"Why I Don't Wear Short Sleeves Anymore" | Creepypasta

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I'm about to tell you a story that I've only told three other people on this earth the shrink I was seeing after college a tattoo artists one lonely nights in Clearwater Florida and my wife and of those three I think she's the only one that believes me however if you told me the story I'm about to share with you I doubt I would believe it either you might wonder why after keeping it to myself for so many years I decided to share it now actually the answer is pretty simple just the other day while throwing a frisbee on the beach with my kids my son asked me why never wear short sleeve shirt he questioned why no matter the weather no matter where we are or the time of year I've got on a long sleeve shirt I was a little shocked when he asked me but I guess I shouldn't have been kids that age of a million questions about a million things it makes perfect sense to ponder why grown man is wearing shorts and long sleeves on a bright and beautiful day in July while the hundreds of people in the sand surrounding him are exposing most of their bodies to the warmth of the Sun on the occasion the question came up initially I brushed it off and told him his daddy was just always cold that was good enough in the moment and we moved on with the day of course the truth goes deeper and darker I intend to tell both of my children the truth but not till they're a little bit older no sense in scaring them now still we live in a world where everything can change in the blink of an eye so she'd something happened to me I want this story to be out there let me take you back to the beginning it was late October in 2006 I was pretty fresh out of college and I just started working for a museum outside of Washington DC it wasn't what I was looking for but I was paying the bills while I waited for my girlfriend to finish school herself that said I was always watching the internet for better opportunities and tourism that's where I stumbled across the ad for an entry-level range of position at a Maritime Museum run by the Park Service in Salem Massachusetts I've always loved history been fond of waterfront areas and marinas so I immediately sent a resume to my surprise I was granted an interview and arranged for a Monday morning meeting just before the end of the month of course Massachusetts wasn't right around the corner from my studio apartment outside DC so I decided to make a weekend of it with my girl her school was basically on the way from Washington to New England so I could pick her up Saturday morning we could head up i-95 and spend the weekend in the area after all it was fall local trees were beautiful and the weather had not yet turned bitter cold you ever hear that saying about plans going astray well that's what they did I received a text from her late Friday night that she had to cram for a midterm and could not join me it turned out she was actually banging an accounting major which would come to light just in time for Christmas Rumour Has 'she married him and moved to Texas yeehaw in hindsight best thing she ever could have done for me point is I ended up driving the Salem by myself on Saturday I already paid for the hotel had the interview set up for Monday it didn't have anything better to do the drive was a hell of a lot longer than I thought even without the side trip to her University factor in a dose of northeast traffic by the time I got to the neighboring town of Danvers I was exhausted and just chatting in my hotel I walked to a nearby big-box restaurant to stretch my legs grab a burger and a couple of Miller lights truthfully I had my insecure suspicions about my soon-to-be ex-girlfriends last-minute cancellation so it was best I stopped after only a couple beers before I started drugged texting and making a fool of myself after dinner I went back to the room started to watch an old rear out of carpenters Halloween on the hotel TV falling asleep somewhere in the middle on Sunday morning after slowly dragging myself out of bed I flipped on the local news the weatherman said it was going to be a beautiful day uh none seasonably warm for that time of year actually creeping into the mid-70s around noon with the weather report like that I knew I wanted to be outside so I shook off the previous night's suspicions and decided to go make a day of it and Salem by myself most other Sundays in the fall I would have sat around and watched the Redskins but this opportunity seemed too nice to pass up a throne a pair of jeans and a brand new Washington Nationals shirt I had picked up the week before on clearance I was still getting used to having a local professional baseball team so I was gobbling up all the national stuff I could I remember what I wore vividly the red shirt with the blue and white lettering because it would be the last t-shirt and I ever put on by the time I was fully motivated and actually got into town it was late morning the day was indeed beautiful and spent a good portion of it just wandering around Salem Massachusetts is a great town for walking within the town limits are the original burial ground containing the remains of a few hundred including some prominent historical figures from the region the stones are old and worn in the trees tall and jagged it feels truly old-world on the brick laid sidewalks there was much history to see and so many electric stores to go in and out of of course given the town's past most of the stores are witch-themed some of them even cater to modern Wiccans herbs books of spells amulets and pendants are the norm in a lot of the shops and there are books in the town's history and that of the surrounding region I went through a few of the local tourist traps as well including a wax museum and an attraction dedicated to the history of the witch files blowing money I didn't really have at the time it's really quite fascinating I find it amazing how the basic concepts around the 17th century witch hunt continued this day a one incident can ignite such passion and hatred in human beings and create such hysteria is look at how quickly some modern folks are the label every Muslim is a terrorist how others won't remove guns from society because of the actions of the lunatics that actually pull the trigger in truth we really haven't changed all that much from the misguided Puritans that settled this country I digress the town itself is packed hundreds of people probably due to the proximity to Halloween men women and children hundreds of them wandering the streets and dozens of those dressed for the season wizard in warlock outfits and all manner of witch attire everything from kids with pointy hats and fake wore cover noses to the ever-present sexy witch with skin tight dresses with slits to their hip not that I was complaining it was hard not to get wrapped up in the uniqueness of this village and its atmosphere as the day drew close I got a cup of coffee at one of the local shops and the side stroll had been off the beaten path to take in one last piece of history if you go to Salem you will find a building called the witch house it is the only building still standing with any ties to the 1692 witch trials in the only one you can actually tour I got there too late to walk through the restored structure but from what I was told it's worth it the home belonged to one of the witch trials judges Jonathan Corwin solder of arrest warrants and hanger of the accused right next to this building is a church noted to be the first congressional Church in America it's a beautiful building in its own right by the time I got there the two is had already ended for the day and the house was closed nevertheless I took a stroll around the property looking at the structure of the building marveling at the architecture I've always been fascinated by early American history like that walk around the back of the building near the entrance store I noticed something protruding from the pile of orange and yellow leaves at my feet something glimmering against the artificial streetlights bending down I brushed the leaves to the side and pick the object up it was a bracelet perhaps one belonging to a child it was not overly fancy not unlike some of the charms and such found throughout the stores right there in town what appeared to be hemp was woven into a rectangular pattern intertwined with three black rocks the weaving was probably 3 inches long and an inch or so wide with each of the rocks fitting in it spaced evenly coming out from the rectangle were thin woven quartz about 4 inches long on the other side it wasn't visibly striking as some dirt smudges on it and in truth the launch rather plain still I thought maybe in the sunlight and with a little cleaning the rocks might really shine in the light of day so I stuck it in my pocket and decided I would clean it up and give it to my girlfriend the next time I saw her after a few more minutes looking at the witch house assigned to head back to the car initially I had plan on walking around the church grounds but has since decided against it I didn't want to be traipsing around private property as it was getting darker I left Salem it had drive-thru for dinner and went back to my hotel once I had put down my cheeseburger and fries I flipped the tv back on and hopes to find another old horror movie to watch until I went to sleep I cleaned out my pockets putting my keys wallet and everything else in the hotel desk that is what I noticed the bracelet sitting within that pile of everyday items picking it up again I looked at it in the brighter lights of the hotel the black rocks did have a nice shine from them after all the woven bracelet itself was not as dirty as originally thought [Music] after turning the modest jewelry over in the light a couple times I decided I keep it for myself a souvenir of my trip to Salem I wrap the thin chords together under my right wrist just tight enough the rock display would not flip around underneath my arm but stay facing outward I had to leave a little loop in the knot though I didn't think it'd happen bracelet would look terribly professional for my interview in the morning so I plan to take it off it changed into something to sleep in lay on the bed I'm watching TV I quickly drifted off that's when things got weird I woke up later in the middle of the night I was laying flat on my back steering towards the ceiling strange because I was normally a side sleeper it felt weird to wake up that way the television had turned itself off it was pitch black in the room the room was uncomfortably warm as well like the Heat have been cranked out while I was sleeping I kicked off the blankets as the sheets and comforter flopped around well I tried to uncover myself the faintest smell of rotten eggs almost sulfur like drifted into my nose my legs felt heavy set in my shoulders my face was pouring with sweat my right wrist was burning a little where I had put on the bracelet assuming I was having a bit of an allergic reaction to the fibers on it I attempted to roll over and remove it that is when I realized I could not roll to the left or the right in fact my upper body wouldn't move at all I could turn my head and move my legs but it seemed my upper torso have been strapped to the bed I instantly thought of sleep paralysis but recall reading somewhere that that affected the entire body this was different scared I rolled my head to the ride to see what time it was only to find the bedside clock was no longer on I figured there was a power outage in the hotel I didn't know if it was my fear or actually occurring but the temperature in the room seemed to rise quickly it almost felt as though my feet were burning the feeling you get when walking on blacktop and bare feet in the summer that's how every ounce of exposed skin felt my face burned as well sweat from earlier had evaporated my nose filled with a stronger version of the rotten stench from earlier it was overpowering now that's what I saw the form lack and slick silhouetted against the already overwhelming darkness of the room I could only see the shimmer of the shape human-like but larger it slowly rose apart between my feet I could almost make out what looked like shoulders giving way long arms with thin wiry fingers on top of the shoulders I thought I saw ahead to Ruby like objects that might have been nice rested within that darkness it was so hard to distinguish what I was looking at the only distinction being shiny black on matte black I thought I saw horns protruding Ram like twisted at the sides curling back toward me from the triangle like that seemed to be the creatures had my heart was beating out of my chest I was terrified more so than I had ever been I wanting to run but my body sink like lad into the mattress instinctually I wanted to kick it the form to fight if I cannot flee but my legs now suffer the same affliction as my upper torso had before I can not even turn to look away I was now fully paralyzed be it physically or by fear I cannot begin to tell you how long this creature this black mass stood there at the foot of my bad lingering over me but I can tell you that it felt like forever and I could do nothing but stare at it it never moved toward me never moved away the figure just stood there and after what seemed like hours paralyzed against the hotel mattress it spoke the voice was deep strong in guttural but the sound escaped almost as a whisper one word chosen and then everything went black when I woke the TV was on clock was on and the Sun was shining through the hotel windows sitting bolt upright in bed swinging my legs off the mattress into the floor I needed to be sure that everything was in working order it was then that I began to relax coming to grips with the idea that I must have just had a nightmare until I felt the burning pain in my right rest screaming out I reached down to pull off the bracelet once again assuming it was allergies but the bracelet was gone it had been replaced by red raised skin a rectangular scar ran into my flesh and matching the items precise fiber like weaving the three mounds of burnt raised skin where the rocks have been tied into the bracelet similar marks rapped on the underside of my arm where I'd tied it together even blue by left and been cinch into my skin I could still smell the stink of burning hair but the wounds looked like it had healed years ago even knowing the scar as a reminder but it still burned I ran to the sink in my room writing lukewarm water over it until the pain began to subside slowly at first but then virtually non-existent I try to compose myself getting dressed trying to ignore what it happened when I had seen in the night I forced myself to the car forced myself to go back to Salem and sit through the interview try to put it all out of my mind in the days and weeks that would follow things would slowly creep back to normalcy of course I bombed my interview about my girlfriend had a sidepiece learned that the mark my arm would burn me to the point of tears whenever exposed to any sort of light so I covered it and kept it covered the brighter the lights the worst burns the mark only ever sees light in the shower where I can keep lukewarm water on it and try to keep it cool however I even sleep in long-sleeve pajamas just in case [Music] imagine what I started how I've told the story to three other people I guess I should learn a little clarity to that statement the first is the psychiatrist I saw shortly after my breakup when I found out that my college love was seeing someone else it shattered me tore me up really and I found myself drinking heavily it's funny looking back on it see how life would eventually turn out but when you're in your early 20s you see things a hell of a lot differently than you do when you're in your mid-30s I thought my world was crumbling around me when in truth all those noises of destruction were really just the sounds of doors opening and opportunities toward a brighter future knocking I saw the doc for about four sessions I had 150 bucks a clip during well would turn out to be my final trip to his office I told the shrink about the experience I had had in the hotel room outside of Salem about the scar on my arm I could tell by the look on his face that he didn't believe me and possibly thought it was a bigger loon than initially expected he just kind of brushed the whole story off said he'd see me the following week and ended our session abruptly he never even asked to look at the arm that would be the last time he ever got from me the second person I told was a tattoo artist in Clearwater the weeks leading up to my wedding the museum sent me to Florida to me with some of the raps at a small Museum and Brandon Tim learn about some of the historic exhibits they had on display we were considering an artifact swap temporarily and the curators in DC wanted me to further investigate I made a weekend out of it and spent some time in Clearwater Beach after a few drinks one night it got a wild hair at my ass and aside I would get a tattoo you where the burn was sure a wrist tattoo wasn't the most professional looking thing it was a hell of a lot better than the mark edge to my skin by the bracelet al I was wearing long sleeves all the time anyway what's the difference the least I wouldn't have to look at the scar anymore I showed the spot to the tattoo artists nests we could cover it up which of course he said he could I decided on something tribal just because the design would fully circle my wrist and hopefully cover up the entire mark as he worked on me I recounted the story of just how it got there with him nodding every few sentences I could tell he wasn't buying it well sure he had heard plenty of other wild tales from plenty of other customers about why they were having this or that skin blemish covered up he never really asked any questions just kept inking me when we were done he wrapped it in goss told me to keep the tattoo out of the Sun for 24 hours and gave me the procedures and how to keep the art clean for the next three weeks the artist would never know is that the next night when I took off the protective padding all over the ink and disappeared leaving only the burden bracelet that had been there before I wish I could tell you I was shocked but I wasn't I knew there was more to it than just a simple scar the third person I told was my wife long before I even proposed I knew instantly that she believed me even tearing up as they recounted the story to her I could tell by the soothing sound of her voice and they understanding look in her eyes and she had no doubts and when I was telling her was true well that's what love is isn't it accepting your partner and all of their faults embracing them for who they are unconditionally she does been forever grateful for it I'd like to say that's the end of the story and for a long time I thought it was I didn't get the job with the National Park Service ended up staying at the Museum in DC that was ten years ago I'm happy to say I'm running the place now and business is better than ever if I'd have left for the job in Salem I never met my wife who came through with her first grade class when Wednesday afternoon I'd have never slipped in my business card as they were leaving would have never gone in that first moonlight stroll through the mall in Washington DC we'd have never had those two children that prompted me to write this story down in the first place I never knew how I'd be as a parent always figured I'd struggle at it but with her by my side I think we're doing okay we've tried to raise them right to be fair to understand the world around them as best they can they judge people on their merits and not on their outward appearance we've raised them in the church for the most part although lately it's been my wife taking them in the last few months I found that my scar acts up when I walk on holy ground it started with just a slight tingling but now if I find myself sitting in the peel it burns almost as bad as it did that first morning in a hotel in Salem it's all I can do to hold back the tears so I don't go to church anymore I'm not sleeping as much these days either I have nightmares about the woods burning down around me trees screaming out in pain dreams about entire cities engulfed in flames people leaping from buildings to avoid burning it down howling in agony as they fall to the earth below here's the part that troubles me the most though lately I've had the strangest urge almost an ache it's the desire to procreate not for sex mind you but to actually create life to bring forth a child and now with my wife with some stranger some filthy trap I can fill with seed and never have to see again I don't know where that urge is stemming from but it's there and it coincides with the burning pain in my scar it's not that I want to fool around in my wife I never want to hurt her this feels like this is something I must do it's commanded of me demanded even I feel like I must father another child upon this earth like I must bring something forth deep down I know that I'm the only one that can do it it feels like a burden rests on my shoulders it feels like I've been chosen [Music] everyone I hope you enjoyed today's video if you want to see more let me know in the comments below and tell me what you thought of this narration make sure to follow me on Twitter for updates and if you'd like to get early videos shout outs in much much more I'd appreciate it if you check out my patreon page it's a place where you can help support my channel while getting awesome rewards in the process and every pledge helps out a ton no matter the size so if you'd like to see all the rewards I offer and consider becoming a patron it mean a ton to me if you click the link in the description and just check it out and don't forget to show some love to the amazingly talented authors who make these narrations possible I have a good night everybody Cheers [Music] you
Channel: ClancyPasta
Views: 189,860
Rating: 4.7676039 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, nosleep, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, nosleep story, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story, reddit stories
Id: 1pxWoiXI3iY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 53sec (1733 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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