"Chinese Takeout" | Creepypasta

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we've all done it gabled at the lonely stranger talking to themselves in the aisles of the grocery store grinned at the elderly tourists staring aimlessly and nothing amidst the busyness of a bustling city street we give them a passing glance have our brief smile or perhaps our moments of feeling sorry for these folks and then we move on we head back to our day-to-day lives that's just what I was doing going about my day to day life when I started to question just how out of touch the folks I just referred to really are perhaps they're in touch with the world that's just beyond our own just beyond the grasp of everyday society a darker world it was Wednesday night late in September and I've just gotten in from a lengthy business trip I arrived home to find my wife laid up in bed with a terrible migraine headache and my children sitting on the couch wrapped up in a heated game of trivia on the PlayStation there really isn't any way for me to not sound like a jerk here but I was road-weary beaten down from eight hours of staring at asphalt and just wanted to flop down into the couch but the time on the road behind me but with the kids on the couch and the wife laying in bed surrounded by darkness I was officially out of places to sit my tired old butt so after long overdue embraces to my son and daughter and a kiss on my ailing wife's forehead I found myself leaning back against the kitchen counter I stood there in silence staring at the stove and listening to the quite hum of the refrigerator trying to decide what to make for dinner cooking was the last thing I felt like doing yet there I stood perhaps waiting for supper to prepare itself I opened the fridge about 6 times each time looking into the illuminated box will they to close the door while shaking my head when I found nothing to my liking that sealed it I wasn't in the mood to cook but I damn sure was in the mood to eat with my wife's sick in bed and the kids actually getting along I decided my best bet was to just run out and grab food for the family I really didn't feel like getting back in the car but after a full day of driving what was 20 more minutes so I pulled the rest of the house on what to grab for everyone I live in a little community just off the interstate but with a population of just over 3,000 our options are limited to the standard small town fare Pizza Chinese Mexican Ana tiny diner that offered home cooking style meals were about our only choices not counting the head full of fast-food joints just off the interstate accent my wife didn't care as long as she didn't have to deal with it my daughter wanted chicken wings and my son wanted seafood I was up for anything as long as I could get everyone's food at the same place getting back behind the wheel was fine running all over town was a different story entirely however but the choices my kids came back with my options were limited fast food was out and so it's a little Mexican place in the far side of town I could get shrimp there they didn't have chicken wings the pizza place in the strip mall had wings but no seafood on the menu that left the Chinese place they made both of the items my kids were looking for fried shrimps and weeks my wife always got the same thing so I wouldn't have to pester her about the menu and I'd never been known to turn down an order of General Tso's chicken I went to the living room and got everyone's okay with my choice before calling the order in an order of fried shrimp an order of eight wings an order of chicken and broccoli and finally my order of general cell with a side of sweet and sour soup I was informed that it would be about 15 minutes now it's just about how long it took to get from my house on the outskirts of town to the little Chinese takeout I asked my kids to set the table once their current game of trivia ended before making my way out the door even though I spend 1/3 of my working life behind the wheel I don't mind driving around if I'm close to home my little piece of America is what I think a small town should be friendly faces people waving as you pass by and a real sense of community people at the grocery store know your name police officers ask about your kids and the checkout girl the gas station knows how you like your coffee that's probably why I'd be so shocked by the time Sun rose the next morning since I'm so fond the place I call home I'm always happy to drive through the place being such a nice stay and put the windows down in my Chevy turned up the Hank jr. and made my way across town to the takeout place being on the south side of town it took a while to get to me as number one on the far north side of town it was only about four miles but when you factor in neighborhood streets and winding roads the minutes add up the carryout shared a parking lot at the small laundromat the proprietor of the restaurant also the laundromat though I'd never formally met the man I knew his face from school functions I'd attended over the years as one of his sons was in the same grade as my daughter I pulled him to the parking lot slipping my truck and in one of the three remaining open parking slots there were 12 spots in the little shared parking lot it seemed pretty busy for a Wednesday night it got out from behind the wheel and walk you to the restaurant pulling the door for a younger guy that had his hands full with multiple bags of his own when I step to the counter a familiar face of a pretty young Asian woman smiled at me and said you were general so in sweet sour soup right I nodded like I said small town okay just one minute I get whole order she stated slipping out a view into the kitchen behind me as I stood waiting at the counter I heard the front door open behind me an old woman on should the shoulders with stringy white hair that hung loosely around her face walked through the door she wore white blouse and dark slacks pulled high on her waist and clinched I know her her belly button her face was pale the skin wrinkled and matching the veiny flesh that pulled against long bony fingers on her hands her eyes were sunken in dark hers was a face I did not recall seeing before but it wasn't her face they call my attention it was the baby doll she was cradling in her left arm nothing really out of the ordinary about it just a regular run-of-the-mill doll with plastic limbs and an all plastic head sewn on to a stuffed torso absent of any clothing the torso was just a stained rather dingy white color it wasn't the talking type or the kind of toy that pees and poops just a standard old boring baby doll and she was talking to it I cannot tell just what the old woman was saying to the doll as she stroked the plastic hair on its head with a long pale finger her voice was lower than a whisper very raspy and completely inaudible her lips moved slowly as did the hen that rubbed the toys forehead she seemed to be trying to soothe it the whole thing was a little off-putting but I've seen the horrible effects of dementia on the elderly so I passed it off and turned my attention back to the counter I was just in time to see the young woman come out from the kitchen with two bags of food I quickly paid for my carry out exchange parting pleasantries with a checkout girl and turned to leave the restaurant as I began to pass the elderly woman who still appeared to be comforting the doll I stepped out toward my left to give her a little extra room grabbing the handle to the exit i lurched backward as the old woman's hand shot from the plastic to his forehead and wrapped tightly around my expose for our with surprising strength her cold fingers pressed into my skin I'd like to think I could have pulled away with these but I can't swear that to be true besides even though the shock hadn't yet worn off I had no desire to hurt the old woman I turned to face sir see if she needed help I looked into those sunken eyes and asked if she was okay she returned my gaze and amazingly her grip tightened it actually began to hurt she looked fine you have to help us she said her voice shaky and weak I've never seen so many ma'am I'm sorry I don't know what you mean I replied she pulled her gaze from mine and looked through the glass door into the parking lot I followed her gaze and looked forward the cars outside everything looked as it did when I arrived the black soles outside she began to tremble the demon men they are everywhere tears began to well up in the old woman's eyes she released her grip on my forearm and raised a frail finger toward the window she pointed toward the vehicles and a lot and began to sob loudly through the tears she forced herself to speak again they bring death they're crawling all over everything at that moment the door beside us opened at an elderly man sporting a neatly trimmed a beard and leaning on a cane stepped into the carryout he moved forward slowly taking the trembling woman's hand in his own before pulling it to his chest it's ok Ingrid stay calm everything is ok he whispered to her the gentleman then turned to me and then smiled warmly I'm sorry young man he becomes confused on occasion these days it's no trouble sir I replied holding the door for the couple as they let her back into the parking lot I assumed they'd been in the laundromat she wandered away heading out of the carryout myself I kept one eye on the elderly parents direction as I climbed into my pickup set him the two bags of dinner in the passenger seat of the truck I watched as he rubbed his shoulders gently trying to soothe the frazzled woman very much like she'd been doing with the baby doll he spoke to her softly but the old woman's had kept moving from side to side she seemed to be searching the parking lot for something a little unnerved and ready for a belly full of General Tso's chicken I began to back up staring into the rear view mirror and finally taking my eyes off the couple that's when the screaming started don't make me go back in there the woman screamed fighting back tears the evil is everywhere in there that was enough for me I began to put up the windows while simultaneously pulling toward the exit of the parking lot still I couldn't help one last glance chores the fun of the laundromat morbid curiosity I guess to this day I wish I'd have just kept driving standing there with their slender jagged figure pointing in my direction the old woman screamed out to me this time a warning the black Souls bring death and next they come for you The words were garbled and strained but they were clear cold chill ran down my spine as I turn the truck away and pulled in the street nearly clipping a beat-up old Ford as it sped recklessly to the carryout parking lot in the 15 minutes it took to get home I lost myself the warm autumn air in the music blasting out of my speakers with the exception of the local cop flying past me and his lights flashing and siren blaring the bride had been peaceful allowing me to shake off the incident at the Chinese place once through my front door I dished out the kids meals and gerd my wife is dinner as well as my own upstairs to where she was resting off the migraine I didn't wanted to eat alone I opened her chicken and broccoli and proceeded to set up a folding tray for her to rest the food on only it wasn't chicken and broccoli the restaurant had screwed up and sent her beef instead always something isn't it I'd have been my food that was screwed up and just grin and bear it however my wife doesn't need red meat I offered her the general sell she wasn't feeling well and didn't want anything too spicy I got that and wrapped the beef and broccoli back up to take back so the takeout place could get it right ignoring her objection I closed the lid on my dinner and called Ming's number one to inform them of the air and hopefully ex but I might rip a bit strangely they did not answer in seven years of calling in for take-out there I can't recall a single time they'd failed to pick up the phone annoyed but undeterred I took the incorrect dish out to the truck and headed back to the restaurant the Sun had dipped below the trees for most of the rod and the air wasn't quite as warm as it had been just 20 minutes before I noticed as I pulled onto the main road through our little town but there were no cars coming toward me in fact the only vehicles I saw at all were to state police cars the tour passed me in the same direction I was going I recall thinking that it must have been a nasty wreck on the interstate big rigs seem to turn over once every couple of months that was about the most excitement our Police Department ever saw at least until that afternoon as I neared the carryout place I noticed the traffic ahead of me had stopped two state police cars that pulled across the two-lane road that ran through the heart of town facing one another it lies two headlights they were detouring traffic to a side road on the left I muttered under my breath and tried to call the Chinese place once again finally someone answered sorry work lost the words came quick and sharply and then the woman on the far end of the line ended the call irritated but ready to accept defeat I turned the car around right there in the middle of the street and reseed it's the only pizza place in town I placed my order for a personal sized cheese and sat down in a booth while I waited while ordering the team behind the counter asked me if I had any idea what all the sirens had been about of course I didn't have a clue but as we discuss the topic another siren squealed in the distance my curiosity was up one of my fishing bunnies was a volunteer firefighter in town whom I figured my Noah was going down I shot him a quick text what's up with all the cops his reply came almost immediately and it left me a little queasy can't talk about it just know it's bad stay home and hug your kids the response was chilling not one to gossip I kept a little I now knew to myself and sat in silence once the pizza was ready I took it home and hit at the box to my wife I told her something was going on in town but we didn't really discuss it any farther we ate quickly sitting up on the bed and watching television their ads still hurting she went to bed early after cleaning up dinner I played a handful of trivia games the kids before ushering them off to showers and bad once they'd headed off to sleep I had popped open the internet check to see if anyone on social media had commented on all of the police presence in town all I found was a single post from one of my wife's co-workers that read simply prayers for our community that was it no comments nothing more it all seemed strange shortly I succumbed to the rigors of the road and nodded off on the couch when I woke up the next morning all of my questions from the previous day were answered as soon as I turned on the television one of the local reporters for a station out of nearby Knoxville a standing in front of Ming's number one in the adjoining laundromat behind her police officers milled about the parking lot behind multiple runs of yellow police tape coming in and out of the laundry door other news crews could be seen in the frame as well as some men in suits and others and one looked like hazmat suits I noticed the beat-up Ford it almost had my truck the day before still sitting in the parking lot I listened as the reporter detailed the event a man in his early 30s had walked into the laundromat looking for his ex-wife he'd found her doing laundry with her new boyfriend according to a witness that preferred to remain anonymous the man then opened fire on everyone inside he'd killed seven people before turning the gun on himself the news report showed photos of the victims one by one across the screen I recognized three of them one of those lost was the teller of my bank I saw her through the driveway every other week when I'd cashed my expense checks her name was Lisa she was six months pregnant another worked beyond the counter of the gas station where I'd buy my baits during walleye season last victim the news mentioned was a special needs student and went to the same school as my kids I sat in silence for a long time I cannot believe such evil had come to our little town then I remembered the old woman I remember the tear in her eyes when she talked about the black souls surrounding the laundromat the shakiness in her voice when she said they brought death had she been right could she really see something the rest of us could not was she more in tune with the world beyond this one because she was getting close to joining it my blood ran cold and then I thought about her jagged finger that finger pale and veiny pointing at me warning me that next time the black souls those bringers of death were coming for me and I think about that old woman and her warning every night when I lay down to sleep when I wake well those blacks old bringers of death be waiting for me assuming they let me wake up at all [Music] hey everyone I hope you enjoyed today's video if you want to see more let me know in the comments below and tell me what you thought of this narration make sure to follow me on Twitter for updates and if you'd like to get early videos shout outs in much much more I'd appreciate it if you check out my patreon page it's a place where you can help support my channel while getting awesome rewards in the process and every pledge helps out a ton no matter the size so if you'd like to see all the rewards I offer and consider becoming a patron in mean a ton to me if you click the link in the description and just check it out and don't forget to show some love to the amazingly talented authors who make these narrations possible I have a good night everybody Cheers [Music] you
Channel: ClancyPasta
Views: 163,888
Rating: 4.8120956 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, nosleep, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, nosleep story, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story, reddit stories
Id: AuybCXi37_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 31 2018
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