I Thank God He Did Not Save My Marriage | Divorce Testimony - Part 2

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hello my brother and sister this is jared welcome back i am here to share something different with you something unique and this is a little bit out of the normal routine of the loaves and fishes that i've been talking about and i could see how god has been putting on my heart to share more of my story in a transparent way and so here i am to tell you about what has happened in my life since the story video that's on my channel which my brother michael made for me you'll see the john 7 17 challenge logo on that video he made that for me around four and a half years ago and he wanted me to share the story with you with the followers of christ to hear about how i was going through a divorce and what god was doing through that and at that time things were still not completely concluded and i was praying and trusting god for all of the help that i needed in that however it was not completed i was not yet divorced and so here i am today to share with you the rest of the story so that's exciting i'm glad to share this with you it's god's story it's not mine this is what he's done through my life he has helped me in and through that situation in fact it was probably the primary thing going on in my life that caused me to seek out god and find out his will for me so you can see that it is a very blessed thing this story and why i want to share it with you so i'm going to talk to you a little bit about that and i'm also going to introduce to you why this is important for the coming messages on our lows and fishes and so as you are hearing this transparent story of me sharing these parts of my life with my brother michael and him giving me some feedback and how god looks at these things i'm starting to share parts of the story that require a little bit more background a little more context and so what i'm doing is i'm going to get you up to speed to where those are and and then i'm going to tell you about a wonderful news story that god did in my life after divorce so i'm really glad to share this with you and so i want to tell you and get you caught up on my life and what happened in my story from around the time that that story video left off if you haven't seen that already go look that up it's entitled something like what god did when i begged him to save my marriage and now you're going to get to find out so what did god do around that time when i made that video i was not yet divorced i was confident that god was taking me through that process i'm going to tell you a little bit about that and how he confirmed that and he eventually did take me through a divorce i did get divorced probably a month or two after that video was made i was married for roughly six and a half years i was with my ex-wife for probably a total of 10 years and god was not in my life it was not involved in that marriage at all in fact from the beginning it's good to know how a thing starts so you can have an idea of how the end is is uh ending up and so the fruit of this was rotten from the beginning from the beginning i avoided talking to or asking anybody about what god's will would be for my life and i specifically avoided trying to find a minister to marry us who would ask me some hard questions about are you living in sin right now have you sought god about this marriage do you have a clear conscience about doing that i specifically did not want to be asked those questions i avoided it my family had also warned me i ignored their warnings and proceeded on foolishly and presumptuously i was probably the most nervous person you've ever seen at a wedding my brother said i've never seen you sweat so bad in your whole life and i've never seen anybody sweat at the altar to get married like you did it was pouring off me i was nervous i was not comfortable and i i literally was not at peace fast forward there was years and years of of sin and debauchery the sin only continued and got worse it was full of just a rebellious terrible life to be honest and and there was adultery on both my part and my ex's part there was also just a life full of drunkenness and foolishness that's a miracle that i'm even still alive with the life that i've lived yet i really believe that god had his eye on me the entire time i think that he was watching that he was waiting that he was waiting to get me to a place where i'd ultimately want to call out to him and say father in heaven help me help me lord jesus so from the beginning there was no part of my life that had god in it from the beginning of that marriage for the relationship prior to the marriage through the marriage no part of it was from him to him or for him and at the whole time god watched you know he watched from a distance he wasn't there at that wedding he watched from a distance and i believe that he was eventually going to use this situation to bring me to him i now look back and see that it was never actually a marriage in god's eyes i do not believe he ever considered that to be a marriage it was only a ungodly union that i put together god led me through a series of very difficult circumstances for about three years before i came to him there is some sicknesses that i had and i had such terrible pain that i wanted to call out to god i wanted to have his help but i would not do it i knew that if i were to ask for god's help that would have to mean that i would need to repent of my sin and truly start living a life to follow him and so i knew that that prayer would be worthless unless i did some real honest work honest business with god in my heart and i wasn't ready so i didn't pray i resisted i took a lot of pain pills i pushed through it only to find another difficult health circumstance the next year so three years in a row this happened until the deal breaker came two things happened in 2015 which truly crushed me i had known that my ex-wife had homosexual tendencies but i didn't know that she was truly a lesbian and she told me this in 2015 she's it was like a dagger to the heart finally for me and i thought you know this explains a lot this explains the troubles i've had in this marriage this explains how things just are not right and so when that happened there there was an even greater decline in my heart towards trying to save and work on a quote-unquote marriage that really wasn't and i eventually got to the place of course living without the grace of god i had nothing to keep me going and so i started to give up the other thing that happened in 2015 was i had two concussions back to back and i've had around probably seven or eight concussions playing sports and accidents car wrecks and various things and in 2015 i had two back to back and my life changed everybody that knows me can attest to this they saw some really scary things happen with me where i couldn't read anymore i could barely drive i couldn't think i couldn't look at vertical lines on a wall they made me dizzy i was very sick and nauseous and headaches by the time i had the second concussion it only got worse i was almost completely debilitated and i started hallucinating and having very very terrible things happen i had a neurologist tell me she's never seen anybody with symptoms as bad as mine and she gave me the the very bleak uh reminder that you know you have post-concussion syndrome and these will probably never go away and i was devastated at that time i was also around the time i was about to be separated from my ex-wife and dealing with the stress of that also dealing with very difficult times at work and um a lot of pressure and deadlines i couldn't handle it and i basically broke and so my ex and i parted ways ten days after god called me to repentance through this he used that brokenness that difficulty that pain to bring me to himself and so i wanted to share a little bit about that with you i wanted you to hear more about my story and what happened to me i almost died i had physical circumstances i could not explain i was ready to give up i didn't want to live anymore and through that experience god saw something happen different in me he saw me be crushed he saw my pride get crushed he saw my self-will just completely be crushed and he used that to bring me to the place where i said god i need help i want to live the life and i want my prayers to be something that matters to you and so that was what he did so when my ex-wife and i separated i then started seeking god to find out what is your will what do you want me to do about this is it right that i am going down the path of being divorced and i found myself in a situation sort of awakened by god but thinking oh boy i wish i wasn't in this situation right now what do i do now wish things were maybe a couple of years ago and maybe i'd have the opportunity then to tell my ex-wife and hopefully she would become saved and we would reconcile this marriage i wouldn't have that divorce on my story well it was too late for that and yet i still tried to go and convince my ex-wife look you can start seeking god he can help you he can change you he can even help you with homosexuality he can he can fix our marriage he can do wonderful things and she was not interested and she told me some very hard things at that point said that she was never really attracted to me that she was not interested in marrying a godly man if she had she wouldn't have married me and very difficult things yet i kept pursuing i kept trying yes it was a noble thing but now looking back something that god allowed that it was foolish for me to keep trying in the way that i did i was actually trying to in some ways convince and manipulate her so telling you this i want you to see some of the fruit of these things paul says in romans 6 21 what fruit did you reap in the things of which you are now ashamed and so i'm telling you about some of the fruit i'm telling you about some of the result of after 10 years of being with somebody here here is the result and you can judge for yourself so i went back at one point and i said look is there anything i can do to right this wrong that we can do to save this marriage and the only time the only one time that i can recall that i was given a chance to do this was an ultimatum and that ultimatum required me to sin more that was the only way that we were going to come to some agreement was to have some open relationship where other people could more or less there would be sexual intercourse with people outside of the marriage was the only option and so i rose up in boldness and i said no i can no longer compromise in this way i will not do it and so i resisted and i walked away i still held on at that point and thinking well maybe god will still change your heart maybe something will happen god later then called me to leave the marriage he saw her heart and he was not going to save this so he showed me the scripture first corinthians 7 15. and he said let the unbeliever depart that the believer has been called to peace i see it now that there is no way that i could have lived in peace in that situation not as a follower of god no so what he did was a wonderful thing i actually consider it to be the second greatest thing that he's done in my circumstances in my life yet was divorced so what happened through this was that he took my difficult challenges my circumstances and he got me to surrender those surrender my entire life showed me the fruit of of that direction wonderful joy wonderful peace contentment gladness and i said god this is what i want is there anything else i can surrender to you i want to keep going that direction and so that's what i did and that gets you caught up to around the time i made that video and probably a month or two after the video was made i got divorced the divorce was final my ex was very forceful about that she wanted i said okay if you want it the scripture says and god says to me let the unbeliever depart and two days roughly after the divorce was finalized my ex-wife announced her engagement to another woman and very shocking very surprising and i'm sharing this with you because i want to be transparent with you i want you to hear how obvious god made this for me you know paul says and i think it's in first corinthians 7 16 how do you know o husband whether you will save your wife and how do you know o wife whether you will save your husband well those scriptures are written to somebody and that was me and maybe somebody else i don't know and my story is here as an example for you and for others so that the devil does not condemn people to think that god is this legalistic god keeping you in a marriage that is sinful okay so you heard the fruit of this you see the real things that happened you see the sin that i was tempted with and god made it very clear to me and i have completely clear conscience that god delivered me out of an ungodly marriage so praise the lord i am glad for that and i hope that you can can see the realities of this i hope that you can accept the fact that god does hate some marriages but he does love some divorces i believe that god was very very glad to see me out of that situation so now i want to share with you a few of the ways that god convinced me that he was doing this that he was leading me to go through a divorce i will say first that he always has to convince me of some things i am uh sort of slow to react in some ways i'm a little bit more of a calm person and as it says in psalm i think it's psalm 32 do not be like the mule or the horse well i'm kind of like the mule sometimes i take a good swift kick to get moving and so uh so he convinced me in a few ways and i want to share those with you because i think it's important for you to understand not just that god does permit some divorces to happen but that he speaks to you that he guides you in these things and that you have the obligation to seek god for your own life of these types of circumstances so the things that i want to share with you are first of all he spoke to me in a few dreams i'm going to share a brief version of those with you one dream was a dream where i was outside of a mine it was dark it was a mine like a coal mine in the ground and i knew that my ex-wife was in there so i had the intent to go in and try to save her and i go into the mine it's very dark and i see walking dead people in the mine everybody's like a zombie they're walking they don't look at me they won't make eye contact with me their skin is pale and i'm the only alive person in there and i'm looking and searching and i finally find this strange little room this little cave in this shaft and she's laying in there and she's dead and i can't wake her up i can't get her to come out i shake her she won't leave and eventually i have to go i have to leave and so i leave the mine and escape out of this place without her and and so that's that told me something that god gave me this dream where i was leaving a dead person okay the second one was this party at a a nightclub type of place my ex was there with me were both kind of partying however she's pulling away from me and wanting to go and do things that i'm not willing to do okay so there's some sinful things that are happening some wrong things that people are doing in another area of this party and i won't go and so we separate after a short time the party becomes very loud very boisterous and a lot of things happening and all of a sudden something changed all of a sudden and all the people's faces turned into a pig's face they had a snout and the ears they all look like pigs every one of them and so i became panicked and said oh my goodness what is happening and i start searching for my ex-wife trying to find her and i find her under a stairwell hiding and resistant to come with me and i'm trying to say come on we have to go we have to go i think she did eventually i was able to coax her to come but eventually i left the building and as i left and looked behind me the building collapsed and everybody in it died but the third dream was probably the most significant to me where an angel appeared to me in the dream in the dream i was outside of my house where i used to live and she was on the inside and i didn't know what she was doing and i'm working there on the outside and an angel comes around the corner of the house and appears to me he was a very tall man he had dark hair he was about twice the size of me and he had a sword and i was terrified in the dream i was shaking and said oh my goodness who are you he wasn't he wasn't startled at all he's looking at the house and he's looking at me and he indicates to me that i need to stay out of the house because it's going to be destroyed and i said oh my goodness well i need to warn her yet i knew that i couldn't go in and so at that moment i got a vision of her in the house serving and catering a person or almost like a spirit she was helping and giving food to this person and doing things for this person or spirit that she had never done for me and i was kind of surprised i said wow i've never seen her serve like that so uh with such an attitude of willingness and so anyways i tried to warn her i think i sent her a text message in the dream the angel stayed very at peace stayed outside and waited and eventually i ran to the front of the house to try to find my ex to see if she was able to make it out of the house and she had but she went the opposite direction she went the wrong way after she escaped the house and i let her go and in my heart i knew that i could not go that same way i had to go the opposite way down the street and that's what i did so very distinct very spiritual dreams that god gave me to show me and warned me what he was going to do god gave me these three dreams before i ever talked to michael or met him he also led me to two other people including michael was a third to then warn me later that god was in fact doing this and you know it's very clear and evident to me and i don't have to convince you but i want i want to share these principles with you so that you can hear and learn some of god's ways and so that's part of why i'm sharing these with you i want you to understand some of the ways he works and how you can hear him how he'll speak to you and how you can trust them for this now my brother and sister i want to tell you about what is the most exciting part of this update and that is around the time that you saw that last video around four and a half years ago god promised me a wife he promised me a future wife a godly wife a fruitful wife and i was so excited by this but also doubting it i had a hard time believing that that could actually happen first of all i didn't believe based on my interpretation of scripture that there was remarriage after divorce first of all i didn't think divorce was right and i didn't think there should be any remarriage afterwards so i said god i don't think this is really for me and i'm willing to live celibate and stay alone the rest of my life well he had other plans for me and he revealed that to me and he also backed that up and showed me the principles at work with which i was able to be remarried he gave me this promise very challengingly i had to believe in forward i had to keep persevering in it and there are so many days when i download them so many days when i say god you're going to have to convince me and in fact i even said the words god you're gonna have to step it up you're gonna step it up and really convince me and show me that this is what you want from me and he did he convinced me hundreds of times and what i'm getting ready to do is in the lowe's and fish's story i'm going to start telling more of that those confirmations how god led me how he confirmed it with my now fruitful wife kristen and i am so thankful for her i love her so much she is truly the greatest gift that god has ever given me in this life and apart from just him giving me the gift of grace and salvation in jesus christ but a physical gift of something god has done and given me the greatest one is my wife you didn't make it very far i'm so thankful for her i love her we have a wonderful fruitful marriage and in the coming days and months and and maybe even i don't know how long this is going to take to tell the whole story but lord willing i'm going to be able to tell you the entire story of how god led us into it godly marriage how he confirmed it and the fruit of the godly marriage even more than the wicked god oh my brother and sister something amazing has happened and i just want to share this with you from my heart you know i tried to start sharing this story and i really believe that the devil hates the story of my remarriage it is such a godly fruitful example of what god can do how he can redeem a situation and it has been attacked and just while making this video it has been attacked again literally five minutes ago the video that i was recording got cut off and stopped automatically i have no idea why we've never seen that happen with our camera and it stopped at the time of the number that god has given me the the number that he gave me was 128. he led me to psalm 128 28 to tell me that he was going to give me a fruitful wife the video gets stopped at 128 and i want to share that with you i think it's an important example for you to see real time right here this is unscripted and planned and god's allowed this to happen for a purpose and probably the devil attacking us and wanting to stop this you need to hear how god can promise you and do something miraculous like this he still does miracles i hold what i believe to be the greatest miracle i've ever seen in my life and that is god promising me a wife with this number and doing something amazing that i thought i i'm just i still am in shock over my own story there's a lot to share here and i'm not going to go in all the details but in the coming um days weeks months you're going to hear about what god has done to promise me a wife to fulfill that promise and to show the good fruit that can come from it something my wife and i have that i don't see other godly marriages have is we are in sync we are in unison we are in agreement we go in the same direction we follow the spirit of god he leads us both and so when we go to him we say god lead me as an individual and lead us as a married couple lead us as one that has been our desire that has been our goal and he has done it and i want to declare that to you and tell you that it is possible i don't have times in my heart when i feel oh my wife's going a different direction she's going off and pursuing something that's ungodly or or maybe not ungodly but just in a different direction from the from the way god is taking me and no we don't have that god keeps us in sync he keeps us on the same path we have agreement we work together we're working for the same things to serve god and to serve you his children and to love you and so our story is is an example for you my brother and sister i want to share this with you because i think it's very very important that we have a testimony an undefiled testimony for god that does not stain by sin and that is going in the right direction and as fruitful and that you can declare and tell somebody else this is what god has done for me and this is what he is doing for me and this is what he is going to do in the future god is going to keep guiding me and i want to share this story this what god had done in my heart and revealed to me just recently he started to show me second corinthians 3 3. clearly you are an epistle of christ ministered by us written not with ink but by the spirit of the living god not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh that is of the heart and so this story is important because this is the way that christ is writing his epistle you know christ didn't write an epistle he didn't write another book of the bible in fact in revelation we read by the spirit of god it was written that we cannot add to the words of this book or take away from them yet god is still writing christ is writing on our hearts and we have a testimony that we need to share with our mouths we need to tell other people about what god has done and so what i'm going to be sharing with you is the miraculous story of what god has done in my life how he's helped me how he's greatly helped me and i was the most wretched sinner i've ever met in my entire life i'm convinced of it the things that i've done and thought and said how i've lived the things i've done behind people's backs are miserable and wretched i deserve nothing but hell and death but god came to me while i was yet a sinner and had mercy on me he showed me that christ died for me and so my story is important for you to hear it's important for you to hear what god can do to redeem somebody's life to redeem a failed marriage to redeem sickness and problems and mental difficulties the concussion problems i had and to give me a wonderful godly wife a godly life and he has immensely blessed me god is the one who has done this i have not done it i was content and on my way as a sinner going to hell and knowingly so i was living in sin and and in some ways loved it i hated the consequences of it but i loved my sins so much that i wouldn't leave it god came to me he delivered me he gave me this story and this is how he's delivered me out of it this is part of the story that's very important for you to hear and as it says in the psalms it is marvelous in my eyes i love the fact that he did this i love the fact that i am was such a wretched sinner and then i can sit here before you and tell you that i'm the worst sinner i've ever known and there's a lot of hope for you there's a lot of hope for anyone who is willing to repent of their sins to trust in him and really believe him to put some real faith in action and to go on trusting and loving god for the rest of their lives and you know i believed him i was very challenged in that first year of how i could believe him how i could trust him for help with my sicknesses help with my heart help with my sin help with getting out of this and through this marriage and then from the promised me a wife towards the end of that one year was very hard for me to believe him for you know but i chose to believe god and you know it's true as it says in the bible for for you for abraham and for me that you chose to believe god and it's kind of to you as righteousness just like abraham and this is what god's done for me he's done this story he's made it and i've just i've gone along and just believed them i said god i believe this is what you're doing i'm going to trust you in this please help me to understand please help me to make sure i take the right steps in faith to follow you in the story that you are building you know if you have that heart to trust god that way to proceed in faith and believe him to take steps of faith and action he's gonna help you he's gonna keep your feet from slipping he's gonna keep you from even stumbling so that you can stand before christ on the last day with boldness and gladness and say god i've lived this life i fought the fight i've run the race god i'm here i made it you know and so my brother and sister i hope you believe god that way i hope you trust him like that and i hope that my story encourages you and inspires you to live in a way where you believe god and that you you put some faith and action behind it so i'm going to be sharing more of this story with you i hope that you stay around and and listen to this and that you're blessed by and encouraged by what god has done for me god bless you my brother and sister i love you and may god keep you and may he make a fruitful life out of everything that you give him for his glory and for your good in jesus name amen
Channel: The Pilgrimage Way
Views: 17,358
Rating: 4.9285712 out of 5
Keywords: pray, prayer, Christianity, Holy Spirit, faith, God, Jesus, Jared, Taibi, Christ, pilgrimage, disciple, believer, saved, sin, repent, testimony, salvation, spiritual warfare, Discipleship, spiritual growth, growing spiritually, Follow Jesus, The Pilgrimage, Pilgrimage Way, The Pilgrimage Way, Jared Taibi, Pilgram, Pilgramage, Jarrod Taibi, Save Marriage, divorce, marriage, cruel god, unjust god, mean god, surrender, prodigal, gym, suicide, peace, marriage restoration, michael chriswell, Dreams from God
Id: fDQGlCkVvD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 47sec (1907 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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