Heal While You Sleep: Meditate On God’s Unbelievable Power To Forgive & Restore The Prodigal Son

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find rest as you listen to this peaceful  bedtime story for more Bible stories that   bring you refreshing sleep download the abide app  in the iTunes or Google Play Store welcome to the   bedtime story taken from Luke 15 right now you can  relax completely as we experience the love of God   who rescues his lost children take a deep breath  and hold it for a few moments now exhale let go   of every thought and concern you've had throughout  the day and replace them one by one with the peace   of Jesus Christ he fills you he protects you he  surrounds you and keeps you he wants the best   for you and has given you the gift of sleep in  this moment so that you may fully experience his   supernatural rest once you were lost in confusion  darkness and discomfort but now you are found in   his love and in his light you're safe and free  to gently drift off to sleep as we open in prayer good and caring father thank you for all  that you have provided for me your careful   attention to my life assures me that I am loved  by you and I can be still in your presence Lord   I pray that you help me now to find the peace  that surpasses all understanding as your calm   overtakes me I release to you all of my worries  and distractions and receive the blessing of your   inheritance and provision I trust in your good  plan for my life and pray that you help me to   meditate on your goodness and faithfulness  as I fall asleep and dream imagine that you   are the child of a very wealthy family you  live in an extraordinary home that sprawls   across vast property with acres of forests  fruit trees wildlife and meandering streams   picture yourself walking through lush gardens  of carefully manicured hedges and filled with   colorful flowers as the Sun sinks to the horizon  it casts a deep golden hue against sculptures and   fountains that trickle over moss covered stones  and into shallow pools of cool clear water the   savory sense of dinner drift toward you as  you move slowly back toward the house for an   evening feast the presence of God surrounds you  and lets you know that even beyond all of these   earthly blessings he is there after dinner with  your stomach full and your eyes heavy with sleep   you tuck into your soft bed your body Nestle's  into the blankets as quiet waves of rest wash   over you until you are in a deep sleep the story  of the prodigal son starts out with a similar   scene and a similar person like you enjoying all  of the benefits of his father's provision Jesus   tells this parable in Luke chapter 15 verse 11  that begins there was a man who had two sons and   the younger of them said to his father father  give me the share of property that is coming   to me and he divided his property between them  this generous and loving father did not want to   see his son leave but granted this wish giving  the son half of the estate and let him go it   appeared that in spite of the life the son lived  on his father's estate he thought he might find   greater happiness elsewhere so he gathered all  he had and travelled far away from his father   but it didn't go as he had hoped not long after  his departure he spends everything and a severe   famine ensured that it would only get worse  in verse 15 Jesus goes on to tell of the sons   desperate attempts to redeem himself saying so he  went and hired himself out to one of the citizens   of that country who sent him into the fields to  feed pigs and he was longing to be fed with the   pause that the pigs ate and no one gave him  anything the atmosphere of his life has now   gone from savory and rich to stale and rotten as  the Sun experiences complete destitution he lives   among pigs unable to eat even as well as they do  begging for food that never comes he longs for   the not-so-distant past of his father's house  where he was safe comfortable full and in need   of nothing he did not realize how much he needed  the love and care of his father until it was gone imagine the loneliness he must have felt among the  pigs as he begged for help and no one came to his   rescue perhaps you have felt alone in moments  even because of decisions you've made it seems   that no one truly knows what you're experiencing  and that help is nowhere to be found this place   of loneliness can be one of the most difficult but  valuable moments we may experience as it forces us   to depend on our Father in heaven like we never  have before consider the hope the Sun began to   feel as he thought about returning to his father's  home Jesus tells us about this moment saying but   when he came to himself he said how many of my  father's hired servants have more than enough   bread but I perish here with hunger I will arise  and go to my father and I will say to him father   I have sinned against heaven and before you I  am no longer worthy to be called your son treat   me as one of your hired servants the prodigal  sons desperation drove him back to his father in   humility he would have been happy to be treated  as a mere servant just to be back in the safety   comfort and provision of his father's care but  this loving father had more in store for his   son when he returned because the loss of half of  his estate was nothing compared to what appeared   to be the loss of his beloved son Jesus tells  of this father's welcome in verse 20 saying but   while he was still a long way off his father saw  him and felt compassion and ran and embraced him   and kissed him what does it feel like to be truly  found when we are lost isolated and lonely it can   appear like no one knows or cares about us but  all that changes when we are truly found by God   the deepest longing of our souls can only really  be satisfied in the loving arms of our Father in   heaven imagine the look in the father's eyes who  does not judge you does not condemn you and does   not turn his back on you but instead runs to meet  you from alienation to unconditional acceptance   from utter shame to tender affection you land  in the father's arms and you're finally home   as if that wasn't enough the father commanded  the very servants his son had planned to join   saying bring quickly the best robe and put it on  him and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his   feet and bring the fattened calf and kill it and  let us eat and celebrate for this my son was dead   and is alive again he was lost and is found the  entire household stopped everything to celebrate   with singing dancing and feasting when the son  returned he was adorned with clothing and jewelry   that identified him with the people who loved him  most his true family he did not have to beg he was   lavished with every blessing and likewise God's  celebrated with the whole host of heaven when he   found you the story of the prodigal son is one of  redemption because of the father's unconditional   love but it's also the story of how Jesus made  a way for you to be reconciled to your father in   heaven Jesus left his heavenly home to join you  here on earth and then he was truly lost when he   was forsaken on the cross your safety comfort  provision and care is guaranteed by the blood   that Jesus shed when he became the prodigal for  your sake this is how much our Father in Heaven   loves you these are the lengths he went to so that  you could be found in him you're embraced and you   are celebrated you are home now imagine yourself  back on that beautiful estate a foreshadow of   heaven where you are safe loved and have all you  could ever ask hope or imagine this time Jesus is   walking with you your brother your savior your  friend you are part of a family that will never   leave you or forsake you you belong there in your  father's house in a room that he has provided a   comfortable place to drift off to sleep without  a single concern care or worry because he holds   these things and you in the palm of his mighty  hand as you now lie in the safety comfort and   care of the father allow yourself to embrace  and appreciate anew all that he has done for   you rest in that blessing and let his presence  assure you into a deep tranquil sleep let your   thoughts continue to drift off into the serene  places of his heavenly dwelling as we close in   prayer dear father thank you for welcoming me  into your home with open arms I once lived in   darkness and confusion afar off from your  love but you called me home now I abide in   you where your spirit consumes me and sleep comes  easily in the precious name of Jesus Christ amen right now you can relax completely as we  experience the love of God who rescues his   lost children take a deep breath and hold it  for a few moments now exhale let go of every   thought and concern you've had throughout the  day and replaced them one by one with the peace   of Jesus Christ he fills you he protects you he  surrounds you and keeps you he wants the best   for you and has given you the gift of sleep in  this moment so that you may fully experience his   supernatural rest once you were lost in confusion  darkness and discomfort but now you are found in   his love and in his light you're safe and free  to gently drift off to sleep as we open in prayer good and caring father thank you for all that you  have provided for me your careful attention to my   life assures me that I am loved by you and I can  be still in your presence Lord I pray that you   help me now to find the peace that surpasses  all understanding as your calm overtakes me I   release to you all of my worries and distractions  and receive the blessing of your inheritance and   provision I trust in your good plan for my life  and pray that you help me to meditate on your   goodness and faithfulness as I fall asleep and  dream imagine that you are the child of a very   wealthy family you live in an extraordinary home  that sprawls across vast property with acres of   forests fruit trees wildlife and meandering  streams picture yourself walking through   lush gardens of carefully manicured hedges and  filled with colorful flowers as the Sun sinks to   the horizon it casts a deep golden hue against  sculptures and fountains that trickle over moss   covered stones and into shallow pools of cool  clear water the savory sense of dinner drift   toward you as you move slowly back toward the  house for an evening feast the presence of God   surrounds you and lets you know that even beyond  all of these earthly blessings he is there after   dinner with your stomach full and your eyes heavy  with sleep you tuck into your soft bed your body   Nestle's into the blankets as quiet waves of  rest wash over you until you are in a deep sleep the story of the prodigal son starts out with  a similar scene and a similar person like you   enjoying all of the benefits of his father's  provision Jesus tells this parable in Luke   chapter 15 verse 11 that begins there was a man  who had two sons and the younger of them said to   his father father give me the share of property  that is coming to me and he divided his property   between them this generous and loving father  did not want to see his son leave but granted   this wish giving the son half of the estate and  let him go it appeared that in spite of the life   the son lived on his father's estate he thought  he might find greater happiness elsewhere so he   gathered all he had and travelled far away from  his father but it didn't go as he had hoped not   long after his departure he spends everything  and a severe famine ensured that it would only   get worse in verse 15 Jesus goes on to tell of  the sons desperate attempts to redeem himself   saying so he went and hired himself out to one  of the citizens of that country who sent him   into the fields to feed pigs and he was longing  to be fed with the paws that the pigs ate and   no one gave him anything the atmosphere of  his life has now gone from savory and rich   to stale and rotten as the Sun experiences  complete destitution he lives among pigs   unable to eat even as well as they do begging  for food that never comes he longs for the not   so distant past of his father's house where  he was safe comfortable full and in need of   nothing he did not realize how much he needed  the love and care of his father until it was gone imagine the loneliness he must have felt among  the pigs as he begged for help and no one came   to his rescue perhaps you have felt alone in  moments even because of decisions you've made   it seems that no one truly knows what you're  experiencing and that help is nowhere to be   found this place of loneliness can be one  of the most difficult but valuable moments   we may experience as it forces us to depend on  our Father in heaven like we never have before   consider the hope the Sun began to feel as  he thought about returning to his father's   home Jesus tells us about this moment saying  but when he came to himself he said how many   of my father's hired servants have more than  enough bread but I perish here with hunger   I will arise and go to my father and I will say  to him father I have sinned against heaven and   before you I am no longer worthy to be called  your son treat me as one of your hired servants   the prodigal sons desperation drove him back  to his father in humility he would have been   happy to be treated as a mere servant just to  be back in the safety comfort and provision of   his father's care but this loving father had more  in store for his son when he returned because the   loss of half of his estate was nothing compared  to what appeared to be the loss of his beloved   son Jesus tells of this father's welcome in  verse 20 saying but while he was still a long   way off his father saw him and felt compassion  and ran and embraced him and kissed him what   does it feel like to be truly found when we are  lost isolated and lonely it can appear like no   one knows or cares about us but all that changes  when we are truly found by God the deepest longing   of our souls can only really be satisfied  in the loving arms of our Father in heaven imagine the look in the father's eyes who does  not judge you does not condemn you and does not   turn his back on you but instead runs to meet  you from alienation to unconditional acceptance   from utter shame to tender affection you land  in the father's arms and you're finally home   as if that wasn't enough the father commanded  the very servants his son had planned to join   saying bring quickly the best robe and put it  on him and put a ring on his hand and shoes on   his feet and bring the fattened calf and kill  it and let us eat and celebrate for this my son   was dead and is alive again he was lost and is  found the entire household stopped everything to   celebrate with singing dancing and feasting when  the son returned he was adorned with clothing and   jewelry that identified him with the people who  loved him most his true family he did not have   to beg he was lavished with every blessing  and likewise God celebrated with the whole   host of heaven when he found you the story of  the prodigal son is one of redemption because   of the father's unconditional love but it's  also the story of how Jesus made a way for   you to be reconciled to your father in heaven  Jesus left his heavenly home to join you here   on earth and then he was truly lost when he  was forsaken on the cross your safety comfort   provision and care is guaranteed by the blood  that Jesus shed when he became the prodigal   for your sake this is how much our Father in  Heaven loves you these are the lengths he went   to so that you could be found in him you are  embraced and you are celebrated you are home now imagine yourself back on that beautiful  estate a foreshadow of heaven where you are   safe loved and have all you could ever ask hope  or imagine this time Jesus is walking with you   your brother your savior your friend you are part  of a family that will never leave you or forsake   you you belong there in your father's house  in a room that he has provided a comfortable   place to drift off to sleep without a single  concern care or worry because he holds these   things and you in the palm of his mighty hand  as you now lie in the safety comfort and care   of the Father allow yourself to embrace and  appreciate anew all that he has done for you   rest in that blessing and let his presence assure  you into a deep tranquil sleep let your thoughts   continue to drift off into the serene places  of his heavenly dwelling as we close in prayer   dear father thank you for welcoming me into your  home with open arms I once lived in darkness   and confusion afar off from your love but you  called me home now I abide in you where your   spirit consumes me and sleep comes easily  in the precious name of Jesus Christ amen right now you can relax completely as we  experience the love of God who rescues his   lost children take a deep breath and hold it  for a few moments now exhale let go of every   thought and concern you've had throughout the  day and replace them one by one with the peace   of Jesus Christ he fills you he protects you he  surrounds you and keeps you he wants the best   for you and has given you the gift of sleep in  this moment so that you may fully experience his   supernatural rest once you were lost in confusion  darkness and discomfort but now you are found in   his love and in his light you're safe and free  to gently drift off to sleep as we open in prayer good and caring father thank you for all that you  have provided for me your careful attention to my   life assures me that I am loved by you and I can  be still in your presence lord I pray that you   help me now to find the peace that surpasses  all understanding as your calm overtakes me I   release to you all of my worries and distractions  and receive the blessing of your inheritance and   provision I trust in your good plan for my life  and pray that you help me to meditate on your   goodness and faithfulness as I fall asleep and  dream imagine that you are the child of a very   wealthy family you live in an extraordinary home  that sprawls across vast property with acres of   forests fruit trees wildlife and meandering  streams picture yourself walking through   lush gardens of carefully manicured hedges and  filled with colorful flowers as the Sun sinks to   the horizon it casts a deep golden hue against  sculptures and fountains that trickle over moss   covered stones and into shallow pools of cool  clear water the savory sense of dinner drift   toward you as you move slowly back toward the  house for an evening feast the presence of God   surrounds you and lets you know that even beyond  all of these earthly blessings he is there after   dinner with your stomach full and your eyes heavy  with sleep you tuck into your soft bed your body   Nestle's into the blankets is quiet waves of  rest wash over you until you are in a deep sleep the story of the prodigal son starts out with  a similar scene and a similar person like you   enjoying all of the benefits of his father's  provision Jesus tells this parable in Luke   chapter 15 verse 11 that begins there was a man  who had two sons and the younger of them said to   his father father give me the share of property  that is coming to me and he divided his property   between them this generous and loving father  did not want to see his son leave but granted   this wish giving the son half of the estate and  let him go it appeared that in spite of the life   the son lived on his father's estate he thought  he might find greater happiness elsewhere so he   gathered all he had and travelled far away  from his father but it didn't go as he had   hoped not long after his departure he spends  everything and a severe famine ensured that   it would only get worse in verse 15 Jesus goes  on to tell of the sons desperate attempts to   redeem himself saying so he went and hired  himself out to one of the citizens of that   country who sent him into the fields to feed  pigs and he was longing to be fed with the   paws that the pigs ate and no one gave him  anything the atmosphere of his life has now   gone from savory and rich to stale and rotten as  the Sun experiences complete destitution he lives   among pigs unable to eat even as well as they do  begging for food that never comes he longs for   the not-so-distant past of his father's house  where he was safe comfortable full and in need   of nothing he did not realize how much he needed  the love and care of his father until it was gone imagine the loneliness he must have felt among  the pigs as he begged for help and no one came   to his rescue perhaps you have felt alone in  moments even because of decisions you've made   it seems that no one truly knows what you're  experiencing and that help is nowhere to be   found this place of loneliness can be one  of the most difficult but valuable moments   we may experience as it forces us to depend on  our Father in heaven like we never have before   consider the hope the Sun began to feel as  he thought about returning to his father's   home Jesus tells us about this moment saying  but when he came to himself he said how many   of my father's hired servants have more than  enough bread but I perish here with hunger I   will arise and go to my father and I will say  to him father I have sinned against heaven and   before you I am no longer worthy to be called  your son treat me as one of your hired servants   the prodigal sons desperation drove him back  to his father in humility he would have been   happy to be treated as a mere servant just to  be back in the safety comfort and provision of   his father's care but this loving father had more  in store for his son when he returned because the   loss of half of his estate was nothing compared  to what appeared to be the loss of his beloved   son Jesus tells of this father's welcome in  verse 20 saying but while he was still a long   way off his father saw him and felt compassion  and ran and embraced him and kissed him what   does it feel like to be truly found when we are  lost isolated and lonely it can appear like no   one knows or cares about us but all that changes  when we are truly found by God the deepest longing   of our souls can only really be satisfied  in the loving arms of our Father in heaven imagine the look in the father's eyes who does  not judge you does not condemn you and does not   turn his back on you but instead runs to meet you  from alienation to unconditional acceptance from   utter shame to tender affection you land  in the father's arms in your finally home   as if that wasn't enough the father commanded  the very servants his son had planned to join   saying bring quickly the best robe and put it on  him and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his   feet and bring the fattened calf and kill it and  let us eat and celebrate for this my son was dead   and is alive again he was lost and is found the  entire household stopped everything to celebrate   with singing dancing and feasting when the son  returned he was adorned with clothing and jewelry   that identified him with the people who loved him  most his true family he did not have to beg he was   lavished with every blessing and likewise God's  celebrated with the whole host of heaven when he   found you the story of the prodigal son is one of  redemption because of the father's unconditional   love but it's also the story of how Jesus made  a way for you to be reconciled to your father in   heaven Jesus left his heavenly home to join you  here on earth and then he was truly lost when he   was forsaken on the cross your safety comfort  provision and care as guaranteed by the blood   that Jesus shed when he became the prodigal  for your sake this is how much our Father in   Heaven loves you these are the lengths he went  to so that you could be found in him you are   embraced and you are celebrated you are home now  imagine yourself back on that beautiful estate a   foreshadow of heaven where you are safe loved and  have all you could ever ask hope or imagine this   time Jesus is walking with you your brother your  savior your friend you are part of a family that   will never leave you or forsake you you belong  there in your father's house in a room that he   has provided a comfortable place to drift off  to sleep without a single concern care or worry   because he holds these things and you in the palm  of his mighty hand as you now lie in the safety   comfort and care of the Father allow yourself  to embrace and appreciate anew all that he has   done for you rest in that blessing and let his  presence assure you into a deep tranquil sleep   let your thoughts continue to drift off into the  serene places of his heavenly dwelling as we close   in prayer dear father thank you for welcoming  me into your home with open arms I once lived   in darkness and confusion afar off from your  love but you called me home now I abide in   you where your spirit consumes me and sleep comes  easily in the precious name of Jesus Christ amen right now you can relax completely as we  experience the love of God who rescues his   lost children take a deep breath and hold it  for a few moments now exhale let go of every   thought and concern you've had throughout the  day and replace them one by one with the peace   of Jesus Christ he fills you he protects you he  surrounds you and keeps you he wants the best   for you and has given you the gift of sleep in  this moment so that you may fully experience   his supernatural rest once you were lost in  confusion darkness and discomfort but now you   are found in his love and in his light you're  safe and free to gently drift off to sleep as   we open in prayer good and caring father thank  you for all that you have provided for me your   careful attention to my life assures me that  I am loved by you and I can be still in your   presence lord I pray that you help me now to  find the peace that surpasses all understanding   as your call overtakes me I release to you all  of my worries and distractions and receive the   blessing of your inheritance and provision I  trust in your good plan for my life and pray   that you help me to meditate on your goodness  and faithfulness as I fall asleep and dream imagine that you are the child of a very wealthy  family you live in an extraordinary home that   sprawls across vast property with acres of forests  fruit trees wildlife and meandering streams   picture yourself walking through lush gardens of  carefully manicured hedges filled with colorful   flowers as the Sun sinks to the horizon it casts  a deep golden hue against sculptures and fountains   that trickle over moss covered stones and into  shallow pools of cool clear water the savory sense   of dinner drift toward you as you move slowly back  toward the house for an evening feast the presence   of God surrounds you and lets you know that even  beyond all of these earthly blessings he is there   after dinner with your stomach full and your eyes  heavy with sleep you tuck into your soft bed your   body Nestle's into the blankets as quiet waves of  rest wash over you until you are in a deep sleep the story of the prodigal son starts out with  a similar scene and a similar person like you   enjoying all of the benefits of his father's  provision Jesus tells this parable in Luke   chapter 15 verse 11 that begins there was a man  who had two sons and the younger of them said to   his father father give me the share of property  that is coming to me and he divided his property   between them this generous and loving father  did not want to see his son leave but granted   this wish giving the son half of the estate and  let him go it appeared that in spite of the life   the son lived on his father's estate he thought  he might find greater happiness elsewhere so he   gathered all he had and travelled far away  from his father but it didn't go as he had   hoped not long after his departure he spends  everything and a severe famine ensured that   it would only get worse in verse 15 Jesus goes  on to tell of the sons desperate attempts to   redeem himself saying so he went and hired  himself out to one of the citizens of that   country who sent him into the fields to feed  pigs and he was longing to be fed with the   paws that the pigs ate and no one gave him  anything the atmosphere of his life has now   gone from savory and rich to stale and rotten as  the Sun experiences complete destitution he lives   among pigs unable to eat even as well as they do  begging for food that never comes he longs for   the not-so-distant past of his father's house  where he was safe comfortable full and in need   of nothing he did not realize how much he needed  the love and care of his father until it was gone imagine the loneliness he must have felt among  the pigs as he begged for help and no one came   to his rescue perhaps you have felt alone in  moments even because of decisions you've made   it seems that no one truly knows what you're  experiencing and that help is nowhere to be   found this place of loneliness can be one  of the most difficult but valuable moments   we may experience as it forces us to depend on  our Father in heaven like we never have before   consider the hope the Sun began to feel as  he thought about returning to his father's   home Jesus tells us about this moment saying  but when he came to himself he said how many   of my father's hired servants have more than  enough bread but I perish here with hunger I   will arise and go to my father and I will say  to him father I have sinned against heaven and   before you I am no longer worthy to be called  your son treat me as one of your hired servants   the prodigal sons desperation drove him back  to his father in humility he would have been   happy to be treated as a mere servant just to  be back in the safety comfort and provision of   his father's care but this loving father had more  in store for his son when he returned because the   loss of half of his estate was nothing compared  to what appeared to be the loss of his beloved   son Jesus tells of this father's welcome in  verse 20 saying but while he was still a long   way off his father saw him and felt compassion  and ran and embraced him and kissed him what   does it feel like to be truly found when we are  lost isolated and lonely it can appear like no   one knows or cares about us but all that changes  when we are truly found by God the deepest longing   of our souls can only really be satisfied  in the loving arms of our Father in heaven imagine the look in the father's eyes who does  not judge you does not condemn you and does not   turn his back on you but instead runs to meet  you from alienation to unconditional acceptance   from utter shame to tender affection you land  in the father's arms and you're finally home   as if that wasn't enough the father commanded  the very servants his son had planned to join   saying bring quickly the best robe and put it  on him and put a ring on his hand and shoes on   his feet and bring the fattened calf and kill  it and let us eat and celebrate for this my son   was dead and is alive again he was lost and is  found the entire household stopped everything to   celebrate with singing dancing and feasting when  the son returned he was adorned with clothing and   jewelry that identified him with the people who  loved him most his true family he did not have   to beg he was lavished with every blessing  and likewise God's celebrated with the whole   host of heaven when he found you the story of  the prodigal son is one of redemption because   of the father's unconditional love but it's  also the story of how Jesus made a way for   you to be reconciled to your father in heaven  Jesus left his heavenly home to join you here   on earth and then he was truly lost when he  was forsaken on the cross your safety comfort   provision and care his guaranteed by the blood  that Jesus shed when he became the prodigal for   your sake this is how much our Father in  Heaven loves you these are the lengths he   went to so that you could be found in him your  embraced and you are celebrated you are home now imagine yourself back on that beautiful  estate a foreshadow of heaven where you are   safe loved and have all you could ever ask  hope or imagine this time Jesus is walking   with you your brother your Savior your friend  you are part of a family that will never leave   you or forsake you you belong there in your  father's house in a room that he has provided   a comfortable place to drift off to sleep without  a single concern care or worry because he holds   these things and you in the palm of his mighty  hand as you now lie in the safety comfort and   care of the father allow yourself to embrace  and appreciate anew all that he has done for   you rest in that blessing and let his presence  assure you into a deep tranquil sleep let your   thoughts continue to drift off into the serene  places of his heavenly dwelling as we close in   prayer dear father thank you for welcoming me  into your home with open arms I once lived in   darkness and confusion afar off from your  love but you called me home now I abide in   you where your spirit consumes me and sleep comes  easily in the precious name of Jesus Christ amen right now you can relax completely as we  experience the love of God who rescues his   lost children take a deep breath and hold it  for a few moments now exhale let go of every   thought and concern you've had throughout the  day and replace them one by one with the peace   of Jesus Christ he fills you he protects you he  surrounds you and keeps you he wants the best   for you and has given you the gift of sleep in  this moment so that you may fully experience   his supernatural rest once you were lost in  confusion darkness and discomfort but now you   are found in his love and in his light you're  safe and free to gently drift off to sleep as   we open in prayer good and caring father thank  you for all that you have provided for me your   careful attention to my life assures me that  I am loved by you and I can be still in your   presence lord I pray that you help me now to  find the peace that surpasses all understanding   as your calm overtakes me I release to you all  of my worries and distractions and receive the   blessing of your inheritance and provision I  trust in your good plan for my life and pray   that you help me to meditate on your goodness  and faithfulness as I fall asleep and dream imagine that you are the child of a very wealthy  family you live in an extraordinary home that   sprawls across vast property with acres of forests  fruit trees wildlife and meandering streams   picture yourself walking through lush gardens of  carefully manicured hedges filled with colorful   flowers as the Sun sinks to the horizon it casts  a deep golden hue against sculptures and fountains   that trickle over moss covered stones and into  shallow pools of cool clear water the savory sense   of dinner drift toward you as you move slowly back  toward the house for an evening feast the presence   of God surrounds you and lets you know that even  beyond all of these earthly blessings he is there   after dinner with your stomach full and your eyes  heavy with sleep you tuck into your soft bed your   body Nestle's into the blankets is quiet waves of  rest wash over you until you are in a deep sleep the story of the prodigal son starts out with  a similar scene and a similar person like you   enjoying all of the benefits of his father's  provision Jesus tells this parable in Luke   chapter 15 verse 11 that begins there was  a man who had two sons and the younger of   them said to his father father give me the  share of property that is coming to me and   he divided his property between them this  generous and loving father did not want to   see his son leave but granted this wish giving  the son half of the estate and let him go it   appeared that in spite of the life the son  lived on his father's estate he thought he   might find greater happiness elsewhere so he  gathered all he had and traveled far away from   his father but it didn't go as he had hoped not  long after his departure he spends everything and   a severe famine ensured that it would only get  worse in verse 15 Jesus goes on to tell of the   sons desperate attempts to redeem himself saying  so he went and hired himself out to one of the   citizens of that country who sent him into the  fields to feed pigs and he was longing to be fed   with the paws that the pigs ate and no one gave  him anything the atmosphere of his life has now   gone from savory and rich to stale and rotten as  the Sun experiences complete destitution he lives   among pigs unable to eat even as well as they do  begging for food that never comes he longs for   the not-so-distant past of his father's house  where he was safe comfortable full and in need   of nothing he did not realize how much he needed  the love and care of his father until it was gone imagine the loneliness he must have felt among  the pigs as he begged for help and no one came   to his rescue perhaps you have felt alone in  moments even because of decisions you've made   it seems that no one truly knows what you're  experiencing and that help is nowhere to be   found this place of loneliness can be one  of the most difficult but valuable moments   we may experience as it forces us to depend on  our Father in heaven like we never have before   consider the hope the Sun began to feel as  he thought about returning to his father's   home Jesus tells us about this moment saying  but when he came to himself he said how many   of my father's hired servants have more than  enough bread but I perish here with hunger I   will arise and go to my father and I will say  to him father I have sinned against heaven and   before you I am no longer worthy to be called  your son treat me as one of your hired servants   the prodigal sons desperation drove him back  to his father in humility he would have been   happy to be treated as a mere servant just to be  back in the safety comfort and provision of his   father's care but this loving father had more  in store for his son when he returned because   the loss of half of his estate it was nothing  compared to what appeared to be the loss of   his beloved son Jesus tells of this father's  welcome in verse 20 saying but while he was   still a long way off his father saw him and felt  compassion and ran and embraced him and kissed him what does it feel like to be truly found when we  are lost isolated and lonely it can appear like no   one knows or cares about us but all that changes  when we are truly found by God the deepest longing   of our souls can only really be satisfied in the  loving arms of our Father in heaven imagine the   look in the father's eyes who does not judge you  does not condemn you and does not turn his back on   you but instead runs to meet you from alienation  to unconditional acceptance from utter shame to   tender affection you land in the father's arms  in your finally home as if that wasn't enough   the father commanded the very servants his son  had planned to join saying bring quickly the   best robe and put it on him and put a ring on his  hand and shoes on his feet and bring the fattened   calf and kill it and let us eat and celebrate  for this my son was dead and is alive again he   was lost and is found the entire household stopped  everything to celebrate with singing dancing and   feasting when the son returned he was adorned  with clothing and jewelry that identified him   with the people who loved him most his true family  he did not have to beg he was lavished with every   blessing and likewise God's celebrated with the  whole host of heaven when he found you the story   of the prodigal son is one of redemption because  of the father's unconditional love but it's also   the story of how Jesus made a way for you to be  reconciled to your father in heaven Jesus left   his heavenly home to join you here on earth and  then he was truly lost when he was forsaken on   the cross your safety comfort provision and care  is guaranteed by the blood that Jesus shed when   he became the prodigal for your sake this is  how much our Father in Heaven loves you these   are the lengths he went to so that you could  be found in him you are embraced and you are   celebrated you are home now imagine yourself  back on that beautiful estate a foreshadow of   heaven where you are safe loved and have all you  could ever ask hope or imagined this time Jesus   is walking with you your brother your savior your  friend you are part of a family that will never   leave you or forsake you you belong there in your  father's house in a room that he has provided a   comfortable place to drift off to sleep without  a single concern care or worry because he holds   these things and you in the palm of his mighty  hand as you now lie in the safety comfort and   care of the father allow yourself to embrace  and appreciate anew all that he has done for   you rest in that blessing and let his presence  assure you into a deep tranquil sleep let your   thoughts continue to drift off into the serene  places of his heavenly dwelling as we close in   prayer dear father thank you for welcoming me  into your home with open arms I once lived in   darkness and confusion afar off from your  love but you called me home now I abide in   you where your spirit consumes me and sleep comes  easily in the precious name of Jesus Christ amen right now you can relax completely as we  experience the love of God who rescues his   lost children take a deep breath and hold it  for a few moments now exhale let go of every   thought and concern you've had throughout the  day and replace them one by one with the peace   of Jesus Christ he fills you he protects you he  surrounds you and keeps you he wants the best   for you and has given you the gift of sleep in  this moment so that you may fully experience   his supernatural rest once you were lost in  confusion darkness and discomfort but now you   are found in his love and in his light you're  safe and free to gently drift off to sleep as   we open in prayer good and caring father thank  you for all that you have provided for me your   careful attention to my life assures me that  I am loved by you and I can be still in your   presence lord I pray that you help me now to  find the peace that surpasses all understanding   as your calm overtakes me I release to you all  of my worries and distractions and receive the   blessing of your inheritance and provision I  trust in your good plan for my life and pray   that you help me to meditate on your goodness  and faithfulness as I fall asleep and dream imagine that you are the child of a very  wealthy family you live in an extraordinary   home that sprawls across vast property with  acres of forests fruit trees wildlife and   meandering streams picture yourself walking  through lush gardens of carefully manicured   hedges and filled with colorful flowers as the  Sun sinks to the horizon it casts a deep golden   hue against sculptures and fountains that  trickle over moss-covered stones and into   shallow pools of cool clear water the savory  sense of dinner drift toward you as you move   slowly back toward the house for an evening  feast the presence of God surrounds you and   lets you know that even beyond all of these  earthly blessings he is there after dinner   with your stomach full and your eyes heavy  with sleep you tuck into your soft bed your   body Nestle's into the blankets as quiet waves of  rest wash over you until you are in a deep sleep the story of the prodigal son starts out  with a similar scene and a similar person   like you enjoying all of the benefits of his  father's provision Jesus tells this parable in   Luke chapter 15 verse 11 that begins there  was a man who had two sons and the younger   of them said to his father father give me  the share of property that is coming to me   and he divided his property between them this  generous and loving father did not want to see   his son leave but granted this wish giving  the son half of the estate and let him go   it appeared that in spite of the life the  son lived on his father's estate he thought   he might find greater happiness elsewhere so he  gathered all he had and traveled far away from   his father but it didn't go as he had hoped not  long after his departure he spends everything and   a severe famine ensured that it would only get  worse in verse 15 Jesus goes on to tell of the   sons desperate attempts to redeem himself saying  so he went and hired himself out to one of the   citizens of that country who sent him into the  fields to feed pigs and he was longing to be fed   with the paws that the pigs ate and no one gave  him anything the atmosphere of his life has now   gone from savory and rich to stale and rotten as  the Sun experiences complete destitution he lives   among pigs unable to eat even as well as they do  begging for food that never comes he longs for   the not-so-distant past of his father's house  where he was safe comfortable full and in need   of nothing he did not realize how much he needed  the love and care of his father until it was gone imagine the loneliness he must have felt among the  pigs as he begged for help and no one came to his   rescue perhaps you have felt alone in moments  even because of decisions you've made it seems   that no one truly knows what you're experiencing  and that help is nowhere to be found this place   of loneliness can be one of the most difficult but  valuable moments we may experience as it forces us   to depend on our Father in heaven like we never  have before consider the hope the Sun began to   feel as he thought about returning to his father's  home Jesus tells us about this moment saying but   when he came to himself he said how many of my  father's hired servants have more than enough   bread but I perish here with hunger I will arise  and go to my father and I will say to him father   I have sinned against heaven and before you I  am no longer worthy to be called your son treat   me as one of your hired servants the prodigal  sons desperation drove him back to his father in   humility he would have been happy to be treated  as a mere servant just to be back in the safety   comfort and provision of his father's care but  this loving father had more in store for his   son when he returned because the loss of half of  his estate was nothing compared to what appeared   to be the loss of his beloved son Jesus tells  of this father's welcome in verse 20 saying but   while he was still a long way off his father saw  him and felt compassion and ran and embraced him   and kissed him what does it feel like to be truly  found when we are lost isolated and lonely it can   appear like no one knows or cares about us but  all that changes when we are truly found by God   the deepest longing of our souls can only really  be satisfied in the loving arms of our Father in   heaven imagine the look in the father's eyes who  does not judge you does not condemn you and does   not turn his back on you but instead runs to meet  you from alienation to unconditional acceptance   from utter shame to tender affection you land  in the father's arms and you are finally home   as if that wasn't enough the father commanded  the very servants his son had planned to join   saying bring quickly the best robe and put it on  him and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his   feet and bring the fattened calf and kill it and  let us eat and celebrate for this my son was dead   and is alive again he was lost and is found the  entire household stopped everything to celebrate   with singing dancing and feasting when the son  returned he was adorned with clothing and jewelry   that identified him with the people who loved him  most his true family he did not have to beg he   was lavished with every blessing and likewise God  celebrated with the whole host of heaven when he   found you the story of the prodigal son is one of  redemption because of the father's unconditional   love but it's also the story of how Jesus made  a way for you to be reconciled to your father in   heaven Jesus left his heavenly home to join you  here on earth and then he was truly lost when he   was forsaken on the cross your safety comfort  provision and care is guaranteed by the blood   that Jesus shed when he became the prodigal for  your sake this is how much our Father in Heaven   loves you these are the lengths he went to so that  you could be found in him you're embraced and you   are celebrated you are home now imagine yourself  back on that beautiful estate a foreshadow of   heaven where you are safe loved and have all you  could ever ask hope or imagine this time Jesus is   walking with you your brother your Savior your  friend you are part of a family that will never   leave you or forsake you you belong there in your  father's house in a room that he has provided a   comfortable place to drift off to sleep without  a single concern care or worry because he holds   these things and you in the palm of his mighty  hand as you now lie in the safety comfort and   care of the Father allow yourself to embrace  and appreciate anew all that he has done for you   rest in that blessing and let his presence assure  you into a deep tranquil sleep let your thoughts   continue to drift off into the serene places of  his heavenly dwelling as we close in prayer dear   father thank you for welcoming me into your  home with open arms I once lived in darkness   and confusion afar off from your love but you  called me home now I abide in you where your   spirit consumes me and sleep comes easily  in the precious name of Jesus Christ amen right now you can relax completely as we  experience the love of God who rescues his   lost children take a deep breath and hold it for a  few moments now exhale let go of every thought and   concern you've had throughout the day and replace  them one by one with the peace of Jesus Christ   he fills you he protects you he surrounds you and  keeps you he wants the best for you and has given   you the gift of sleep in this moment so that  you may fully experience his supernatural rest   once you were lost in confusion darkness and  discomfort but now you are found in his love and   in his light you are safe and free to gently drift  off to sleep as we open in prayer good and caring   father thank you for all that you have provided  for me your careful attention to my life assures   me that I am loved by you and I can be still in  your presence lord I pray that you help me now   to find the peace that surpasses all understanding  as your call overtakes me I release to you all of   my worries and distractions and receive the  blessing of your inheritance and provision   I trust in your good plan for my life and pray  that you help me to meditate on your goodness and   faithfulness as I fall asleep and dream imagine  that you are the child of a very wealthy family   you live in an extraordinary home that sprawls  across vast property with acres of forests fruit   trees wildlife and meandering streams picture  yourself walking through lush gardens of carefully   manicured hedges and filled with colorful flowers  as the Sun sinks to the horizon it casts a deep   golden hue against sculptures and fountains that  trickle over moss covered stones and into shallow   pools of cool clear water the savoury sense of  dinner drift toward you as you move slowly back   toward the house for an evening feast the presence  of God surrounds you and lets you know that even   beyond all of these earthly blessings he is there  after dinner with your stomach full and your eyes   heavy with sleep you tuck into your soft bed  your body Nestle's into the blankets as quiet   waves of rest wash over you until you are in a  deep sleep the story of the prodigal son starts   out with a similar scene and a similar person  like you enjoying all of the benefits of his   father's provision Jesus tells this parable in  Luke chapter 15 verse 11 that begins there was a   man who had two sons and the younger of them said  to his father father give me the share of property   that is coming to me and he divided his property  between them this generous and loving father did   not want to see his son leave but granted this  wish giving the son half of the estate and let   him go it appeared that in spite of the life  the son lived on his father's estate he thought   he might find greater happiness elsewhere so he  gathered all he had and travelled far away from   his father but it didn't go as he had hoped not  long after his departure he spends everything and   a severe famine ensured that it would only get  worse in verse 15 Jesus goes on to tell of the   sons desperate attempts to redeem himself saying  so he went and hired himself out to one of the   citizens of that country who sent him into the  fields to feed pigs and he was longing to be fed   with the paws that the pigs ate and no one gave  him anything the atmosphere of his life has now   gone from savory and rich to stale and rotten as  the Sun experiences complete destitution he lives   among pigs unable to eat even as well as they do  begging for food that never comes he longs for   the not so distant past of his father's house  where he was safe comfortable full and in need   of nothing he did not realize how much he needed  the love and care of his father until it was gone imagine the loneliness he must have felt among  the pigs as he begged for help and no one came   to his rescue perhaps you have felt alone in  moments even because of decisions you've made   it seems that no one truly knows what you're  experiencing and that help is nowhere to be   found this place of loneliness can be one  of the most difficult but valuable moments   we may experience as it forces us to depend on  our Father in Heaven like we never have before   consider the hope the Sun began to feel as  he thought about returning to his father's   home Jesus tells us about this moment saying  but when he came to himself he said how many   of my father's hired servants have more than  enough bread but I perish here with hunger I   will arise and go to my father and I will say  to him father I have sinned against heaven and   before you I am no longer worthy to be called  your son treat me as one of your hired servants   the prodigal sons desperation drove him back  to his father in humility he would have been   happy to be treated as a mere servant just to be  back in the safety comfort and provision of his   father's care but this loving father had more  in store for his son when he returned because   the loss of half of his estate was nothing  compared to what appeared to be the loss of   his beloved son Jesus tells of this father's  welcome in verse 20 saying but while he was   still a long way off his father saw him and felt  compassion and ran and embraced him and kissed him   what does it feel like to be truly found when we  are lost isolated and lonely it can appear like no   one knows or cares about us but all that changes  when we are truly found by God the deepest longing   of our souls can only really be satisfied  in the loving arms of our Father in heaven imagine the look in the father's eyes who does not  judge you does not condemn you and does not turn   his back on you but instead runs to meet you from  alienation to unconditional acceptance from utter   shame to tender affection you land in the father's  arms in your finally home as if that wasn't enough   the father commanded the very servants his son had  planned to join saying bring quickly the best robe   and put it on him and put a ring on his hand and  shoes on his feet and bring the fattened calf and   kill it and let us eat and celebrate for this my  son was dead and is alive again he was lost and is   found the entire household stopped everything to  celebrate with singing dancing and feasting when   the son returned he was adorned with clothing  and jewelry that identified him with the people   who loved him most his true family he did not  have to beg he was lavished with every blessing   and likewise God celebrated with the whole host of  heaven when he found you the story of the prodigal   son is one of redemption because of the father's  unconditional love but it's also the story of how   Jesus made a way for you to be reconciled to your  Father in heaven Jesus left his heavenly home to   join you here on earth and then he was truly  lost when he was forsaken on the cross your   safety comfort provision and care as guaranteed  by the blood that Jesus shed when he became the   prodigal for your sake this is how much our Father  in Heaven loves you these are the lengths he   went to so that you could be found in him you're  embraced and you are celebrated you are home now   imagine yourself back on that beautiful estate a  foreshadow of heaven where you are safe loved and   have all you could ever ask hope or imagined this  time Jesus is walking with you your brother your   Savior your friend you are part of a family that  will never leave you or forsake you you belong   there in your father's house in a room that he has  provided a comfortable place to drift off to sleep   without a single concerned care or worry because  he holds these things and you in the palm of his   mighty hand as you now lie in the safety comfort  and care of the father allow yourself to embrace   and appreciate anew all that he has done for you  rest in that blessing and let his presence assure   you into a deep tranquil sleep let your thoughts  continue to drift off into the serene places   of his heavenly dwelling as we close in prayer  dear father thank you for welcoming me into your   home with open arms I once lived in darkness and  confusion afar off from your love but you called   me home now I abide in you where your spirit  consumes me and sleep comes easily in the precious   name of Jesus Christ amen right now you can relax  completely as we experience the love of God who   rescues his lost children take a deep breath and  hold it for a few moments now exhale let go of   every thought and concern you've had throughout  the day and replace them one by one with the peace   of Jesus Christ he fills you he protects you he  surrounds you and keeps you he wants the best   for you and has given you the gift of sleep in  this moment so that you may fully experience his   supernatural rest once you were lost in confusion  darkness and discomfort but now you are found in   his love and in his light you're safe and free  to gently drift off to sleep as we open in prayer good and caring father thank you for all  that you have provided for me your careful   attention to my life assures me that I am loved  by you and I can be still in your presence Lord   I pray that you help me now to find the peace  that surpasses all understanding as your calm   overtakes me I release to you all of my worries  and distractions and receive the blessing of your   inheritance and provision I trust in your good  plan for my life and pray that you help me to   meditate on your goodness and faithfulness  as I fall asleep and dream imagine that you   are the child of a very wealthy family you  live in an extraordinary home that sprawls   across vast property with acres of forests  fruit trees wildlife and meandering streams   picture yourself walking through lush gardens  of carefully manicured hedges and filled with   colorful flowers as the Sun sinks to the horizon  it casts a deep golden hue against sculptures and   fountains that trickle over moss covered stones  and into shallow pools of cool clear water the savory scents of dinner drift toward  you as you move slowly back toward the   house for an evening feast the presence  of God surrounds you and lets you know   that even beyond all of these earthly  blessings he is there after dinner with   your stomach full and your eyes heavy  with sleep you tuck into your soft bed your body Nestle's into the blankets as quiet  waves of rest wash over you until you are in a   deep sleep the story of the prodigal son starts  out with a similar scene and a similar person   like you enjoying all of the benefits of his  father's provision Jesus tells this parable   in Luke chapter 15 verse 11 that begins there  was a man who had two sons and the younger of   them said to his father father give me the  share of property that is coming to me and   he divided his property between them this  generous and loving father did not want to   see his son leave but granted this wish giving  the son half of the estate and let him go it   appeared that in spite of the life the son lived  on his father's estate he thought he might find   greater happiness elsewhere so he gathered all  he had and travelled far away from his father   but it didn't go as he had hoped not long after  his departure he spends everything and a severe   famine ensured that it would only get worse  in verse 15 Jesus goes on to tell of the sons   desperate attempts to redeem himself saying so he  went and hired himself out to one of the citizens   of that country who sent him into the fields to  feed pigs and he was longing to be fed with the   pause that the pigs ate and no one gave him  anything the atmosphere of his life has now   gone from savory and rich to stale and rotten as  the Sun experiences complete destitution he lives   among pigs unable to eat even as well as they do  begging for food that never comes he longs for   the not so distant past of his father's house  where he was safe comfortable full and in need   of nothing he did not realize how much he needed  the love and care of his father until it was gone imagine the loneliness he must have felt among  the pigs as he begged for help and no one came   to his rescue perhaps you have felt alone in  moments even because of decisions you've made   it seems that no one truly knows what you're  experiencing and that help is nowhere to be   found this place of loneliness can be one  of the most difficult but valuable moments   we may experience as it forces us to depend on  our Father in heaven like we never have before   consider the hope the Sun began to feel as he  thought about returning to his father's home   Jesus tells us about this moment saying but  when he came to himself he said how many of   my father's hired servants have more than enough  bread but I perish here with hunger I will arise   and go to my father and I will say to him father  I have sinned against heaven and before you I am   no longer worthy to be called your son treat  me as one of your hired servants the prodigal   sons desperation drove him back to his father in  humility he would have been happy to be treated   as a mere servant just to be back in the safety  comfort and provision of his father's care but   this loving father had more in store for his son  when he returned because the loss of half of his   estate was nothing compared to what appeared to  be the loss of his beloved son Jesus tells of   this father's welcome in verse 20 saying but  while he was still a long way off his father   saw him and felt compassion and ran and embraced  him and kissed him what does it feel like to be   truly found when we are lost isolated and  lonely it can appear like no one knows or   cares about us but all that changes when we  are truly found by God the deepest longing   of our souls can only really be satisfied  in the loving arms of our Father in heaven imagine the look in the father's eyes who does not  judge you does not condemn you and does not turn   his back on you but instead runs to meet you from  alienation to unconditional acceptance from utter   shame to tender affection you land in the father's  arms in you are finally home as if that wasn't   enough the father commanded the very servants his  son had planned to join saying bring quickly the   best robe and put it on him and put a ring on his  hand and shoes on his feet and bring the fattened   calf and kill it and let us eat and celebrate  for this my son was dead and is alive again   he was lost and is found the entire household  stopped everything to celebrate with singing   dancing and feasting when the son returned he was  adorned with clothing and jewelry that identified   him with the people who loved him most his true  family he did not have to beg he was lavished with   every blessing and likewise God celebrated with  the whole host of heaven when he found you the   story of the prodigal son is one of redemption  because of the father's unconditional love but   it's also the story of how Jesus made a way for  you to be reconciled to your father in heaven   Jesus left his heavenly home to join you here  on earth and then he was truly lost when he   was forsaken on the cross your safety comfort  provision and care is guaranteed by the blood   that Jesus shed when he became the prodigal for  your sake this is how much our Father in Heaven   loves you these are the lengths he went to so that  you could be found in him you are embraced and you   are celebrated you are home now imagine yourself  back on that beautiful estate a foreshadow of   heaven where you are safe loved and have all you  could ever ask hope or imagined this time Jesus   is walking with you your brother your savior your  friend you are part of a family that will never   leave you or forsake you you belong there in your  father's house in a room that he has provided a   comfortable place to drift off to sleep without  a single concern care or worry because he holds   these things and you in the palm of his mighty  hand as you now lie in the safety comfort and   care of the Father allow yourself to embrace  and appreciate anew all that he has done for you   rest in that blessing and let his presence assure  you into a deep tranquil sleep let your thoughts   continue to drift off into the serene places  of his heavenly dwelling as we close in prayer   dear father thank you for welcoming me into your  home with open arms I once lived in darkness   and confusion afar off from your love but you  called me home now I abide in you where your   spirit consumes me and sleep comes easily  in the precious name of Jesus Christ amen right now you can relax completely as we  experience the love of God who rescues his   lost children take a deep breath and hold it for a  few moments now exhale let go of every thought and   concern you've had throughout the day and replace  them one by one with the peace of Jesus Christ   he fills you he protects you he surrounds you and  keeps you he wants the best for you and has given   you the gift of sleep in this moment so that you  may fully experience his supernatural rest once   you were lost in confusion darkness and discomfort  but now you are found in his love and in his light   you're safe and free to gently drift off to sleep  as we open in prayer good and caring father thank   you for all that you have provided for me your  careful attention to my life assures me that   I am loved by you and I can be still in your  presence lord I pray that you help me now to   find the peace that surpasses all understanding  as your call overtakes me I release to you all of   my worries and distractions and receive the  blessing of your inheritance and provision   I trust in your good plan for my life and  pray that you help me to meditate on your   goodness and faithfulness as I fall asleep and  dream imagine that you are the child of a very   wealthy family you live in an extraordinary home  that sprawls across vast property with acres of   forests fruit trees wildlife and meandering  streams picture yourself walking through   lush gardens of carefully manicured hedges and  filled with colorful flowers as the Sun sinks to   the horizon it casts a deep golden hue against  sculptures and fountains that trickle over moss   covered stones and into shallow pools of cool  clear water the savory sense of dinner drift   toward you as you move slowly back toward the  house for an evening feast the presence of God   surrounds you and lets you know that even beyond  all of these earthly blessings he is there after   dinner with your stomach full and your eyes heavy  with sleep you tuck into your soft bed your body   Nestle's into the blankets as quiet waves of  rest wash over you until you are in a deep sleep the story of the prodigal son starts out with  a similar scene and a similar person like you   enjoying all of the benefits of his father's  provision Jesus tells this parable in Luke   chapter 15 verse 11 that begins there was a man  who had two sons and the younger of them said to   his father father give me the share of property  that is coming to me and he divided his property   between them this generous and loving father  did not want to see his son leave but granted   this wish giving the son half of the estate and  let him go it appeared that in spite of the life   the son lived on his father's estate he thought  he might find greater happiness elsewhere so he   gathered all he had and travelled far away  from his father but it didn't go as he had   hoped not long after his departure he spends  everything and a severe famine ensured that   it would only get worse in verse 15 Jesus goes  on to tell of the sons desperate attempts to   redeem himself saying so he went and hired  himself out to one of the citizens of that   country who sent him into the fields to feed  pigs and he was longing to be fed with the   paws that the pigs ate and no one gave him  anything the atmosphere of his life has now   gone from savory and rich to stale and rotten as  the Sun experiences complete destitution he lives   among pigs unable to eat even as well as they do  begging for food that never comes he longs for   the not-so-distant past of his father's house  where he was safe comfortable full and in need   of nothing he did not realize how much he needed  the love and care of his father until it was gone imagine the loneliness he must have felt among  the pigs as he begged for help and no one came   to his rescue perhaps you have felt alone in  moments even because of decisions you've made   it seems that no one truly knows what you're  experiencing and that help is nowhere to be   found this place of loneliness can be one  of the most difficult but valuable moments   we may experience as it forces us to depend on  our Father in heaven like we never have before   consider the hope the Sun began to feel as  he thought about returning to his father's   home Jesus tells us about this moment saying  but when he came to himself he said how many   of my father's hired servants have more than  enough bread but I perish here with hunger I   will arise and go to my father and I will say  to him father I have sinned against heaven and   before you I am no longer worthy to be called  your son treat me as one of your hired servants   the prodigal sons desperation drove him back  to his father in humility he would have been   happy to be treated as a mere servant just to  be back in the safety comfort and provision of   his father's care but this loving father had more  in store for his son when he returned because the   loss of half of his estate was nothing compared  to what appeared to be the loss of his beloved   son Jesus tells of this father's welcome in  verse 20 saying but while he was still a long   way off his father saw him and felt compassion  and ran and embraced him and kissed him what   does it feel like to be truly found when we are  lost isolated and lonely it can appear like no   one knows or cares about us but all that changes  when we are truly found by God the deepest longing   of our souls can only really be satisfied  in the loving arms of our Father in heaven imagine the look in the father's eyes who does  not judge you does not condemn you and does not   turn his back on you but instead runs to meet  you from alienation to unconditional acceptance   from utter shame to tender affection you land  in the father's arms and you're finally home   as if that wasn't enough the father commanded  the very servants his son had planned to join   saying bring quickly the best robe and put it  on him and put a ring on his hand and shoes on   his feet and bring the fattened calf and kill  it and let us eat and celebrate for this my son   was dead and is alive again he was lost and is  found the entire household stopped everything to   celebrate with singing dancing and feasting when  the son returned he was adorned with clothing and   jewelry that identified him with the people who  loved him most his true family he did not have   to beg he was lavished with every blessing and  likewise God celebrated with the whole host of   heaven when he found you the story of the prodigal  son is one of redemption because of the father's   unconditional love but it's also the story of  how Jesus made a way for you to be reconciled   to your father in heaven Jesus left his heavenly  home to join you here on earth and then he was   truly lost when he was forsaken on the cross your  safety comfort provision and care is guaranteed by   the blood that Jesus shed when he became the  prodigal for your sake this is how much our   Father in Heaven loves you these are the lengths  he went to so that you could be found in him you   are embraced and you are celebrated you are home  now imagine yourself back on that beautiful estate   a foreshadow of heaven where you are safe loved  and have all you could ever ask hope or imagine   this time Jesus is walking with you your brother  your savior your friend you are part of a family   that will never leave you or forsake you you  belong there in your father's house in a room   that he has provided a comfortable place to  drift off to sleep without a single concern   care or worry because he holds these things and  you in the palm of his mighty hand as you now   lie in the safety comfort and care of the Father  allow yourself to embrace and appreciate anew all   that he has done for you rest in that blessing and  let his presence assure you into a deep tranquil   sleep let your thoughts continue to drift off  into the serene places of his heavenly dwelling   as we close in prayer dear father thank you for  welcoming me into your home with open arms I once   lived in darkness and confusion afar off from  your love but you called me home now I abide in   you where your spirit consumes me and sleep comes  easily in the precious name of Jesus Christ amen right now you can relax completely as we  experience the love of God who rescues his   lost children take a deep breath and hold it  for a few moments now exhale let go of every   thought and concern you've had throughout the  day and replace them one by one with the peace   of Jesus Christ he fills you he protects you he  surrounds you and keeps you he wants the best   for you and has given you the gift of sleep in  this moment so that you may fully experience   his supernatural rest once you were lost in  confusion darkness and discomfort but now you   are found in his love and in his light you're  safe and free to gently drift off to sleep as   we open in prayer good and caring father thank  you for all that you have provided for me your   careful attention to my life assures me that  I am loved by you and I can be still in your   presence lord I pray that you help me now to  find the peace that surpasses all understanding   as your calm overtakes me I release to you all  of my worries and distractions and receive the   blessing of your inheritance and provision I  trust in your good plan for my life and pray   that you help me to meditate on your goodness  and faithfulness as I fall asleep and dream imagine that you are the child of a very wealthy  family you live in an extraordinary home that   sprawls across vast property with acres of forests  fruit trees wildlife and meandering streams   picture yourself walking through lush gardens of  carefully manicured hedges filled with colorful   flowers as the Sun sinks to the horizon it casts  a deep golden hue against sculptures and fountains   that trickle over moss covered stones and into  shallow pools of cool clear water the savory sense   of dinner drift toward you as you move slowly back  toward the house for an evening feast the presence   of God surrounds you and lets you know that even  beyond all of these earthly blessings he is there   after dinner with your stomach full and your eyes  heavy with sleep you tuck into your soft bed your   body Nestle's into the blankets is quiet waves of  rest wash over you until you are in a deep sleep the story of the prodigal son starts out with  a similar scene and a similar person like you   enjoying all of the benefits of his father's  provision Jesus tells this parable in Luke   chapter 15 verse 11 that begins there was a man  who had two sons and the younger of them said to   his father father give me the share of property  that is coming to me and he divided his property   between them this generous and loving father  did not want to see his son leave but granted   this wish giving the son half of the estate and  let him go it appeared that in spite of the life   the son lived on his father's estate he thought  he might find greater happiness elsewhere so he   gathered all he had and travelled far away  from his father but it didn't go as he had   hoped not long after his departure he spends  everything and a severe famine ensured that   it would only get worse in verse 15 Jesus goes  on to tell of the sons desperate attempts to   redeem himself saying so he went and hired  himself out to one of the citizens of that   country who sent him into the fields to feed  pigs and he was longing to be fed with the   paws that the pigs ate and no one gave him  anything the atmosphere of his life has now   gone from savory and rich to stale and rotten  as the Sun experiences complete destitution he   lives among pigs unable to eat even as well as  they do begging for food that never comes he   longs for the not-so-distant past of his father's  house or he was safe comfortable full and in need   of nothing he did not realize how much he needed  the love and care of his father until it was gone imagine the loneliness he must have felt among  the pigs as he begged for help and no one came   to his rescue perhaps you have felt alone in  moments even because of decisions you've made   it seems that no one truly knows what you're  experiencing and that help is nowhere to be   found this place of loneliness can be one  of the most difficult but valuable moments   we may experience as it forces us to depend on  our Father in heaven like we never have before   consider the hope the Sun began to feel as  he thought about returning to his father's   home Jesus tells us about this moment saying  but when he came to himself he said how many   of my father's hired servants have more than  enough bread but I perish here with hunger I   will arise and go to my father and I will say  to him father I have sinned against heaven and   before you I am no longer worthy to be called  your son treat me as one of your hired servants   the prodigal sons desperation drove him back  to his father in humility he would have been   happy to be treated as a mere servant just to  be back in the safety comfort and provision of   his father's care but this loving father had more  in store for his son when he returned because the   loss of half of his estate was nothing compared  to what appeared to be the loss of his beloved   son Jesus tells of this father's welcome in  verse 20 saying but while he was still a long   way off his father saw him and felt compassion  and ran and embraced him and kissed him what   does it feel like to be truly found when we are  lost isolated and lonely it can appear like no   one knows or cares about us but all that changes  when we are truly found by God the deepest longing   of our souls can only really be satisfied  in the loving arms of our Father in heaven imagine the look in the father's eyes who does not  judge you does not condemn you and does not turn   his back on you but instead runs to meet you from  alienation to unconditional acceptance from utter   shame to tender affection you land in the father's  arms in your finally home as if that wasn't enough   the father commanded the very servants his son had  planned to join saying bring quickly the best robe   and put it on him and put a ring on his hand and  shoes on his feet and bring the fattened calf and   kill it and let us eat and celebrate for this my  son was dead and is alive again he was lost and is   found the entire household stopped everything to  celebrate with singing dancing and feasting when   the son returned he was adorned with clothing and  jewelry that identified him with the people who   loved him most his true family he did not have  to beg he was lavished with every blessing and   likewise God's celebrated with the whole host of  heaven when he found you the story of the prodigal   son is one of redemption because of the father's  unconditional love but it's also the story of how   Jesus made a way for you to be reconciled to your  father in heaven Jesus left his heavenly home to   join you here on earth and then he was truly  lost when he was forsaken on the cross your   safety comfort provision and care is guaranteed  by the blood that Jesus shed when he became the   prodigal for your sake this is how much our Father  in Heaven loves you these are the lengths he went   to so that you could be found in him you are  embraced and you are celebrated you are home now imagine yourself back on that beautiful  estate a foreshadow of heaven where you are   safe loved and have all you could ever ask  hope or imagine this time Jesus is walking   with you your brother your Savior your friend  you are part of a family that will never leave   you or forsake you you belong there in your  father's house in a room that he has provided   a comfortable place to drift off to sleep without  a single concern care or worry because he holds   these things and you in the palm of his mighty  hand as you now lie in the safety comfort and   care of the father allow yourself to embrace  and appreciate anew all that he has done for   you rest in that blessing and let his presence  assure you into a deep tranquil sleep let your   thoughts continue to drift off into the serene  places of his heavenly dwelling as we close in   prayer dear father thank you for welcoming me  into your home with open arms I once lived in   darkness and confusion afar off from your  love but you called me home now I abide in   you where your spirit consumes me and sleep comes  easily in the precious name of Jesus Christ amen right now you can relax completely as we  experience the love of God who rescues his   lost children take a deep breath and hold it for  a few moments now exhale let go of every thought   and concern you've had throughout the day and  replace them one by one with the peace of Jesus   Christ he fills you he protects you he surrounds  you and keeps you he wants the best for you and   has given you the gift of sleep in this moment  so that you may fully experience his supernatural   rest once you were lost in confusion darkness and  discomfort but now you are found in his love and   in his light you're safe and free to gently drift  off to sleep as we open in prayer good and caring   father thank you for all that you have provided  for me your careful attention to my life assures   me that I am loved by you and I can be still in  your presence lord I pray that you help me now   to find the peace that surpasses all understanding  as your calm overtakes me I release to you all of   my worries and distractions and receive the  blessing of your inheritance and provision   I trust in your good plan for my life and  pray that you help me to meditate on your   goodness and faithfulness as I fall asleep and  dream imagine that you are the child of a very   wealthy family you live in an extraordinary home  that sprawls across vast property with acres of   forests fruit trees wildlife and meandering  streams picture yourself walking through   lush gardens of carefully manicured hedges and  filled with colorful flowers as the Sun sinks to   the horizon it casts a deep golden hue against  sculptures and fountains that trickle over moss   covered stones and into shallow pools of cool  clear water the savory sense of dinner drift   toward you as you move slowly back toward the  house for an evening feast the presence of God   surrounds you and lets you know that even beyond  all of these earthly blessings he is there after   dinner with your stomach full and your eyes heavy  with sleep you tuck into your soft bed your body   Nestle's into the blankets is quiet waves of  rest wash over you until you are in a deep sleep the story of the prodigal son starts out with  a similar scene and a similar person like you   enjoying all of the benefits of his father's  provision Jesus tells this parable in Luke   chapter 15 verse 11 that begins there was a man  who had two sons and the younger of them said to   his father father give me the share of property  that is coming to me and he divided his property   between them this generous and loving father  did not want to see his son leave but granted   this wish giving the son half of the estate and  let him go it appeared that in spite of the life   the son lived on his father's estate he thought  he might find greater happiness elsewhere so he   gathered all he had and travelled far away from  his father but it didn't go as he had hoped not   long after his departure he spends everything  and a severe famine ensured that it would only   get worse in verse 15 Jesus goes on to tell of the  sons desperate attempts to redeem himself saying   so he went and hired himself out to one of the  citizens of that country who sent him into the   fields to feed pigs and he was longing to be fed  with the paws that the pigs ate and no one gave   him anything the atmosphere of his life has now  gone from savory and rich to stale and rotten   as the Sun experiences complete destitution he  lives among pigs unable to eat even as well as   they do begging for food that never comes he longs  for the not-so-distant past of his father's house   where he was safe comfortable full and in need of  nothing he did not realize how much he needed the   love and care of his father until it was gone  imagine the loneliness he must have felt among   the pigs as he begged for help and no one came to  his rescue perhaps you have felt alone in moments   even because of decisions you've made it seems  that no one truly knows what you're experiencing   and that help is nowhere to be found this place  of loneliness can be one of the most difficult   but valuable moments we may experience as it  forces us to depend on our Father in heaven   like we never have before consider the hope the  Sun began to feel as he thought about returning   to his father's home Jesus tells us about this  moment saying but when he came to himself he said   how many of my father's hired servants have more  than enough bread but I perish here with hunger   I will arise and go to my father and I will say  to him father I have sinned against heaven and   before you I am no longer worthy to be called  your son treat me as one of your hired servants   the prodigal sons desperation drove him back to  his father in humility he would have been happy   to be treated as a mere servant just to be back in  the safety comfort and provision of his father's   care but this loving father had more in store  for his son when he returned because the loss   of half of his estate was nothing compared to  what appeared to be the loss of his beloved son   Jesus tells of this father's welcome in verse  20 saying but while he was still a long way off   his father saw him and felt compassion and ran and  embraced him and kissed him what does it feel like   to be truly found when we are lost isolated and  lonely it can appear like no one knows or cares   about us but all that changes when we are truly  found by God the deepest longing of our souls   can only really be satisfied in the loving arms  of our Father in heaven imagine the look in the   father's eyes who does not judge you does not  condemn you and does not turn his back on you   but instead runs to meet you from alienation  to unconditional acceptance from utter shame   to tender affection you land in the father's arms  in your finally home as if that wasn't enough the   father commanded the very servants his son had  planned to join saying bring quickly the best   robe and put it on him and put a ring on his hand  and shoes on his feet and bring the fattened calf   and kill it and let us eat and celebrate for  this my son was dead and is alive again he was   lost and is found the entire household stopped  everything to celebrate with singing dancing and   feasting when the son returned he was adorned  with clothing and jewelry that identified him   with the people who loved him most his true family  he did not have to beg he was lavished with every   blessing and likewise God's celebrated with the  whole host of heaven when he found you the story   of the prodigal son is one of redemption because  of the father's unconditional love but it's also   the story of how Jesus made a way for you to be  reconciled to your father in heaven Jesus left   his heavenly home to join you here on earth and  then he was truly lost when he was forsaken on   the cross your safety comfort provision and care  is guaranteed by the blood that Jesus shed when   he became the prodigal for your sake this is  how much our Father in Heaven loves you these   are the lengths he went to so that you could  be found in him you are embraced and you are   celebrated you are home now imagine yourself  back on that beautiful estate a foreshadow of   heaven where you are safe loved and have all you  could ever ask hope or imagined this time Jesus   is walking with you your brother your savior your  friend you are part of a family that will never   leave you or forsake you you belong there in your  father's house in a room that he has provided a   comfortable place to drift off to sleep without  a single concern care or worry because he holds   these things and you in the palm of his mighty  hand as you now lie in the safety comfort and   care of the father allow yourself to embrace  and appreciate anew all that he has done for   you rest in that blessing and let his presence  assure you into a deep tranquil sleep let your   thoughts continue to drift off into the serene  places of his heavenly dwelling as we close in   prayer dear father thank you for welcoming me  into your home with open arms I once lived in   darkness and confusion afar off from your  love but you called me home now I abide in   you where your spirit consumes me and sleep comes  easily in the precious name of Jesus Christ amen right now you can relax completely as we  experience the love of God who rescues his   lost children take a deep breath and hold it  for a few moments now exhale let go of every   thought and concern you've had throughout the  day and replaced them one by one with the peace   of Jesus Christ he fills you he protects you he  surrounds you and keeps you he wants the best   for you and has given you the gift of sleep in  this moment so that you may fully experience   his supernatural rest once you were lost in  confusion darkness and discomfort but now you   are found in his love and in his light you're  safe and free to gently drift off to sleep as   we open in prayer good and caring father thank  you for all that you have provided for me your   careful attention to my life assures me that  I am loved by you and I can be still in your   presence lord I pray that you help me now to  find the peace that surpasses all understanding   as your call overtakes me I release to you all  of my worries and distractions and receive the   blessing of your inheritance and provision I  trust in your good plan for my life and pray   that you help me to meditate on your goodness and  faithfulness as I fall asleep and dream imagine   that you are the child of a very wealthy family  you live in an extraordinary home that sprawls   across vast property with acres of forests fruit  trees wildlife and meandering streams picture   yourself walking through lush gardens of carefully  manicured hedges and filled with colorful flowers   as the Sun sinks to the horizon it casts a deep  golden hue against sculptures and fountains that   trickle over moss covered stones and into shallow  pools of cool clear water the savory sense of   dinner drift toward you as you move slowly back  toward the house for an evening feast the presence   of God surrounds you and lets you know that even  beyond all of these earthly blessings he is there   after dinner with your stomach full and your eyes  heavy with sleep you tuck into your soft bed your   body Nestle's into the blankets as quiet waves of  rest wash over you until you are in a deep sleep the story of the prodigal son starts out  with a similar scene and a similar person   like you enjoying all of the benefits of his  father's provision Jesus tells this parable in   Luke chapter 15 verse 11 that begins there  was a man who had two sons and the younger   of them said to his father father give me  the share of property that is coming to me   and he divided his property between them this  generous and loving father did not want to see   his son leave but granted this wish giving  the son half of the estate and let him go it   appeared that in spite of the life the son  lived on his father's estate he thought he   might find greater happiness elsewhere so he  gathered all he had and traveled far away from   his father but it didn't go as he had hoped not  long after his departure he spends everything and   a severe famine ensured that it would only get  worse in verse 15 Jesus goes on to tell of the   sons desperate attempts to redeem himself saying  so he went and hired himself out to one of the   citizens of that country who sent him into the  fields to feed pigs and he was longing to be fed   with the paws that the pigs ate and no one gave  him anything the atmosphere of his life has now   gone from savory and rich to stale and rotten as  the Sun experiences complete destitution he lives   among pigs unable to eat even as well as they do  begging for food that never comes he longs for   the not-so-distant past of his father's house  where he was safe comfortable full and in need   of nothing he did not realize how much he needed  the love and care of his father until it was gone imagine the loneliness he must have felt among  the pigs as he begged for help and no one came   to his rescue perhaps you have felt alone  in moments even because of decisions you've   made it seems that no one truly knows what you're  experiencing and that help is nowhere to be found   this place of loneliness can be one of the most  difficult but valuable moments we may experience   as it forces us to depend on our Father in heaven  like we never have before consider the hope the   Sun began to feel as he thought about returning  to his father's home Jesus tells us about this   moment saying but when he came to himself he said  how many of my father's hired servants have more   than enough bread but I perish here with hunger  I will arise and go to my father and I will say   to him father I have sinned against heaven and  before you I am no longer worthy to be called   your son treat me as one of your hired servants  the prodigal sons desperation drove him back to   his father in humility he would have been happy  to be treated as a mere servant just to be back in   the safety comfort and provision of his father's  care but this loving father had more in store   for his son when he returned because the loss of  half of his estate was nothing compared to what   appeared to be the loss of his beloved son Jesus  tells of this father's welcome in verse 20 saying   but while he was still a long way off his father  saw him and felt compassion and ran and embraced   him and kissed him what does it feel like to  be truly found when we are lost isolated and   lonely it can appear like no one knows or cares  about us but all that changes when we are truly   found by God the deepest longing of our souls  can only really be satisfied in the loving arms   of our Father in heaven imagine the look in the  father's eyes who does not judge you does not   condemn you and does not turn his back on you  but instead runs to meet you from alienation   to unconditional acceptance from utter shame to  tender affection you land in the father's arms in   your finally home as if that wasn't enough the  father commanded the very servants his son had   planned to join saying bring quickly the best  robe and put it on him and put a ring on his   hand and shoes on his feet and bring the fattened  calf and kill it and let us eat and celebrate for   this my son was dead and is alive again he was  lost and is found the entire household stopped   everything to celebrate with singing dancing and  feasting when the son returned he was adorned with   clothing and jewelry that identified him with  the people who loved him most his true family   he did not have to beg he was lavished with every  blessing and likewise God's celebrated with the   whole host of heaven when he found you the story  of the prodigal son is one of redemption because   of the father's unconditional love but it's also  the story of how Jesus made a way for you to be   reconciled to your Father in heaven Jesus left  his heavenly home to join you here on earth and   then he was truly lost when he was forsaken on  the cross your safety comfort provision and care   is guaranteed by the blood that Jesus shed when  he became the prodigal for your sake this is how   much our Father in Heaven loves you these are the  lengths he went to so that you could be found in   him you're embraced and you are celebrated you are  home now imagine yourself back on that beautiful   estate a foreshadow of heaven where you are safe  loved and have all you could ever ask hope or   imagined this time Jesus is walking with you your  brother your Savior your friend you are part of   a family that will never leave you or forsake  you you belong there in your father's house in   a room that he has provided a comfortable place  to drift off to sleep without a single concern   care or worry because he holds these things and  you in the palm of his mighty hand as you now   lie in the safety comfort and care of the father  allow yourself to embrace and appreciate anew all   that he has done for you rest in that blessing and  let his presence assure you into a deep tranquil   sleep let your thoughts continue to drift off  into the serene places of his heavenly dwelling   as we close in prayer dear father thank you for  welcoming me into your home with open arms I once   lived in darkness and confusion afar off from  your love but you called me home now I abide in   you where your spirit consumes me and sleep comes  easily in the precious name of Jesus Christ amen right now you can relax completely as we  experience the love of God who rescues his   lost children take a deep breath and hold it  for a few moments now exhale let go of every   thought and concern you've had throughout the  day and replace them one by one with the peace   of Jesus Christ he fills you he protects you he  surrounds you and keeps you he wants the best   for you and has given you the gift of sleep in  this moment so that you may fully experience   his supernatural rest once you were lost in  confusion darkness and discomfort but now you   are found in his love and in his light you're  safe and free to gently drift off to sleep as   we open in prayer good and caring father thank  you for all that you have provided for me your   careful attention to my life assures me that  I am loved by you and I can be still in your   presence lord I pray that you help me now to  find the peace that surpasses all understanding   as your call overtakes me I release to you all  of my worries and distractions and receive the   blessing of your inheritance and provision I  trust in your good plan for my life and pray   that you help me to meditate on your goodness  and faithfulness as I fall asleep and dream imagine that you are the child of a very  wealthy family you live in an extraordinary   home that sprawls across vast property with  acres of forests fruit trees wildlife and   meandering streams picture yourself walking  through lush gardens of carefully manicured   hedges and filled with colorful flowers as the  Sun sinks to the horizon it casts a deep golden   hue against sculptures and fountains that  trickle over moss-covered stones and into   shallow pools of cool clear water the savory  sense of dinner drift toward you as you move   slowly back toward the house for an evening  feast the presence of God surrounds you and   lets you know that even beyond all of these  earthly blessings he is there after dinner   with your stomach full and your eyes heavy  with sleep you tuck into your soft bed your   body Nestle's into the blankets as quiet waves of  rest wash over you until you are in a deep sleep the story of the prodigal son starts out  with a similar scene and a similar person   like you enjoying all of the benefits of his  father's provision Jesus tells this parable in   Luke chapter 15 verse 11 that begins there  was a man who had two sons and the younger   of them said to his father father give me  the share of property that is coming to me   and he divided his property between them this  generous and loving father did not want to see   his son leave but granted this wish giving  the son half of the estate and let him go it   appeared that in spite of the life the son  lived on his father's estate he thought he   might find greater happiness elsewhere so he  gathered all he had and traveled far away from   his father but it didn't go as he had hoped not  long after his departure he spends everything and   a severe famine ensured that it would only get  worse in verse 15 Jesus goes on to tell of the   sons desperate attempts to redeem himself saying  so he went and hired himself out to one of the   citizens of that country who sent him into the  fields to feed pigs and he was longing to be fed   with the paws that the pigs ate and no one gave  him anything the atmosphere of his life has now   gone from savory and rich to stale and rotten as  the Sun experiences complete destitution he lives   among pigs unable to eat even as well as they do  begging for food that never comes he longs for   the not-so-distant past of his father's house  where he was safe comfortable full and in need   of nothing he did not realize how much he needed  the love and care of his father until it was gone imagine the loneliness he must have felt among  the pigs as he begged for help and no one came   to his rescue perhaps you have felt alone in  moments even because of decisions you've made   it seems that no one truly knows what you're  experiencing and that help is nowhere to be   found this place of loneliness can be one  of the most difficult but valuable moments   we may experience as it forces us to depend on  our Father in heaven like we never have before   consider the hope the Sun began to feel as he  thought about returning to his father's home   Jesus tells us about this moment saying but  when he came to himself he said how many of   my father's hired servants have more than enough  bread but I perish here with hunger I will arise   and go to my father and I will say to him father  I have sinned against heaven and before you I am   no longer worthy to be called your son treat  me as one of your hired servants the prodigal   sons desperation drove him back to his father in  humility he would have been happy to be treated   as a mere servant just to be back in the safety  comfort and provision of his father's care but   this loving father had more in store for his son  when he returned because the loss of half of his   estate was nothing compared to what appeared to  be the loss of his beloved son Jesus tells of   this father's welcome in verse 20 saying but  while he was still a long way off his father   saw him and felt compassion and ran and embraced  him and kissed him what does it feel like to be   truly found when we are lost isolated and  lonely it can appear like no one knows or   cares about us but all that changes when we  are truly found by God the deepest longing   of our souls can only really be satisfied  in the loving arms of our Father in heaven imagine the look in the father's eyes who does not  judge you does not condemn you and does not turn   his back on you but instead runs to meet you from  alienation to unconditional acceptance from utter   shame to tender affection you land in the father's  arms and you are finally home as if that wasn't   enough the father commanded the very servants his  son had planned to join saying bring quickly the   best robe and put it on him and put a ring on his  hand and shoes on his feet and bring the fattened   calf and kill it and let us eat and celebrate  for this my son was dead and is alive again   he was lost and is found the entire household  stopped everything to celebrate with singing   dancing and feasting when the son returned he was  adorned with clothing and jewelry that identified   him with the people who loved him most his true  family he did not have to beg he was lavished   with every blessing and likewise God celebrated  with the whole host of heaven when he found you   the story of the prodigal son is one of redemption  because of the father's unconditional love but   it's also the story of how Jesus made a way for  you to be reconciled to your Father in heaven   Jesus left his heavenly home to join you here  on earth and then he was truly lost when he   was forsaken on the cross your safety comfort  provision and care his guaranteed by the blood   that Jesus shed when he became the prodigal  for your sake this is how much our Father in   Heaven loves you these are the lengths he went  to so that you could be found in him you are   embraced and you are celebrated you are home now  imagine yourself back on that beautiful estate a   foreshadow of heaven where you are safe loved and  have all you could ever ask hope or imagined this   time Jesus is walking with you your brother your  savior your friend you are part of a family that   will never leave you or forsake you you belong  there in your father's house in a room that he   has provided a comfortable place to drift off  to sleep without a single concern care or worry   because he holds these things and you in the palm  of his mighty hand as you now lie in the safety   comfort and care of the father allow yourself  to embrace and appreciate anew all that he has   done for you rest in that blessing and let his  presence assure you into a deep tranquil sleep   let your thoughts continue to drift off into the  serene places of his heavenly dwelling as we close   in prayer dear father thank you for welcoming  me into your home with open arms I once lived   in darkness and confusion afar off from your  love but you called me home now I abide in   you where your spirit consumes me and sleep comes  easily in the precious name of Jesus Christ amen right now you can relax completely as we  experience the love of God who rescues his   lost children take a deep breath and hold it  for a few moments now exhale let go of every   thought and concern you've had throughout the  day and replace them one by one with the peace   of Jesus Christ he fills you he protects you he  surrounds you and keeps you he wants the best   for you and has given you the gift of sleep in  this moment so that you may fully experience   his supernatural rest once you were lost in  confusion darkness and discomfort but now you   are found in his love and in his light you're  safe and free to gently drift off to sleep as   we open in prayer good and caring father thank  you for all that you have provided for me your   careful attention to my life assures me that  I am loved by you and I can be still in your   presence lord I pray that you help me now to  find the peace that surpasses all understanding   as your calm overtakes me I release to you all  of my worries and distractions and receive the   blessing of your inheritance and provision I  trust in your good plan for my life and pray   that you help me to meditate on your goodness  and faithfulness as I fall asleep and dream imagine that you are the child of a very  wealthy family you live in an extraordinary   home that sprawls across vast property with  acres of forests fruit trees wildlife and   meandering streams picture yourself walking  through lush gardens of carefully manicured   hedges and filled with colorful flowers as the  Sun sinks to the horizon it casts a deep golden   hue against sculptures and fountains that  trickle over moss covered stones and into   shallow pools of cool clear water the savory  sense of dinner drift toward you as you move   slowly back toward the house for an evening  feast the presence of God surrounds you and   lets you know that even beyond all of these  earthly blessings he is there after dinner   with your stomach full and your eyes heavy  with sleep you tuck into your soft bed your   body Nestle's into the blankets as quiet waves of  rest wash over you until you are in a deep sleep the story of the prodigal son starts out with  a similar scene and a similar person like you   enjoying all of the benefits of his father's  provision Jesus tells this parable in Luke   chapter 15 verse 11 that begins there was a man  who had two sons and the younger of them said to   his father father give me the share of property  that is coming to me and he divided his property   between them this generous and loving father  did not want to see his son leave but granted   this wish giving the son half of the estate and  let him go it appeared that in spite of the life   the son lived on his father's estate he thought  he might find greater happiness elsewhere so he   gathered all he had and travelled far away  from his father but it didn't go as he had   hoped not long after his departure he spends  everything and a severe famine ensured that   it would only get worse in verse 15 Jesus goes  on to tell of the sons desperate attempts to   redeem himself saying so he went and hired  himself out to one of the citizens of that   country who sent him into the fields to feed  pigs and he was longing to be fed with the   paws that the pigs ate and no one gave him  anything the atmosphere of his life has now   gone from savory and rich to stale and rotten as  the Sun experiences complete destitution he lives   among pigs unable to eat even as well as they do  begging for food that never comes he longs for   the not-so-distant past of his father's house  where he was safe comfortable full and in need   of nothing he did not realize how much he needed  the love and care of his father until it was gone imagine the loneliness he must have felt among  the pigs as he begged for help and no one came   to his rescue perhaps you have felt alone in  moments even because of decisions you've made   it seems that no one truly knows what you're  experiencing and that help is nowhere to be found   this place of loneliness can be one of the most  difficult but valuable moments we may experience   as it forces us to depend on our Father in Heaven  like we never have before consider the hope the   Sun began to feel as he thought about returning  to his father's home Jesus tells us about this   moment saying but when he came to himself he said  how many of my father's hired servants have more   than enough bread but I perish here with hunger  I will arise and go to my father and I will say   to him father I have sinned against heaven and  before you I am no longer worthy to be called your   son treat me as one of your hired servants the  prodigal sons desperation drove him back to his   father in humility he would have been happy to be  treated as a mere servant just to be back in the   safety comfort and provision of his father's care  but this loving father had more in store for his   son when he returned because the loss of half of  his estate was nothing compared to what appeared   to be the loss of his beloved son Jesus tells  of this father's welcome in verse 20 saying but   while he was still a long way off his father saw  him and felt compassion and ran and embraced him   and kissed him what does it feel like to be truly  found when we are lost isolated and lonely it can   appear like no one knows or cares about us but  all that changes when we are truly found by God   the deepest longing of our souls can only really  be satisfied in the loving arms of our Father in   heaven imagine the look in the father's eyes who  does not judge you does not condemn you and does   not turn his back on you but instead runs to meet  you from alienation to unconditional acceptance   from utter shame to tender affection you land  in the father's arms and you are finally home   as if that wasn't enough the father commanded  the very servants his son had planned to join   saying bring quickly the best robe and put it  on him and put a ring on his hand and shoes on   his feet and bring the fattened calf and kill  it and let us eat and celebrate for this my son   was dead and is alive again he was lost and is  found the entire household stopped everything to   celebrate with singing dancing and feasting when  the son returned he was adorned with clothing and   jewelry that identified him with the people who  loved him most his true family he did not have   to beg he was lavished with every blessing and  likewise God celebrated with the whole host of   heaven when he found you the story of the prodigal  son is one of redemption because of the father's   unconditional love but it's also the story of how  Jesus made a way for you to be reconciled to your   father in heaven Jesus left his heavenly home to  join you here on earth and then he was truly lost   when he was forsaken on the cross your safety  comfort provision and care is guaranteed by the   blood that Jesus shed when he became the prodigal  for your sake this is how much our Father in   Heaven loves you these are the lengths he went  to so that you could be found in him you are   embraced and you are celebrated you are home now  imagine yourself back on that beautiful estate a   foreshadow of heaven where you are safe loved and  have all you could ever ask hope or imagined this   time Jesus is walking with you your brother your  Savior your friend you are part of a family that   will never leave you or forsake you you belong  there in your father's house in a room that he has   provided a comfortable place to drift off to sleep  without a single concern care or worry because   he holds these things and you in the palm of his  mighty hand as you now lie in the safety comfort   and care of the Father allow yourself to embrace  and appreciate anew all that he has done for you   rest in that blessing and let his presence assure  you into a deep tranquil sleep let your thoughts   continue to drift off into the serene places  of his heavenly dwelling as we close in prayer   dear father thank you for welcoming me into your  home with open arms I once lived in darkness   and confusion afar off from your love but you  called me home now I abide in you where your   spirit consumes me and sleep comes easily  in the precious name of Jesus Christ amen we hope this meditation brought you  peace to listen to the full collection   of Biblical bedtime stories download the  abide app in the iTunes or Google Play Store
Channel: Abide - Sleep Meditations
Views: 1,091,554
Rating: 4.7073684 out of 5
Keywords: healing, healing meditation, meditation, guided meditation, heal while you sleep, sleep meditation, sleep guided meditation, meditation for sleep, healing power, manifest, manifest healing, sleep heal, guided christian meditation, Christian meditation, heal while you sleep meditation, Abide Sleep Meditation, Abide, Christian Meditation For Sleep, Bible Stories, Abide meditation, Unbelievable power meditation, Prodigal Son sleep story, Bible sleep story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 14sec (11234 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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