Should you switch from Windows 10 to Windows 11

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should you update to Windows 11. I get asked this question all the time and this video will answer it for you and I'm not just going to regurgitate some article that you see online that just uh you know takes Microsoft's talking points about Windows 11 and just says hey it's so much better it's more secure it's faster it's all these things spoiler none of what I just said is true or there's a very small shred of Truth to those statements let's get on the desktop though it's not uh I'm not saying don't update to Windows 11 because there is some really cool factors but there's really only one in my mind that makes the big difference and the big thing is the look The Look of Windows 11 is the thing I like about it if you don't like Windows 11 look you really shouldn't update so we look at this um I kind of the centered taskbar is not really that big a deal you can always go taskbar settings and push your home to the left if you're one of those people that like hey I have to have it on the left I honestly don't care if it's in the center or on the left the other things are the actual look of the windows now I think I've been messing around with mine but usually you get a nice little curved window and some task view settings up here for snapping I don't really ever use this because I'm kind of a hotkey junkie so I'll I'll just do this and push them up and down uh using you know just the standard hold windows and press left right like you do in Windows 10. hovering over this to do a snap I guess it's kind of cool to do just a certain uh degree of snapping but I don't know it's very gimmicky in my opinion but there's some use there so maybe that's for you or not the next thing is the performance when we pull up the performance of Windows 10 I would say um I've obviously optimized this already using my my toolkit but I I would say it's a little bit heavier than Windows 10 meaning you get pretty much a little bit worse performance but very marginal probably five or ten percent uh either direction depending on the hardware you're using uh the acceleration those types of things you could probably see maybe a little bit better performance but also you could see a little bit worse performance with an older machine so that's kind of what you should be thinking about with Windows 11 performance is kind of a moot point another big selling point to Windows 11. is security enhancements and really what they did here was made a marketing Ploy for secure Boot and TPM and this is how you would boot into a system and that will secure that startup process which it does make that more secure but the problem with that is Windows is so insecure because there's an exploit or I'd consider an exploit or maybe maybe Microsoft just calls it a feature but the Sam files when you don't encrypt like you can do a full BitLocker encryption on your drive that will make it a lot more secure but it's kind of a pain in the butt sometimes updates cause it to go into a basically a bit locker lock mode and you have to look up a key to log even into your system it's a whole Nightmare and that BitLocker Keys associated with your Microsoft account so I'm not a huge BitLocker fan and if you don't use BitLocker I would say it's just as insecure as Windows 10 because you could easily just load up a password crack tool and and unlock the admin local admin account and log in and copy any files you wanted from any Windows box you set a person in front of a Windows box they're going to get into it if they have above a room temperature IQ so that's my thoughts on the security process of Windows 11. I think if you're really concerned about security I would say the security is better as long as you use the BitLocker and you use all these other security metrics with Windows 11. uh it would secure the system down a bit more than Windows 10 but most people aren't going to want to use that stuff for obvious drawbacks and then next up we have our widgets on the left side now you can sign into your Microsoft account and they'll sync all these widgets to the left you can have your news and other stuff uh to me this is just kind of laughable uh I went ahead and usually I removed these buttons uh as I think this kind of reminds me of Vista sidebar from like 15 years ago maybe that guy never got fired and they kept them on and he's like hey let's just recycle this idea from 13 years ago that really no one liked or maybe a few people liked the widgets in Vista but it's kind of reminiscent of that it's what it kind of reminds me of and again gimmicky probably a few people might use it but I personally just come into my taskbar settings and come into here and go okay turn off these widgets I I don't want that hovering over my bar uh every time I move over it with my mouse button it's just kind of annoying the other thing is more collaborative tools which is just fancy speak for it has Microsoft teams basically baked in which that's this button right here and yeah again I'm not a huge teams fan most of the business world runs on zoom and other things other than teams occasionally there's a couple businesses that try to adopt it but again I'm not a huge fan of Microsoft teams if you are it's integration's pretty tight Windows 11 but that's also can be a downside if you don't want uh teams on your system and you're not using teams for your business it's kind of a crappy addition just more more junk to unload so you probably see me clicking around in here and you'll notice the taskbar settings yeah it's the context menus in Windows 11's the first thing so why you shouldn't upgrade is probably the most annoying thing frankly is they change the framework for the whole taskbar down here to be something called uwp and it's just far less functional than the Windows 10 taskbar I thought Windows 10 did a pretty good job with taskbar I love the task manager being right here so if my keyboard died or something I could right click and launch it a task manager and at least shut down my PC in some basic functionality but that's gone all you get is taskbar settings which just takes you into the new settings menu the settings menu is very reminiscent of Windows 10 I think it's a little more cohesive so I gotta say I kind of like the settings menu in Windows 11 better than Windows 10 as Windows 10 kind of felt like a weird match between seven and Metro if they had like a bastard child that's kind of what Windows 10 settings did so a little bit better in this regard uh and then you get into some other things I really hate is when you're in here and you go to a right click menu they redid this which I really don't like this a lot of times I find myself going you know what I need another option from a context menu and I say show more and then I get the old contacts menu again I'm going to try and find exactly what they did in the registry and add this to my my tool my tweak tool for Windows 11 PCS because I really missed this version and having it all always default to this new I guess cool looking version I don't really like so and having the copy paste and delete icons again to each his own some people like the aesthetic I personally like the functionality I'm definitely function over style kind of guy now one other downside is some of the default apps uh I did find that they're getting better with this when Windows 11 first came out this was something that was just awful uh trying to switch like your internet app so if I want to switch and make brave my default internet app for all the you know plugins it can use like PDF I can switch Brave okay all right SVG switch Brave okay webp files we could switch that over to Brave you know so on and so forth but man having to go through each one of these is not a great experience this is one of the downsides and I bet someone will create an app or maybe an app already exists that I don't know about that does all these defaults but as it is right now Windows 11 is a bit of a step down from Windows 10 on default apps so is this worth switching from Windows 10 to Windows 11. for me honestly I really like the new look of Windows 11 So my answer is yes because of the look but if I didn't care about the look and I was fine with Windows 10 there'd be no purpose of upgrading to Windows 11. uh you still have support for you know another three years until 2025 and then at that point you need to switch to Windows 11 because it'll be end of life and you'll start to run in compatibility issues but everything right now is still made with Windows 10 in mind and it'll probably be another year or two before Windows 11 starts to pull ahead and just you know market share of Windows 10 and that's going to be the time you have to switch you know at that point in time you're starting to really hold yourself back by staying with windows 10. that time's not here yet so it's really all about you and what you want to do now as far as switching to Windows 11 and not meeting the requirements that's the one downside maybe you can't switch because you have an older PC honestly Microsoft has kind of laughably made their own how-to article in this which is check this out it's pretty funny so the easiest way to do it is just a what's called a bypass registry hack and all you do is hit shift F10 from here scroll down type reg edit go into setup create a new key called Mo setup this one actually has lab config but Microsoft actually has since updated this instead of lav config which lab config still works but you can actually do Mo setup and I think it probably down here towards the bottom I think it'll show it yeah right here the Microsoft way is the official bypass so you have the lab config way and this way you can actually do both if you really want to make sure you're bypassing it but you just create the most setup key and then allow upgrades with unsupported TPM or CPU at one hit OK and then just continue on with your setup and you can install it on an older device if you're interested leave me a comment down below because I will put that in my tool toolbox so if you're on an older PC and you're like you know what this PC is still pretty beefy you know maybe it's a 7th gen Intel or maybe it's a first gen ryzen that still has a good bit of horsepower and you're like you know what I'm I'm okay moving to Windows 11. I want that look uh you could actually just take my toolbox and I'll make a little tick box for you and you just it'll add all those keys and that way when you just click install Windows 11 through the official Microsoft way it'll go oh yeah this one meets every requirement even though it just bypasses it so it's neat to see Microsoft relax those because I thought it was silly that you couldn't use like a 7th gen Intel or a first gen ryzen uh because there's nothing wrong with those systems they're still very good and just adding the E-Waste but it they Microsoft definitely relaxed those requirements and very easy to bypass these days so with that let me know if you want to see that in the toolbox and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 74,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech, Should you switch from Windows 10 to Windows 11, should i switch from windows 10 to windows 11, switching from windows 10 to windows 11, windows 11, windows 10, windows 11 review, windows, windows 11 vs windows 10, windows 11 features, windows 11 upgrade from windows 10, windows 11 update, upgrade to windows 11, how to install windows 11, computer tips, computers, windows 11 upgrade, microsoft, operating system, how to upgrade to windows 11, windows 11 is bad
Id: WBrh-9BdGVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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