I Made An Underground Base Under A Stranger's House!

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you ever wonder if someone could live in your house without you knowing about them maybe they'd watched her every move through the vents in your walls well that's kind of like what my brother and I are about to do today you see our goal today is to invade some random person's base for 90 minutes without him knowing that we're living there and since this is our second base invasion of the series we have to make this base bigger and better than the last can we survive 90 minutes without getting caught I don't know let's go find out alright guys this is our second base we're invading in this series and we're gonna see if we can survive in here for 90 minutes Zach if we get caught he gets all of our items from the last episode so we cannot get caught seeing as if we start breaking blocks he either will hear us and it's over the series ends or we're able to make this a 30 minute Banger dude he's in chess though now we know that his storage room is right there what the heck are you well he stopped did he hear you what's up close up close up close it up which way closes the chest I would assume by him opening the chest that gave us an opportunity here to be a little stealthy this is you tell me when to stop boy that was loud I just gained a level there I don't know if that was a great opportune time for that to happen Okay stop top he's coming back this way oh no he's opening the door he's opening the door what are we done for is this it he's literally he's I don't know I feel like we may have started a little bit too risky on level two this is more of like a level four oh wait he's going he's going this is the time we gotta dig in now oh don't go up we are not actually this is the Fortress house look what I just found oh bro build it out of slabs but get as much of this Dugout as possible while he's gone I'll keep watching now guys as you know we're using alt accounts each episode so that way we can keep our levels separate from our other series called trade up which you should watch if you haven't after this dude Zack this opens up right to where he's at right now by the way we need to block this off somehow okay he's right above me I mean close it close close bro just fell I already know can we close that though because then he's gonna notice maybe we just have to do it like this we need a slap we need to slap we need to slap we need to slap we don't have a slap we have to get a stone brick slab to close that I don't know what I don't know what to do I don't know what to do we have to close that somehow oh he's behind us he's behind a sec he's behind us okay I'm gonna just pop down an emergency melter if I smell these we can create bricks which you can turn into slime so we gotta do this before he comes down here cool so I have made our slabs issue number one should be avoided by simply doing this all right we have accomplished at least blocking that off but we still have to build an amazing base which I don't know how we do with him up there he's down he's not clear clear so yeah we went lower oh it's right there is right there dude this is don't pick up any items if he just like looks down and breaks a block we're done like he gets all our stuff what we need to do Isaac is we need to segment it because if he falls in and doesn't see us he might just think it's here already so if we can create a little tunnel into a secondary base that would be ideal so maybe I'll do that right here so I'm gonna temporarily put up a dirt block and we'll just know this is our true backup location in here okay Zach I think you're being you're you're being way too loud but it's raining now which means we should if I can hear it he can hear it because I'm right next to him true but it's raining which means the rain will hide us and people will not know we're in here uh again 90 minutes is how long we have to survive in here Isaac how you doing in there bud I'm right below him Zach I'm just being quiet I'm gonna put down both of our shulkers I'm glabbing an emergency invisibility potion for myself just so I always have it oh he's moving he's moving he's on the move you feel like he could have heard that he definitely knows something's up is that you breaking dirt yeah you have got to stop that it's so loud I know it is is what is he doing in his base result you know what I'm about to go up there and just look and see wait where'd he go is he gone no he's still up there I'm taking off all my armor I'm going up there to see what he's doing because this is ridiculous I don't know do we have any invisibility potions from last time we only have one more so we need to save it dude you should take it I just did I just did going in what is he doing all right he's got a top upstairs floor a lot of different colored blocks very ugly base in my opinion bamboo around the edge that's going to be a bit of a camouflage wait now here we go okay moving into moving in a movement what is he doing he's working on a farm he's back in his chest right now oh it's so scary I know I'm invisible but I have particles turned off so the video looks better bro definitely does not have them turned off so he's doing something in there with particles it looks like if if we could create like some extra noise out here can you break a block I'm gonna see if I can hear it go ahead break something oh my gosh no Zach he's right above me I can't do anything I think the sound diversion should be used later Zach that's like a good way to get us tipped off well the thing is I really don't know how to get him out because we got to start building the space and bro is just stuck in there right above us it's a horrible bit what is this base design the only way to get into his chest room is go inside and then walk down all these staircase use break dirt yeah he is standing here with shears at a crafting table and I don't know what he's doing it's too risky to take anything oh he's a side door [Music] oh he's going upstairs I'm outside Zach watching him he's definitely moved out of the chest room he's on the far side of the house now if you have a chance the chance is now to get into the chest room you have to go quick though upstairs still online Zach but I don't know where he's at all right let's go he probably went to the shop to buy something this gives us a chance to steal some items let's keep it let's go let's kill Pumpkins I'm taking him I don't know maybe I'm taking a little sugar cane just so enough so we don't get caught all right a beehive baby we could have bees underground that's big and I have B spawn eggs I think bro I am getting loaded up here all right let's check the other one real quick uh we got some tools oh this guy really has iron I feel like he's a little baby good base though oh bro six Hoppers I'll take one I'll take all these rails too oh Zach he's coming back he's coming back he's down below I just realized oh that ain't good because my inventory is full really fast he's going into the base right now you have got to get out of there four minutes of invisibility I will just simply walk right next to him oh my God right next to me with me holy crap the rush I'm feeling right now oh my God all right well uh that was exhilarating you are way too confident right now you're gonna get this cough I just walked by him without any semblance of getting caught I feel like this is it I feel to me this is a dub right now we need to be prepared for this because if we get caught it's over which means we need to have an emergency invisibility potion of which we do not have you are tasked with providing us with new invisibility potions we have one we have one we need one each well the thing is Zach you already used yours so mine's still in there we need an entire shulker full of these to help us for future episodes all right here's what I'm gonna do for you all right I'm gonna do a little favor I'm gonna put this down I'm gonna go ahead yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna go ahead and pop in three bottles I'm gonna go ahead and allow you to figure out the rest from there I got you set up good luck my friend well he's working on getting us some invisibility potions I need to work on making this base better this would look really good with a beehive on it and we can go ahead and place that right there pop that down there you go look at that little beehive and oh my Lord hey yo Red Alert Red Alert he's down why did you place that when he was right there well I didn't know he was there until I placed it and then I didn't we've got to get him away we have to get fireworks or some sort of distraction because this is impossible to build with him here right now dude Zack I think I have the distraction if you're ready for it I'm ready I have to be spawn eggs I'm gonna go spawn him on the far side of his house save us one yeah but then if we put a b down here he'll see it maybe you're right okay a good idea you know where he's at he has finally stepped away for a minute we have an opportunity here to make massive progress slash near he is still by but he's finally 16 meters away foreign we need to get a floor in extremely fast I've got all the wood I think to do it so I'm gonna go ahead and work on it if you have Spruce go ahead and start placing oh nobody doing okay whatever that's a weird block but sure and I'm outlining the floor on this actually leave the edge okay all right that's designed there hey oh he's back he's back it's chickens bro he's a murderer dude if he catches us we're gonna be those chickens we need to get some crops as well in here and I think that maybe this row could be crops what do you think right here yep I like it that way we're at least getting things done okay so I shouldn't have done that was a mistake you are like careless today dude dude if we get caught today it is all on you you are way too Reckless I gotta finish this this has to be good he's right there you can wait you know what it's time to get his I can't do this anymore I need to I'm gonna figure I'll make fireworks I'll make fireworks he will be gone so we need a sugarcane farm and some creepers but I think we can just buy the gunpowder and the paper I'm gonna go to the shop oh you can buy it's level one it's only 212 feet I'm gonna buy a few oh there's bees down here bro there is wait they're not showing up though oh my gosh he's flying around the main base now Zach and he's right above us there's two of them I don't know you could store bees in a chest and I I didn't know you could do that oh you bought two bees look I'm gonna make some fireworks I'm gonna go out there and make some things happen it's invisible I have fireworks I have no Armor All right I'm gonna send some off he didn't even react to that I'll be honest with you that is really weird dude this man he's playing without sound is he playing without sound is he listening to an audiobook right now he's got some really loud music wait what was that what happened he just firework get to work get to work get work he's out here keep working I'll tell you when you're I'll tell you when you have to stop go go he's not roof doing something right now and I'm not exactly sure what oh he's looking he's looking I think it looks like he's looking around I'm gonna try to get a little more distraction here but I don't want to do too much I'm gonna try to pull his attention away if I pop some armor way out here and he finds it I could like create a trail of items that he wants to Chase and if I can get him to chase these items he might leave the base come on buddy I got fireworks on the ground I got armor on the ground he's coming he's coming oh he's falling for it he's a firework s oh my God this is not good Zach giving him a trail of items to follow me it's working throw a few more fireworks I'm gonna lead him down to select half I'm gonna see how far away I can get him giving them every firework that I bought on this Trail is getting all the way out to here then what I'm gonna do is dig a hole and in theory I can get him and fall down the score and just like kill him and trap that's not what we're doing here all right guys made it back to the base Isaac said that the guy almost came down we need to get an emergency backup base then because if he comes down and finds it as long as he doesn't find the backup base we're good since we've got this little corner over here I'm gonna have to slaughter these bees I'm too afraid we're gonna get caught I sealed that room off I'm gonna make another exit tunnel over here and whatever exit tunnel you're near us do you walk into and you seal it off and you stand there like a little dummy okay he's in the other base we've got to hide support exit pods he's coming he's coming inside of our main base take it out take down in the totals in the tunnel Isaac let's go in the tunnels in the tunnels stick down we know never had our main base found like this before I did this is unprecedented territory but he hasn't found us and that's what matters he didn't see us and he didn't get our shelter so we got out we're still not done though we have to stay here now he's aware of us living in his face which is not a good thing but I've seen movies like this and they usually do okay I have a new strategy and that's to move on to the roof of this place he's not gonna look up like get to the trees get to the trees right here we gotta get to the trees so I think we're good you didn't suspect anything I'm not gonna lie this guy right here is an expert at defending against home invasions we are struggling today I don't know what to do because now if we build up here he's gonna know we've already compromised the basement there's only one spot left Zack and that's live inside the base that is not what I was gonna say but like sometimes you just gotta full send it in there all right let's go let's go I'm going in God this is such a bad idea this is not going to work this could be the end right here of the series the dumbest idea of the day come on come on so now we're back up this this is upstairs he has this room which is pretty empty wait Zach right here where are you where are you at where are you at he's out he's upstairs I'm on the roof okay I think this is not gonna work we've got to go to the farm if we do a Swan Dive Right In There we can dig a tunnel and then start working again you like that spot dude under the water right here we can connect that back to the real base right yeah wow that's what I'm talking about let's go now with this strategy he's hurt us on the roof and saw us change the roof but he still hasn't seen us once we have been very stealthy which means we could potentially reconnect this back to our base and actually finish what we started this could be another exit hole we could do this we're back baby you can't stop us okay he can definitely stop us I don't wanna I'm gonna be there you know let's keep that ready keep some stuff in your inventory at all times let's get our shulker set up down here a little farther away this time a little smarter and let's get back to work we can do this this is the most alert person we've ever home invaded in my life I was making fun of them and now I'm regretting everything that I've said for the entire time this video has been going on okay guys walls are officially updated now we're not gonna do that top wall because that is leading to the base and it would expose us we've got this room completely dark it's advantageous for us I will say you know what it's missing it's missing some furniture Zach we gotta get some chairs down in this place we are currently at 30 34 minutes bro I swear it was just like 24. it's only been 10 minutes since time moves slow when you're freaking out every five seconds you know I'm not sure Zach what if we try the traveling salesman tactic uh okay tell me what that is I can approach the base and offer to sell him some Goods while you sneak in that is the worst idea I've ever heard yeah go ahead why not what's the worst gonna happen so I need to turn my name tag on and get out of here maybe you could have like a full conversation with them while I work on the base that is a desperate play all right I'm walking up to the door now Zach and I'm going to basically sell him my entire inventory guys Isaac is now there you can see the chat about of his head as he talks gotta get this crafting table pulled down we've got to get this whole area cleaned up I've got to get some torches the wall has some issues still in the corner there's a lot to be done here so I really hope whatever Isaac's trying to pull off up there is actually working okay I have engaged him in conversation now I have him here all right this man is completely ignoring all attempts to communicate with him I need to get to lover fella Pronto to inform him that this did not work Audrey what's going on up there dude he's not listening exactly he's coming down right now you gotta get out of there bro I made it right to that escape chamber I was writing I'm still not even listen to my sales pitch dude he just walked away from me this guy is too good he sees through every trick we need something else Isaac I need to get creative a couple of something weird you come up with a lot of good weird ideas I need you to come up with one right now because the space is not good all right deck I'm going to put a cow at his front door and I'm gonna run away okay that's interesting let's try that all right cow in the house has been playstack that should cause us a little bit of time I'm making some tables down here we're gonna make this a train themed Diner now so you're gonna have fresh farm to table food and the table is right next to your farm I'm adding a railroad down at the bottom just because I feel like it adds a fun vibe we're gonna add a painting right here on the wall look at this dude bro this guy is literally spending an entire hour in one single room how all right I'm gonna let you come up with a solution to get him out like he brought it on base good luck Isaac idea yes music boxes you just take my ideas and make them better don't you get some music boxes play them out there creepy discs good idea after I plant the farm I will [Music] we're gonna make him come out every single episode have Mr actually every base we will put Mr axi down and bring him back with us he's gonna have a new home each week and I'm gonna make it better each time aren't you the cutest little guy I was like I have an idea I'm gonna go try so I'm gonna go outside and uh wish me luck all right if you hear some music it's me we're both going out for some plays here yep the one thing I know is that smoke should draw the attention of people I have nothing to smoke I mean I know Isaac put a cow on the roof if I go up there and get that roof cow that could potentially give me enough meat oh wait no wait risky all righty let's go ahead and get down there all right all right and we installed this emergency entrance here if we need it 38 beef one thing I know is if you see random smoke in your yard it will probably freak you out a little bit so hopefully that draws him out to see the smoke all right well I've made a bunch of note blocks I was going to distract them with noise and then I realized note blocks are turned off to the server so that is a big fail hopefully whatever loverfel is doing is going to work out a little bit better than that we still have to survive for another 45 minutes in this base okay my new objective is going to be to get the invisibility potions but we don't have any glass or sand so I'm gonna head out and find some sand and once I get that we're going to be able to buy everything needed to make more invisibility potions and those are really the only thing holding us back from getting into the base so I'm off to find some sand hopefully I can find my way back to the base while you work on that I am gonna get in there in the chest room all right this is risky I know his chests are roughly here that's too deep so guys I'm inside the wall I know exactly across this is where he keeps eyeballs all right I got 29 sand that should be enough for plenty of glass bottles so I just need to head back and smelt this up but actually it would make more sense to just smell it up here so he doesn't hear us underneath the base so I'm gonna go ahead and make a bunch of furnaces right here and we'll get a bunch of glass before we head back can you guys explain to me who is at their chest this often this guy literally is down here organizing his chest like he is obsessed with it bro literally it doesn't matter I don't care if they're not perfect all right we just need to get inside your chest and steal items so we can get some better stuff open close open close open close all he does all day you're a Madness dude I'm just gonna do it with you [Music] now we got a little entrance point I know exactly where I want to go that's exciting all right and our glass has just finished smelting up so I'm gonna go ahead and make these into some glass bottles and while we're out we should also grab some water buckets because we're gonna need water for our potions and it's always nice to have these for the future home invasions that we do [Music] all right don't take too much guys don't get greedy now but no I'll just put this in the auction house for about ten thousand dollars and that will be a nice little profit right there for next episode all right ten thousand dollars for a chicken spawner as always guys we will resupply them with money after the episode to more than compensate it with our admin Powers but we will do that at the end gosh there's Zach right there as I'm heading back I just ran into him I got this idea I can see water dripping from right here maybe if I do this one though it's a little bit closer and if I break this I could break that block and then have a secret water right into the base so we could swim up into and it's very very risky but if I could pull this off you can have it easy I can even steal stuff straight out of this furnace I can literally steal stone that he is actually currently actively smelting you guys think he's gonna notice that because that is I mean I literally don't know if that's obvious or not it's hard to tell he's going up he's going off he's going up all right all right how obvious is that not at all you literally can't even see it all right good this is literally invisible I actually don't think he's gonna find it all right I got some blaze powder and another wart in there I think that's going to make awkward potions for us and then I need to look up how to make the rest of it I think it requires like a spider eye or something but who really knows how to craft potions I don't think we really have anything besides the sugar because I don't see any brown mushrooms or spider eyes in there so I think if we go to the shop we can buy both of those things and we will be Dandy all right so here is the spider eye we can buy one of those for 212 and then we just need a brown mushroom which is hopefully also for sale in here all right I found a brown mushroom so we're gonna buy one of those and then we can craft a fermented spider eye and then we'll have our potion of invisibility and this guy will not stand a chance at stopping us oh what is he doing did he just grab water out of this and not actually realize this was a tunnel into our base I think he did I literally think he just pulled water out of our I think he basically just pulled water out of our basement can you guys imagine that happening that's ridiculous are you supposed to get night vision before invisibility oh you are okay I did it correctly now we just have to add the Redstone and we are going to be good oh my gosh look at me I'm a redstone connoisseur I'm not gonna lie to you guys these pressure plates are triggering every time I walk near them and it is a little bit of an issue yeah it's very loud but what is he doing I feel like I hear a lot of sand being placed yeah he's making a farm and uh I think you should check out what I've created here because this might be the most ingenious thing I've made I found water dripping so I built a hole down and I've sealed it off we now have access directly into his base and he has actually pulled water from this and not seen the hole wow I love that that is the best way into the base I've ever seen so I need you to keep your eye on him tell me if it comes down I'm gonna start but I got an invisibility potion for you Zach don't be risking it okay tell me who comes out I'm already in here gosh why'd I make the potions if you're just gonna risk it oh oh baby it's like a spider oh my God I'm clearing them out dude bro as a cow spawner I'm gonna take looting Silk Touch 64 bookshelves that get in and get out he is so close to you right now he's right above you I'm selling another cow spawner for ten thousand I also stole a chicken spawner so I've got quite a lot of items at this point we've got 64 bookshelves I just snagged I'm gonna use these in the corners what are you working on I was gonna make another portal but I don't have any Flint so I'm looking for some gravel ah yeah look at that this is a good looking little base here I would say we definitely have upgraded from what we had previously oh finally I found some gravel once we get this we can Harvest it up for some flint and if we get flint we can have another portal which is something that I never even oh my gosh we got tons of points I just need to teleport backup now all right now that I've retrieved the Flint we can make a flint and steel all right we need to get another shelter box run out of room down here in these two for stuff I want to take we should have taken more from that first guy Zach I know they're gonna be hard to come by I'm gonna take an invisible I'm gonna hop off there see what I can find maybe I can get on the shoulder all right we're in no one visits always got an anvil over here bro that's sick I'm gonna take that I can totally use the handle maybe I could leave a flower in its place a little man doing it let them know like that way it looks a little more intentional it doesn't look like a weird missing Gap okay I really would like a shocker oh bro I just saw the speed potions that is so funny because he spent time Brewing those and he's gonna come back they'll be gone I don't see any shulkers anywhere though like that's really what I'm kind of after here and I don't see anything I do need sugar cane I'll take this one here sorry I'm sure he's not gonna notice that sweet berry bushes could be very useful for creating traps actually I'm gonna put a couple of these down here I'm actually going to work on creating another entrance into our base from this side an entrance that maybe would not be something that he could see but an entrance would allow us to in an emergency situation Escape if needed now we can literally get around almost anywhere inside the base in a matter of a blink of an eye boom you're there boom you're done like this is actually perfect this becomes like a central hub for accessing our base here our outside base and the inside of his base this is like really well put together actually organizationally really what it's you're breaking obsidian underwater I almost drowned it that's trying to break that I was why are you breaking it because it's too low it has to go lower I'll have to break his floor oh my God the most unefficient possible way I mean I'm struggling to make this another portal now I gotta break two more blocks we're always goofed all right Zach can you move your Axolotl he's in the way okay there he goes dude look at my nether portal oh that's actually how cool the water looks in front of it and we've got a stone cutter so we can now more efficiently craft things the problem is the nether portal is very loud I didn't remember that oh it's loud it is putting off some noise and he is right there what if I do this what if I do this yep just close it off you know what that that didn't do anything but I like it no it is quieter listen it's not going no it's definitely still doing that for me oh it's so this all right what do we do I think we leave exactly for men we still have 20 minutes of survival down here required I think the base needs some improvement shark gills permanent water breathing to me that is very worth buying I'm gonna collect my daily rewards each time you play you get collect daily rewards so I'm gonna go to our crates guys I'm gonna open these while we're invading the base and see if we can't potentially maybe get something really good and while we do that let's apply this to our helmet so we can have shark breathing there we go okay daily ax is not great and the pork chops not great okay so I'm actually gonna just get rid of these items because I literally can't take them with us it's all back to the base now Isaac guess what I just bought would you buy permanent water breathing we can literally live underwater at any point now no one can come in well if I had one too this would be a great investment and this uh what is this all right oh where's the shulkers you take the shulkers okay yeah I re I put them up here it's like look at this you can't take a boat through the nether oh interesting now we know oh I went into the nether Zach and there are shroom lanterns together I'm going to get some Force for the future all right guys I took the nether portal and I'm getting a bunch of points she's right about this morning you're going another like I did I'm actually I got my own uh strategy now which is swimming underground I'm just Gathering all the nether plants so we can use them to build with in the future very smart keep collecting since we need to get money we need to get a shelter box I want to see if he has anything worth selling he didn't notice I took the potions oh I don't know if he's coming I don't know if he's coming I gotta eat because I didn't I ran out of Sprint [Music] I'm gonna see if I can rob anything for money all right Zach I have a great eye on him he is way up high right now still high I already took everything in that one uh he's moving around frantically I don't really know what he's doing up there I took one of his helmets this is worth about 10K we've got magma blocks another uh Soul Sanford planting hoverboards good all right this would sell I'm taking these this is a big this is a pretty big thievery honest super again we won't pay him back I promise but I just stole a lot of items with a lot of money here sell these see what they're worth selling the market I don't know what I stole I stole a lot I'm not gonna lie to you I'm a little bit ashamed of what I stole guys making a quick micro Farm here with a little bit of Nether Warts I'm gonna hope we'll be able to harvest this before we're having oh no I can't why would it too dark is it too dark in here what if I do this [Music] axolotl's dying what what actually this little guy you trapped him and he's suffocated oh my gosh it wasn't my fault dude I didn't build the boat who built the boat not me I murdered him how much is a vote helmet worth I don't have no idea you have to check on all of it I'm gonna go 5 000 down so we can sell it now guys well Isaac's doing that we do have to bake a cake all right we've always got to bake a cake every single episode no matter what so it takes a little bit of sugar which we've got we have no egg and we have no wheat I will go collect the wheat I'll get the milk some wheat some wheat some wheat some wheat some wheat there's a cow right out front this is perfect I'm just gonna get these guys really quick okay dude I couldn't find any chickens I did not have eggs if you buy one in the shop can you can you buy one in the shop but we probably can't we probably can't I should check shop okay I can buy an egg I just bought one okay bring the egg back we need the pick form downstairs dude where are the pigs down here this one's falling right here it's a Berry Farm get in move move move oh wait you only had an entrance yeah wow I had a lot of tunnels here and we're back just like that all right let's go ahead and craft this bad boy give me the ingredients and I'll make it happen milk milk egg while I make this start packing up Isaac all right I'm gonna get everything in the shulkers that we want I mean I think we want to leave a lot of this though this guy was nice we want to leave a lot you're right I've got the cake I'm gonna go ahead and make our Mark and we're gonna put it right here at the bottom that when he comes down this water elevator if he ever notices he will see he's been hit by the cake boys because we got the biggest cake in the land what do you like that as our new saying we got we're the cake boys because we got the biggest cake in the land yeah you should like change our oogly boogly thing it should be something about cake cake boys creepy the frosting frothers Okay sure yeah why not frosting frothers I'll forget that next week but got cake frosting frothers that's it that's it okay let's take we need and get out of here all right Zach you take the shulkers anything else grab a pumpkin now I got plenty of crops in the Sharks we need the nether portal back uh no we don't actually I think that's gonna take too long to break leave it okay should we take a slice of cake I mean take a bite take a bite all right that's plenty for him follow me we're gonna break out his door we're gonna get out of here here we go oh it's dirt okay he's right above us let's go let's go let's go move I can't see kill the sound dude we're not getting caught at the end it didn't work let's go baby you didn't even it didn't even work anymore get out let's go on to freedom and On To The Next Episode guys round three is next week drop a comment below with what you want to see we're gonna go until we get caught and the winner gets every item we have collected so far see you guys later
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 449,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: dfIicKL9ppE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 25sec (1705 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2023
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