Testing Scary Rituals to See if They Work in Minecraft

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are you scared of Minecraft on the surface Minecraft's a simple game without any secrets but I recently saw a post on Reddit from a concerned player after they thought they saw a strange entity in their world and that reminded me of all the other dark strange occurrences that we've all seen and heard of I'm gonna investigate these Dark Rumors so that you know the truth oh my God he doesn't have a face starting with this mystery that says older versions of Minecraft they actually had Creepypastas in them you see guys the theory is that Notch actually saw how popular these were and started adding them into early versions of the game that's why early versions of Herobrine look so real we went out to the internet to investigate this and find the truth so guys what I'm gonna do now is download Tor this is the dark web browser to ensure that I can actually download some of these World files that are apparently deleted one of the files that I'm after in the tour browser is the Herobrine UFO file I believe that I can find it inside this browser because it's a little bit more secure alright guys and just like that we are now inside the dark web we're connecting right now we're connecting I've never done this before I'm actually afraid I'm gonna get like a call from the FBI I don't even know if you're allowed to use this it's establishing a connection we're in we're in here we go that's what we're looking for folks on censored information so guys after downloading a couple sketchy files who managed to get this one which is labeled Minecraft notch UFO world and we're gonna see what we can discover here and if this is actually real if this was really inside of some of the older versions of Minecraft that is uh why is there torches here why is the world flat we're gonna go in survival mode right now a lot of mobs around here do not do this the websites we had to go through the Russian language everywhere bro oh my God what is that whoa bro oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God we're getting attacked from every single Direction bro I swear to God that was Herobrine or is that just a storm dude this is like the most dangerous world I've ever even seen in all of Minecraft history I'm gonna give myself invincibility so we don't die from these all right guys we're in creative mode now we should be safe from these mobs we can investigate a little bit better that is definitely Herobrine in the distance that is definitely him all right that is definitely him a hundred thousand percent this is I mean it's literally right there like this looks just like some of the original screenshots when he was found in the distance it's not even raining right now how's it even possible to be happening it's all I mean it's creepy the whole world doesn't even look right to me but let's go ahead and investigate further and see a lot of the early findings were UFOs all right why do I look like a buff dude this ain't even my character bro some real creepy music bro I don't even know that was a song in Minecraft oh my god dude this is one of the craziest things I've ever seen I mean it literally looks like that's Herobrine's house right there like inside this cave like this is what it should get for going to these creepy Russian sites bro let's go ahead and check this out and see what's in here heck why are these oh my God is that a UFO do I swear that was a UFO that just flew to the sky this is literally ridiculous I don't even know UFOs were early sightings in Minecraft like that's totally new to me I knew Herobrine was but UFOs like if this is actually one of the early versions I'm not being trolled that means that we have one of the secret versions that Notch worked on should I even been going down here because like Loki I feel like is a bad idea oh my God that could be Herobrine's house look at that you can see the old gravel texture that's kind of interesting to me I literally feel like we just captured a UFO on camera like that's one of the creepiest things I have ever seen like it's just so weird but this is just one of many Mysteries we're gonna be looking into today in each one of these Mysteries is even crazier than the last what happens when two kids play in Minecraft trying to summon an evil entity that's how you get Osiris The Story Goes that the two kids were messing around online and found a now deleted ritual for summoning the then unnamed entity being lovers in Minecraft they decided to go for it they thought there's no harm in summoning something that didn't even exist and at first nothing happened so the two assume the ritual was fake so they continued on with their game until they started seeing things in the distance and both of them just assumed it was a normal mob or their Mind Playing Tricks which soon things started to escalate their homes would be set on fire parts of the world would start disappearing and leave large holes inside of its wake the game started to become unplayable blocks you placed were disappearing items were Vanishing after doing research we identified the exact build these players claim to have made I'm going to try to summon this now so guys we're in survival mode and I've given myself an assortment of random items to test this out this is a random Minecraft world that we downloaded on the Tor Browser so the build has a copper in the middle gold on top all right we've got our quartz blocks in the corners and then the last thing to do is cover it with these four pressure plate this seems kind of stupid to me like I feel like nothing's gonna happen here but who knows the last thing to do for this little ritual is to light it up all right what what even just happened though what I mean definitely like it's foggier it's definitely different colors I'm not exactly sure about this one well yo did anybody just see that did that just disappear am I am I crazy I mean literally that's a job there's there's like literally a giant hole right there bro what the heck I'm gonna go see if we can find it then I mean I don't know like if there's a giant hole that just exploded right there in the distance maybe that means this little 08 Oasis guy is down there there's a lot of mobs though I'll tell you that oh wait hey look at that some over there oh it's a lost pirate ship I thought that was actually maybe the dude's home I don't see it man I don't see it clearly something happened I swear to God there was like a big explosion like I'm certain there was but let's take a little more further exploring here and see what we find like it's hard to tell because it's so foggy I thought I saw the Osiris guy hey there's a that's unusual oh hey oh look at that bro what the heck okay well obviously uh giant pyramids are generally not inside of the grassland area so uh see if there's a little entrance into this sucker or what's going on here with this thing dude I'm actually getting there he is dude look at that that's him there's like arrows in his head or something all right let's just not look at him because I'm getting a little bit of chills right now this is really creepy I'm gonna go ahead and dig inside of this and see what's in here all right guys chill I'm just gonna seal this off nobody can see them in here let's see what we got they're just solid nothing in here bro lives inside of a solid pyramid or what is this what's going on with this pyramid what is in here bro oh my God here we go what is this what is this do we have a we have something oh world I mean I'm not gonna lie to you this is a little bit unexpected to say the least what in the world dude he's got pillagers trap that are very thin looking I don't understand why they're so thin bro you freaking crush them what's wrong with them so guys we're in creative mode now I'm gonna see if I can get a little closer it seems like no matter what I do he's always somewhere watching oh there I just saw him again there he is he just like disappears when I get close I don't know how to get to him and he's got this creepy layer here there he is there he is he's behind us now do everywhere oh my God this is absolutely insane do not do that ritual on your world now this one to me sounds so crazy there's no way it works every Halloween and April Fool's Day Mojang has developers add a bunch of funny Easter eggs to the game for players to enjoy well back in Halloween of 2010 just a year after the initial release Notch pranked Everybody by releasing a creepy file sound called ashes to ashes let's go ahead and take a listen to it this is the sound it okay it's actually really horrifying you see but the thing is uh on a blog post not ran the game file was put there for just a few minutes and then it was removed like immediately after and so people thought it was a silly little joke and just ignored it but then people's world started randomly Catching Fire in the instances left players quitting the game due to the fire like it was just happening everywhere anyone who heard the sound had this to them so to test this we've got a pre-downloaded Minecraft version so we're gonna log into the world right now inside of our brow oh okay we're already on fire all right whoa I still don't know why I'm a buff man okay obviously starting in fire is weird but not the weirdest thing I guess go check out this Village Maybe my gy and hot bar looked at okay all right that's different it's like all right creepy noise definitely fire here the inventory is definitely wildly different than what it was before but okay something's happening with fire inside this world uh that's weird oh what is this your world's just getting corrupted dude imagine this no wonder people quit if their whole oceans and rivers turn to Lava why does everything look different inventory is different the creative menu is different what I mean so far this is definitely weird it's definitely very uncomfortable to be in I don't like the things they're randomly burning Everything feels weird to me just off what is this is this gonna turn to Lava oh my God even that turns into lava everything that's water Burns every building is Catching Fire it's starting to spread you couldn't even play on this I hate how the hay looks it's disgusting to me this makes me just feel disgusting I gotta get out of this one Let's test another one of the scariest Minecraft Mysteries we'll be investigating today is called the classic haunting the story of the classic haunting is about a young player named David he was in trouble at school and so his mom removed Minecraft from his computer he was mad so he started to look for other ways to play when he stumbled upon Minecraft classic online now if you guys don't know this is Minecraft classic online it's a free version in your browser you literally just search it it allows you to join Minecraft and play one of the alpha versions so it's not exactly the best but it works what was weird is someone joined his world named why he thought it was strange but he was playing on a free Bowser site and didn't think much of it thought maybe somebody managed to join he was sure that he saw another player at the end of the mine as well and after he went after that person he lost him he started to ignore it feeling a little bit creepy but suddenly he noticed his house was gone for this particular version I was emailed this by a subscriber and by the way if you guys want to email me or suggest things to test go to my subreddit or my email and I can test your ideas as well this is the version I was sent so in order to test this I'm going to try to like recreate exactly what that guy did on this version so what I want to do maybe is just try to create a base and uh we'll see what happens here maybe I'll just like build it uh I don't know just right around here and just build a little base just like that guy did you know what this is kind of relaxing building in classic builds right here with these old items it's nice you know I really appreciate the old textures of cobblestone it looks good we'll go ahead and pop a little door right there leading out there and then uh you know put a little detail around the edge why not spice it up a little bit I mean it all looks good let's go explore a little bit see what's up just like that guy did sup creeper I mean oh my God why just join the game he actually just joined the game this is this is I mean this is let me be honest it's a little bit creepy where is he oh hey is that him that's a chicken that's that looked like him because it was like white I thought that was actually why it's not an online server I was gonna say the guy who sent this to me could have been on himself but it's definitely not this is a single player server so it's already a little bit weird I don't know I mean relatively speaking all I see is that you join the game I don't really see anything happen I don't see him I just see a little bit of fog hello I mean I guess we could fly around it doesn't matter that much does it he was in creative mode dude they were used he was just on the roof hold on I'm here in footsteps well hold on where am I hearing these from villager who am I I'm starting to get chills now why am I hearing footsteps around me where I swear that was him on the top dude I got goosebumps look at this genuinely this is freaking me out well it's just like the sound of footsteps getting closer what the crap I literally do not see him so uh I thought he was creeping on me I definitely hear some weird noises see that to me looks like him right there does it not in the distance but I can't tell because if I get close it's gone I keep thinking that's him that's a chicken that's a villager I keep thinking everything looks like him I don't understand how does everything look like him this is definitely like one of the scariest ones just because like I don't understand what's happening dude there's like literally random explosions happening every few seconds in the distance like they don't make any noise things are just exploding around us like if you look you're gonna see it watch just look around I've swear to God there's one right there right that's him he's like in the distance there he was again he's literally like stalking me in the distance dude this one's like horrifying oh my God my base has a broken roof now bro this is this real this thing actually breaking my base where's the zombie from where is that where's that happening I don't even see a zombie just died well how did that thing die how did it break down here oh my God this one is like it's not like the scariest but it is like not knowing what's going on here is kind of freaking me out a little bit like just my base got holes in it I'm seeing this like weird white entity in the distance clearly there's some dude on my server right now and why there I was he there did I see him was he not I don't know now one of the stories you don't want to miss is a crazy mystery called issue this simple story is about a player who is exploring their single player world and stumbled upon a dungeon after a big search they noticed that the spawner which was supposed to spawn silverfish wasn't making any the end portal was fully functional and there was even a Steve had nearby that they collected and thought it was just a nice little reward once they entered the end they were surprised they were no Endermen but the dragon was still there so after defeating the dragon and getting the experience the player seemed to enter some sort of obsidian Maze and then emerged inside of the nether where they encountered The Entity that frightened them again they returned back home after a long journey and the player discovered the entity was resting on their bed apparently the entity resulted in a stroke of the actual player resulting in his actual real-life death the crash message on screen was all anybody ever recovered and it said Java death exception issue 702 enjoy.death the player released the seat to the public which we've now collected we're going to investigate and explore what may be one of the riskiest myths ever let's do this welcome to the cursed seed ladies and gentlemen and this looks like a fun little Adventure today my character might die I don't know what's gonna happen and we have discovered an end portal so let's go take a look at this bad boy here folks and uh see what we have holy lit end portal we've got a silverfish spawner not working so far the story is definitely holding up here I mean everything's lining up in this seed easier than normal he said he killed it very easily so I'm gonna see if we can kill it literally without even like breaking one of those I don't know maybe do I have to beat it normally I'm not really sure so guys we just swapped over to survival mode in here so we're gonna see if we can hurt this thing we're gonna see if it takes more damage if it's a glitch like it's not floating that's odd let's try some bows then big dog always healing still from these stupid things but I did like a massive amount of Health when I hit him with that Arrow I think I could get two or three arrows hits and kill him he's got like limited health yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah one more yeah baby let's go all right and Dragons completed now okay according to this a obsidian maze spawns and that definitely appears to be an obsidian maze oh look this is it oh all right making sure I don't die here inside the famous obsidian maze here all right this is interesting not uh something you normally see in these worlds um okay all right look at that lovely it hits us right into a dead end here the problem is I have no idea for even going the right direction right now wow this is uh quite the maze here buddy all right guys I've been walking through this thing for a long time and every single time I take a turn it's a dead end it is absolutely killing me dude I think I saw the Beacon Light somewhere this way though so hopefully we'll get there soon hey there's some progress there it is could it be this way oh my God it keeps going how is this thing even oh my God it's so big this looks it this looks good this looks good here it is the center of the obsidian maze oh my God it's a secret not anymore whoa hey yo that was odd what just happened Java death exception okay I'm not even sure what just killed me it gave me the exact same issue that guy had I have no idea what that thing even looked like so we're gonna go back in post-production pull out a replay mod shot looking behind me to see what that thing actually was because I feel like I saw an arm if we play that again in slow-mo but I couldn't see it but whatever it is I'm not sticking around this world to see it again up until this point every single scary mystery has been scarier than the last but it's nothing compared to the final one we're about to look at today this is c9900 one of the scariest seeds ever discovered in Minecraft when you create a world using this scene it apparently creates a reality much different than you would normally expect no matter what version you're in according to the forums a specific coordinate 900x negative 2300z once in this location apparently there's a bizarre chunk error that makes it look like Waters emerging from the ground but the weirdest thing is that apparently diamond blocks start spawning around players of this coordinates and a lot of players think it's a trap to make you want to stay when in reality something very dark so guys we are now inside to see we've given ourselves some items here Diamond Water some torches some Cobblestone we're gonna go explore these coordinates and see what we can discover so I mean first off let's not let's not forget the fact that water is real interesting right there I'm gonna go investigate uh just in general around this area and see what kind of stuff we can find oh what's that got him that was a joke that was a joke there's nothing there I was kidding I was kidding all right hey that's weird look at that well surfaced oh look at that well surface diamonds here and somehow that's not the weirdest thing in this world is it a little bit more up here what do we have oh my God what is this well guys what I'm gonna try to do here is actually create the ritual inside of this this ritual that we found online we have the build again and we've got the items here you're gonna do water surrounded by four Redstone torches and then surround this by just some simple Cobblestone it's always a redstone torches isn't it aren't these always the most evil thing and now I'm not exactly sure what's supposed to happen but I think all I do is throw in a diamond block that we stole here and it should uh I really don't oh cool that's fun hello what's supposed to happen is that is that it just boils it what's supposed to happen I mean it seems relatively safe at the moment I don't know I mean I could throw in some more diamonds into that and see what happens I mean if a ritual Works once it should be twice as good if you do it twice right let's go ahead and try it got ourselves a diamond door let's see oh it didn't work the second time that's weird oh what the heck question mark question mark question mark up here hey yo hey yo question mark boy who is this wait he made the achievement getting an upgrade how do you get a pickaxe already if you just joined diamonds wait wait wait wait wait wait wait does he near me why not just your digging I'll make the diamonds does that mean he's here the diamonds what the heck is this what like that's the weird thing it's literally three question marks like that's the actual username here like how do you even get a username that rare is he down in this cave you're just near me hey yo what oh my God oh my God what is happening he's not embarrassing oh okay all right okay shouldn't have fallen in oh God oh God oh God oh God hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on get out get out get out get out that look like a Steve skin didn't it what the heck that was definitely a player oh my God oh my God what in the world bro [Music] oh my God he doesn't have a face oh he's coming at me oh he's coming at me no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no please stop I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry I didn't mean to summon you hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on get out of here get out of here after us let's go ahead and get down here crap dude this is so freaking creepy I'm out I'm not a run here I'm not gonna run here bro it's hot on my tail is this his base my shop let's get in here [Music] can be awesome bro that is creepy oh we didn't lose him oh God I didn't lose him oh God oh God oh God stop it oh my god dude he's gone he just killed me and vanished he just killed me and literally disappeared that is horrifying bro get me out of that world guys we discovered some of the craziest mysteries in Minecraft ever today thank you to everyone who sent me these files worlds and secrets thank you guys for watching subscribe if you enjoyed it peace
Channel: LoverFella
Views: 347,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loverfella, loverfella server
Id: Oo3aw5S4tyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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