Why doesn't Spongebob's laugh sound like it used to?

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spongebob's voice has changed tom kenny the man who also voiced the ice king and many other characters is the sole voice actor for spongebob squarepants since 1999. if you've noticed spongebob's voice and laughs sounding different in the latest seasons you're not crazy after careful examination of the voice actor and nickelodeon's practices i believe i found the reason to the mysterious change in his voice and trust me the real answer to why spongebob's laugh changed may be darker than we'd hoped to understand this perspective better we have to travel back in time to the earliest seasons of spongebob and compare his laughs from the past to the present [Music] in the older seasons of spongebob he always had a vibrant and energetic laugh however in the latest seasons listen to spongebob's new laugh the grill is gone the grill is gone [Music] the grill is gone spongebob's laugh is no longer able to hold that note that we're used to and his energy has dissipated why and for some of you who are still skeptical to if spongebob's laugh has even changed and think i'm just exaggerating please take a look at this next clip i hereby franchise this planet in the name of the krusty krab what the fluff what was that in 2019 the voice actor spongebob tom kenny had an interview with the vanity fair in which he revealed a very dark secret of having to voice spongebob squarepants throughout the years the hand technique see to create spongebob's laugh you have to use an array of hand motions then apply it to your adam's apple in a particular motion can you see the big scar that i have there after 20 years of doing that tom kenny reveals that after 20 years of doing that he's developed a scar could this scar have been growing and getting worse each year he's voiced the iconic sponge does this explain the new laugh of spongebob however later in the same interview tom claims that the show is not to blame for him getting this scar uh no that's actually not from doing spongebob but he immediately drops the topic and never discusses how it got there in the first place we have to remember that 20 years is a very long time and even if he didn't develop the scar from voicing spongebob was it worsening by him being on the show if you scratch a pencil for a few seconds nothing will happen but if you do that all day i'm pretty sure something will show another possibility as to why spongebob's voice changed is that tom kenny might be getting older according to google as people get older their voice box cores and voice producing mechanisms age along with the rest of their bodies now watch this the age-related voice changes develops as muscle and other tissues in the larry inks and vocal cords shrink thin and stiffen is it possible that tom kenny's voice of spongebob is hindered slightly by this scientific process with all this being said i want you guys to know that tom has done a phenomenal job as spongebob i couldn't picture spongebob without tom's voice the two go hand in hand even today but i needed to bring this up because i couldn't ignore the obvious change in his voice tom kenny still kills it on the cartoon with an amazing passionate tone but is it possible he's received instruction from the higher ups to take it easy and tone down his acting so he doesn't completely lose his spongebob voice forever seeing how big of a cash cow the franchise is i wouldn't be surprised if they wanted to preserve this man as long as possible here's an example of what i mean you guys know when kids scream at the top of their lungs in a black cat lobby in vr chats and they eventually lose their voice after long periods if a person actually toned their voice down to a medium scream they would be able to preserve it and actually last way longer without losing their voice as opposed to a full volume high energy scream the whole way forget all the recorded and edited sessions of this man's voice let's take a look at a live performance of tom kenny's voice impression of spongebob in the modern world [Music] [Laughter] [Music] very interesting it's still spongebob but something's a little bit different personally i believe there are so many factors to this that it's hard to pinpoint which one it is could be a combination of everything check this out first off tom kenny could be intentionally choosing the levels of how hard he wants to put on the spongebob personage on a scale of 1 to 10 7.5 being the minimum for the recent episodes and then 10 for short in person interviews with the exception of the clip i just showed you where it sounds like a 7.5 but i believe another factor such as tiredness plays a role too he might have gotten up early that day or didn't get much sleep and was caught off guard with this so it's not really a fair analysis in a recent fan favorite special here on youtube tom kenny nails it with his impression with a 10 out of 10 on the voice scaling board which leads me to believe that he probably chooses what level he wants to do so has spongebob's voice changed throughout the years yes has spongebob's laugh changed throughout the years yes also before i was about to conclude this research i realized that tom kenney's probably laughed times three of what we're all assuming you know when actors read lines and they have to redo takes multiple times so they get it right i'm assuming he's done at least three times per episode plus that 20 years and he's still nailing the impression albeit a little different but we still appreciate it because no one can play spongebob like that man can it's crazy how tom has voiced so many cartoon characters throughout the years not just spongebob fun fact did you know there's only one voice actor for super sonic for super mario on youtube click that link in description to watch an amazing rap battle of two characters head to head thank you guys for watching this video go ahead and like this video subscribe let me know your thoughts down below do you think that spongebob's voice has changed leave that comment down below i'll be reading the comments seeing what people think you know what do you think is the reason for that change why do you think that his voices change am i crazy are you crazy are we all crazy or did it change and why did it change is it his age is it nickelodeon is it the scar what's going on here thank you guys for watching i'll see you guys later you've seen them before it's been three years since the original mario versus sonic rap battle tell your friends tell your mom to not miss this cartoon rap battle all our encounters have led up to this moment [Music] what's going on mario is transforming the wristwater king check out super mario vs super sonic cartoon rap battles by collobi productions link in description that's super mario for supersonic cartoon rap battle link in description we are at the end of the video and today i wanted to highlight some fan art that was sent to me on twitter i wanted to showcase this phenomenal work this looks amazing i mean look at collobi look at the announcer this is the cartoon rap battle arena if you guys ever want to do some fan art share it on twitter i might see it i might not i don't know twitter's been kind of bugging me lately i can't even log in but this is amazing and i think this is really well done so guys look at this the artist is on screen very talented here you can see this was almost like painted in man wow you guys are talented thank you guys for watching i'll see you guys later
Channel: Calobi Productions
Views: 866,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vjQl4leUjO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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