Why Herobrine might be in your Minecraft world..

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yes that is right that is right guys welcome to a brand new video here on the YouTube channel known as Ong welcome welcome all guys I welcome you all with open arms with arms wide open yes roofilin guys if you're new you might want to subscribe but they were posted of indications I almost messed that up I don't know how you were messed saying enable post certifications but either way guys like the video guys we need to go for um see about two three legs can we get three likes on this orgy you really think you can only get the really I don't know guys I'm struggling maybe that could turn to 300 3000 I don't know we're not gonna over stretch this but guys today we're gonna be doing a video of them ways to tell if herobrine is in your world while looking at the seed known as herobrine six-six-six which we've actually looked at before I believe but I wanted to kind of revisit it because a lot of people were saying some very interest sewers saying yeah they were saying that they see some very interesting guys because I don't know my wife does everywhere okay create this world loading resoures pegs okay guys so we're gonna be going over all the signs of herobrine and the fact of hell herobrine could be in your world if you're experienced in just this so yeah guys take note and beware you never know what's around okay so let me go in and get some of those little I guess would okay I'll take some bread to protect bread what are you talking about Shh be quiet okay so guys right away we see a desert now guys deserts are pretty scary but you know actually in these videos guys we have not actually encountered many crosses which is kind of oh oh I forgot to see me actually be good guys I see a desert village yes I do believe that is what they call him desert villages but yeah guys so we are going to go check this out and see what it's all about guys so let's go check out this desert village while we go over some of the signs that herobrine is in your world also guys you know I I'm thinking we crush that 3 light go already like I know it's always like what just happen so guys let's go for 6 likes now hopefully that's our new go uh I don't know guys but either way we're going up with our pickaxe in accent na even though there's nothing to chop down here in the desert I mean you guys should chop down a cactus why is it floating blocks over there ok that's a tree ok I was what to be really terrified hello villagers I'm here to say in ask has herobrine been here recently fair enough I appreciate the attention all right so yeah guys we're gonna be going over size that herobrine maybe in your world first off I don't think we're gonna get nothing in the desert the desert it's desolate it's a desert to say the least and I'm trying to go to some trees so I can get that oxygen it's just great time okay so guys we're gonna look at the seat a little bit as well and kind of go over it and see if we find anything how did the ordinary something that could just be slightly weird that could be differentiated that's what we're here to do today and guys we're gonna be taking a look at it so basically first and foremost hopefully we don't find no crosses there could be some crosses out here but either way guys first starting it off since we're coming towards some leaves we can actually progress to one of the signs that herobrine may be in your world and that is trees with no leaves now guys it has been constant people have been reporting sightings of here O'Brien over the years and there's always been something weird in regards to it but one encounter one way to signify that herobrine could very much so be in your world is if you find a bunch of trees with no Leafs yeah guys can you imagine you walk into a forest and then there's like no Leafs around any of the forest and it's just kind of like yeah truthfully I'm not about it so guys if you run across a tree that doesn't have any Leafs on it I would be a little bit cautious even if it's just one because guys let's think about this how often you run it and encounter a tree with no leaves anyways like it just doesn't happen like it's very unorthodox and like that could signify that there may be something odd or paranormal in relation to herobrine in your world so guys keep an eye out for that and that's just one of the many signs they hear O'Brien could be in your world another one being random globe stone towers now this is something that's been documented for a while so I'm guessing like just like random like stacks of glow stone you know kind of like build up in like one way things I don't know I personally never even seen any photo evidence of this but apparently random glowstone towers is also a signification that your brides in your world and you gotta also kind of understand how that spawns because here or here O'Brien's said to be a remnant sent from the nether and there's a lot of stories that signify that herobrine ties in with another and that is like his core origination right so if he has tons of glowstone they kind of loose in your world awkwardly before you've even opened a portal to but I don't even know perhaps that's one way to get your a Brian in your world he comes through your portal of the nether I don't know guys but another thing is suspicious messages on signs okay so I don't know about you guys but personally when it comes to signs in Minecraft it gets creepy there's a lot of creepy things because like sometimes you'd like to use signs for like a little guidelines for you like like here I'll demonstrate actually actually no I'm not in creative I was just walking around in survival no judgment house but anyways like some people like to grab some stairs not stars but stairs um come don't know would you are you good yes I'm good why are you asking these questions um so boom we have some signs here and about a pop-up see some people like to just use signs for like alright let me put some little guidelines here nice no noise and then you know some people could even claim that they've saw writings on the sign that they have placed here and right so like writings here and stuff but guys machen having a sign it's just like hi there you know this is something you wrote right you just like okay hi there you know nothing nothing too awkward or weird and you know you go all if you do some chopping of the wood and stuff of sort you know you're just chopping down some trees I'm gonna get done why is there a random Lahoma well um are you good I mean yeah sorry so anyways you have that right and then you come back and you're just like no no no no no no and then it says something like I'm here and you could store to yourself that way just like can I put hide they're not I'm here and then you come back and it says something like I'm here or something like man I don't know about it and yeah this has been something that's been in minecraft for a long time now people reporting to just have weird encounters and just weird things happening to their signs and this is also said to be a direct way to contact the entity known as null so yeah guys it might not be herobrine but it could also be null if your minecraft signs are getting tampered with in some form or fashion so yeah that's kind of something to take note on and yeah I guess I feel like this video was definitely something that was needed because I haven't actually made a video to address like potential signs that herobrine could be haunting you in your world like the guys this is really important so yeah I think this is definitely a video that I should have done a long time ago but we are now covering now you may be thinking well um perhaps that's pretty much it right well here O'Brien is like a king of just trying to mislead you and kind of like spook you while he secretly just stalks you yeah it's kind of weird guys if you think about it herobrine is more of less like a stalker he just kind of watches you in your world and stalks you and tries to pull pranks on you and when you least expect it or when you actually accidentally turn around or something you may catch a glimpse of him off in the fog especially in the early alpha days of Minecraft this was very dominant and a constant issue that was circulating so yeah guys I don't know why instant just flip on down here that's weird flowers down in the depths guys is that common I mean I don't personally see it too often but I guess it could be coming we're just going through this creepy cave talking about herobrine probably gonna regret it but yeah guys there's also been said to be a lot of glitches that revolve around here O'Brien and well having Mojang's say that they can't conform or confirm or deny that herobrine is still in the game and there's this constant aura of mystery surrounding here O'Brien's still even to this day I mean guys we're still talking about here O'Brien and wait is sick and well hey spawner huh you just randomly find a zombie spawner ooh disk c418 cat huh well then yeah and it means like this kind of cool to find mob spawners guys I don't know I always get happy when I find a mob spawner I just do am i weird for that I don't pay so I think it's pretty awesome you get loot of course I'm gonna be happy caves guys don't judge me but yeah so yeah we constantly been trying to debunk the herobrine mystery and is the scary mysterious aura even still to this day because Mojang doesn't confirm nor deny the existence of herobrine so in my personal opinion guys have I encountered any of these signs of herobrine in my world it hasn't been something that I've been cautious about or on edge about over the course of time playing well definitely back when I first started playing Minecraft I was terrified about this because all this weird stuff was happening to me and I had no real explanation and I was new to Minecraft so like it was really spooky but now that I played Minecraft for a wall-like you know the hunt for herobrine still continues but I it doesn't bother me as much as it once did I guess just because I have more hours invested and it's like do I still get creeped out by microprose most definitely I mean obviously I like I'm here as a creepy pasta mythbuster here and we still you know we kind of get spooked and we kind of try to provide all the scary things so we can debunk it all for once and once and for all so yeah guys herobrine is a weird weird myth no doubt but those are some signs that we quickly went over to signify that well herobrine might just be in your world if you're experiencing any of those things also guys if you have experienced any sightings with your Brian definitely let me know in the comments section below so I can actually respond and read your actual like if you actually seen here or Brian or something guys cuz I am definitely keen on seeing if you've had any interaction with the one and only herobrine so guys post your herobrine stories in the comment section below and as always guys I hope you guys continue enjoying the videos leaving a liking guys team o1g is gonna go up and then it's actual factual and if you're not a part of the movement then don't get left behind joining us now today and there's one thing that's for sure we're gonna take over YouTube and no one's gonna stop us we're gonna bring something new to the table and it's gonna be innovative and we're going to explode or that zombie didn't just walk by me but anyways guys that is that don't let anyone bring you down just use it for motivation and I will see you all in the next one
Channel: O1G
Views: 382,917
Rating: 4.8918743 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Pocket Edition, Pocket Edition, MCPE, Minecraft PE, Console, Bedrock, Edition, Why Herobrine might be in your Minecraft world.., Herobrine, Sightings, Spotted, Herobrine Sightings, New, Scary, Creepy, Creepypasta, Herobrine Signs, Signs of Herobrine, Gameplay, MC, O1G
Id: m5q6yAN8IoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2018
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