WHY God Allows Many Marriages to FAIL

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keep in mind this god has always been in primarily the heart restoration business first not the circumstance restoration business the finance or checkbook restoration business or even in the marriage restoration business so you and i go wow god this divorce i mean this is horrible adultery it's painful i mean my dreams are shattered how can this be god please you gotta fix this brother i've been right there with you because god is such a wise father and he wants to develop you and get you to look more like jesus christ brother if you have the greatest marriage on this planet and your wife is the most loyal woman that ever lived but you don't look like christ by the time you get to spiritual maturity point and you don't look like christ by the time you die you're what does that marriage count for you nothing it's an earthly institution you can't take it to heaven with you take your wife as an isaac put her on the altar and trust god for the results and then you know what you need to do let her go we give god one option that's it you gotta fix this marriage i know brother i've been there okay i'm just telling you father's heart in these terrible times we're living in is for your soul not for your marriage the lord is willing to expend your marriage so that it's not at the expense of your soul you gotta get this man oh my brother this is michael my wife and i just read your message to us and brother i can tell you i feel immediate compassion for you i'm right there with you in spirit i can tell you without a doubt i know exactly what you're feeling and it is extremely painful okay what i'm gonna share with you you need to pray and ask god to give you understanding about because understanding comes from the father and right now you're leaning very heavily on your feelings everything in your whole world is going to be about feeling okay and feelings rarely have anything to do with faith and feelings are rarely the fact all right feelings are not facts so right now when things like this happen and the divorce and adultery and these kind of terrible things that come afflictions happen to us immediately it evokes emotional response and we begin to lean on feelings and human understanding okay i cannot stress this enough with god's help you have to realize and be comforted in the fact first that many many many many people have been through what you're going through right now and worse and have made it i'm one of them okay i'm i've been through worse and i had can testify to you that god has blessed me beyond what i can put into words i have an inexpressible glorious joy i am truly the richest person i know okay so many people can testify that no matter what you go through with god's help you can be more than a conqueror in christ jesus okay so that's the fact number one how do i know it's a fact because it's in the bible in my life and the lives of countless christians prove the bible is the true word of god okay the key to getting god's help you need god's help and you need god's heart and forgive me for all the noise this is just part of india my wife and i are living in india right now and so you're going to hear all kinds of noises but you need to get god's help and my brother the way the way you get god's help is to respond to your circumstances in your life in accordance with god's way of thinking so there's all kinds of principles that are going on here right now in your life all right there's the principle of disciplining there's the principle of spiritual adultery physical adultery suffering participating in the sufferings of christ there's a principle of all these trials and suffering coming upon you you're being stripped and afflicted there's principles of waiting upon god there's principles of god being distant from you to give you time to grow up there's all kinds of things happening okay but here's what i feel the father's heart is for your situation as i listen to your email the first question that began to burn in my heart okay because i'm listening by the spirit the first question that began to burn in my heart as you're going to share all these details okay then this happened and this happened and this happened i began to know okay this is going to end in adultery i already knew that this was going to end in adultery and the first thing i wanted to know is what was the condition of your spirituality what did your walk with christ look like during these quote i guess 10 years worth of marriage okay so the very first thing that's on the father's heart because i have the spirit of christ in me you understand this the very first thing that michael criswell was moved to find out about your situation is not about oh how can we go get the ex-wife back oh how can we comfort in his pain but what was the condition of your spiritual walk with christ in those 10 years because that tells me what the father's heart is and why god has been pleased to allow these things to happen you must understand that the father is completely sovereign the bible teaches that the father is in heaven his throne is in heaven his sovereignty rules over all it says that he does whatever he wants to do in the heavens above and in the earth and in the seas and in the depths it says that he works out everything according to his own ends so you have to understand that none of this is a surprise to father okay so rest in that don't hit the eject button don't panic just rest in the fact that father is an absolute specialist in this kind of stuff he allows this kind of stuff sometimes he even directly causes this kind of stuff you might say michael you mean god would would allow a divorce and cause a divorce absolutely he would in ezra chapter 10 god himself authors the biggest divorce in human history go read about it sometime and why did god do this what was god's motive if god hates divorce so much then why did he order one the reason is is because god's biggest interest his top priority is in keeping the body of christ pure at that time it was the israelites his first son okay and he wants to keep them pure he doesn't want them intermixing their faith he doesn't want them being watered down and he knows how susceptible they are to be pulled away to serve other gods so keep in mind this god has always been in primarily the heart restoration business first not the circumstance restoration business the finance or checkbook restoration business or even in the marriage restoration business you know everybody that goes through marriage troubles the first thing they want to begin to believe for cry for and pray for is a repaired restored miraculous redeemed marriage but this is not what's on the heart of the father we have so completely perverted this idea of marriage in god's eyes and we have built marriage into an idol i tell you the truth and i am not embarrassed to say this in front of my father we have made marriage into an idol we've taken this institution i'm just going to help lay some groundwork here for you we take this institution called marriage okay yes it's important in god's eyes because god made it but we have to also recognize brother that god is a god who has an eternal mindset how long does marriage last it's temporary marriage lasts at best 30 40 50 60 years at the longest how long does eternity last 200 million years and you've just blinked your eye so we take this temporal earthly institution called marriage jesus said nobody's married in heaven we're like the angels and we put it ahead of every other thing in god's kingdom we make it the top principle and when somebody's going through a struggle or their life is falling apart what we do is we take the marriage and the the marriage certificate and we place it at the very top and we say every other problem must come under the marriage because god hates divorce forgetting what is the heart behind why god hates divorce is god a legalist did god just make this rule about divorce and he just he he made the rules so we have to follow it or is there a heart behind it brother the heart behind it is number one he doesn't want us to put away a wife to protect her if a wife leaves that's a different story if she's an adulterer that's another story but number two it says that god desires godly offspring so the heart of the father for a man and a woman being together is largely about a bringing him glory the picture of christ coming for the bride and how they live together and deny you know the bride denies herself and she preserves herself and she remains faithful to the husband so an earthly marriage is a very much beautiful picture of a heavenly marriage between the bride of christ in christ marriage also can be used wonderfully for character development to help shape and serve and love one another into becoming more like jesus christ all right it provides some basic needs for people but my brother i i tell you the truth the most important thing in god's heart is your eternal destiny your wife is in a position where she has committed adultery on you and she has done it boldly and she is brazen about it she's unrepentant now supposing she made a terrible mistake and she put herself in a situation you know and she was tempted and she fell but this was totally out of her character okay but then she came back and humbled herself and she repented oh brother this is a totally different story to work with but this is not your story she has not repented you need to trust god and you need to let this woman go she's already broken the marriage in god's eyes a marriage is not broken when you get a divorce certificate from some ungodly institution called a court system any more than a person dying is not dead until you receive a death certificate surely you understand that if a guy dies today but we don't get the death certificate for a month when did he actually die he died when he died and marriage being an institution of god god determines when your marriage is over and in his eyes with an unrepentant adulterous wife she has violated i mean jesus christ taught this very principle of do not divorce your wife except for adultery okay now watch the reason why god hates adultery so much is because he first hates it spiritually when we do it against him the real truth is that god hates it when you and i run after anything in this world the bible says we are an adulterer and god hates adultery spiritually and so earthly marriage is a picture of this spiritual reality okay and god loves his children he doesn't want them hurting each other and so he'll punish anybody who troubles us because he's just okay that's why god the bible says he's gonna punish the adulterers all right brother i realize you're in a place right now where you're a man of noble character it sounds like you love god you fear him you want him more i told you when i was listening to your message the first thing that i was concerned with is okay what was your spiritual condition and you testified yourself that you were not hot for god brother if you're not hot for god you don't make it to heaven you got to understand this and i don't have time to go through the scriptures i could preach them for probably three hours to you but the bible the truth of the bible is is that if a man is not wholeheartedly devoted to christ if he doesn't give up everything if anyone comes to me and he does not hate his mother and father brother and sister wife and children yes even his own life he cannot be my disciple what's jesus saying i have to be red hot in your heart i have to be your first and most important priority in life i have to be your first love and your last love and if you do not come to me with this hot whole-hearted love if you're lukewarm if you're in the middle christ says he'll spit you out so you and i go wow god this divorce i mean this is horrible adultery it's painful i mean my dreams are shattered how can this be god please you gotta fix this brother i've been right there with you i was in complete denial i believed with all my heart and with all the faith i could muster up then my ex was going to wake up in the middle of the night one day and go oh my gosh i cannot believe what i did i mean i just believed this god in his mercy showed me michael this isn't gonna happen okay you gotta understand that the father's heart is for you he's stripping you he's stripping you this is what god does to those he loves he disciplines and god is pleased to not allow you to stay luke warm trust me when i tell you three years from now if you listen to what i'm telling you and you follow the pattern that thousands of christians have followed you are going to be an on fire wholehearted dedicated anointed follower of christ god will raise you up and use you and you will look back and you will praise god you will praise god almighty for the affliction you will praise god almighty for the affair you will praise god almighty for the pain for the suffering brother i have thanked god far more for the pain and suffering he brought in my life through this ex-wife of mine than i ever did for him taking it away because god is such a wise father and he wants to develop you and get you to look more like jesus christ brother if you have the greatest marriage on this planet and your wife is the most loyal woman that ever lived but you don't look like christ by the time you get to spiritual maturity point and you don't look like christ by the time you die you're what does that marriage count for you nothing it's an earthly institution you can't take it to heaven with you do you see what's wrong with the balance here we put all this emphasis on marriage is the savior of the world the family is the answer focus on the family hogwash the greatest men and women that have ever lived have had the worst families you can imagine andrew murray right now honest to god is one of the only people i can think of that does not have a family that's loaded with dysfunction or brokenness and that actually went most of the people that god uses are despised rejected failed broken people this is who he uses the humble so he can pour his grace out upon him so brother i just want to plead with you to understand that the father's heart is in eternity you know one sinner repenting on earth causes all of the angels in heaven to repent that gives us an idea of the weight that god puts on one person wholeheartedly devoted to christ okay watch this how much is your life worth times eternity can you begin to put a value on what your life is like in the amount of work can you imagine the amount of work that you could produce for god in all of eternity think about it what can you do for god if you're the greatest super mini jesus christian that ever lived on earth and you lived a full 120 years according to genesis what could you possibly do if you were the greatest most productive worker in the history of the universe in 120 years oh it would be spectacular but what is that my friend compared to you working for god unencumbered by flesh unencumbered without sleep unencumbered by sin and for all of eternity what kind of output can you generate from god and now ask yourself what is god more interested in what is god more interested in making your work and your life and your marriage all work here at the expense of you being a worker a servant and a worshiper of him in eternity forever brother you've got to get this man we think this life is it i've lost everything twice so i'm going to tell you i can write the book on what i'm telling you right now this is not a sermon i'm preaching that i heard from somebody else i've lost everything i own not once but twice and i am telling you i am telling you i'm telling you god is so wise to have stripped me of everything i ever thought and brother i thought god put me and my first wife together i'm sure for years i thought this and i thought oh look god i'll tell you one quick story you want to know how is it that god you know did all these amazing obstacles overcoming to get your marriage together brother i understand what it's like it's like asking the israelites lord why in the world did you do the miracles for uh you know the red sea being parted and then move us across the jordan river and then all hell breaks loose and we have to fight 31 battles 31 wars in order to get into the promised land that does not look very much like god is with you god why in the world did you deliver us and do these miracles to get us out of egypt across the red sea through the jordan river and then deliver us into one battle after another 31 countries they had to battle 31 kings now ask yourself this question you say oh god has blessed me you know he did this miracle he did all these circumstances to put my wife and i together and this is wonderful and then all of a sudden your world falls apart why does god allow that let me tell you a little story five year dream okay it started when i was about 22 23 years old to own this christian franchise called the lord's gym all right five years of dreaming like big time pipe dreaming like kids you know looking inside the window store of the through the window going wow wouldn't it be awesome dreaming you know big time big time dreaming that one day we could have this business okay called the lord's gym a christian franchise that started in south florida okay five years goes by we'd step out on faith and go through this impossible set of circumstances to get this business cash our 401ks do all this stuff we end up getting coming soon signs on this nicest shopping center at the time in the southeast united states waterford lakes florida okay orlando florida waterford lakes area we get this amazing building set up it comes down to where i'm having one problem financially after another i'm not coming up with all the money i'm what's called an underfunded tenant within one week we were up against a hundred thousand dollar shortage five days left on the clock i've quit my job my wife quit her job next thing i know i get this phone call paul calls me and says mike you got five days to come up with a hundred thousand or i'm pulling down the coming soon signs you're an underfunded tenant everything in my whole life was on the line i cashed in all of my retirement money i cashed i put every dollar i had on credit cards and in five years i hadn't been able to come up with an extra hundred thousand how in the world am i going to come up with a hundred thousand dollars in five days you talk about a parting of the red sea guess what happened i'm in a panic a friend of mine was a professional baseball player going to play pro he was playing for the anaheim angels he's in town we get together and i say brother i got to go out to the water let's take the boat out and go skiing we take my little jet boat out and we go wake boarding okay i was so freaked out i didn't know what i was supposed to do was i supposed to go knock on people's doors and ask for the money was i supposed to just wait on god i said man i got to get out of here let's just go so we went out and we went wakeboarding for a little bit while i'm putting the boat in the water we're putting the boat in the water i'm just trying to find some peace while i'm putting the boat in the water the leasing agent calls mike just want to let you know you got four more days or we're pulling those signs down yeah i understand paul listen i'm doing everything i can man i appreciate it i'm working it out brother i'm starting to panic i don't know what to do i'm 27 28 years old this is like a million dollar project and i got to come up with a hundred thousand dollars i've already gone through family fools and friends i mean and i've asked every person i know for five years do you want to invest in this you want to be a part of this and the investor we had fell apart from utah long story short we pull the boat out of the water after we ski we're pulling it in the house i'm backing it in the garage and this older gentleman is walking on the sidewalk in front of my house he's a neighbor i know his first name is named steve i see him walking his dog all the time steve just kind of pulls in front of my house with his dog and he says to me hey mike what's going on how you know what's going on how's things going with the gym and i said oh steve it's unbelievable man we i said it's a good day and a bad day and he said what's what's the bad news i said well we're underfunded and i told him i'll skip the details in four days from i believe four different people out of nowhere without me having to ask anybody i did not have to ask the first person seventy thousand dollars comes in to my possession okay you gotta understand five years of waiting i got five days left i gotta come up with a hundred grand it ain't gonna happen god moved on different people's hearts and circumstances this guy this neighbor offered to give me twenty thousand and then i go to a men's bible study the next day and i'm telling my friend what's going on he goes mike you're not gonna believe this man he says um i got twenty thousand sitting in an automobile account my wife and i how about i loan that to you for this okay then a guy in south florida loans me 15 000 and then it comes from here then it comes from here before i know it we have over 70 000 that's been given to us in like four days i called up the leasing agent and i said paul i don't have the hundred grand but i got a seventy thousand he goes mike that'll work great job we were able to open this business it was a miracle okay ask yourself who have you ever heard in your life just a regular old person get seventy thousand dollars like this from four different people without even having to ask in four days after waiting for five years okay this was a miracle from god god moved upon some people's hearts to do this now here's the moral of the story here's the main part i want to tell you we opened up this business it was an absolute hit we started this project the problem is we had a builder that took us a hundred and thirty thousand dollars over budget this guy crooked us big time took us big time i ended up having to open my business under such financial duress we didn't have lockers we didn't have a stereo system we didn't have free weights it's a gym mind you we didn't have floor in the group fitness classes we didn't have a smoothie bar we didn't have this we didn't have that we had nothing i signed a promissory note for 61 000 under financial duress to this builder who was holding my certificate of occupancy hostage until i paid him the money in other words they got moving forward on a contract they they hand wrote part of the the the build-out uh amount to us the estimate then they switched it came in and said oh you won't believe these estimates are coming in from the builder so much more we didn't have a bank financing involved so this guy was trying to take me for extra money knowing i'm some little zealous christian kid and he could probably get away with it he tried to take us over budget 130 000 brother nine months to the day after fighting goliath after goliath after goliath after seeing one unbelievable circumstance after another happened nine months to the day that thing was deader than a doorknob and i was on the news every single night for five nights in front of hundreds of thousands of people all over central florida with people sitting on their front porch being interviewed by the news going i mean the guy's a crook he took my money he knew he was going out of business the guy's a crook they had no idea the truth there's more to this story than i can't even begin to tell you the point is this why would god go through all of that to help me start this business only to fail me i mean was it the devil that gave me the 70 grand no brother god opened up that door and provided okay because god had it in his plans that he was going to go ahead and allow me to get what i wanted he says you want it bad enough i'm going to let you have it i did it without god's wisdom god had already warned me one time and showed me a warning sign in a particular person in the franchise and i tell you the truth i saw the yield sign from god and i ignored it i ignored it because god was speaking to me what he was showing me was getting in the way of my dream this was a five-year dream and i wanted it so bad so you know what god did god help me to get my dream you know why he wanted me to experience the pain and suffering and the consequences of choosing to follow my own will rather than his and god was going to multiply the blessing of this disaster god taught me so many things he was so merciful even though i was ahead of him do you know something but he forgave me because of my ignorance i was what it says in proverbs a man with zeal without knowledge or zeal without understanding is not good i had a lot of enthusiasm i had a lot of love for god but i didn't have god's wisdom okay and i got ahead of god god was going to use this to strip me but that wasn't enough because years later god would take me through the darkest darkest darkest where i would lose as you know now everything here's what i want you to know the stripping that god will do in your life if you will reply to father in faith if you will not grumble against him to anybody else if you need to grumble grumble to god if you need to complain go to him don't go to somebody else about it i'm not saying you are i'm just saying be very very careful about this if you'll respond in faith if you'll wait upon god if you'll take your hands off of this wheel god will have you one day out of your own mouth say that this is absolutely the best thing that ever happened in your entire life okay no matter what god has to strip you of wife children family finances career in your instance country family friends familiarity culture everything right no matter what god has to strip you of if you find him in fullness which you haven't found him yet but this is an opportunity that's why you're being disciplined i tell you the truth i've said some hard things to you brother but i'm going to tell you i really believe you're somebody who god is after i really believe you're somebody who god wants to know the fullness of him okay and listen if you have a hard-hearted obstinate wife just like me okay if you have an ishmael in your life god will strip you if you're going to be of use to god and you have somebody that's that kind of hard-hearted in your life god i say all the time don't be surprised if god runs off your unbelieving spouse if you're somebody who's really getting after god brother god will do you the greatest blessing and he'll strip you so that you can be free to love him and him alone you can find a fullness in christ that will more than take care of the loss of this wife that you love so much okay listen god owns your wife let him have her god owned isaac it may have came through the body of abraham in the body of sarah but god owned and created isaac okay take your wife as an isaac put her on the altar and trust god for the results and then you know what you need to do let her go let her go brother you're living with a hard-hearted obstinate unrepentant rebellious adulterous wife god would not have you stick around with this let her go perhaps god wants to break her perhaps you're getting in his way of breaking her if you hold on to her listen who are you to stop her from leaving you're not god let her go what if let me tell you i'm going to tell you one other story okay i'm speaking at a college on storytelling and there's this black man in the back of my audience he stands out like a sore thumb he's like the only one in there and i can see him kind of sitting up the whole time and is looking straight at me and he comes up to me right after i'm done talking he says i need to speak to you i mean he was just forceful and he was kind but i need to talk to you i said okay get with my friend here you know i had a business partner time my friend i said get with him he keeps my schedule and we'll work something out he was a really nice guy i blew him off for a couple of weeks finally he emails me i say you know what i'm a man of my word i told the guy i'd meet with him i need to meet with him i go and meet with this guy this guy has more spiritual understanding and wisdom on the divorce process i'm going through than any human being i've ever met i mean this guy knew about the court systems and stuff that i had never even thought about it was incredible and at one point in the conversation he says these words to me which shook me to the core i was wanting to attorney up and fight and and try to save all this and fight for my kids and all this kind of stuff and he said mike well let me just tell you this he said even if you win you still lose i said what do you mean he said the court system is set up win lose not win-win and he says based upon what you're telling me about your ex-wife he said we've seen this happen over and over again if you win you're still going to lose brother she's going to make you pay every single time you go to get those kids mike do you want to continue to death grip and fight for the dead in your past or do you want to open up your hands to receive the blessing that god has for you in the future god in heaven if he could understand the weight of those words in my life now where i have a ministry where thousands of people all over the world are being impacted by it if he could know that god took away this ishmael and gave me a promise for an isaac literally the greatest human being i have ever met in my life okay and let me tell you the weight behind that i traveled 37 of the 50 states in the united states i trained tens of thousands of people through my speaking i was a salesperson i traveled i met thousands and thousands and thousands of people all the united states i never met anybody like the woman god would going to give me as my wife this day i live with her every day in amazement okay if antonio phillips could have known the prophetic weight and maybe he did of the words that he was going to say to me do you know they were so profound i said wait can i get my phone out for a second i want you to re-say to me what you just said i have it on video we're sitting at a tgi fridays and he said those words to me do you want to continue to look in the rearview mirror and death grip the dead life you have in the past or are you willing to open up your hands face forward and receive what the father has for you the blessings of the future brother you got to do that you can't look in the in the behind okay listen your wife's repentance is up to the father she has so hard-hearted herself and so stubborn she may not be able to come to repentance i don't know what her quality of relationship with the lord is i don't know where she's been but i know this i know i'm making a message for a guy who wants to know the lord i know i'm making a message to a guy who testified with his own typewriter that he wasn't hot for the lord brother you can't go to heaven if you're not hot supposing your wife didn't have the affair and you just had a comfortable marriage relationship for another 40 years but you end up going to hell as i never knew you flee from me do you see what a gift god could be doing for you to set you free you don't see it now but when you see things from eternity's perspective you can see the life of one soul far outweighs any marriage this is why i get so angry at these ignorant dumb legalist preachers who preach that marriage is the end all it's the only thing that can't end in this life marriage divorce god hates it marriage marriage marriage is the savior of the world no it's not and i will say to you what i just said in a message that you don't have to take this personal i would rather see a million divorces from relationships where one person wants to really be on fire for god but because of the dead boat anchor they married spiritually they are unequally yoked they're being held back from serving and loving the father and wholehearted devotion to christ i would rather see a million divorces where 500 000 of those people could then become on fire for the lord they could become true followers of the lord they could become wholehearted for the lord and bring glory to the lord where is the glory for the lord in 500 000 dead marriages or a million dead marriages or a million half-hearted or lukewarm marriages where is the glory but these legalist baloney preachers tell us oh but you got to stay married if you made a mistake 27 years ago you're going to live with it if he's beating your face in the ground if he's lying cheating stealing you got to stay you got to do but what does the father say the father says don't even eat with a person first corinthians chapter 5 who calls themself a christ follower but who is sexually immoral second timothy chapter 3 in the terrible times in the last days men will be lovers of this lovers of that boastful proud arrogant disobedient lovers of money lovers of pleasure ungrateful unforgiving basically lovers of everything except for god what does it say have nothing to do with these people now go through all those scriptures and then just add a comma and say unless you're married is that what it says no why father wants a pure virgin for his son when he comes back he doesn't want this half-hearted washed up lukewarm deceived hypocritical body of christ there has to be a separation as a.w tozer said we preach unity unity unity unity we've heard the machiavelli i think it's machiavelli who said divide and conquer satan knows how to unite and conquer that's why god says come out from them touch no one clean thing and i will receive you brother let her go if god wants to give her the gift of repentance through your example through your soft heart through your prayers then praise god in the process you will be blessed you'll know god more you'll know his faithfulness more and if god wants to take you from her don't fight him don't fight your cross don't fight your cross jesus christ was rejected virtually by everybody okay even the disciples were scattered okay even peter denied him but you don't see peter i mean jesus trying to death grip those relationships no but wait you don't know what you're doing nope let them go they belong to the lord the lord willed it trust in the god that you love and claim to know with all of your heart do not lean on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him my brother and he will make your path straight father is interested in your heart more than he's interested in some marriage sticking together i tell you the truth if i had a marriage that stuck together there would be no lives changed through my ministry i would be just as half-hearted being held back by a spirit of antichrist in my family a woman who didn't want me to testify of my relationship with christ with my mouth what is that that's a spirit of antichrist i was living with this person and people are so surprised that god wanted to have her heart hardened and run her off in a divorce i mean are you kidding me it's the same reason why abraham had to watch hagar and ishmael walk off into the wilderness because god said that person will never inherit the promise an ishmael will never be coming isaac brother i'm saying these things i hope i know they're they're going to be painful and you're not going to want to hear this your human understanding wants to think i mean the gullibility of christians today is the we we give god one option that's it you got to fix this marriage i know brother i've been there okay i'm just telling you father's heart in these terrible times we're living in is for your soul not for your marriage the lord is willing to expend your marriage so that it's not at the expense of your soul you got to get this man may god bless you and keep you if you have some more questions brother cry out to god cry out to him and ask him to show you the dark spots in your heart ask him to have his way with you and he will okay let him strip you surrender all to jesus christ i promise you the day will come you will laugh at destruction if you do you will laugh at all this all right i have and if you have some more questions by all means let us know but i want to encourage you the final thought take the john 7 17 challenge people's lives are being touched and changed all over i mean stories worse than yours i got stories of people who were on the verge of being murdered by their spouse okay in south africa who were living in total darkness demonic activity in their life they took the john 7 17 challenge and 90 days later they were speaking at a women's group with 200 women praising god for the peace and joy they finally experienced in their heart okay that's not my writing that's the words of christ go take the john 7 17 challenge you can do it for free on my website and just spend some time with jesus don't panic but seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness god will be with you my friend god bless you and my wife and i will pray for you and god will deliver you bye-bye you
Channel: Michael Chriswell
Views: 678,275
Rating: 4.6574707 out of 5
Keywords: Michael Chriswell, Relentless Heart, Discipleship, God save my marriage, Why God allows divorce, why didn't God save my marriage, divorce brokenness, why God allows divorce, life after divorce, my spouse cheated, will God restore my marriage, when marriage becomes an idol
Id: dvygKgnF0cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 15sec (2415 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2016
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