Why I Cheated Against MY BROTHER In This Build Battle...

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one of my favorite memories in life is whooping my younger brothers in literally everything we did no but around the age of 10 both of my younger brothers managed to grow significantly taller and stronger than me which has caused some issues that's why today I'm here to redeem myself by challenging my younger brother to a Minecraft build battle that he is confident he'll win what he doesn't know is I've been practicing these Mini-Game builds for the last week and I'm going to absolutely decimate them ladies and gentlemen welcome to round one and our first Mini-Game is a lock-based minigame my friend oh gosh that's kind of a vague first okay so guys for our very first mini game build today based on luck we're gonna create a pretty incredible Act race you slotted some concrete and some crazy traps so what we're gonna do is first off use world edit to completely revamp the entire section here where one of these halves becomes uh pink one of these halves becomes Brown and then inside of these all we have to do really is create similar almost actually identical and very complex Axolotl racing courses all right guys we are going to be building the rubber ducky game that you see at every Carnival and we're just gonna get building the rubber ducky game right away right at the entrance the only thing left to do is complete the side here and then we can start working on the water section for the rubber ducks that we're going to be floating in there so what we're going to do is we're going to create a starting region right here and uh oh might as well go out on the pink you know we'll do this and then a pink gate there we go all right there we go so we got the pink Axolotl and we'll get to murder this one now and then we can go ahead and give her a little name tag here if you guys are Team Pink drop a comment down below and then really pull this off all I have to do is build out the pink side just like this and create some sort of interesting path and then uh basically copy and paste it over there and now all I have to do is actually make this look gorgeous all right so I did a little bit of world Edit Magic and I moved it down one and over so now it perfectly lines up as you walk in so he can't get us for symmetry reasons and now we just need to fill this in with a rainbow colored floor and add the water and we can start adding our luck based rubber duckies [Music] all right so I'm adding fishing rods on the edge of the pool and basically these are going to be your little mini game tool to fish in your rubber ducky so I'm actually thinking about using chickens because chickens are the closest thing in Minecraft to a duck and we can name the chickens and basically whatever chicken you you reel in as the prize you get so we're gonna load up the pond with a bunch of chickens and then after that we'll name them up and then basically it's just a matter of letting Zach fish one out to see what he wins I should probably make it more deadly because like I feel like if he falls off he deserves to die in my opinion all right that is pretty spectacular so now the fun part is uh copy pasting this over we only have 300 seconds left and I'm actually not sure if that's a long time or not because I usually don't think in terms of seconds copy it here and then one two three four five six one two three four five six so I would say probably here and let's fix this oh finally oh my God I did literally did not think we were gonna get that all right let's go ahead and name them uh Team Brown These are now set up and in my opinion they look really bad actually all right we have 37 seconds left but we're basically done I do want to just load a little bit more chickens up front and they're all going to be the loser class because these are going to be the ones that people that walk up to fish are more likely to catch so if you catch a loser one uh you basically get absolutely nothing so really that's what we want them to win time's about to get serious guys the music just got a lot more intense because I just got the idea to build some Grand stands that are actually watching this and I don't know if I can do this very quickly but if I build one and paste it and can do it correctly it will work all right that looks okay if I'm quick about this then I should be able to copy there and then copy here and then if I stand kind of right in here and then copy rotate 180 all I have to do I believe is stand on the exact same spot paste it and then change it to brown brown concrete powder pink concrete powder spruce stairs what is that called wart no Crimson stairs oh oh God Axolotl died Axolotl died we have an emergency death oh my God bro all right Isaac all right Zach I feel pretty good with my first build of the day that's all I'm gonna say well I don't feel good about mine so let's go ahead and take a look at yours first all right I believe the theme was luck today right that's correct I made my favorite carnival games act the rubber ducky game where you flip over a duck and see if you won what have you never seen the rubber ducky game bro no this is so good how do we win though now you just have to take your fishing rod and pick a chicken and fish them in and they're named and that's how you see which one you want so is that the one you choose oh yeah now you just have to look at them to see what you want there's not nothing I saw you cheat but I understand a giant stuffed animal you are the luckiest person alive the ones that didn't have a name I was the one without a name Jack they were all named dude that's actually a legit great get game idea like I gotta give you props for that that's actually really good all right let's go ahead and check mine out a little bit slightly different here welcome oh God everything despawned when I left all right guys welcome to Axolotl racing Isaac please choose your team pink or brown I am gonna go team Pinky's fresh out of the spawn egg so he's gonna be a little bit faster all right team Brown let's go baby we're gonna open the gates in three two one go first want to make it to the end is the winner okay so slow we got brown making out of the gate right now brown so go ahead Nick and Lead right now we got team Brown moving on Brown's looking at the lava okay and team Brown's moving slowly he's getting a little bit of lead on team oh that's going backwards turn around oh God it's neck and neck right here folks this could not be any more intense we're gonna get a top-down view from the helicopter this is crazy team Brown has a slight slight lead on him out of all the animals why would you choose this when it moves like one mile per hour could hop in that water and this could be a dnf and Team Pink takes a lead it's a neck and neck race oh my God he's in the water first they're both in the water oh no are they trapped in there did you even test this and they have become stuck in the water oh Team Pink and sound goes backwards folks we got another five seconds and whoever's farther is the winner five four three two one and team Brown is the winner Team Pink just can't make his mind off what a crazy race folks but I mean I like it that's that's a solid game round one one two or three points Isaac go ahead and take your selection and pop it down right now uh it's controversial but I'm gonna give Isaac a gold as well I think it was great wow great round there folks lots of creativity lots of good stuff let's move on to round two though where things get even spicier because round two parkour oh I don't want to build a parkour course the first thing I want to do is indent the land here because I'm not going to make this one too big I think the mistake Isaac's gonna make today is trying to make it too large and it's going to lack the detail that it really needs to be a great parkour course I'm trying to think of a fun way to do parkour that isn't going to be like really like overdone like everybody's jumped on blocks so my first thought is we set the whole floor to water and then we use the drip Leaf block to make like a parkour course that you cannot stop on all right so these blocks you cannot actually jump on I don't think they're the small drip Leaf so we're just gonna put these around as like fake outs he's gonna think that you can jump to that but really the first parkour thing is right there so this is just a complete diversion he's going to come here and he's going to jump and fall through but really what you have to do is wrap the corner and hit that if I was good at parkour I could have done it I'll actually move it one closer so it's easy so the idea here is I would like to make like this very aesthetic starting point here that looks a little bit like this because really what I'm going for more than parkour is a very pretty build we'll get some white wool and some black wool because we're gonna have a little finish sign here but on the edge we'll go ahead and Mark it off with some slabs like this one all right that looks okay now it's going to be really complex but I'm trying to kind of blow Isaac away here all right we're going to do a quick test to see if this is possible I'm trying to make it easy because I don't like super hard parkour oh my gosh it is difficult though these make it really hard you cannot stop at all all right here we go again oh yeah I'm doing it okay this one's a little far so we'll move that in I want to try to make like a hoppy parkour where you actually have to like jump on like something like this does that work though we only have 10 minutes I think it's a little bit uh tough to do a build like this I I think that the Redstone could theoretically power it like this if I use like repeaters like this in the middle so maybe if I did something like this the repeating system would theoretically power it through the brick on the side let's see I'm looking for but I wanted to be more of a button that way when you turn it on it kind of like pops up there it is kind of cool let's slow it down all the way I think we'll just max level because I want Isaac to kind of win okay well uh that's that um now all we have to do is go through and cover this all up so I can put lava down here so he has to hop across it and then test it out and I'm gonna make a little witch's Hut in the middle here uh just a little custom witch hut and this will be the finish of the parkour because we only have 405 more seconds so we can't go too big and use up the entire area um so we'll get a quick building in here as the finish line foreign so here is the Finish Line we just set up a quick little witch's Booth here um the parkour course is complete so the last thing to do will just be to Spruce it up and make it feel a lot more immersive so we're gonna add a lot more of these small drip leaves and then I'm gonna go look for some maybe some seagrass and uh some tadpole eggs we forgot the pressure plate hold on hold on hold on I think we could do maybe like that I love this look how cool that is all right I'm actually extremely happy with the work that I've done but the Redstone needs to go in one more all right we're gonna absolutely dominate Isaac on this I'm telling you right now if I don't get a gold for learning so much about freaking Redstone in like 30 seconds to be able to pull this off I should get the dub we decided it wasn't fair if we vote and so what I think would be best guys is uh every like is a vote for me every comments one for Isaac if you want to comment and like you can do that if you want to vote for both of us we're trying to figure out a way to get you guys to vote because it's not fair when we do we do need to put a witch up here in the shack for a little bit more immersion and we'll definitely need a name tag because if we don't name this thing it'll definitely despawn before he gets here all right so we've named the witch witch and we do want to put a little fence gate up here too so it doesn't end up like running out even though I don't think it will I don't know I've seen some Minecraft things do some weird things in my day I don't know for some reason I really feel like this needs maybe like something like this like hey guys this is where you start the race come on down to the old race start section right here baby oh you know what else I could do what if I added like a world record over here with like all previous World Records make it five so it's even and then I can pop one up in the middle and do something like this finally we're going to give a shout out to all our Cadence out there there's our world record wall right there who's left there's our Spectators we are here it is time let's see what Isaac has done oh no I built it backwards oh my God god I'm an idiot all right Isaac that's time all right do you want me to come to yours or you want to come over here again come to mine all right I'm here all right all right I'll start over here here start whenever you're ready okay possible oh wow that is actually very Advanced wow what do you think of that how did you even figure out how to do this look at this look at this I gotta show you it actually was so complicated for me to figure out I'm gonna set this to air I did this as a layer with lava and then underneath this I did another layer but I'll set this to Air and I had a redstone Contraption where the Redstone signal passed through the solid block to go up and then I delayed the signal so that it would work wow I I'm very impressed anything redstone's Act is an instant impression on me that is going to be high points today that's what I can tell you right now thank you thank you let's take a look at yours welcome to swampland parkour make it to the witch's Hut what oh you can't jump on frog eggs next it up again you can't even jump on that either this was a diversion you were supposed to go straight just like you did the actual parkours to the right oh my God so you basically did what I did a little bit but without the Redstone essentially yep and you have completed okay all right this little plant here in the front Zack I knew you were gonna jump to it so I put that there and the actual thing was to the right it's really not bad I can do this whole thing without even falling look at that I know I wanted to make it kind of easy because that's how I like my parkour wow okay okay all right I think yours was good again the audience is picking so you can be honest with your votes because ours will not impact the actual winner as much as who they vote for uh so go ahead and pick your color in three two one go I know I know I just felt like it just you know what I mean it was a great build it just felt like it was so much worse than mine you know what I mean I I'll be honest I thought mine had a lot more detail than yours I'll give yours a gold actually I agree it did have some great detail all right all right that seems fair in round three I will be starting it in two one Bang it 1v1 oh 1v1 interesting so whatever we design we need to design to fight each other 1v1 or it doesn't have to be a fight all right I'm gonna do something interesting here I'm gonna create what I call belief Spleef and uh this was inspired from Isaac's however I think I can make an actual really fun mini game here that you run around on this you try to knock each other off sleeve style and it's really tedious to set up and it takes forever we're just gonna be really fun I hope with two people all right let's give this a test run here we go so if there's two people and you each take out two rows dang it's like this is just big enough for one person that's the problem I don't know if I can we'll edit this block or not but I can't that make it a little easier that's a little better so you've got this long slender area to play the game in it looks kind of sick all right guys I'm really gonna go hard this round I'm even thinking about copying pasting that cake over there from the surrounding area I mean there's no rule against that and putting it on either side and then we can have a cake decorating competition on top of being a baking competition now we can work on making this pretty it's just like a carnival game I kind of want to give it like nice Carnival Vibes so we'll do a red and now we'll do a we'll do a cyan and white you know you don't see that too often when it comes to Carney games or something like this so then we have this little wall around the edge and then we can actually just use some colored glass here the similar white blue format that way you can't like Step On The Edge at all okay this looks pretty sick and then finally we'll do a thin glass cyan and white wall so now it kind of alternates this cool checkerboard pattern you have a cool way in there and then finally all we need to do is make a really aesthetic Spruce platform because I think that's going to mesh so well with this and that's going to be where you start [Music] thank you all right so step one in this is going to be getting your chest and growing your wheat with bone meal to obtain the wheat needed to bake a cake and then step two is going to be using the bucket to Milk The Cow I'm gonna put a lot of time into the staircase because I want it to be kind of ridiculous I want Isaac to see it and be like Zack why now we have this like gargantuan staircase to lead up to the competition I don't know if I can even copy that on the other side so I'm going to make a walkway around the edge now out of wood and you're just gonna have to walk to the other side to begin [Music] and then maybe like a starting zone like a team red yellow green and and so you've got like four starting colors and you can like put them in the corners okay that's not bad obviously though it's not perfect but the ideal in perfect world is you have multiple teams here and you come to your corner and you're good to go alright so I forgot that cakes actually need eggs too to be crafted so we're gonna have to put a bunch of chickens in here and then we'll just put fence gates on the front so and then you make your way to the crafting table right here at the end and first person to bake their cake and place it on the pedestal will be the winner and then after that we're gonna add a second where we copy and paste that cake in and then we're gonna have a cake decorating competition so looking around at the surrounding environment we could use that cake but I think it's a little bit too big oh man but we might have to because there's no other good cake [Music] three seconds I actually think I should be able to pull this off so we can make one of each color all right that is kind of awesome I think but it would look even more awesome if we colorize the pillars to match the teeth oh no okay that's good enough that's good enough accidentally deleted the whole thing but I got it back so all right guys this will be interesting because Isaac accidentally erased his entire base so we're gonna start with his and see what he has recreated now with a slight extension of time because of a major error Isaac what are we doing here so I did have a pretty elaborate build um basically it's first person to build a cake and place it on the diamond pedestal at the end is the winner I don't even know how to build a kick but okay that's fun let's try it time starts in three two one go all right okay I got my wheat I gotta milk my cows a lot of milk right now I don't mean milky I'm just breaking the sugar cane I know I need sugar for something and then I think you need an egg right yeah well it's just a matter of who can get an egg first now I got an egg I got four eggs I got four eggs I don't know what the cracking recipe is oh I think I got it I think I got it come on baby come on baby come on baby I'm using your table how do you know I didn't I can't pick it up can I I'm looking it up no no you can't look it up you have to figure it out what is the cake crafting recipe I missed where it goes but I can't even make it now I don't even know what I did no oh oh my God what even was the recipe bro what did I I'm so stupid yeah well there you go Zach this is the cake baking game all right that's pretty good I like it actually I actually genuinely like it that's really creative game I think the build is exactly what it should have been despite losing it I really liked it yeah now let's come take a look at mine in creative mode this one is a little different my friend ladies and gentlemen welcome to drip Spleef please follow your host down the alley here and prepare for battle right upside this staircase you will be uh able to choose a team and put on a team uniform for drip Spleef I'll go ahead and take team red all right don't punch it you will lose the armor go in survival mode and punch it I'll be team yellow and I need to team blue all right team yellow versus Team blue this is simply drip Spleef you know the rules first one to fall to the ground loses can you break things no breaking okay it's just it's just running go oh I do enjoy this one oh no baby I lost I thought there was like four layers you only did one layer you could only do one layer of drips Leaf you can't layer it I enjoy that I would really enjoy that if it was the entire thing if you had a bunch of people in layers I think the build came out nice though with the colors the banners the carnival Vibe I like it it's not bad I liked it yeah all right round three let's go ahead and get the voting here three two one a deserved iron for Isaac just because I had to waste another seven minutes for him to build it and I think that's fair I did accidentally delete like everything on the server so you know what he pretty much wiped it all I'm gonna be honest now guys there's a lot of potentials left mini golf racing PVP timed but only one will make it into the final round I want mini golf mini golf mini golf mini golf give it to me we got many many you believe it what were the odds of that guys round for the final round in my opinion the best round because we always save the best for you guys is the minigame build by the way I'm hoping that I will buys it today all right let's go ahead and start we're gonna do some ice on the foundation here something like this a little bit of a sand trap here go around like that that's gonna be round one we're gonna keep it very simple what I'm gonna go for on this one instead of extreme detail is Extreme quantity I want to make an actual 18-hole golf score if golf course in 10 minutes if I want to do that I have to go unbelievably fast and it's not gonna be easy to be honest all of my courses will be mid but I imagine we'll make up for that uh with what is going to be hopefully very fun all right guys final round I think we're down like two points according to our own scoring but this round is mini golf I am kind of a mini golf pro so I just need to get my world edit wand out and we're obviously going to be going lime concrete for the entire area all right so this is the starting hole for our mini golf course it is going to be red and white like a candy cane because the surrounding area is all candy so we might as well stick with the candy theme instead of trying to create our own hole one is going to be a relatively simple one we want to start them out very easy and this one is just going to be a nice Hopper hole and the whole one is now completed I'd like to get nine holes in here before the time runs out but it's going to be very tight because we do not have a lot of time I think the best thing to do then would be like create our shapes and then go back in and fill them because I want this to be very very quick I just want to spam Isaac with holes and I want him to see it and be like how is that even possible that you have done this all right this one's gonna have a water hazard and we'll fill it all in again two goals all right new plant we definitely don't have enough time to make this a bunch of different holes so we're just gonna have to make this a super long mini golf hole and essentially just extend the entire thing and we're gonna add some bunkers into our mini golf course to give it a little bit more realism and basically it's just going to be Soul Sand so basically if you hit these your snowball is going to instantly stop and it's going to act just like a sand bunker in actual golf but we're adding that to our mini golf to really increase the detail level and I hope that's like a feature that'll at least bump us up to a gold because we definitely do not have enough built to get a diamond put those arrows on there and it just tells everyone hey this is the right direction all right course number four this one's gonna be a giant oblong circle shape yeah so we've done one two three we've already done five and it's taken half our time so the odds of getting to 18 is really not looking great at the moment but I'm not gonna stop trying I'm looking around the edge and I'm trying to find things I can copy and paste in to make it look good and I'm seeing this bunny right here and I'm going this guy would look amazing on either side so we're just gonna snag him up and bring him to the build all right so we're getting things from the side of the map here and I do think this really framed in hole one this is going to be the chocolate bunny death hole um I think we need to add some like little weapons on these guys to really make it very intimidating we're going for a scary theme here but we only have 30 seconds left so we got the lava hole moving on to the next one but then I want to make it even harder by actually putting a fence right in the middle so that you might actually bounce out of bounds or something like that's kind of interesting all right guys time are you ready can you give me like one minute good Isaac requested one minute extension that gives me one minute extension so I can actually finish this and I think that gives us exactly what I want oh my God we managed to do it guys that is absolutely insane 18 holes in a matter of 10 minutes barely and uh they're actually all custom and unique which is also pretty incredible so all right Isaac you ready let's take a look at yours I feel like I didn't get it like you know it's I only have one whole it's a mini golf course though and it does play all right uh bone meal um no you just gotta get a snowballing inventory I can give you one if you don't have any you Just Gotta Throw Your snowball down all right it's a par five Zach so you know don't be discouraged by your lack of distance all right so second shot a voice a part five though it's a part five you're right on track three all right oh he hits a bunker four oh he gets a birdie it's a bird wow I like the design you really went all out on theming even to the theme of the world we're building inside of which is really cool yeah you like my Bears I made it myself I actually really do this looks really nice did you build them by hand or did you world added them in I definitely built them by hand all right wow pretty good let's take a look at mine now I present to you loverland a fully functional 18 hole golf course I'm gonna be honest I was going this I was gonna go for nine holes and I was like that's way too much at the scale I was building at but you really you really tied it down here I did all 18. come on give them a shot go ahead and play non-functional holes is something I do not like to see that should be a hopper that should be a hopper right there we want you to be low budget I do like it that you managed to get a whole course in here which is pretty nice every hole is unique and the difficulty scales as you go you get your first water hazard here second lawsuit Hazard this one you have to actually throw it over it's pretty impressive that you managed to get 18. I'll say that I know I literally had to build non-stop I couldn't even think I just had to build all right I I think I have a good vote for this one three two one oh the bronze that's worth even more nope the bronze I feel like it's in between gold and diamond you just made up your own rating yeah I combined the gold and the diamond I feel like it wasn't a diamond but it was a little bit better than a gold well done you just invented a new scoring rating guys make sure you comment below and tell us which one of us won the build battle today give us an idea for what we should do in our next my build battle challenge [Music]
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 437,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: 034uPKwCE7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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