Windows Inside of Linux

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we are putting windows inside of Linux and this is often done incorrectly sometimes you run up a VM and you're like oh this is so laggy why is why is it not working right and never think that virtual machines are inferior if anything the world runs on Virtual machines you don't walk into a Data Center and see a bunch of operating systems running on bare metal you'd be hard-pressed to even find one that does so why is it when we're on our personal computers we're not utilizing VMS properly and some of that's just the setup so let's walk through this setup get your V basically your windows instance looking like this this is how I record all my system videos when I'm doing stuff for Windows it's in here you'll see my start menu not laggy and when I pull up task manager or let's say I Run brave all these things typically happen just as it would in bare metal and the thing I always tell you when you first load up your VM launch task manager see what this looks like obviously my CPU is a bit high it's redlining sometimes when I'm launching things and I would say pay attention to this that means maybe toss a couple more processors towards it if your memory is at a hundred percent or even over 50 really I would probably expand that if your hard disk is constantly pegged at 100 well you probably need to pass through another hard drive or find a way to make your drive inside your computer faster let's say you're running a traditional spinning platter maybe switch that to an nvme or just add one and dedicate it for the VM all these optimizations can be done to make a pleasant experience inside of here and then you can just let's say let's push this to a different workspace and then it can control everything and you can see hey what's going on with this system uh let's go to Performance okay there's my CPU usage we could probably do a better job and I've added a couple things in here I want to go over to optimize this but if you're like clicking stuff in your you know this is vertex manager that's just a front end for qmu but if you're not seeing like CPU usage and other things you're just not optimizing your system correctly so let's go through a bare bone setup and start installing Windows on Linux so the first thing we need to talk about is Windows 10 versus Windows 11. Windows 11 requires secure Boot and UEFI this can be kind of a pain to set up now you can bypass this with just a registry edit and that way you don't have to mess with anything but anytime you create a new VM use invert manager typically it does a Legacy BIOS uh setup so that's just good to know when doing Windows 10 you don't have any issues Windows 11 you have to do some changes today we're just going to install Windows 10. so let's go forward let's browse look at our image directory which I don't have anything in there what's going on with that we're just going to grab the Windows 10 ISO 64-bit now you might be thinking why and set up Windows 10 instead of Windows 11 when it comes to VMS one the ease of installation is quite a bit easier but two I like Windows 10 better than Windows 11 specifically for VMS because it just has a bit more tried and true track record and the updates aren't coming as fast as they are in Windows 11. Windows 11 still seeing a lot of feature releases Windows 10s getting put more on maintenance mode which is kind of where I like to live especially for like a secondary operating system because I'm not in it every day let's come back over here we're gonna actually close this one and we'll relaunch our vert manager uh we'll hit new we're gonna go local media let's just make a new pool we'll just call this downloads is my internet's fast enough now I just I really don't care uh and we'll hit finish so on downloads we should see our new Windows 10 right here 21 H2S we're gonna install today detects Windows 10 forward now for this I like to use about half of each obviously dedicating more than 10 gigs of memory it probably doesn't matter so we're just going to do 10 gigs of memory we have 12 available typically I would like to do six or about half your CPUs however I would honestly like to bump this up to eight for maximum performance this is going to make my host operating system a bit slower by doing more than half so there's a little trade-off here so if you're going to be living inside this like you're not going to be switching back and forth between your host and guest you can probably go a little bit more than half but if not I would stick to half we'll we'll go ahead and just do half just to see how it is and then we create our storage I typically don't like it creating my storage for me I like to kind of manage that myself create my own directory and say you know what I'm going to put it in this directory to create it uh because putting in like the default it just gets kind of cumbersome depending on where you're at this is spent on an old spinning platter so it's going to be really slow uh which is fine we're gonna actually show you a really slow setup like most people get first and then we're gonna improve that actually I'm gonna make this 50 gigs we're gonna hit finish all right we'll choose that volume and we'll hit forward see it puts it in my custom path if you do just create disk it's going to put it on your main Root Drive which in this case would be an nvme instead of a spinning platter so it won't work a little faster but still you'd run into some performance issues what we're about to see let's customize before install hit finish couple things here that's really interesting we're going to change the video mode we're going to add a guest agent in here and we'll probably swap out the disk as well running off a qcad 2 Disc you're going to see it's really laggy it's just not a great experience and we'll we'll show that uh conversion so let's first with nothing just begin the install not doing anything and then we'll come back and fix a lot of this so we'll go full screen on this and we're just going to fly through our install here and see what we get all right the first install took roughly about five minutes five to six minutes for me that's a bit long on Windows 10 on the just the copying and installing features uh so I'm curious to see what the reboot looks like when we come back in we'll get our first Peak at uh this this full install process now this part the skidding setup I'm gonna start timing that as well it's right now about 16 after let's see what we get okay finally uh seven minutes later I think so man this is this is quite a long install uh we're we're almost official 12 minutes into since we hit start so we're finally to this screen I can tell already I'm used to being almost completely done by about six or seven minutes so this is already almost double the time to install Windows based on just doing it how everyone normally installs Windows on this type of setup let's get to the desktop and then I'm going to get a full you know clock tuck count and put it up here and we'll say those words are pretty scary [Laughter] while we work our magic Microsoft working magic that is a thing of nightmares okay I got through this part of the setup did we still seeing these spinning dots ah finally yay all right let's let's move on here uh let's just do an offline account uh limit experience please let's just call this crap user uh next no password because then you could skip all the security questions we'll just accept everything and move on skip this BS I will use my computer however I want not tell you about it okay hi are you gonna get things ready for me oh good uh oh this probably could be another couple minutes hopefully not though oh my goodness finally on the desktop about a full 15 minutes later after we started uh that's a pretty bad install time and if we pull up uh start menu let's see I clicked it click it man such a long delay what's our task manager doing let's show more details I know it's just killing look at that disc 100 usage on the disk oh this is just brutal now we could optimize this install some agents make this look and feel a little better from here but honestly I like to just use an allocate an entire hard disk so we can see the time difference so that's uh the time it took to install with just no settings changed how most people do it but again this is the wrong way now let's uh let's shut this thing down and just do it the right way and see how long that takes we're gonna go win 10 and we're just gonna delete this entire machine actually you know what I I'm tired of waiting let's just delete delete it I don't want it on my system at all this time around we're gonna do it different and we're gonna make it so much better so we'll just do Windows 10 we'll do all the same settings 10 24 0 uh let's do eight CPUs this time just give it a little bit more horsepower on that CPU uh this time let's change or or pick our hard drive to do uh so it's gonna instead of creating like a qcow 2 file that it's going to read from and that's going to slow things down I want to just dedicate some hard drive for it now some people say do it in the customization afterwards but I think we can do it right here so how do we pick what hard drive we have uh probably a bunch of different ways you could do a pseudo BLK ID if you have like really good labeling if you have a ton of hard drives like me I have like seven hard drives or something stupid it's kind of hard to see what's up another way if you have like this is the boonard browser you can kind of hover over and go okay that's sde for ventoy don't don't write to that one this is an nvme e-zero Drive SDC is a Windows Drive sdd looks like a different Linux install SDA uh don't know exactly what that is but you could kind of correlate the two or kind of like the easier way I think for many is just to do G parted G part it has a a really good way of like laying out what everything's going on in so let's look through these SDA okay that's a windows partition I think I'm using that for my windows 11 VM uh this one right here is my dual boot or actually this is my current Mount point of root so that's the one I'm currently on SD or nvme e0 this looks like a dual boot this is actually if I wasn't in Linux at all uh let's go sdb we haven't seen what that is uh I don't know what this is it looks like a Linux data partition of some sort with a bunch of EFI partitions maybe used to boot or something like that this is wind data huge three terabyte drive sdd now this doesn't look like anything it's root butter or fast I think we could use this whole 500 gig file and then sde you see that's Vin toy kind of lays them out really good let's use uh sdd for this one which you can see in the top right hand corner here let's come back here and this time we're just gonna go uh Dev sdd uh but you know what let's take sdd before and just kind of clean these things off uh and let's just check that apply all right cool so this is just is a completely wide open drive to be used that we just cleared and we're gonna get forward we're going to call this Windows 10. we're not going to do any customization let's let's do the same thing but this time we've dedicated an entire drive for it now this isn't an nvme drive this is just a standard SSD so like those old Samsung ssds should make this pretty easy so let's hit finish it is 11 11. some good luck let's see if we finish I bet we finish around 11 20. but let's just see how fast we can install this on bare metal so we're going to hit install we'll do win10 pro just like last time and we'll do custom select the whole drive hit next you do custom partitions if you want now this uh part of the process took about six minutes I think last time let's see what it is right now it's about 11 12 11 13 and we'll see how long this takes okay I can tell you already that is quite a bit faster we're about a little over a minute in probably probably about two minutes so more than three times probably around four times faster than doing it the other method and this is just only one optimization using a bare metal Drive uh you can see it's 11 14 right now so three minutes in since we officially started and now we'll see this this whole part I remember this getting ready just taking forever almost a full uh six or seven minutes or something just ridiculous all right that took maybe 60 Seconds so that one was quite a bit faster which makes sense because the iso was still on our traditional file system and now we're putting it on there so now it's working directly off that SSD and we can see all these things take uh considerably faster I'd say 10 times faster than the prior uh way of doing it and now we're already here so we'll just fly through our basic setup I remember the network still took a little bit longer right here I remember this taking close to a minute or two let's see what happens and I think this is actually pulling updates directly from the net all right there's that part done personal account offline account and limited experience all right we're gonna just keep this one just when I need to switch between Windows 10 and windows 11 I needed this anyways I'll run my tool it'll disable all that junk anyways and not now so here we go now we get the final stage of the setup we're officially about four minutes in now I think we should have a final install time of about five minutes the desktop uh we start at 11 11. so probably six minutes I would say 11 17 11 18 maybe so still considerably better thank you there we go we got the ding 1118 on this clock 11 17. so roughly six minutes to the desktop uh quite a bit better coming back into full screen if we look at our task manager you can see the disk is at three percent usage which is fantastic memory CPU obviously we're using a lot more CPU now that that disc isn't the bottleneck you can see that this is working so much better we click the start menu get almost instant pop-up which is great now it's still downloading all these apps and other garbage on initial startup it's just one of those things now we can start to optimize this uh now before we start optimizing windows inside we need to optimize the outside and install some drivers so when we come back to here we could see hey on Windows 10 uh we could add some other stuff make that video look a little bit better add some guest drivers so this just operates a lot better so the first thing I like to do is come back into setting up Windows inside this little guide putting the guest agent on and then obviously I talked about the pass-through of hard drive that we just did but we can just come into proxmox and look at these drivers and usually it has like a little ISO you can just download the latest stable ISO this will grab it and put it in our downloads folder and what we'll do is from here we're going to take this and just shut down this instance of Windows 10. once it's not running anymore we're going to come into our SATA drive and then we're going to change this out to our revert iOS that we just downloaded in here and you see it right here vert IO win choose this volume that's good apply and then we're gonna just start our VM backup we'll see the start times here too you can see it's 11 20 right now uh to the desktop I imagine being like what 15 seconds 20 seconds still not great but uh a considerable improvement over stock settings of course and now we come into our folders come to this PC you can see these vert iOS and what we want to do here is just run virtio win guest tools and we'll set this up and this is going to fix some of our device managers so if we go into device manager you can see some of these other things on this side you'll see these these all disappear we're just gonna take all the default ones and install all those drivers just next next next you see those disappear from our device manager spice client this makes our display a bit snappier a little bit smoother you can see that smooth out as soon as that driver's installed now you can see the qxl controller uh I like vert i o just a bit better but it does not matter I mean honestly qxl is pretty good we could probably leave that alone but we're not gonna we're gonna shut this thing back down and improve it even more by just coming into our information come into our display down here and we're just going to change this to vertio and put it right there we're going to also add a guest agent which adds uh basically communicates more from the windows guest to the Linux host so we're going to just say Channel switch this to qme guest agent finish and we're going to start it back up now we could watch the startup it's probably going to be a little bit quicker maybe yeah it does seem a little snappier could be the placebo effect as well and you can see this gas station I'm just looking for the state connected right here and we got that so here's our desktop let's full screen this we have guest agent installed we have the vertio driver virtio also gives better resolution you can see we've already increased our resolution a bit but we can change this to like a full 1080p so it actually looks good ah yeah that looks so much better all right great so then we can start to optimize things and remove this so let's take news and interest risk turn off and search hide that nobody uses mail unless they're a complete peasant and we're good all right sweet and then we can start to deep bloat our full windows install I'll make a whole video on deep loading that but now you can see our usage our CPUs still pretty good if we go to launch like Edge for the first time I bet this takes a little bit to pop up but still pretty pretty darn Snappy about what you could expect on just bare metal that gives us a really good experience we could even take this more pass through a whole graphics card driver let's say we just wanted it for gaming uh that's going to be obviously its own separate video I'm working on some other stuff with a PCI password because I'm going to be grabbing some mining cards I've already bought one as you can see over here um that's going to be a fun one because those I got a 5700 XT for about a hundred and and 70 bucks I think it was on eBay obviously a mining card uh but those cards were going for like seven eight hundred dollars like last year so it's gonna be fun I'm gonna be able to virtualize a bunch more I specifically chose the 5700x team people were like why aren't you using Nvidia and that's because the 5700 XT I could also do Mac using this method and pass through a GPU and change all my video editing to be all on my Linux box so I'd have a fully accelerated 3D accelerated Mac I'd have a fully accelerated Windows instance and then I'd all be living in my Linux environment ah that'd be so cool I could just get rid of so much stuff in the studio to have just really one box do it all and that's kind of where I'm at let me know your thoughts down below uh did this help you with the virtualization I hope this makes it to where you can use your windows inside of Linux not jump out a bunch but with that I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 126,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech
Id: 6KqqNsnkDlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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