Skinny People CAN NOT Be "Body Positive" According to Her...

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all right you guys so what i want to talk about today and again as always with my videos this uh this video was sent to me many many times uh from you guys i appreciate it always um so this was actually this is an igtv video so it's not a youtube video it's not a it's not a instagram post it's an actual video from instagram tv and this video is from rafaela uh mancuso i believe is how you say her name and you guys might kind of know who she is so this is her right here um you guys might know who she is because she was the the the girl that made the po the woman that made the post talking about how um body positivity is only for fat people of color i'm not sure if you guys remember that post but so she recently released this video let me see what it's called so the title of this is insta versus reality and um i had a good amount of people kind of ask me in my opinion on it i haven't watched this whole video i watched like the first 30 seconds just to get a kind of a feel of how it went um so i kind of wanted to watch this with you guys and share my thoughts so let's get it started y'all hi friends so there's a lot of discussions happening on the internet right now about thin women influencers who post a lot of like self love or like body positive content it's interesting that it's always women and are praised and called brave just really they get all the benefits of being vulnerable on the internet other people let's say more marginalized bodies could do the same thing and they're just met with hatred and harassment and bullying and it's the same old pattern like i first spoke about this well i mean we've all been talking about this for like a really really long time but i pissed off enough people in may i was one of those people i guess to be heard and it's been like an active conversation since then which is good it's so good that we're having these conversations but there's still a lot of confusion and a lot of hurt feelings in between it all on both sides so i thought i would try to clear some of it up i made a beautiful beautiful drawing nice that's about that's about my drawing level skills that's about where i'm at and yes i do do commission so like hit me up if you want me to like draw you and your pet anyways this is the best thing i could do i'm very visual yeah here we go insta versus reality okay we got our insta human very like hourglass figure slender like perfectly posed and then right next to it we have our reality human in which the influencer is positioned in a way that a part of their body is exposed that is typically not accepted by society now i will say i don't know exactly where she's going with uh in this video but i do think i think that these posts like the insta versus reality posts i think there is there's good intentions i think for a lot of people that post them but i do definitely think there are people that have realized if they post these insta versus reality pictures they will get a lot more likes than normal they will get a lot more engagement than normal and people will perceive them as being more real or more vulnerable and i think for a lot of people in reality it actually ends up they maybe wouldn't want to post that but the only reason they're posting it is because they know they're going to get more engagement which there's nothing wrong with um but i don't know i'm kind of curious to see what she has to say about this so that could mean like a belly roll or this is like a little little belly pooch pouch pooch i don't know little belly it could be cellulite stretch marks i don't know any like small amount of fat or like imperfection is seen on this side as the reality so the one thing i do want to say is definitely noticing right now is she is minimalizing so hard like the reality of having you know like serious cellulite or maybe it's stretch marks that are pretty intense or maybe it's loose skin like ya boy right here or maybe it's um like you have burn burn marks or scars she's very like the tone that i am hearing here is very very uh the she is very much so like acting like it's not a big deal and i think that that's kind of messed up but let's keep going it's complex i'm gonna break it down so if you're just looking at it you're like wow this is amazing this person who looks so perfect over here is like real human over here or hey i have fat on my body too this is so inspiring and yes i've heard a lot that this has helped a lot of people to realize that the internet's fake well i mean then then that's good right like if if you have like she just said she has realized she has heard that this has helped people feel better about their bodies or feel like oh wow the the these posts that i'm seeing from these influencers aren't the reality i think that's a that's a good thing right that's a good thing let's see what she has to say a lot of it's fake and everything's kind of perfectly curated but it's not inspiring for everyone and in fact it can be really harmful for some people especially hmm all right let's see how usually if you do not live in a privileged body if you don't live in a privileged body okay so okay there's a difference between your skin color and your and your size okay i just want to say that they are not the same thing so a privileged body i know there's going to be people in the chat that are going to disagree with me but i believe white privilege is a thing and it exists okay i'm not trying to turn this into a political thing but i do believe genuinely that is a thing and i also believe that i can't change my skin color a lot i can tan and stuff but like i can't change my skin color just like a black american couldn't change their skin color for the most part right whenever i say that people are like well michael jackson okay that's obviously not real um different than body size i believe you can change your body size okay let's keep going privileged body let's say is if you you are not treated worse in society because of your appearance your body shape your body size your gender your race your sexual identity all these different aspects or components that make you who you are don't get in the way of being treated with respect and being treated as an equal now i will say so all that stuff that she just said no matter what size someone is no matter what skin color someone has no sexual orientation right everyone sh deserves to be treated with respect so that's why i don't come on here and i don't come on here and whenever i see whenever i'm disagreeing with someone like rafaela or whatever i don't come on here and make attacks i'm like this fat person disgusting pig because that is literally pointless and that would literally completely ruin any point that i am trying to make in these videos it would completely make every point moot because they would be like why would i listen to this guy all he is doing is making fun of me and i feel like that's a fair thing for them to believe if someone made a video where they were just making fun of my loose skin being like this guy's disgusting and i think it's disgusting and he needs to get the surgery and i can't uh whenever i look at videos of him i want to puke i would like i'm not going to listen to this person right so everyone deserves respect 1 000 so typically when we say a privileged body we're referring to like thin white woman it's kind of like the typical thing again it's always women so thin white women poses looks hot wonderful got your reality wonderful but what if someone sees this image and their insta looks like your reality that that means okay i'm gonna break it down very simple okay that means that post probably wasn't for you probably wasn't meant for you just like when i post about my loose skin if someone were to say man i don't have loose skin this makes me feel a certain way i would say well guess what it's not for you i didn't make it for you just like that person probably didn't make it for the person whose insta is their reality but if someone can't suck in and hold their breath or pose in such a way that they could ever look like this version and here we see so many influencers with massive massive followings and impact saying it's okay if you look like this i sometimes look like this too okay i'm gonna lay something out that i think is good for every single person myself included because your boy struggles with it too okay please everyone listen to what i'm about to say please everyone listen okay stop comparing yourself to other people on the internet if someone posts something and it makes you feel bad it is not their fault that you feel bad it's not their fault there are obviously exceptions if someone is saying something terrible about another person but like if someone if i am sharing a post about my loose skin and someone comes on here and says my loose skin looks worse than yours this makes me upset i'm sorry but i didn't make the post to make you upset i made the post because i wanted to share something so stop comparing yourself to other people and then now making the people that you're comparing yourself to feel bad about it and say you need to change because i can't stop comparing myself to you this doesn't make any sense i'm gonna stop and let the video keep going okay even though we're not explicitly saying this is better and this is worse by saying like hey guys this one's okay too it just reinforces the idea that this is preferred this is accepted and that this is something we're taught to be ashamed of no that's not what it's saying it's saying that this is what people will normally talk about in post and this is what people will say they don't have but the reality is it's still there that's what the post is saying let's be mindful about the impact that our posts have instead of just the intent in which we're posting with because okay your intent can be great but the impact is what really matters the the impact is your fault you're the one that feels the way that you do like how is someone supposed like if again i am one of the people people get mad at me all the time because i always like make sure i say okay like i always oh what's the word i always qualify everything that i say i'm always like you know i'm not trying to say this i'm not trying to do this i'm not trying to say this i'm not trying to do this but i do that because i i do think that to a certain extent we should try and make sure people understand what we're saying but the fact that she is saying that people posting stuff like this is making her feel bad and now those people need to stop posting those things or that they're toxic or fat phobic it just doesn't make any sense a lot of influencers prefer this format because they can say hey i'm vulnerable and i look just like you unrelatable like me i do agree that people do overuse this though i will say that people do overuse the insta versus reality i can agree with that but i still need you to know that my body can do this i still need to be recognized for being beautiful for fitting societal standards because what would happen if they just posted this ray if you think about that if someone just posted this image dog oh i don't know what she's about to say and i probably shouldn't have cut her off but i have i have posted that and got in trouble for it i have posted that like i've posted pictures of just my loose skin and people like i've gotten attacked so like no this oh come on man come on man what's the fear i guess the fear would be that someone would assume that this is what they look like that this is their body and by showing both it's like oh no no no no hold up i don't look like this all the time i'm still perfect i just also wanna benefit from this other aspect of the internet i think i think that part partially what she's saying is true i i'm like completely honestly i think partially of what she's part of what she's saying is true because there are people i think there are genuine people that post things like this that are honestly trying to help people and that the reason they may started making posts like this is because they really were trying to help and they wanted to but then also i definitely agree and i definitely believe it's how i started the whole video there are people that saw this as a trend that could get them more views and that could get them more clout and they jumped on the bandwagon so i do think that there are there is an aspect of truth to this i i really do believe that show this one honestly like what's wrong with showing who you are naturally with because the why why is it wrong why is it wrong i don't think it's wrong but what will happen is if you just do this post right you'll just do this post but you're not her words you're not a fat person of color and you use hashtag body positivity you can get in trouble for that so even if you do this just this post right here just the reality post you can still get hated on or in trouble from the body positivity community because you're not allowed to say that you're body positive because according to her it's only for fat people of color i'm those were her words out the posing and the angles and the lighting and people say like well i want to show that like instagram's fake and i want to show the reality behind it if we eliminate this fake version of ourselves we don't need to justify it anymore it's not okay is it fake to an extent yes i would agree but like people wear makeup and like if if someone posts a picture of them in makeup is that grounds to be like you're fake you're disgusting and and all like everything that you post about is is fake or if we're if we're even talking about someone that's really big in the body positivity uh health at every size movement right test holiday there's nothing wrong with getting work done and so i'm not trying to shame her for getting work done but she's gotten work done on her body you know cosmetic surgery no one's sitting here saying you're fake and like how dare you do that no like i don't i mentioned like the right then we don't need to constantly have this comparison of like hey this is what i really look like because no one's doubting that what if we can just live in our bodies and exist in the skin we have and not be enough i mean that would be great but i mean it's that is not like that's that's that's a fantasy and like would it be a cool thing yeah i guess but like let's be real it's it's kind of my spiel it's unhelpful i'll never look like this i will never so what well if are you kidding me oh my gosh if that is come on man like she's not even that big she is not that overweight it's not like she is walking around at 500 pounds like you at you absolutely could you absolutely could and the fact that i'm saying this makes me a bad person right now just so you know right i'm gonna get in trouble for saying no you can you can work on yourself and look like that why can't you why can't you like imagine if i believed that when i was at my heaviest i would i would be dead right now i really believe that i would be dead right now if i believed what's the point what's the point i'll never i'll never be able to lose the weight i'll never look like that come on come on believe in yourself like why are we just out here being like why try too hard can't do it might as well just give up look like your reality anyways this just reinforces that oh this amount of fat is acceptable and this photo is only acceptable if you can also look like this no one is saying that like that the thing i've never seen anyone that made a insta versus reality post say anything even remotely close to that that is what is in her head and that is what she is projecting out to to the world i have never seen anyone say that when they do an insta versus reality post like i've never done something like that when i post like a a loose skin picture where my loose skin looks a little less saggy and then when it's a little more saggy right like i'm not like if your loose skin looks like this on the right where it's a little more saggy always that's gross like no one is saying that what about people who never look like either of those then the post isn't for those people if these two are okay what about anything else this is when i met with questions of okay i hear you but what do you want me to do like i'm living with an eating disorder or i'm in recovery and i want to use my experience to help other people as well that's wonderful everyone's voice needs to be heard and i'm sure that your story is really gonna help people okay then no i know what she's gonna say now pass the mic it's her favorite that's her hashtag that she uses so she's gonna say you can talk about it but you're only allowed to talk about it if you let other people talk about it on your platform as well pass the [ __ ] mic and this doesn't mean silence yourself this doesn't mean okay if it doesn't mean that you shouldn't call it past the mic you should call it share the mic pass the mic if you have a microphone if i were to pass it hey now i'm talking can't hear me share the mic don't pass the mic we need a new hashtag share the mic that your experience isn't valid at all it's just saying that your experience is not the only experience there are others with different perspectives different stories that need to be heard and that are not being heard and if you have a platform it costs you literally nothing to pass the mic to someone else honestly you can talk about your experience in your body and at the same time you can recognize okay this is just one aspect of eating disorders or one aspect of the human experience so now i'm gonna bring someone in who has a different story and let's hear from them they need to be heard because they're gonna help a different group of people so i honestly don't i don't understand what the goal of this is if the whole goal is past the mic then why is she making the people that are making these posts feel bad about making these posts like it i don't understand what is trying to be done here like i don't understand what the goal is as much as you want you can say that this is an activism i'm just posting on like my personal instagram is this in my personal journey why what's so wrong about that like the way she was saying what is what why is that such a problem like why why is that bad like i don't understand and you guys are watching someone that has shared hundreds of journeys through instagram through youtube i just shared april's journey like i do it all the time i see value in it and i do think it's important and yeah we should do it but to i wouldn't to get that point across i wouldn't then go and be like hey you guys over here you're bad you want to fix yourselves listen to what i have to say like why why not just do the thing that you're saying you should do and i'm sure she does as soon as you made your profile public as soon as you have followers and little numbers behind your name it's not that personal anymore in action is action you're telling people that others do not matter what because you haven't you posting on your own instagram and not constantly shouting other people out is saying other people don't matter are you are you kidding me i and i do want to say this and this is something that a lot of people don't talk about and i've dealt with this and i've talked about this on videos a big reason why i don't show a lot of weight loss journeys and i'm not super keen on always showing other people is because once i do that i'm slightly co-signing for that person and i know that and i've been burned in the past for doing that so for me if i am trying to be respectful of the platform that i have i'm not just gonna share everyone in the world and be like no matter what you believe no matter what you say come on my platform and share your thoughts i'm not comfortable doing that because i've been burned in the past maybe she hasn't been burned yet but like once that starts to happen to you you feel a lot less like oh i'm just gonna let anyone come on my platform and talk to the people that i that follow me for my thoughts and that respect what i am saying do you have the opportunity to make a real impact in people's lives and we need to do better all of us i i'm not trying to come at you from like my high horse like i have a lot of work to do as well i need to amplify more voices that aren't just my own that's a lie i'm sorry you are absolutely coming from a place of like i'm doing this and so should you like come on like you don't have to lie like no one no one watching this is like oh yeah yeah you're not you're not saying this because you think you do it and other people should do what you do come on if your activism is not intersectional it is absolute [ __ ] because then yeah but but not on my high horse though not in my heart hours nah but like i'm just gonna say that but this is not not a high horse it's just what i'm saying you know not however so you are just uplifting like one tiny percent of people and that just creates a wider gap between like privileged and marginalized people gotta uplift everyone together oh come on dude this is a joke come on she just said we have to uplift everyone and this whole thing has been crapping on other people are you come on i mean come on this is a joke this is a joke come on dude no this is she's messing with me now she how are you literally the first the sentence before that was like you need to do better i'm like you need to be better and then she's like we need to lift everyone up though i mean i try to be pretty charitable with my videos and like understand where people are coming from but i mean this is crazy this is so okay i just gotta we gotta go get through it otherwise it's just [ __ ] oh my god i see that that's how it ended she and she she did a sandwich she said bad thing bad you're bad you're terrible we need to uplift everyone also you're terrible that's how the that's how the video ended this is this this is crazy i oh my goodness man i seriously have not hadn't seen that video until just now and i cannot belie jeez man i am blown away this is well that is it that's obey the warning signs and when there are flashing lights or wig wags don't attempt to cross until they come to a complete stop
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 174,535
Rating: 4.9072747 out of 5
Keywords: john glaude, weight loss, fat loss, body positivity
Id: TWQvM9NP63o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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