Why Don't More People LOVE This Movie?? *Maleficent Commentary*

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how was it going troublemakers welcome into another movie commentary Monday last week I did a little movie called Disney descendants which is about the kids of villains of Disney movies and in that video I said I didn't really like Maleficent's character because even as a kid Maleficent just based on Kingdom Hearts Hina Mars is like a fun goofy light-hearted game and all the Disney villains that you fight really didn't scare me but then there's something about Maleficent is she just seemed evil evil but Disney descendants she just wasn't it wasn't scary I want to see a fully fleshed out Maleficent so that's why we're gonna watch this best part about this I can rent this for 399 baby buy for $19.99 Oh No thank you let's give us a go baby I'm actually pretty excited about this this movie didn't really interest me when it came out but I did see the trailer for the second one and that looks fantastic so now I might be buying in I'm gonna be investing oh nice transition Disney there were two kingdoms that were the worst of neighbors hey bad neighbors in a great tree on a great cliff in the Moors that was a great tree she was a fairy that's cute fly fairy oh she's gonna heal the tree damn I like you I'm saving nature had a girl I'm scared for you and her name was Maleficent I'm cheering for the million here we go oh damn they really put punch into this you know what's funny is that this opening literally has more budget put into this than the entire descendents movie uh-huh how could I forget oh can I forget a green eye green cuz we're in a forest Jules hmm is it Flynn Rider people were upset with like cats because that was too human honestly the the CGI and cats doesn't like weird me out at all this weirds me out man the fixes are too real on these like ferries this is not creep than anyone else out ah I hope you die by the end of this look at dat insult the tree with the spirit how is that smart you dumb criminal are you a kid you a dumb kid hello dumb kid you're dumb and you're just a kid oh he doesn't have a moviestar face so I feel like he's gonna get screwed over who was he I'm called Stefan Stefan he doesn't know what classically had some face so I'm pretty sure he's going to be killed or cursed or something bad someday you know I love there and the castle no way you're a prince where do you live now in a barn I who pour [ __ ] haha you like sleeping in a barn you poor man I gotta slow down I know why I feel like he's gonna be the bad guy he's gonna go against my lip listen socket like I just gotta get the digs in early I hope I don't end up liking him I invent berries don't tell him that well don't get rid of it either yeah she just literally told him her weakness this is not a world thus did the young thief who had hoped to steal a jewel still something far more precious her virginity and on her 16th birthday Stefan gave Maleficent a gift his virginity he told her it was true love's kiss but it was not to be it was a lie Stefan's ambition pulled him away from her oh hey Angie dude Stefan you're a [ __ ] I don't want to grow up they can funny you at all you left Angelina Jolie behind a fairy with magical powers for what our castle you doofus wow what a shot god this is beautiful Maleficent often wandered alone and sometimes wondered where Stefan might be Pryor banging some barn chick for the human King had heard of a growing power in the Moors way to Stefan the king how does barn boy turn into a king no way right like maybe he's like a general or something hey beardy you screwed she's pissed off and being ghosted now is not the time to get on her bad side oh no King to me break him down Zippity zap right peep you bring me a head good luck bro you guys are not equipped let me see a giant I really want to see a giant pine trees tree monsters oh thank you dude if I saw a tree that came to fight me I'm like you win I give up I'm going home oh here's a giant here's a giant got no shot go home no dogs go home god I love that this is like an opening scene this massive battle love it what's up with the dramatic zooms why are using your fists girl doesn't she have like Zippity zap yeah they're really going for the zooms yeah there's another one stop with the zooms I didn't see a single body on the battlefield don't tell me they did this without a single casualty each of you I thought he was gonna smother him kill the wicked creature on my debt you will take the crown okay so whoever kills Maleficent gets to be king oh you better not if that's Stefan and he betrays Maleficent oh all those poor boy jokes I'm gonna be so proud of them he knows her weakness the iron he knows it well life isn't mine Maleficent my love I've I've come to warn you they mean to kill you Oh what seagull gut you have to trust me I don't I'm sorry stuffy I just don't and she forgave Stefan ah what a poor choice don't trust don't drink it don't drink it bad choice Stephie Stephie you traitor Steph you poor little barn boy do you barn boy [ __ ] oh I think I know cuz she loses her wings right that's a thing so I think he prize is gonna cut off her wings and then present them to the king he'll become king and be like okay she's dead her wings are gone I knew it I knew it [Music] you [ __ ] ah head step I have avenged you sire she's vanquished you will be rewarded pissed pissed damn I feel like someone just happened in 20 minutes already this plot is already packed 20 minutes in we've had a massive battle the King's about to die we're about to get a new king there's been a love story spent 20 minutes man that's our own she just say things what so you just say things and turn animals the humans what have you done to my beautiful self would you rather I let them beat you to death I saved your life and in return for saving my life I am your servant that was easy someone saves my life I'm not serving them forever I'm sorry she's not going to like you pull me in front of a car I'll be like thank you first $20 that is the extent of my gratitude I was trying to die I stepped in front of that car on purpose uh sour pads good time I'm ready step that just does not look right on you I need you decapitated wait did he just transfer him back into the burden not happy you're not happy give a farmboy [ __ ] for a king he did this to me so he would be king yep get him get him Ali it's crazy how much magic power she has like she could turn a crowd to a man if she can't create some new wings later she's gonna go raid the castle she's making herself Queen at the beginning they said they didn't have a queen or a king or royalty they didn't need a leader they all just work together but now she just created a throne King Stefan and the Queen have had a child Oh one word and I can just see I just see how much emotions in her eyes just great acting step you just don't look right there the gift of beauty what there's magic for them I want to live in that world she's pretty and happy forever oh there we go baby Oh like he just saw three fairies who don't have the magic power that she has he saw them give his daughter Beauty forever perpetual happiness and he could have had a life with all that magic all of that love and instead he turned it over b.p trace her but refuses the killer even though she's super strong poor choice Stefan you know welcome here [Music] Shannon Dean the baby looks concerned oh that's a lovely gift so you sad now that's lovely great leave this on her 16th birthday she will prick her finger on the spindle from which she will never awaken oh you made poor poor choices the princess can be woken from her death sleep but only by true love I always thought that she I always thought that she kidnaps the girl and took it with her I know that wasn't the first movie was about but I guess not every spinning wheel in the kingdom the wheels were broken and burned and thrown into the deepest dungeon in the costing he entrusted the safety of the child to the magic of the Pixies who would take her to a remote hideaway for 16 years oh yeah okay she does go off okay she's not kidnapped but she made walls of her own and she reveled in the sorrow that her curse had brought I understand he cut your wings but damn you straight-up cursed a child and reveled in the misery of everybody that's terrible they look off this baby gather round ladies they gonna morph into one okay okay that's better much better they were freaking me out before hungry then feed her just whole carrots it's going to starve for those three looking after it babies being raised by a crow what you two are having a go at me having a go at you man if I didn't watch loved Island I wouldn't know what that meant that's clear British slang further consumed by paranoia and vengeance just set fire to a wall that's not worthy of celebrating yeah look at this it took her like four seconds to build the wall the length of the entire forest pretty sure you've got a note shot against it is indestructible back head when you watch a man straight-up slap another man like that is the biggest sign of disrespect when you punch as a guy when you punch a guy you're engaging in a fight when you backhand someone you're teaching him a lesson but when you slap them when you front hand slap them that is the greatest sign of disrespect that you can put on a man the backhand is like a reprimand so that was appropriate there I kind of wanted to see the front hand slap though bring me the ironworkers oh he's just now realizing it's been a while that looks like a full-grown baby like she's probably like what four now five years old how this is baby so it's been four or five years and you're just now realizing that iron is her weakness you've been going on her for years okay she might be too whatever I don't know I don't know baby's ages beast is about to fall off the cliff this is such like a natural art she like hates this child and she should because it's the daughter of her first love and they got that betrayed her she should hate this kid but like the good part of her still cares you know and she's gonna like slowly grow to love the kid God what a great arc she's front and slaps the kid I don't like children wait Stefan is a [ __ ] because literally he's like we're gonna get rid of all the spinning wheels well round him up in the castle and then we'll burn him and then he also sends his little girl away like one or the other like let me we'll keep there spinning wheels if you're just gonna send her away anyways like you know all the spinning wheels in the nation are gone or in the kingdom they're all gone so why would you send her somewhere where there might be a spinning wheel you're a [ __ ] I hate this King I want to see him burn also can I say that I love this movie so far this is so good hey Bambi it just gets shot this is the crossover true love's kiss oh is there gonna be a prince charming what if this bird is the Prince Charming what's happening right now she's so powerful Maleficent you really couldn't grow wings [Music] it's just toying with them yeah the reviews on us were mixed it was like close to 50 percent on Rotten Tomatoes but I'm enjoying this so far doing the sound design on this I'm enjoying I know who you are do you yeah you married my fairy godmother what do they make his nose more bird-like cuz that is a real nose oh so beautiful I always wants to come she's like [ __ ] can you shut up oh great step again here mom I do Matthew I know exactly I get a commentary okay I'm ready for the next conflict the movie started with a lightning pace it was so fast and I loved it but now we kind of slowed down [Applause] okay just having a good time again she's coming back to her old ways good good something Bad's gonna happen she's literally raising that guy's revoke the curse you can't you literally put it into the spell that no magic can undo it oh yeah she's literally raising the daughter of the man that betrayed her that's so interesting time code dirty their teeth are you notice that you always see like historical movies where they have like perfect teeth and you're like okay I mean you know why obviously if they're actors portraying something but it's nice to see like the little details like that are in this movie there is an evil in this world and I cannot keep you from it it's cuz you are it I'm older I'm going to live here in the malls with you then we can look after each other what do you what do you mean that's your plan that's like your only option that's all you know so you don't know of anything other than this place I have this plan hear me out I'll stay here the only place I have know that exists and I'll live and you take care of each other like we've been doing I know it's crazy but think about it sleep the tree and berries and black nuts oh so technically she doesn't live in the Moors currently she lives in a house right outside the Moors I basically live here already oh it's just gonna be Prince Charming bed I was wondering when he was gonna get introduced coz there's gonna have to be a crease why are you running up like that homie why not from afar be like hey girl you hope to stop with your instant love [ __ ] yeah no kill him well if it's in I'm not into the instant love what's your name it's Philip his name's Phil that makes sense actually why it's instant love because for him she's like the most beautiful woman of all time cuz yet they spell casted on her and everyone that sees her will fall in love with her and for her he's the first person she's meeting so it actually makes sense for them to like have this instant connection I'll let it slide because actually it logically makes sense will you be back this way he's just like no bye forever bye bye Phil that is definitely prosthetic nose like the tip is see-through Oh she'll be 16 tomorrow [Music] tomorrow why are you giving her the cake a day early we are taking you back to your father my father you told who my parents were dead yes yeah we lied our bad we lied oh by the way Santa Claus ain't real like we laugh we're just gonna clear the table when were you going to tell me that I'm cast never is it true yeah I was the one who cursed you sorry my office said it was an evil fairy I can't remember her name Maleficent wait does she not know her name how do you not know her name bro locker locker in chain her down she can't get pricked by something if she's chained up well fund their search innit the gate she claims to be the princess he's not gonna recognize her right he's been so consumed by like this revenge plot you know just like your mother okay miss director I hate that you're small again ah you guys are creepy I'm looking for a girl dude it's been a day I thought you wanted the castle oh it's already starting she's just composed yeah she's composed to prick herself I don't mean for that to sound dirty like I just want to clarify nothing weird about that she's just gonna get pricked oh man she really hit the floor if she does wake up she might wake up with some brain damage that was a tough fall that was a tough fall if we go inside those walls we'll never come out alive bet there's a sequel you idiot oh it's steel isn't it that's all steel so if she gets stabbed by it it's actually gonna hurt her yeah clever trap why do I feel like this prince charming thing is gonna be a misdirect there was no connection they met one time and they just had like a lot of awkward silence so him kissing makes no sense also he kind of looks a little bit like Flynn Rider why brute force you magical you can put people to sleep with though yeah it's not gonna work it's not gonna work it's not gonna work we have too much movie to go well actually we don't this is actually gonna work it's so anticlimactic if this works cuz they don't really didn't struggle to get this kiss why is she sleeping yeah a little too much to drink last night do you want to kiss her wanna do more than kiss her she's not waking up is she she's not gonna wake up you don't know her it's not love at first sight she won't love you Prince purr you're a joke you didn't do it properly yeah get your tongue in there oh she could kiss all right like on the cheek or something you stoled was left at my house and now I've lost you forever yeah you should just curse the king seems like the obvious move bad Maleficent kisses her and not a day shall pass I don't miss your smile well that's nice you'll miss me but great I'm still in a coma bat watch bet mmm forehead kiss temple kiss love it she gonna wake up from that because they didn't do it close up on the kiss on the forehead they're not expecting you to pick up on it but I'm picking up on it cuz I'm a grown man see I knew it man you can fool some kids but you can't fool me Disney I'm an expert movie watcher dis you can't get me she could turn into a dragon yeah well back to the zooms we're back to the zooms I thought we left that behind what dragon dragon dragon oh I hope she turns into a dragon oh he's a dragon love it I thought it was my internet legging but not they like slow-mo at the end of this role why that looks awful why did you do that the Restless looks amazing hole has dragon all her way oh she's gonna get her wings back by the end of this movie oh they're coming for her the Winx are coming back to her turn him back into something small so that the chains would lose change with loosen staff put asleep yeah I knew it was you stupid though you could just blow him to sleep blow him to sleep since when was he a warrior he was like a priest at the beginning wasn't he but now he's like a in armor and with weapons let's go let's go and now she'd go kill your daddy he was an absentee father it's fine he's gonna drag him drag him take him outside take him outside baby you're so screwed homie you're so screwed oh I thought she was gonna drop him from my height what you doing don't roll good no it's gonna backfire here we go yeah staff little barn [ __ ] should've just stayed in that barn no you should have you should have stayed in the forest with the magical the super-powered magical fairy who is hot as hell why do you want more than that what is what is more than that being married to our heart fairy king you had this and you sacrificed this for this it was a downgrade LFO seems brought down her wall of thorns and took off her crown that's nice the story is not quite as you were told and I should know for I was the one they called Sleeping Beauty oh you sound old though her narration sounded like she was an old woman she stabs her in the face I bow to no Queen okay I have no idea what the second one is about I just know that the trailer looked cool Wow okay this one we didn't quite go as I thought it would I thought it was gonna show MOBA since descent into evil but they cover that in the first like twenty five minutes and then I made her a hero again interesting Wow this was actually really good great choices movie great choices all right I'm gonna watch the trailer for the second one to care for your own that's what sold me at the end cuz I didn't know that there was like a bunch of fairies I'm a little bit worried that the movie the second one's gonna be like a reprise or the first one whereas like it's very similar Maleficent freaks out the beginning of the movie and turns evil because Aurora wants to marry someone else and they want to take Aurora into their family and she's like I'm not ready to let her go and then she goes evil and like wages war on the kingdom like I don't want to see the same movie I hope you guys enjoyed this one toodles [Music]
Channel: Dylan Is In Trouble
Views: 2,035,848
Rating: 4.9812422 out of 5
Keywords: maleficent, disney, reaction, review, commentary, netflix, trailer, maleficent 2, full movie, song, descendants, descendants 3, wings, back, wings back, magic, sleeping, beauty, sleeping beauty, prince, charming, prince charming
Id: HVPEwXwpCgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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