I Built the EVERYTHING CHUNK in Minecraft Hardcore

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there's a lot of things in Minecraft including three different dimensions 63 biomes and 20 plus structures spanning across millions and millions of blocks so what would it look like if it was condensed into One Singular chunk well let's find out together so firstly we're gonna need to find the nearest stronghold so we can include the end portal frame at the very bottom of the chunk oh there it is now let's grab my TNT oh my God leave me alone and let's blow up the entire stronghold oh I wasn't supposed to blow into the end portal room oh no so I need to preserve the stronghold room so I grabbed a bunch of obsidian oh I'm gonna cover the entire portal room with obsidian to protect it from the TNT explosions and now the porter room is safe from explosions wait right there I have some big news I finally have a brand new cookie plushie coming out remember the old one from two years ago yeah he's an old man now check out this guy he's the king of all cookies with a fat gold crown on its head and a beautiful red cape it's releasing next Friday on June 16th and only selling for three weeks if you can't get one I'll also be running a giveaway all you have to do is follow my Twitter and Instagram below and click the link in the description the more you do the more entries you'll get to win yourself a king cookie plushie the plushies go on sale June 16th at youtubes.com so don't miss out it's only on sale for three weeks okay I'm directly above the end portal frame and the plan is to blow a giant hole from the surface all the way down to bedrock giving me enough room to build the chunk inside of it with the stronghold at the very bottom so to begin let's light this up and let's see how this goes oh God oh God okay it's going all the way down oh okay oh there's a lot of water and a lush buy them um well this is gonna be a problem let's grab my sponges and let's soak up all of this water in the way and now let's have some fun of TNT and blow a giant crater in the ground leading to the end portal frame [Music] [Music] okay this is taking way too long doing it by hand so I drained this entire River started building a TNT flying machine okay I built all of these automatic TNT duper thingies and this is literally gonna destroy the entire world so let's turn all of them on this is my very first time testing all of it um oh my God look at all that TNT just being sprayed down into the Minecraft world okay please go back the other way and oh my God no way no way there's no chance I built all of these correctly the first time hopefully it comes right back I forgot to remove that if you flick this it should go back I think I broke it guys all right let me break this whole thing and redo it but with these TNT flying machines should make clearing out this entire ground a lot easier so now all we gotta do is wait and watch these satisfying fly machines go to work all right we made a pretty big dent in the ground it looks kind of wild from up here when I came pretty close to death what would you did backflip while destroying this hole just uh take a look I just lived by half a heart I probably shouldn't have done that I don't even have a total one okay but all this water is making my life pretty difficult it's just soaking up all of my TNT you see what it did there it's soaking because it's what okay never mind that was a terrible dad joke let's just come over here uh and Bam that was super painful now that all the water is gone we can't ah turn the fly machine back on continue mining out the hole what is happening there that piston is having a straight up seizure okay this is as deep as the TNT reaches and good news the stronghold is intact but the only problem is we need to dig out even more below the stronghold because if you jump through the portal you should end up in the end biome so I'm gonna build oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God okay okay okay we're good we're good so I'm just gonna manually blow up this area with TNT so if you guys want to see more of that go to my second channel for the behind the scenes and there we go we now have this massive crater in the ground it's massive that's what she said and that's what I never hear all that there is left to do now is remove my I really need to stop doing that is to remove all of this obsidian covering the stronghold and there we go we just have the stronghold revealed that looks so trippy now we can finally start working on the one chunk let's first fix up the stronghold because uh there's a bunch of holes all over the floor okay here's the game plan for the one chunk it's gonna fill up this entire hole vertically from top to bottom and each layer will be a different biome and we're first gonna start at the very bottom which is going to be the end biome so now let's fly all the way home which is very far away um what is happening over here oh and collect everything I need for the end biome all right I got my end Stone and where what I don't even know what to say it I swear my electric just didn't work probably wasn't a me problem all right but let's come down here and remove this lava for now just so I can be in okay oh my okay there's so many okay please leave me please go away just so I can be in the center they don't stop coming just so I can be in the center of the end portal frame loser let's build down from here and let's build out a 16 by 16 square to Mark out the official chunk size and to make it look like the end Island let's add a little bit of depth and build the terrain okay and this is the one chunk but now imagine this but going all the way up to the sky limit this Project's gonna be pretty cool okay so this is the middle and we gotta build the end portal frame in here which means we need Bedrock which is really easy to get I mean we just come down here and okay never mind but I do know if you mind some deep slate and use some oh my jabib maybe leave me alone leave me alone and place it down it sort of looks like Bedrock so let's just use that as the uh the frame there we go perfect now let's build the obsidian pillars around it okay and I think I'm gonna add some crystals on every single pillar and maybe some of the long purpley twisted stuff you guys know what I'm talking about so the crafted and Crystal you need some glass and I have Ender and a gas tier at the very bottom the only problem is I'm missing gas tears there's no way that I have any so yes we got eight gas tiers let's craft these end crystals and let's head over to the end to grab these squiggly things aha chorus fruit interesting let's plant these fruit powder oh my God you don't use this I gotta fly all the way back damn Bam Bam Bam Bam all right there we go now let's take my end crystals and place them on these obsidian blocks let's just pray that I don't touch them do I if I run into them okay they won't blow up bam and the end Island chunk is complete just sounds like there's a ton of Mo oh God okay at least there's no creepers let's light this up I always do this I always forget to light things up and before we build the next biome above the stronghold let's fix it really quickly let's destroy this middle part right here right where the portal is so when you jump in you basically fall right into the end which is a cool effect but we also need to trim down this wall because it's leaning off the chunk just a little bit and rebuild the entrance and now let's grab all of my stone and let's fill in all of this empty space where the stronghold is because the stronghold is underground in in stone so it only makes sense to completely fill this up within these chunk outlines let's add some oars around to make it look real and that makes the stronghold structure complete but I'm gonna continue the stone upwards and transition it into a whole nother Dimension which is gonna be the nether there are a few different biomes in the nether obviously so let's build the outline for the lava lake right across here so this is where the lava will go and I'm just gonna have two separate Islands on either side and let's just make one of them another waste biome and let's make this little one a Soul Sand Valley let's make one of the islands just another let's just make one of the islands a regular nether waste Island what let's make one of the islands just a regular Wasteland biome yeah [Music] geez that that was a that was a that yeah do that yup that was that yep let's fly into The Nether and luckily there's some Soul Sand right here nice oh let's grab all this let's also steal some bones and let's start building it and you just can't forget the fire like it just looks so cool blue fire totally useless but super cool but now this biome is looking really boring huh what what can we add you know what let's just come over here oh oh oh all right and my idea is to build a tall Bastion in this whoa whoa whoa I haven't seen Phantoms in a while as I was saying to build a tall Bastion in this corner that would then reach into the second biome which would be like a Crimson Forest and you'll be able to see like the tippity top of it if that made any sense so let's head over here and grab everything I need [Music] God the there's so many mobs now in the world oh my God leave me alone I'm not that juicy kind of like this I'm gonna build another biome right here and it's just gonna show the top of the Bastion so when you go through you enter a new biome which is I thought would be cool I'm just trying to mesh all these biomes together so it feels connected kind of like the end portal going into the end to make it even cooler I'm also going to continue the Bastion over here with the uh gold thingy where there's a bunch of gold up here I don't really know what it looks like I'm just gonna do this I think it looks something like that I don't I don't know there there we go okay that does not look right at all let's make it seem like there's a little Trail right here that's been kind of overgrown that leads to the gold and now let's add the rest of the Crimson biome stuff thing stuff yeah [Music] and the contrast is brilliant War Force by him on the other side okay and to make it real I'm going to add some depth at the bottom of this biome just so there's like some depth at the bottom of the island oh my God all right that looks a lot better um oh wait I totally forgot to add the Lava Lake just the hole okay let's build the platform and now let's start filling it in with lava and there we go I do have two extra lava buckets left so I think I'm gonna come up here and just make a little uh stream coming down from the top because that's what happens in the nether they're just random lava coming down and I put one over here which will like be right on the land and hopefully it just flows nicely into the lake and not down and where's it gonna go oh oh there we go there we have her the entire nether a stronghold in here and the end biome and so far the chunk is looking pretty good it's really cool I love how detailed it's getting this is kind of fun I'm not gonna lie I'm super excited to see this one chunk go like all the way up vertically like into the heavens of the sky and just come out of the ground it's gonna look so cool okay now that the nether is done I need to find a way to transition transition it from the nether Dimension into the overall Dimension and I really like what I did here with like you're jumping into the dimension so I'm gonna try to do the same thing with a nether portal so let's first start building an island of Netherrack I'll soon transition into regular Stone [Music] all right and now let's just carve a hole like right here and this is where the nether portal is and it would just jump down into The Nether so let's thicken this boy up now those are the slow Dimension transition going from the nether into the Overworld and we have hit a huge milestone the one chunk is officially taller than the ground now okay just don't look at that mountain over there yeah it's peeking above the surface level which is uh pretty cool so you probably noticed this uh chunk block biome is super deep and that is because it's gonna be the underground biome so it's actually destroyed all this hard work that I built and this right here will be like a nice Cavern opening and eventually it's gonna connect all the way down to here where the abandoned nether portal will be so first let's start shaping up the cave on the inside [Music] oh wait I I just realized something really stupid of me oh I'm so dumb I totally forgot the Deep slate underground now I've been staring at it the entire time building and I didn't even realize because I already built the stone underground over here and then I'm going right back to the stone oh yeah all of this Stone should be deep slate instead there we go that was very painful um it's not perfect I kind of messed up a few blocks but it's all changed into deep slate so far as looking oh never mind I I forgot a few there we go okay but let's finish up this cave yeah and I got a few layers inside this cave now and a few new ideas so over here I'm gonna build a deep slate biome have some hanging poop from the ceiling thing and when you walk up here it's gonna transition into the Lush biome that is my ingenious plan and luckily there's already a lush biome over here so let's just join all of this also grab some glowberries all right and uh and now with all of these blocks let's start working on the Lush biome [Music] thank you all right now let's grab some buckets let's grab some whoa and let's fill in this Lush Vine with some water here in this clay thingy and head into the real Lush biome let's find ourselves some axolotls oh okay we found a dad I'm gonna let the Child live because I want a better looking axolotter than a brown one oh yeah this guy's not gonna like me bam and Bam enjoy your new home guys drop some knees in the club whoa whoa what is going on in here hey yo chill okay they're already making love and they just met three seconds ago what is this Minecraft Tinder okay but since the Lush biome is complete let's work on the drip Stone cave down here oh my God oh my jabib I finally found a driftstone cave you guys don't even know how long this took me like if you guys want to see how long it took me go to BTS but I'm just so happy I found this and finally let's start working on this drip Stone biome it's pretty simple just some drip stone blocks and some giant turds on the ground so a little bit of this and a little bit of that and the drips don't biome is complete and once all of these drips don't grow up to Big Boys it's gonna look pretty cool because I made like a little nice pathway right here so it's gonna be like clusters of drip Stone and what the all right but that's enough underground building stuff let's continue building the Chunk Up and transition it into a brand new biome that is in the Overworld and that's gonna be the ocean biome and the reason why I decided to make the ocean biome first is because I can transition it pretty well into the Lush biome because I want like a stream of water coming from the top down to here let's build a wall here and this is gonna be like a nice little way to get from biome to biome so let's put a bunch of ladders right here and I'm gonna build a little Temple thing to cover this entrance up there we go and I'll like represents an ocean Monument because I don't have a lot of room to build one before we add any of this decoration stuff we're gonna need to fill the ocean biome with water and conveniently we already have this frame above it I don't think that's gonna be enough water though from up here to there so let's move it up all right and now let's head over to here somewhere far away and let's grab some dirt and now let's fill in this entire platform with dirt and now with water now I need to figure out a way to have the water come down here but not pour over the edge and I want to avoid using glass because that's boring and it looks pretty ugly so I'm gonna make this border around the ocean biome here and let's just break this border here and let's let the water flow okay and my idea is if I just break this would it flow over the edge it will yes okay that was really stupid to me if I break this will it redirect into their end yeah okay okay what if I craft a stair and put it here will it oh okay okay okay so let's craft a bunch of these and use the stone for gravel bits and let's use some Sandstone stairs okay hopefully that works let's remove this Stone border oh God that looks so trippy that looks so weird it looks wrong like it's just the water just stops right there looks like I'm cheating yeah it wasn't working as good as I hoped I literally spent one entire hour trying to fix this there was always just one little corner of water that would come out and like look at the mess I've made but I finally fixed it now we can come up here and grab my shovel and remove all of this dirt to let the water come down I feel like this is gonna totally mess it up so I'm praying I'm praying it works please okay oh my God I was right an entire hour of work for it to just pour over oh my God all right I gave up with the stairs and I ended up using glass instead and I used Great Glass to blend it in with this Stone I should probably remove all of this too just in case like I accidentally turned this on and it just destroys my one chunk I'm kind of scared to break anything though it might turn it on so I'm gonna leave it for now now that we have the water inside the ocean biome let's fill it in [Music] thank you and now the ocean biome is complete it looks pretty cool and colorful with a nice little secret entrance into the cave system with a zombie in here please okay do you see this little opening in this little corner yep that's your death and like I promised I wanted to transition the ocean biome into the Lush biome so let's break a block right here oh um break that too and let's have water come down and land into this biome and this just makes a transition into biomes a little bit more seamless which is my goal for all of these biomes next up on top of the ocean biome I want to build a little ship and some icebergs so let's grab a bunch of wood stuff and let's build it around top of the ocean biome don't mind me I'm just doing a quick backstroke let's slap down a lily pad and I start building the ship [Music] oh yeah I love how cute I made this it's so cute it's like a little baby boat that I would sing because I'm standing on it and I'm at least 4 000 kilograms all right I'm also gonna build a few icebergs right here assimilate the Titanic luckily for me there's an ice biome right over here with this really weird looking tall Iceberg thing let's steal some of this some of this normal ice and some snow and let's build a little thing in the corner and the ocean is complete I actually really like how it turned out and just a reminder this is what the area looked like at the beginning of the video and this is what it looks like now the next biome I want to build above this is gonna be a rarer biome I'm not going to tell you guys just yet but what I do know is that we need a lot more Stone which is uh pretty easy to get let's also grab some dirt yup this is so exciting guys like Minecraft dirt yeah quality content you know what I'm just gonna I'm just gonna show you guys me getting dirt to bore you guys isn't this fun a YouTuber intentionally born you guys yeah this is why I don't get any views anyways and the special biome is gonna be the mushroom biome and it would be pretty boring to just build the biome without bringing the animals so that's gonna be one of my goals you guys are gonna come with me it's gonna be a very long journey so it's gonna be pretty painful all right I'm first gonna start building the ground with stone to give it a little bit of depth [Music] all right now let's start adding some dirt I'll transition the stone into the uh the mycelium the mushroom biome let's cut off these Corners a little bit and this will be where there's some yeah and on this side too and now for the mycelium oh yeah now let's grab my mushrooms and build some nice large brown tips well that was pretty easy but we still have a very difficult challenge to face and that is bringing a mushroom cow from the Mushroom Island all the way over here and up there that is gonna be like a 5 000 block Journey for this guy and we made it if you want to see me transport these guys go to BTS but now you guys gotta go up there like like all the way up there okay so here's the plan since I'm too lazy to build a giant staircase up there I'm gonna build straight up and straight across and then put some water down and we made it that was a lot easier than I thought not a single mushroom cow was harmed during all of it oh no no they're literally dead so ah no not again live live live oh my God yeah anyways that is the mushroom buying complete oh wait I forgot to name them you are gonna be Mark and you will be Mark II and since we're in the Overworld Dimension biome phases now we're thinking yeah English the next biome I want to build is gonna be the jungle biome mainly because they have very tall trees and it's gonna take up a lot of vertical space making this entire build look a little bigger and cooler let's do the same thing and build a stone and grass Island now I'm gonna do is jungle fire let's fly into the thick of it let's start chopping honestly I don't even need jungle water what am I doing all I need are saplings let's also grab some bamboo I never knew a pumpkins grow in jungles but I guess they do I'll grab some of this let's pull up my shears and grab some Vines and since I can't get the bright green jungle grass over at the one chunk I'm just gonna grab a lot of PODS though all right so you guys see what I mean how ugly this grass is it looks so dead so let's just replace it with pod tool I'm not sure how it makes it look better it literally looks like someone just ran a toilet paper and rubbed their bum across the grass all right and now let's grab my jungle saplings and plant like a giant fat one right here hopefully's not too tall okay um it's missing the leaves nice um Minecraft oh there we go let's also grow a few small ones let's throw down some pumpkins I also grabbed some mossy cobblestone to just throw around can't forget the bamboo let's add some Vines to these little trees and lastly let's bone meal the ground to give it some grass and some flowers this entire one chunk is looking pretty insane already it's already super tall which is really cool and we still got a few more biomes to build but before we do that let's try to transport a panda all the way over here you guys remember that Panda that stuck underground and is always doing like front flips like right here yep he's still doing it I think today is the day I'm gonna try to save them let's make a little staircase out of the ground for him oh he's coming oh look at his lips that's cute okay hopefully he can fit in a boat oh my God he is the boat I'm not sure how we're even moving but it's somehow working please don't sink all right going to the nether I can't believe you fit through the portal where'd he go wait wait what where did he go did he die there's no way he went back right bruh what where did where did the panda go well uh there's the mystery of the disappearing Panda honestly he probably did so many front flips he just rolled off into the lava and just died that's a possibility all right I guess no Panda okay now for the next Island I'm gonna change it up a little bit instead of using Stone let's grab some of this because we're gonna be building the desert biome I'm so weird I'm literally the weirdest dude on the planet what the hell I could have my own reality TV show for real let's also grab some dead bushes and also change up the designs of the islands these are like nice and rounded at the bottom I'm gonna go for something revolutionary never been done before surely Innova built a square I think that's good since sand falls oh that's not since sand falls obviously I'm just gonna use some slabs to like support it up you know [Music] there we go and now we can just grab some dead bushes and plant them all around the island and I'm done no I'm just kidding that's boring let's try to build a small desert temple on the top of this I think that looks pretty good for a small little desert temple anyway since the desert biome doesn't have a lot of color let's just make it thing right here and let's make a nice little lava pool let's grab all my buckets oh there's a nice lava pool right there easy I don't want to go to the nether oh my God I thought I was gonna burn in the lava for a sec and there we go oh wait I'm forgetting cactuses oh my how do I forget the one thing that's always been in deserts let's head over to my cactus farm and let's grab just a few just a few yep and uh let's throw some cactuses around and it's kind of funny because they're they're gonna be taller than the desert temple oh the desert is complete I actually really like it it's it's so cute and like homie I don't know how it told me there's other spiky things that could kill you but yeah and so far we have a ton of different biomes and all three dimensions all inside this one chunk and I can build biomass for days but eventually I'm gonna reach the top of the world so let's build our last one which is gonna be the classic planes biome and this time I'm actually gonna make the plains Island a little different instead of going for a round shape or like a square shape I'm actually gonna build an island so there's gonna be like a Tippy point at the bottom and it's gonna come up like a nice flower uh thingy you guys know what I mean all right the island is completed it sort of looks like a real Island much better than those ones down there but now let's head over to this forest and just grab the things I need like a few saplings and let's collect a little bit of wood so I can build a small house let's plant a few trees and let's build a Hut right in the dead center of this island it'll be super simple a simple Square window and Bam look at that let's go grab some Spruce Wood and some cobblestone build the roof and to add some Pizzazz Let's uh build a little chimney right here let's craft some trap doors and just slap them on around like this then we can break this middle piece oh my God we're so high it snows up here oh wait we're in the snow biome how has it never snowed when I was building all of these wait a second it rains down here oh yeah we must be just so high that it snows well that's kind of cozy this is a plane's biome and a snow biome I guess let's craft two campfires let's Place one right here for the chimney add a nice little smoke effect and let's also my English is so badass let's Place one right here that'll melt some snow around and let's use some logs as some seeding so there's like a little campfire thing situation going on here let's change up the floor to some Cobblestone let's Place some torches around to melt all of the snow let's now use my shovel to make a pathway from the house over to the campfire and finally let's take the bone meal and just light it up that's not the right term but there we go oh wait I didn't even finish this house bro let's put some logs right there and here let's change the floor to some wood let's do the remaining wood to make a spruce door bam let's put my crafting table inside the house with a furnace and let's just make some table tops with this I guess and I'll make it look cool throw a torch in here let's grab the glass put it in here as Windows and you know what let's leave my bed in here as well now and there we go using all the materials that I found all around this chunk and a few other things that made a pretty cozy house on top of a very cozy plains biome that also snows but I'm lucky to decide to end building the biomes right here because if I go further up it's gonna continue snowing and it's gonna cover everything with snow but that is my ultimate one chunk it has almost every single biome inside of it all three dimensions inside this giant hole in the ground that looks super super cool you can go from the ocean right into this into a cave system with a lush biome a deep slate if you keep running down you'll hit the nether which then you'll find the nether portal oh wait I never built another portal okay you called for it of course the skeleton has to end it that was a little aggressive let's just you know yank this nether portal that I have I also need a bit more so let's uh turn this to some obsidian it's mine some of this let's go back into the nether here I can't believe I forgot the portal let's Place her down right here let's make a nice three by three portal because they look kind of cool and fancy bam let's light her up let's use the blocks that I have to build a staircase up to it like this make it look a little fancy maybe some of this and now if you run through this you just fall right into this Dimension which is the nether you gotta meet it with the warping Crimson Forest you could run down this Bastion get down to another biome and for the stronghold you can come in here with a spawner still intact and the real stronghold that has never been destroyed yet right into the end Island that looks super cool and the zombie that is so annoying please fall to your death and that is how I build everything in Minecraft into One Singular chunk the very last thing I need to do is clean up all of this garbage that surrounds the entire thing it blew up and carefully remove these oh God no
Channel: aCookieGod
Views: 2,105,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acookiegod, a cookie god, a cookie god minecraft, cookie minecraft, minecraft cookie, minecraft cookie god, cookie god, acookiegod series, acookiegod hardcore, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, minecraft, extracookie, i built the everything chunk in minecraft hardcore, i built the ultimate chunk in minecraft hardcore, i built every biome in one chunk in minecraft hardcore, i transformed the world into one chunk in minecraft hardcore, i built minecraft inside this one chunk
Id: uLAU66mdeu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 49sec (1789 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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