Top 5 Spongebob Deleted & Banned Scenes

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now we've all seen deleted scenes from SpongeBob however there's more deleted scenes that people don't really talk about in the community that I found for you today today we're gonna be taking a look at scenes that we wish were deleted yes there are some scenes I wish were removed from SpongeBob but made it on the air and there are also scenes that got deleted and never premiered so today guys we're gonna take a look at what Nickelodeon is doing why they removed the deleted scenes and today I'm gonna actually reveal some of these full clips for you so we can understand dissect and analyze why these things probably got deleted together with each episode running for more than 10 minutes multiple Seasons there are bound to be things that got removed from this cartoon and this isn't just exclusive to SpongeBob this happens in every single cartoon and TV show there are things that are going to be removed because production didn't like it click the like button make sure you subscribe and turn notifications on for new videos when we upload them you want to be the first one here so without further Ado let's go ahead and go on to number five which is gonna be the first thing on the list let's take a look from a SpongeBob special shanghade we see an episode that we weren't really expecting at the time yes Patchy the Pirate was involved in this and it was definitely a special episode now there is a deleted scene that I'm about to show you that is gonna blow your mind but for context Squidward Patrick and SpongeBob were all trapped on the flying Dutchman's ship but near the end of the episode let's take a look at the original I wish that the Dutchman was a vegetarian [Music] we're home you did it SpongeBob we're safe but why have we been turned into fruits fruit prevent scurvy this was the scene the collodion decided to use still kind of creepy however the Flying Dutchman was a vegetarian and everything's cool everything's cool let's take a look at the deleted I wish that I had never met YouTube Barnacle heads before in my entire hi there I don't believe we met well now that introductions are out of the way it's time for dinner and what did you say your name was Squidward I'm your neighbor oh nice to meet you Squidward we'll have plenty of time to get to know each other I guess a Flying Dutchman grants their wish it leaves me kind of confused why did Nickelodeon decide to use the other clip and not this one I mean this is a big chunk of Animation that just got thrown out the window the Flying Dutchman H Squidward Patrick and SpongeBob without their clothes on that's pretty sick Flying Dutchman and I'm guessing the production didn't think this was appropriate for kids because eating people is um kind of weird yeah but this whole episode was weird in and of itself so I don't understand why this one was too much and we got the original scene of them in a blender which is also kind of creepy in my opinion so honestly they could have went with either one and it would have been okay in my books but I guess the Network Nickelodeon whoever decided they didn't want this thing to be premiered even though we saw in the episode a bunch of crazy things skulls brains Squidward thrown into just Madness why did they delete that scene I really don't know let's go on number four in the episode procrastination Miss puff had a duty for the students at the school she wanted them to do an essay on a beautiful day in Bikini Bottom who would want to do an essay obviously SpongeBob was ecstatic to do this essay and he was trying his best to finish that thing but he got distracted and we'll see a lot of that in this episode however you're gonna come to find out there was a lot of deleted scenes in this episode I'm not just talking one there's about three deleted scenes let's take a look at this together this is harder than I thought come on SpongeBob I'm gonna get to why this scene was deleted soon but first we need to understand something one this whole chunk was definitely removed from the episode but Nickelodeon actually aired this again in the future years after we see Squidward jellyfish a lot of cool stuff happening outside that SpongeBob wasn't able to participate in unfortunately most fans of the show Believe the reason they removed this is because Patrick rubbed Sandy in a very strange way it looks like he's removing her garments and I'm just saying that to be PG okay I am trying to be PG and cordial on this channel but it looks like he's trying to remove her bikini guys but to me it doesn't really look like that it just looks innocent however Patrick star looks pretty creepy there a car scene was actually totally removed as well and this is probably because number three in the episode just won by Squidward was convinced that Krabby Patties were evil but he came to love them who doesn't love Krabby Patties who wouldn't want to eat one of these things as unhealthy as it is however there's a big deleted scene there it is unguarded all I have to do is wait it's too easy there must be some kind of security in the middle of the night scooter rushes out of his bed to the Krusty Krab to get a Krabby Patty he's addicted however there is a security system in place in the Krusty Krab but what happens after we'll leave your jaws dropped bucket of water that was too easy hey this isn't water this is gas [Music] without hesitation this scene was totally removed and I actually understand why this one was deleted this is probably the one on the list that really should have been deleted especially during the times this episode aired now explosions fires and like things like that can kind of slide in cartoons however when something tragic happens something Monumental happens especially in the country they had to remove it and I'm not going to go too much into details Nickelodeon decided to pull the plug on this because something tragic happened let's go to number two the episode sailor mouth crabs is up you may be shocked to find this episode on this list after all what could be deleted from this awesome episode where the characters actually cursed hello Patrick lovely they were having isn't it well guess what the final audio actually got deleted and the characters actually swore the voice actors swore on SpongeBob SquarePants for this kid's cartoon they didn't ad-lib it was real cursing in an interview with Tom Kenny in an open battle got asked the question of this episode you know so we were supposed to be recording that and you know swearing Without Really swearing is hard do they would just say ad-lib uh almost swearing you know fake swearing and then we were like this is too hard could we just really really cuss and then you guys just bleep it unfortunately I don't have any tangible audio files I couldn't find it I tried my best guys but Nickelodeon Whoever has that thing on lockdown where the characters cursing which I would love to see maybe one day we'll see it you will never be allowed to hear somewhere [Music] in a recent SpongeBob episode Squidward and SpongeBob had to go to random land a very strange episode in fact this is one of the goofiest craziest episodes I've seen SpongeBob in my entire life yes they go on a wacky adventure things turn for the worse a lot of goofy scenes but they all made it in nothing wrong here but there was a really really disturbing deleted scene in this episode which I'm gonna go and give you guys a warning before you go on there's a little jump scare of the deleted scene that I'm going to show you soon but I'm sure that you know you guys are probably used to all that scary stuff anyways especially if you're on the internet but there was something that was completely removed and Nickelodeon removed it for good reasons yeah what in the world is that bro how did who thought this was oh geez okay now I will say this they probably should have left this in and the only reason I'm saying this ad you know what I actually uh take it back they probably couldn't leave this in remember that SpongeBob is kind of geared towards younger audiences and so they don't really want to push the boundary I guess but kids are into this stuff anyway I mean look at Sonic EXE Sonic X whatever kids are into that stuff so I guess I could have leave it in but it's just controversial yes they'd remove this completely they're like who thought this was a good idea get this out of here immediately and the scene was totally deleted guys wow number one has to do with the movie that just came out sponge on the Run yeah the new 3D movie there was actually a lot of different plots for this movie that got totally scrapped guys one of the plots that got scrapped is that King Poseidon would have been a real human apparently a real king and not the King Neptune and the evil villains and evil characters evil minions attacking SpongeBob and Sandy it would have been really interesting to see this I don't know why we didn't get this I guess you know the story just didn't pan out this way but it would have been a real live-action thing with the little CG that we used to another thing that was deleted from the movie is a cat robot monster yeah it was gonna chase Mr Krabs Patrick Squidward and SpongeBob around I have no idea how this would play into the story I don't know why this was removed Paramount maybe had something to do with it thank you guys for watching this video by the way if you wanted to see SpongeBob of them cursing you're probably never gonna see that but if you want to see other cartoon characters swearing from all different various cartoon Tunes go and watch my other videos pretty new it's called five kid cartoon shows who have sworn on accident part 8 Total Drama SpongeBob Powerpuff Girls guys go and watch that video you can see cartoon characters swearing that you wouldn't really you're just gonna call you can't catch you off guard goodbye
Channel: Calobi Productions
Views: 1,952,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spongebob deleted scenes, calobi
Id: HpBL5CEkcto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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