Testing Zombie Traps In Minecraft To See If They're Good

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today I'm putting Minecraft's best zombie traps to the test to see if it can protect me from a thousand zombies this is the base that I'll be defending but here's the problem guys I've only got 45 minutes which starts right now and if these 45 minutes expire and the zombies managed to make it inside my base I've gotta eat these sour pickle balls we're using some real life zombie traps to test today so this is the entrance into a real life pitfall trap I don't really know why this guy's making it in his backyard nor do I know how exactly it works oh he's making a miniature version for ants it's kind of stupid what we're gonna try to do is create a pitfall surrounding the entire border of this unfortunately we are allowed to use world edit so what I think we'll do is we'll select it's not it's not going to be even no my team disabled won't edit we gotta do this by hand all right this is gonna be even more challenging than I suspected we're gonna be smart then the pitfall trap will begin right here the first thing I'm gonna do is dig out just a small little hole by the entrance I would assume they would struggle to walk across something like this and then underneath it we're gonna put some lava so that's the idea right if a zombie comes through it's gonna hopefully fall in however I'm also worried it's gonna walk around so I'm gonna create lava like this that way they have to go across all right that's good we gotta be careful we don't burn the place down all right well that's one single uh entrance made I'm gonna actually design different ones on every single side because if that doesn't work they're gonna be able to get in very easily so on this one I want to try a slightly different design we're going to use a different item over here again with lava now for this one I need a different sort of thing to walk across maybe an End Rod okay so two of these now have different traps in them and now I want to show you something interesting in my inventory we've got three special items that'll help us create traps later but I'm not going to show you it yet we've got some other traps to test first up next we have the slippery surface to tell you not to run your swimming pools and it's because slips and Falls can be deadly bro you're gonna slip the zombie to death I mean I don't know dude if blue ice is gonna do a whole lot but maybe we could have this lead into another Pitfall or what we can do is maybe leave this into the law button zombies will actually have trouble walking because then they would fall right into the lava this would actually work together as like a double trap let's go ahead and make this like a little wider that's four wide can you get some speed on this yeah okay let's do it to the other one I want to make another one on this entrance over here and I want it to just be straight up a pitfall so this one's just gonna go all the way down this will be an impossible entrance to enter all right in theory you're just gonna fall in here just gonna die very good very fun very exciting I like it we just need to make sure we don't get distracted by anything oh look at that is that purple trees oh this is so beautiful oh sorry hold on we gotta get back whoa whoa in a rig trap might come in handy in this case if a zombie manages to open a door it will cause a firearm to go off so it's like one of them things like you open a door and you get shot in the face this is a drawing we created to show you and if you don't understand that's okay because well neither do I now we've really secured the entrances okay one way they might make it in though is through the top up here which is open on all sides if we're smart about this we can gather some pressure plates put them around and again I don't even know if zombies will step on these but I want to do something where it's surrounded all the way by pressure plates then if I can get some dispensers on the side with some arrows these could be set in such a way that the entire side is rigged I know at the very least we need to put below this we're gonna need a layer below it like this foreign this is one of the larger redstone things that I've ever created but by the end of this video it's going to be the craziest trap hopefully you've ever seen because everything's gonna work together the problem is one I don't know if you actually need repeaters to do this I've always done it I don't know if you need to two we then need to make another wrong around the outside and that's another problem because I don't know how we're going to get it to not repeat forever there's a lot of issues here guys we still have to like leave a staircase to come up so I somehow need to get this all to connect and shoot how I do this [Music] I'm gonna do this I'm gonna link them all individually I think it's probably like the worst idea of all of them it's also like the only one that I really feel like I know how to do okay so in theory this one would work yo that's cool all I gotta do is that again now that we have this completely built we can test it out and see if every why are these still on oh no I think the arrows are powering it oh crap how do I stop it from turning on the plate so I could put lava potentially in front but I don't think that's gonna be the issue maybe maybe it would work it doesn't it doesn't particularly work as I would have liked however I'm gonna commit to it because I got this idea that it will at least make them flaming arrows give loverfela a structure void that way there's still a walkway in it's kind of cool no guys one of the best traps you could ever have is a trapdoor the problem with trap doors is well you got to be there to activate it or have some red so it is a lot of work let me present to you guys what my team and I created the instant trapdoor the instant trapdoor is a special legendary item I'm allowed to use once and if I place it anything on it falls through all the way to the ground and dies oh God I don't know how I'll make this cow traps these are like those little spiky things I'm just kidding guys I'm going to show you how I'm gonna do it right now we custom made them to add to this event right here I can literally throw them on the ground look at that wow who knew you could have cow drops in Minecraft so I'm gonna kind of sprinkle these around the outside here but I gotta do in third person because I don't want to die so what I'm gonna do now is go in the center of the base cut a couple more cow traps set down I also need to get some water down here we can come down here for an emergency some couch drops down if you do have one more special item we're gonna get to which this magic looking yellow thing right here the inventory but before we do that we've got to talk about bear traps all right well this is gonna suck but it looks like all you do is summon an eviction thing so it's not actually that difficult to do we're gonna run deeper into this area so I think we're gonna do is this really as simple as it is huh let's see does this work oh I mean this might be a little Overkill and it might make it really hard to walk through which is why I'm going to make a singular path here to walk through that is nice dude we'll do one more layer here because I need to make sure it actually needs to be walked through so if somehow they make it all the way under here they've got to go through this practice which brings down to the next stage let's check out this giant mousetrap here and see what this does the thing is about honey is you really can't jump out of it if you're in a hole so it's like a little mini Trap so I wonder if the zombies are stupid enough that they would just like fall into these little holes on the stairs and not be able to get out oh I would like to do a double layered Honey Trap down here but I'll give them one way out if they walk on the Slime so if you fall down here there's no way out a smart zombie would walk over to the Slime then they can jump out we do have another special trap guys I'm about to show it to you but not yet first I need to show you what inspired this trap a drop net is a giant net that when triggered Falls and captures everything beneath it this drop net can potentially be used to Corral all of the zombies in one specific location so let's go ahead and place this and see interesting we do need to do a quick test run here we're gonna go ahead and test our drop net and see what this does okay oh yo I didn't think it would stick them to the ceiling wait if they step oh look how cool that is bro sticks them right on the ceiling just like but whoa what if I step on it oh good we have special boots that we don't get stuck let's go ahead and get these placed strategically I do feel like we have a nice number here but again with a thousand zombies you have to understand this is literally like only like 20 of them we've got to take this up a notch okay so I'm basically looking at what we built so far today we have 23 minutes remaining until they attack us and the issue is this would be really good against 50 zombies but not against a thousand I'm gonna try to enhance some of these traps now like for example we've got this ice thing here I really feel like we need to take this out and make it much bigger [Music] I like that a lot that's going to be much better that's gonna definitely slide them in let's go ahead and expand this one as well [Music] [Music] that looks a lot better a full surround sound lava mode but every single lava is going to have ice next to it I'm literally going so hard because again a thousand zombies so I used by the entire thing that way every one of these amplifies the ability to actually kill a zombie this is gonna take a long time we have just 20 minutes remaining now it is all surrounded by lava and iced we have more things to enhance those that make it up here though I'm thinking this also needs to be majorly enhanced because I feel like we could go a little bit crazier with this all right this is going to take a long time actually but trust me we'll be worth it so we need to actually wire this differently so what I think we can do is we can raise the back level up one then we just have to reconnect it all and this should be set up in a way that it will power both layers doubling the power of this so I think we just have to go like this okay theoretically it's now wired up correctly uh will it work uh let's go find out now in theory we could also add some right above it that would literally aim straight down they would go all the way to the ground and every zombie that fell in would also get hit so let's see if we can pull this one off no one said it had to look pretty it just has to get the job done all right wow it does work but it only works from one single pressure plate and I don't know if I want to spend more time getting it wired up on all of these but it would be really cool if it was oh I'm gonna do it I shouldn't but I am nice hopefully everyone who walks inside of this will be killed literally instantly we still have 12 minutes and this area kind of sucks all you need is to install the treadmill on top of the steps interesting my first guest says there's got to be some way to do it using Pistons hold on hold on I got an idea now part of building these it's being Innovative what if we created something like this where a zombie may go up step on that pressure plate and boing other zombies down with a boinger it's not exactly a treadmill it's an Innovative blinger if we were to put one right here with slime and a pressure plate uh a zombie were to walk up he would boing his friend off and he would fear I mean in theory he gets lost this I have no idea if that's actually gonna work blinging them off seems like the best spot for different we're gonna do a couple step Boyers gonna be a blinger there let's do like maybe just like one or two per staircase I don't want to invest too much time here because we don't even know if this is like a functioning working idea because it seems like it might work and it might get a perfect kill it also might be the dumbest idea ever spikes built-in saws Rams flame throwers on the roof and other deadly devices that will come in handy during a zombie apocalypse okay okay we've got zombie wrecking cars eight minutes to pull this off if I get some TNT Minecarts create some Minecart rails we could have it so these get sent down the time component is really messing with me here because I know I could do this if I had time we're gonna do one of them this will allow us to place the mine cart up at the Top push it all the way down then when it reaches the bottom we just need a detector into an activator at the bottom we can make this actually automated because if we put a dispenser next to it we can put it here if I put a regular card in this would send it down so zombies would walk up they could still hop over this they would send it down the next zombie would step up here launch the cart down this will go to the bottom hit off the detector and blow up at the bottom I think this actually could kill a lot of zombies I'm gonna make one more right here the rail is going to actually launch off to the bottom where it then hits this and then the other rail go ahead and pop in our test cart here and see what happens that goes up zombie hits it falls down oh I didn't even line it up bro what the crap all right test number two here we go it goes down it's the ramp Falls oh but it doesn't keep going between an activator rail right here with redstone underneath it that way it should potentially keep powering but I don't know if it will so complicated get down hit the rail keyboard oh it doesn't work we will simply move the activator rail here and it should just fall on top of the activator rail below but the bottom and then absolutely shred any zombie down here so with this setup there are two nuclear options here for TNT Minecarts to flow down and kill everyone we have three minutes left guys well I'm gonna enjoy my last three minutes sipping tea because I feel like we're gonna win a few minutes later all right guys we're starting on the easy side right now and I believe there's just a few that have snuck up so far I'm gonna see if I can send out a couple TNT cards and light them up let's go ahead and send them down light them up light them up light them up all right let's get in bro we're already taking damage get in get it okay we've already lost the top right there there is an immense number of zombies I can see them taking damage I'm gonna go ahead and peek out this side corner here and see what we're dealing with here folks oh God didn't think they could do that didn't think they could do that they can fall into the ceiling that's okay we'll just pick them off one by one you know what I'm saying come on boys come on come and get me what are you gonna do what are you gonna do you're gonna do nothing sounds like a ton of them are dying TN them all okay there's still a massive amount of them down here on the ground we got to be super careful oh yeah okay we're not even close all right great this is fine okay this is this is a little bit scary to me but that's fine it's all for oh God not the quick voice no jump to the lava we're gonna have to walk around this way by every single zombie because I need to get back up there because we're gonna run out of spider web out here folks bumbles come on boys come on boys no chance there it is there it is all you gotta do is let them walk right in all right clearly y'all are smart enough to walk across that but what about walking by the cow drops I didn't make enough of them [Music] yeah bro is that it did we actually just defend against that like my computer was lagging oh there's two more what's going on down there oh my trap they actually fell in I literally think almost every trap got used except really for the one down there because no one made it down in the hole guys we absolutely decimated these zombies what's up zacklings I got a special announcement to make I just partnered with a company called moment because I wanted to help me make like a premium live stream kind of thing for you guys we're launching this in a couple weeks the date's right here and you guys can join a premium private live stream you can join me for a meet and greet and an after party but only people who get tickets can join so go buy a ticket right now me and greets are sick it's really fun to talk to you I'll see you guys later if you guys enjoyed this video You're gonna love watching this one here where I fight against even more zombies using hacks and if I don't beat it I've got to drink the world's grossest soda peace
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 359,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: NSFm-T9yvNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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