things a little bit faster but also a bit seamless you know how you when you click update on the actual utility sometimes that freezes the computer run spaces would fix that same with jobs jobs is i think a little bit more of a simpler solution than run spaces but also that poses its own set of problems which i've been watching what carter's doing over there which amazing thank you guys so much i love watching these forks work and then over on the issues thing what i've done is i went through the issues anything that i didn't think was an issue or it was resolved recently i went ahead and closed and anything that's a feature request in here i left open but i added it to what's called a feature sprint usually this is done in scrum and some programming circles i don't know much about programming so per se but i do understand management and what i did was i took all those feature requests and i bundled it up into a feature sprint that i will finish in september so sometime in october i'll make this video again uh showcasing all these new things or specific things that people have asked for from cortana removal i'll probably add defender into here as many people have asked for it and microsoft has started flagging all my programs so i'm just going to be like alright microsoft you want to play dirty i'm going to show people how to rip out a defender i'm going to show them how to completely rip out uac and give a very minimal windows experience without your intervention and you're not going to have anything to say about it because you won't have a say in what goes on your actual windows uh you the user will not microsoft so i thought uh there are a couple little things there where i've just gotten a little salty as i've developed this tool and and also the executable with signing that i've uh kind of dealt with this and i was like man i feel so bad for professional developers that deal with this and uh i'm gonna basically fix all that i also have a video probably coming out next week specifically going over a new feature i'll be adding which is ripping out uac com entirety so what they do a lot of times let's say we go admin you get this prompt and this is usually what's called user account control you can see it at the title here now you can say change when these notifications are and put never notify but uac is still active in the background and you might be thinking well that sounds pretty insecure and you're right but why would you disable uac is older programs specifically some windows 7 era programs some even older like vista just don't run on modern windows because of uac uac sees like a setup executable and that tries to access the registry it shuts it down and says no this will not run and putting it to never notify this actually just puts it in silent mode uac still there to rip out uac you have to do a little more tweaking which i think i'll just add a tick box in my tool for those that really want uac completely gone from their lives they don't want it anywhere in their windows instance and they want to go back 10 years i'll take you there so i thought that was kind of a cool thing i will turn it to silent mode uh but this is some just different things i've been working on and uh i want to just hear from you guys when it comes to these issues and things you have open up a ticket follow those procedures if you're going to do a pull request remember always do it on the test branch never do it on the main branch as i always vet all the pull requests that come in and i want to make sure we have a really nice cohesive uh submission to where everyone always has a great experience when they use this toolbox and now that it's been almost a full year since this has been developed uh it maybe it's been a year and a half i don't know um i'm gonna just keep working at it it's gonna just keep getting better and better and better and anything you want done in windows that now you used to be able to do it and you can't do it anymore let me know about it because i'm gonna fix it i'm just gonna keep ripping down in any kind of road blocks microsoft throws up i will remove so you can have a pleasant experience if you want to use windows and if you don't well like i said there's a plenty of options out there whether you want to go to mac whether you want linux whatever operating system you want to do i'm all game for it i i love switching and i hate the stock windows experience with a dire passion and that will continue from now and well into the future so thank you everyone and uh thank you for all the supporters that helped made this possible and keep making it possible and with that i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 175,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech, windows processes, improve windows performance, fixing windows processes, microsoft windows, windows 11, windows 10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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