"The TV Show That I'm on Doesn't Exist" | Creepypasta

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klancy pasta presents the TV show that i'm on doesn't exist written by EI PA tbp and narrated by Clancy I want to start off by saying that the real names of everyone involved including myself have been changed I started working on the set of mists Hill in July of 2016 it was two months after my high school graduation and I was turning eighteen the following month I'd somehow managed to land the role of one of the lead characters Sylvia Davenport to give a little background miss Till was a soap opera drama show set in the fictional town of mist Hill Arizona the aesthetic and overall feel of the show was somewhat of a twin peaks' meets your generic soap opera in other words big cast a lot of betrayal and some weird going on it had the psychological thriller element that has become popular with shows such as black Muir you never really knew what was going on in mist Hill the show was pretty popular and we had won a few awards a year at different award shows I'm kind of a well-known famous person and by kind of I mean more known than a youtuber but not as known as the Kardashians being a part of this show had gotten me in with a lot of people and met many different directors of famous shows and movies as well as stars of them and of well-known television shows we're currently on season three of the show which airs on SGA or channel 66 in Arizona 77 or 78 in California we've had incredibly high views in great ratings from a lot of critics I was getting a lot of attention on social media and it even had a few encounters with paparazzi and even TMZ I felt like my character had finally taken off and I was lucky enough that the first role I'd landed had been so great for me and given me such a start and then I found out that mist Hill doesn't exist I realized this two days ago I hadn't seen my siblings in a while since I was staying in California I've been speaking to them via video chat in text to them every day though there were huge fans of the show and would constantly ask me for spoilers anyway I was finally going to be getting a break due to my character Sylvia Davenport going missing for the next few episodes I met up with my sister Laura and my brother Conrad at the airport in Phoenix and we went out for coffee and lunch as we were talking about what we had been up to for the last few months I mentioned that I was having a lot of fun on missed Hill and that we had just been renewed for another season missed Hill what's that Conrad asked with a mouth full of blueberry muffin the show that I'm on missed Hill I play Sylvia Davenport you just asked me whether or not dr. Maureen was really dead after the last episode aired last week I replied I think I would remember if you were on a show Conrad said in that big brother Yeah right tone I am we won an Emmy for Outstanding Drama Series in 2017 I said no The Handmaid's Tale one in 2017 Laura replied exchanging a glance with Conrad I shook my head that was impossible I never even heard of The Handmaid's Tale I clearly remember winning an Emmy that year for the show you know Bree if you're gonna lie you might as well make it a good lie Conrad snickered and Laura pretended to be busy with her salad I was in a bit of a shock were they just messing with me that had to be it right they were jealous so they were ignoring my achievements that had to be it two could play at that game you're right there is no miss til I've been working on a lot of indie film sets we're trying to get into Sundance I said well good luck with that Conrad said I avoided the topic of career achievements for the rest of the afternoon until that night when I finally saw my mom I decide to confront her about it I didn't appreciate my sibling making fun of my career mom why are Laura and Conrad pretending not to know about Myst Hill I asked my mom was wiping down the kitchen counter as I sat on a stool my elbows on the island mist hill she asked yeah the show that I'm in I knew that my mom rarely watched TV and I constantly had to refresh your memory or catch her up on episodes she had missed you didn't tell me that you were on a show that's fantastic she said mom we talk about it all the time I said Bree I haven't talked to you in months ever since you took the acting job two years ago you took longer and longer to return my calls I stared at her mom we spoke last night I said my mom pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and looked through it no we didn't Bree the last time we spoke was over a month ago she turned her phone around showing me her call locks I pulled my phone out as well and looked through opening my text messages but they had all been deleted what the hell I whispered what is it she asked nothing never mind I replied I've tried searching Myst Hill but nothing comes up I've searched all the actors on the show but Myst Hill isn't listed in the TV shows that they've been in so what the hell have I been doing for the past two years part two I was in Phoenix for the last four days visiting family I had tried to avoid talking about mist Hill for the rest of the visit but I was still racking my brain trying to figure out what the hell was going on I looked through my phone on the plane ride back to California scrolling through the pictures of me and the cast on set on the red carpet at the Grammys and at the Teen Choice Awards if this was some sort of setup it sure was elaborate as hell how could all of these things be fake all my friendships with these huge celebs and all of these memories that I had of them how could they all be fake I had decided against using these photos as proof my family would only ridicule me more and accuse me a Photoshop or something but I had the proof it was in the pictures me sitting in my chair that read Sylvia Davenport mist hill in bold black letters like the show's intro so what was going on it was driving me crazy I went straight home after I arrived in Cali I was recognized by a few fans at the airport and took a few pictures with them as I thought to myself could all of this really be a scam when I got home I took a hot shower and scrolled through all of my emails I was wanted on set tomorrow to film my characters come back and my hairstylist had booked me an appointment for early in the morning in order to change my hair up a bit for the show it was driving me crazy to think that all of this could be faked but how how would they get that many people to play along he was insane I was lying in my bed driving myself crazy over this when a text came in I glanced in my phone screen thinking it was probably a text from Marina my stylist making sure I had seen her email but it was from my brother Conrad so are you going to tell me what really happened to Silvia I can't wait another two weeks for a new episode I stared at the message what was this why would Conrad pretend not to know about my show while I was visiting but all of a sudden act like his denial never happened I thought you didn't believe I was in the show I stared at the little dots at the bottom of the screen waiting for his reply are you kidding I missed Hills number-one fan so it had been a joke my family thought it would be fun to mess with me of course I was the youngest they had been playing pranks on me my whole life why would this be any different I didn't reply to Conrad and instead fell asleep my lawn woke me up at 5:15 a.m. this morning and I walked around my house half asleep gathering my purse my coffee my phone and some other stuff that I'd like to have with me on set I made it to my hair appointment at 5:50 and marina got started right away my character was coming back with short hair and bangs i sat in the chair scrolling through my phone as I waited for her to finish out my bangs brie West breeze spotted at LAX taking pictures with fans after her trip well Sylvia Davenport be making a return on the next episode of mist hill brie West breeze arrival tells us there may be hope for this beloved character brie West Reese sporting a cute but comfy outfit at airport as scrolled through the articles pushing back the idea of this being a scam this was way too intricate my family had to be kidding right I got to the set of mists Hill at around 8 a.m. it was greeted by one of my cast members Emily gray hey nice to have you back she said she gave me a hug I was always a bit taken aback when I hear Emily speak she was British but played an American character her accent always caught me off guard since I was so used to her speaking with an American accent Emily was a very well-known actress who became famous because she was one of the main characters in a very popular film franchise from a few years back so did you enjoy your holiday she asked yeah except my family acted like the mist didn't even exist I said rolling my eyes Emily stared at me for a bin before she started laughing as well do they always mess with you like that she asked well I hadn't seen them in a while well my brother texted me last night wanting to know spoilers about the show so I knew they were just messing around with me while I was there I replied Emily nodded staring at me weirdly like she was suspicious of something what I asked nothing she shook her head I just think it's odd that your family would do that she replied they used to do it all the time I shrugged hey Bri a wardrobe needs you one of the costume designers said as he walked by dragging a box behind him I gotta go see ya a wave to Emily as I made my way to my dressing room Donovan Jones was there looking through a rack of clothes in front of him hey Don I said hey Bree he pulled out a jean jacket and threw it onto a nearby chair that already had a pair of jeans and a shirt on it put that on he said I grabbed the clothes and stepped behind the divider to change a Bree Don called from the other side yeah I asked pulling the shirt on I heard that you're telling people about how your family doesn't remember the show he said oh yeah they were messing around and acting like it didn't exist I said stepping out from behind the divider as I pulled the jacket on listen I shouldn't be telling you this but you need to stop bringing that up he said he handed me a pair of socks and boots why I asked taking them he leaned in close to me his face serious just listen to me okay stop telling people that your family doesn't remember the show don't talk about that if anyone else brings it up simply tell them it was a joke that your family likes to pull on you okay please promise me you'll stop talking about it you whispered I stared at him trying to see if he was joking too but he wasn't he was being serious and he looked scared all right I said he nodded and exited the room i sat down on a chair and pulled the socks and boots on hey Willie wanted me to give you the script for the next season I looked up to see one of the riders on the show hand me a script Thanks I said I scammed through the script and stopped as I caught sight of the second page it wasn't typed but it was written out in Williams handwriting I scanned through the page and then got up walking around this set until I found a William hey what is this I have to stay hidden from the public for a month I can't contact my family I asked him William turned around yeah your character has to go through some major changes and if people saw you then the seeker would be ruined he said but why I thought she was making a comeback I asked William shrugged what can I say anything can happen and mists Hill I have a really uneasy feeling about this I just can't shake the feeling that something weird is going on and I almost don't want to know the answer to this but do any of you know about mist Hill does anyone know about this show at all part 3 the season 2 finale of mist hill aired yesterday and the whole cast and crew met up to watch it together as we usually do with finales as we sat in the theatre I couldn't help but notice the fact that some people were acting a bit weird everyone was being overly nice to me all of a sudden and my guess was that had something to do with my absence from the public for the entire first half of season 3 in a few more days my characters process was about to begin which meant I would have to stay in a hotel with security over the next few months but wouldn't even be allowed to see any of my cast members until everything was ready for Sylvia to make yet another return to mist Hill I also started to remember a similar thing happening to some of the other characters on set Lee Palmer who played doctor Mauryan had taken a similar leave a few months ago and there were rumors that he was coming back although nothing had been official yet Piper Mason who played a recurring character named Stacy bonds had also taken this same leave during the entire second season and she was apparently going to make a comeback in season 3 because I could see her from across the room the only thing that struck me as odd however was the fact that they had changed nothing about her appearance despite the fact that they claimed that was what the leave of absence was for I spent the rest of the time getting goodbye hugs from a lot of my cast members my makeup artist and some of the stylists on the show when I was on my way out I ran into Piper and decide to ask her some questions hey Piper it's nice to see that you're back again I said Piper smiled when she saw me and hugged me it's great to be back man I missed this place so much and all these people I can't wait she said still smiling yeah I'm taking a leave for a while too I'm a bit worried about not being able to communicate with anyone though how did you manage that I don't think I could go months without contacting my family I said Piper's expression changed from happy to confused your what she asked my family I repeated Piper's face only got more confused as she muttered family to herself Piper I asked getting her attention once again she appeared to have snapped out of her trance and shook her head as if trying to get something out of her mind yeah it was nice seeing you listen I've got to go good luck with your leave and everything I hope you make it she said as she rapidly walked out of the building I stood there confused and shocked what did that been about after a few minutes I walked out as well making my way towards my car which was parked in the middle of the lot waiting for me as I made my way down the parking lot I heard someone call my name and turned around to see Donovan jogging towards me Bree wait he called I stopped and waited for him to catch up he paused for a bit to catch his breath what is it I asked you have to leave now you replied I am my driver's right over there I replied pointing to the car Donavan shook his head no you can't go with him you need to come with me right now I can't explain here but something is happening okay you can't trust anyone not even your driver not even Piper he said Piper I asked Donovan nodded did she tell you anything give you anything he asked I shook my head now no she just told me that she was excited to be back they said all right give me your purse and your phone so they can't track you I'm getting you out all right Don you're scaring me every blood I'll explain everything on the way all right right now we need to go now he looked at something behind me and grabbed my arm pulling me along with him I turned around to see a man who was not my driver jump out of the car miss Westbury come back here the man called I followed Donovan as we ran into the back of a van that sped off as soon as we were inside I sat there trying to catch my breath where are we going I asked Donovan when he didn't reply I knew I had made a mistake Donovan had been playing me Donovan I asked I saw him exchange glances with the driver sorry Bree you really need to take the sleeve you're starting to slip away from us don't you like it here and missed he'll he asked I stared at him then seeing a blur of streetlights behind him out the window and we drove off to god-knows-where of course I like it here I love the show I love the cast I said this isn't about the show Bree what are you talking about I asked you're slipping away and your contract isn't over for another three years he said you're not making any sense I replied you didn't say anything for the rest of the drive we stopped beyond a building that I assumed was the hotel Donavan dragging behind him through dark passages into the basement there appeared to be rooms down there it was a maze of long hallways and fluorescent lights we took a few turns and I tried to watch for anything that might lead me back but there weren't even numbers on the doors of the rooms we stopped outside one of the doors where two security guards were waiting they opened the door and Donovan pushed me inside see you in a few months spree I hope you'll be excited to return to mist Hill the door shut behind me as I stood there with my hands in the pockets of my coats my left hand wrapped around the cell phone that Piper had slipped into my pocket earlier there was nothing on the phone no numbers no contacts no pictures but it somehow had internet access so that was a plus I started typing this up last night sitting by the door so that I could hear if anyone was coming towards the room but no one did I put it into my bra while I slept I wasn't able to stay awake for long when I woke up this morning there was a tray of food on the dresser next to the bed i sat up and looked around the room there was a bed a queen sized one with high quality sheets a small dresser on the other side box of tissues a sink a toilet a shower and a television on the far wall it didn't appear to have any buttons so I wasn't able to turn it on I picked it the food a bit finally deciding to elites drink the water and eat the toast then I sat down by the door again taking out the phone order to see if I could get in contact with anyone but who probably Piper but I didn't have anyone's numbers memorized and I didn't want to log into any of my social media accounts in case they were being monitored I did come across some news however I'm not sure if any of you are aware of this but apparently Piper Mason had been in a car accident last night it was now in a coma my mind immediately thought that someone was behind this she had just come back to set and now after speaking to me she was in a coma I figured Donovan had something to do with all this which is probably why he pretended to warn me the other day I don't know how much more info I can give I don't want to get caught with the phone if I do then I will have no form of communication at all a nurse came into my room about an hour ago to let me know that my treatment would start tomorrow I don't know if she could possibly be referring to I thought they were going to make me change my hair and some way for my comeback next season so what's all this about a treatment has anyone heard anything about Miss till recently those of you who are aware of it at least as there been any other news that I haven't heard about I don't want to spend too much time in this phone the battery life seems to be good but it still won't last forever I don't know what's going on here but it can't be good I'm starting to think that mists Hill is more than just a show final update hello everyone this update is going to be a little bit different considering that Miss Bree Westbury is unable to continue filling you in on the secrets that take place behind the scenes of mists Hill we know that you were excited to get backstage access to miss Hill we hope that you will continue to support us even while we deal with the loss of one of our participants we are sad report that miss Westbury has had a terrible fatal accident we are legally not allowed to reveal the details of her death but just know that she went peacefully our condolences go out to her family as well as the family of Piper Mason who's in a coma for a few days before she too died we have yet to find the person responsible for Piper's death we are always sad to lose residents of mist Hill and this is no different we hope that you'll continue to be a part of the mystile community beside our loss we see these deaths as an opportunity to improve our community and better the lifestyle of the residents of Myst Hill we know that you must be devastated to hear about Piper and breeds deaths but we want you to know that we feel the same way that being said we have great news to deliver in this update and we are delighted that BRE was able to lure all of you into the world of Myst Hill we hope that you stay with us as we are just getting started and anything could happen and Myst Hill Donavan Jones PhD open-call audition for TV show mist hill are you interested in being on a hit television show is it your dream to be part of a big cast and crew that work together in order to create entertainment are you a fan of mist oh and we're looking for you Donovan Jones the brilliant mind behind the town of mist Hill is personally looking for participants to both her place and be added into the show's third and fourth seasons mr. Jones spent years creating the town of mist Hill along with every single one of the characters in the show that so many people love and that has even been called the best show of this century by television critics you would love to welcome new participants into our family and our town with open arms mist Hill is a town where anything and everything can happen it is full of betrayal deaths love stories friends and enemies if you were interested in auditioning to be part of this town this family you can do so by sending an email to Donovan Jones or by filling out the quick questionnaire on our website where we will contact you if you are fit to be a match we are looking forward to getting to know all of you and being able to recruit new additions into our lovely town we are not looking for experienced actors which means even if you have never been a part of the film world you can still audition dr. Jones prides himself in giving everyone an equal shot at becoming a part of the miss Hill family once and for all we believe that we will be able to teach you how to behave in our town and help you to become accustomed the residents of mist Hill are excited to meet the new participants as is Donovan Jones below you will find a bio for each of the characters that you'll be able to audition for one Sylvia Davenport gender female age 20 to 26 Sylvia Davenport is the eldest heir to the Davenport family fortune and is currently dealing with a sudden unexplainable death of her father mark Davenport she has unable to receive the family fortune due to the fact that her mother is still alive somewhere Sylvia makes it her mission to find her mother but soon finds that it is much harder than she thought but she realizes that she is not the only one who is after the fortune to Stacey Barnes gender female aged 25 to 32 Stacey Barnes has recently been found after being missing for the last year and a half she does not remember anything about herself and doesn't even know if she was actually kidnapped Stacey is a shy character who is currently suffering from mental health issues and attempting to resolve them by seeing dr. Mauryan a therapist she's being haunted by nightmares that she believes to be memories of her time spent missing three Carter Cavalier gender male aged 16 to 20 carter cavalier is the new kid in school having just moved to the town of missed Hill from Oklahoma he is a loner who keeps to himself and avoids speaking even to his classmates Carter comes from a broken home he's being raised by his aunt's Marge Cavalier his men a character on mist Hill since season 1 for Jonah bearish gender male age 40 to 45 Jonah barrage has moved back to mist Hill following the deaths of his wife and two kids in a car accident just months ago he immediately buys an old bookstore and turns it into a bakery he appears to have some sort of friction with other characters who used to know him when they were younger we'll be taking special consideration for the roles of Sylvia and Stacy as we have lost the beloved actresses two tragic accidents they will forever be in our hearts as the original Sylvia and Stacy and we hope that their replacements are every bit as bright beautiful smart and talented Souls as our friends who have left us so suddenly weren't these roles are in high demand and of great importance so be sure to make yourself stand out so that you are more likely to be chosen we are excited to have these two characters come back to life and we hope they will be happy with their replacements may they rest in peace we look forward to hearing from any new talent to replace these characters and we are excited to have the residents of mist Hill grow even more good luck to all of you who decided to take part in this to those who make it we hope that you will enjoy your life and miss Hill as a permanent part of our community we are a family here and Families never quit or grow apart to those who don't make it don't give up you might end up finding a spot just for you in our lovely town thanks for watching and I hope you enjoy today's narration I want to give a huge thanks to last month's $5 and up patrons uncle Ulrich Ashley V make C April our Cassandra Joseph M Sara W Lake s Ronnie K Tonya a Letty M hunter D Christopher B Stephanie M and all the other $5 an up and $2 patrons on screen as well all of your support makes these narrations possible and I appreciate it a ton if you'd like to join these lovely ghouls I'd appreciate it if you check out my patreon page for just $1 a month you'll get an exclusive narration that will never ever be uploaded to my channel usually one a bit too extreme for YouTube so that's at least one extra video every month for just $1 if not more for two dollars a month you will get to thinked in the end scroll of every video and for just $5 a month I'll shout you out at the end of multiple videos a month personally you also get exclusive discord rules for those perks as well if you'd like to chat with me for a bid you can join me on a monthly livestream for just $10 a month and get a sign to merch sticker for 25 a month and if you're in the market for some horrifying shirts and hoodies you can head on over to my teespring store in the description as well and don't forget to follow me on twitter at second clancy i'm going to thank you all for watching and i will see you all next time have a good night everybody Cheers [Music] you
Channel: ClancyPasta
Views: 153,637
Rating: 4.8043427 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, lost episode, lost episode creepypasta, asmr reading, asmr story
Id: F0UuvAevleE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 20sec (1940 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2019
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