"The Fourth Pyramid of Giza" Creepypasta

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my friend dr. Jeffrey O'Hare had not been the same since we began our excavation of the Great Pyramid of Giza the most brilliant of minds can easily be warped and corrupted by madness my friend Jeffrey was no longer a man that I knew it started small beginning when he noticed strange hieroglyphics within the pyramids he jotted them down in his notebook being the great scholar that he was though even the greatest of scholars can be blind to their own desires he became obsessed with his notes believing that it was an ancient language one older than the first dynasty of Egypt and I did not believe such things I'd seen the ancient symbols but thought more practically on the matter but I should have known that Jeffrey would stand on the edge of the excavation site at dusk watching the glowing orange orb of the Sun fall behind the sand dunes and sometimes he would call out to me shouting for me to come and see something and every time I arrived there'd be nothing there but what appeared to be an endless expanse of sand I saw nothing of what he spoke yet he swore he saw it his obsession the fourth pyramid he began rambling on about such nonsense for about a month and it all began when he thought that he had deciphered the ancient hieroglyphics and I didn't believe him I thought that his desire to be remembered throughout history to be the one studied set his academic brain off-kilter yet it consumed him it's all his oak of he stopped bathing he stopped eating he became a shell of the man that I once knew only spewing the mad ramblings of folklore and misunderstandings he'd seen the three pyramids hell we'd spent two months there exploring the innards of such great feats he was persistent though he honestly believed there to be a fourth and I thought him mad it wasn't until Jeffrey began leading some of our diggers out into the desert that I became concerned he'd watched the sunset he stopped calling for me and instead he needed to superstitious workers to listen to his authority and over the course of a few nights he took three workers out into the desert stumbling over starlit dunes into the depths of the white sandy void the workers began to fear him but I did not believe him to be so cruel and I dared not listen to rumors that said I waited one evening watching as he led the third worker out into the shadowy swept desert and I became shaken to my core when I'd seen that he returned alone tired and out of breath sweating in the cold desert night he stumbled back into camp and fell asleep muttering with the great black pyramid and I had no choice I feared the worst of Jeffrey I did not know what he did to those men but I did not know him anymore he was nothing to me my childhood friend my colleague my partner was nothing but a lunatic that I became trapped with and I ordered the workers to keep a close eye on him and to never let him out of his tent they did as I asked they watched him like Hawks to a rabbit they refused to let him leave no matter how hard he begged them I should have kept him contained I knew better but it wasn't until I saw it too that my strength buckled and doubt supplanted its throne I stood alone at dusk staring out across the endless expanse of sand the orange Sun turned the hellish red glowing with such a vibrancy it appeared larger than normal to and the raising waves of heat from the sand stretched out towards it causing it to bend and contort as if it were being asphyxiated by the coming night and that is when I saw it and at first I thought it to be a mirage or a vision of exhaustion no I could tell it to be a reality just beyond the ancient dunes that a massive structure one made from black granite and obsidian the red haze of the Sun danced the cross that's four sides its tip glistened as if it were clear diamond and I stared at a mighty sight I stared at the fourth pyramid of giza it was in a moment of rash realization that I acted without thinking as soon as the Sun dissolved behind the rising dunes did the structure vanish from sight completely I raced across the campsite I needed more validation something that a scholar should never believe and I felt the sense of relief throw hair could not be crazy he knew something existed out there in the lost sands of time he knew it by well I was too blind to see I ordered the guards to release him from his tent and they did so when Jeffrey emerged from his makeshift prison he looked about the many blank faces that stared at him he began screaming and kicking dirt and he shouted which of you saw it which of you must I take and I stood before him out of breath and tired sweat leaked from every pore of my body but I was so excited that I smiled upon my old friend and said I did Jeffrey it was me who saw the fourth O'Hare's eyes grew wide they watered a moment and I believe that he found safety in my vision of clarity he stood stumbling to his feet he pressed his hand on my shoulder face saddened at first but a smile slowly lifted his cheeks and he chuckled to himself for a moment I foolishly believed it to be out of relief not cold malice Jeffrey led me into the desert alone he stayed ahead of me and I liked that I did not believe his claims but he still felt mad to me and I did not know what he did to the other men whom he led into such a perilous place I feared that he killed them abandoned them but a foolish part of me believed he took them to the pyramid to begin excavating and how stupid of a thought that was I feared that Jeffrey's own historical ambitions and hindered him yet they hindered myself I feared him but yet i still followed him blindly into the shadows of the night we trekked over many dunes and the desert is cold that night cold enough to freeze the very marrow of bones I shivered consistently trying to stay warm as I followed Geoffrey over another massive dune the sand parted as her feet connected causing our feet to drift and move the sands of Egypt were unstable as was my mind Geoffrey rested for a moment at the top of the dune he chuckled to himself and I moved behind him reaching for the top of the Shelf of sand I collapsed to my knees out of sheer exhaustion I felt as if we walked for miles but as I turned back I could see the twinkling lanterns of our excavation site I could see the three pyramids lit under the low moonlight o'hara said quickly look scholar and see look and see its majesty I turned looking out at the endless expanse of sand and dust the winds blew violently creating large twirling masses of tan dancing across the desert floor they blocked my vision momentarily for I raised my hand to shield my eyes it was only when Geoffrey demanded me to look that I lowered it and saw the majesty of which he spoke before us stood the great black pyramid that I'd seen in the Setting Sun towered over us massive and hulking was such a power did not appear to be made of individual stones for if it were they had to be blended with meticulous precision and by sight alone I assumed it to be made of obsidian the moon shimmered across this lofty sides and I could see lines of black granite extended from its base to the top of the pyramid Thapa a mass of white diamond set glowing with the colour of starlight yet no stars glowed around the structure and I feared for whatever reason that the pinnacle of the structure devoured their light it radiated across the desert becoming a lone beacon in the night and I could not break my gaze from such a structure and it could not break it's from mine for the diamond stared back as if it were the eye of the aether itself it was only one Jeffrey placed his hand on my shoulder that my amazement broke in my gaze shifted back towards the camp the lanterns were exhausted and the tents vacated nothing sat on the distant horizon but the wonders of the other three pyramids unchanged an ancient with time as I stared at the ancient structures the only pieces that remained of my world did I ask is this where you taking the workers my friend what have you done with them and I will show thee Jeffrey muttered moving closer for the wonders of the fourth are greater within as I looked upon the fourth pyramid again I could tell that it's at untouched by the sands of time not a piece of it withered or waned over the eons grand entrance stood at its base in the glowing color the Hellfire flowed from it and dread itself flooded from the open mouth of the structure and I knew then in that moment that I had made an error I knew that the workers did not dig and that Jeffrey brought them to such a place for other reasons I wanted to weep but as I stared at the glowing diamond to I in the hell is ma the structure wonder took control it is something that I cannot explain for as a scholar I dreamt of such a sight in all my life no matter how I read it it was as Jeffrey moved towards the bottom of the dune I did not hesitate to continue following at the entrance of the great structure two statues loomed over us they too were made of black granite their eyes one diamond and one obsidian stared down at me as I approached one was the likeness of the great god Osiris the other the other larger with arms in a sweeping motion towards the doorway to the ancient temple was Isis Jeffrey moved ahead of me moving towards the great entryway it was then that I could see the work of such a great open doorway the health fire glowed was such a vibrant light that O'Hare became nothing but a silhouette before me and yet as I stared in such awe and amazement I could see that the doorway was the maw of a great statue one of Amun her mouth that of a crocodile sat a gate and was the doorway itself her eyes were pure diamonds and glistened under the light of the non-existent stars the mane of a great line was meticulously carved around the maw flowing outward and resembling roaring flames to feet those of hippopotamus sat beneath the arched door resting atop the sand that dared not buries such a sight my friend and God disappeared upon entry the glowing light of the pyramids innards beckoned me and I felt helpless and its gaze I stumbled forward lost to wonder and awe my feet could not lift from the sand and I merely dragged them behind me It was as if I were pulled into the infernal maw unable to let go and run from such a grasp I became blinded by the orange light blinded by the dancing red that came with it my mind they kidded my body and I felt as if I too were a shell a husk of my former self and then as I passed through the doorway the light vanished in an instant and I stood alone in the dark I felt around trying to find my bearings in such a dark horrid place my rationality returned to me the wonder of the fourth and the amazement of the doorway had faded from my mind quickly looking back only do I realize that it was the shadows of the thin corridor in which I stood that brought my mind back to me only the darkness the livered common sense I screamed out for Jeffrey several times he was not there with me I truly stood alone in an ancient structure one of which could not be seen by the eyes of a mere mortal and my hands rub the sides of the corridor I could feel ancient carvings those of hieroglyphics and I tried my best to read them in the dark but they were not of Egypt they were symbols somewhat remnant of long-dead druids and even symbols similar to the Cretans I screamed for Jeffrey once more my boys echoed through the corridor carried on the back of shadows as it faded from the hall a dim light glowed towards me at the end of the tunnel something which I feared would never end I ran as fast as I could careless of what may lurk within the shadows and fright took control and I needed out the only way was towards the dim light it was only when I reached it that I realized I should have stayed in the darkness I should have never entered such a dreadful place I should have never followed my old friend into that desert it was too late for all of that though for when I exited the hall I stood within the heart of the ancient temple hollow the fourth was a grand room was all that sat within the structure it extended upwards up toward the Dimond eye of the pyramid I could not see it though only assumed for the black shadows hung overhead blinding any vision a few meters up where I stood was raised but five steps led down a small granite lip leading towards the great floor of the pyramid no a lantern was lit yet the room itself glowed with the light of many flames the shadows danced across the great floor mimicking sand in the wild winds and in the center of the room knelt Geoffrey he Cowtown before a great statue it loomed overhead and it appeared to be that of an ancient Pharaoh its likeness I could not tell for I had not seen such a face in my life thin it was and gone as if it were a skull atop a well-fed body now I expected to see diamond and obsidian eyes however there were none face was expressionless eyeless in only odd hieroglyphics sat atop where the socket should have been before the statue was a table covered an old parchment marked with a dead language behind it a great archway stood with nothing beyond Jeffrey spoke in tongues his body raising and lowering as if it were a wave and the Mediterranean his chanting continued and I feared him truly I feared that the temple of whatever alert beyond the archway corrupted his MA mind turning him into nothing but a zealot I stepped down onto the floor with only the rhythmic chants of Jeffrey filling the air and it was then as I moved across the great floor towards my lost friend then a voice echoed from above it sounded as ancient as the structure itself as withered as the Sphinx it spoke in a language that I'd never heard before but yet I understood it who comes to me the chanting of O'Hare stopped quickly my friend hunched over bowing to the statue in the gray archway he spoke the strange language - and I understood I don't know how but I understood and he said another I have brought before that is great servant called the voice from above do you think four is enough show thyself to me Jeffrey said keeping his face to the ground of Thor show thyself so he too can see thy Majesty doubted does he doubt the first of the Pharaohs doubt the first of the summoner's before he must see Jeffrey replied so build a great cacophony of noise flooded down on to me it was nothing but sound but with it came wait that brought me to my knees the darkness above split dividing opening was such a swirling terror that I feared my heart to stop out of sheer fright the great glowing diamond atop the pyramid radiated with the light of the moon so brightly that I felt I would be blinded I tried to look away from the darkness above but I could not I could see through the grand oral I could see the faces of lost souls withered more than time itself I could see the fields of Elysium empty and bare I could see the noise stopped and I fell forward onto the floor drained of all will to fight or flee I laid still for a moment trying to gather my strength and I could hear the chanting continue and it drew my attention I gazed across the warm granite floor seeing that the great statue had a panic the archway no longer set M T for in it radiated a great darkness in front of it where the statue once stood a figure rose with its hands outstretched an odour radiated from it with dread class to the necrotic scent the figure was that of a man thin to the bone its skin dark and withered shriveled and flaked around the bones and joints of the moving corpse its hands were decayed and in one the figure held a great black book the face was death itself what skin remained laid tight to the bones in open cheeks the teeth of the figured shimmered under the light of the great diamond its lips were pursed decayed and corrupted by its speech figure possessed no eyes only a flap of skin stretched over the sockets as if it were a blindfold of sorts on it where the eyes should have been those symbols that I'd seen on the statue glowed with a haunting purple aura top the figures head set a great and elegant headdress of lavender and shadow the golden trim of the head crown was tarnished becoming the color of faded dying posies the voice of the dead Pharaoh cracked and hissed strained to speak it was raspy dead that of the calls of the shadows above oh dare you bring to my great temples one who has seen my temple under the blood-red sunset geoffery exclaimed keeping his head to the ground he looked up slowly fearful what he might see and upon the site of the great dead of Pharaoh Jeffrey screamed and horror but slowly lowered his head back into the granite why does thou exclaim him upon my sight servant why does thou fear thou ruler Jeffrey stammered fear overtook him and his voice sounded as if he wept so mighty majestic thou art the figure raised its arms up into the air waving them around slightly and as it did so the great shadows above suede as reeds the Pharaoh moved away from the swirling darkness and the archway moving towards my old friend it spoke that dreaded tongue that dead language saying a doubter I laid motionless those glowing symbols of eyes that the figure possessed stared up into the abyss but I felt them gazing at me I could feel the warmth of the Hellfire the coldness of death as the being glared at me through the visions of the outer dark the first of the summoner's I am the greatest of the Pharaohs who in my likeness they built such great wonders I lowered my head towards the floor again trying not to look at the figure I feared that the sight alone would drive me mad and I thoughts of running but became nervous that I would not get far for great powers were at work in the fourth great powers indeed I did not understand them and test them I would not look upon me doubt her look upon my face for thou hast seen my great art and did as seeing you I did as the old one asked looking back towards the figure it loomed over Jeffery loomed over me but its arms outstretched still swaying the darkness above speak the Pharaoh exclaimed its mouth did not move as its corrupted language vacated its body I see your majesty I screamed so petrified by the sight of the great one am I so majestic am I so beautiful as my servant described I am the great priest of the others I am the one who speaks with the Devourer of stars I'm the bender of Browns and the grantor of the linghua Marcus I am never cower Jeffrey spoke still shaken O great one you asked for a doubter an for I've delivered will thou not keep thy word and the great Pharaoh rose up from the floor the stands darkness elevated him working as if they were a solid mass and he spoke quickly hateful does thou ask a favor from the great priest bel promised the promise to release the Jeffrey stammered and as he did so great serpents of shadow writhed across the floor over me and towards my friend they wrapped around him tightly forcing him upwards and he screamed and pain and fear for his question offended long dead priest he hollered out forgive me forgive me for asking a promise I gave and release you I will three doubters you giveth and a forth to replace the swirling darkness within the archway formed together becoming stagnant for a moment only to split again at the center a great city laid beyond and a host of dead there were around many great spires they wept floating among the wild wind upwards into a never-ending abyss the spires were that of ivory faded and yellowed and obsidian structures there were too and many strange black pyramids in the distance above the long dead city a great alert belonging to a hulking mass of shadows in either white it was with no pupil but an iris that radiated a cold hue it looked upon us through the archway and I gazed into it lost within the pale the great priest spoke again beyond I will take you great servant to the lost city and the other that lurks above Jeffrey screamed and cried hollering for me to help him I dared not move for the great white I glared into me devouring my soul and in its gaze I lost myself it was only when the dead priest said doubter no more you are nine servants he will be three onion and four will be release I scream for I knew that my friend a brilliant mind but a wretched soul had damned me as he did himself I hollered with all my might hollowed with such self-pity release me I beg you great one nay thou art my servant for thou how doubted my majesty the only release is that of three dare not test me for vow doubts again say thy name and remember my majesty the great Pharaoh moved towards the archway the shadow serpents followed him Geoffrey still within their clutches they moved towards the archway and the great cacophony roared down on me again and I wept I felt my heart burst I felt the world around me collapsing I felt alone yet my gaze did not break from the great weii that lurked beyond the archway it was only when the shadows of the room grew taller wire and consuming did I truly sit the lone in the shadows I awoke in my tent screaming and hollering I sweated perfuse li and scrambled to my feet a terrible great nightmare it was I opened my canteen splashing my face with warm water and downing quite a bit of it and really if overtook me for a moment but it was only when my workers entered the fear reared they asked me what I'd done with Jeffrey they asked me what I'd done with Jeffrey they asked what I saw out in the desert for they saw me return alone across the ancient dunes at sunrise I dared not speak of such troubles that I'd seen for I feared the worse I did not stay in Egypt I returned home the next day many nights though as I watched the sunset I can still see the fourth pyramid out in the horizon I could see its glistening black panels a duty was thrust upon me but I had not the heart to complete it I dare not doubt what it is that I saw but I doubt myself to carry out such a task the great priest the man's three but a fourth would be my replacement a fourth would be my end is out of sheer fear that I do not return to Giza it is out of fear that I dare not speak of what it is that I saw mad people will call me for I know firsthand I doubted Jeffrey I doubted my sight I abandoned rationality to better myself but what I discovered is worse than reality beyond the great archway they called to me in my sleep the great priest speaks to me in dreams demanding that I finished my assignment I cannot but I dare not doubt and often dare I say his name never core you
Channel: Creepy Ghost Stories
Views: 104,641
Rating: 4.7265763 out of 5
Keywords: Creepypasta, horror stories, creepy story, scary story, nosleep story, ASMR reading, ASMR story, Reddit Stories, Creepypasta reading, Creepypasta Narration, Cryptids, pyramid, pharoah, desert
Id: rn26uhMcN7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 54sec (2034 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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