BEST of SpongeBob Season 11! (Part 2) 🥇 | 1 Hour Compilation | SpongeBob SquarePants

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Wow! My turn! [laughing] [grunting] Aww! [laughing] I think I'm gonna be sick! Here you go Patrick. Now we never have to be apart, even when we're not together. This is great! See ya forever SpongeBob! Yeah, see ya forever Patrick. [yawing] Time for bed Tiny Patrick. [cheering] [gargling] Yee haw! [laughing] [laughing] [snoring] [snoring] -Good morning Squidward. -Says who? You sit right there my hungry little sailor. while I whip you up some grub from the galley. [laughing] [humming] [cheering] [whimpering] [yelling] Huh? Careful there, little buddy. The grill is hot. [gasps] [humming] [grunting] Bad Tiny Patrick! Sorry to do this little guy, but I have to keep you safe while I get some work done. [whimpering] [grunting] [whimpering] [grunting] [screaming] What's going on SpongeBob? Oh, hey little guys, you're playing with each other, so cute. [growling] [screaming] [screaming] [screaming] [screaming] [sighing] [laughing] [stomach growling] [grunting] [yelling] What are you doing SpongeBob? Just trying to live their lives, Patrick. Just trying to live their lives. Poor little guys. [screaming] Our world is just too big for them. Oh, I have an idea! Ugh, I hope it's not another one of your crazy plans to steal the Krabby Patty secret formula. You're thinking of Plankton, Patrick, Oh yeah. [panting] [laughing] Ta-da! A tiny home for my tiny friend. [cheering] Oh, I get it! [cheering] What are you doing? I ran out of lemons, so I'm squeezing this. That won't work! Huh? What? It could use more fire hose. Red firetruck lemonade! [screaming] [groaning] -Here you go. -Yum! [screaming] That's delicious! Hello? What are you selling? -Lemonade! -Black lemonade! [screaming] [screaming] [gasping] Black lemonade, a unique taste sensation! I'll have another. Huh? SpongeBob, cover for me while I go get some more. Sure buddy. What do you want? Hi, uh, yeah. I want you to do that scared thing you did and make more ink. I will not! [groaning] [panting] [bell ringing] [yelling] Oh, I'll just have to scare the ink out of him. [knocking] I said I will not-- May I borrow a cup of squid squeezy? [screaming] [laughing] Thank you! Oh, I think you better get some more black lemonade, buddy. Huh? Yeah yeah yeah yeah. Uh more. Hello? Who is it? [doorbell ringing] [doorbell ringing] [doorbell ringing] Hello? [screaming] I've lost it. I can't tell what's real anymore. [screaming] [screaming] [eerie sounds] I'm a haunted [INDISCERNIBLE]! [screaming] [whimpering] Not creepy nursery rhyme music! Da da! [screaming] [screaming] Thank you Daddy! [screaming] The Krusty Krab? How did I wind up here? I don't think I want to go in. This newspaper is dated 60 years into the future. I can't look! I'm afraid to see! Please no! [gasps] May I help you young man? [screaming] [screaming] [screaming] [groaning] Squidward, if you want to buy some black lemonade, you'll have to get in the back of the line. Yeah, wait your turn like everybody else. What? Black lemonade? You've been selling this as a refreshment? Yes! Hey, come on, buddy. No cutting. We've been waiting here all day. Think they can just walk right up! You mean you people actually drink this? [murmurs in agreement] Huh? Huh? All quiet on the right side. All quiet on the left side. -Sorry sir. -Cute little-- Sorry ma'am. Hey, what's going on here? Would you like to buy some cookies? Mayday chicken leg! We got a situation on the griddle, hiya! I got the weapon! [screaming] [panting] SpongeBob! Why are you following my leg? Hank, you have to listen to me, your life is in constant danger! -Isn't that so Patrick? -I think I hurt my leg. -Your what? -My leg! [screaming] [siren wailing] Ah gee, some guys get all the lucky breaks. at least you know the [INDISCERNIBLE] perimeter is secured. I know, I just missed being at the hospital. Why? -Well, secretly-- -Oh! I'm in with love with the nurse. Oh, you're in love with a nurse! Oh ho ho ho! [sighing] Hey, I got an idea. Why don't we hurt your leg! So you can be reunited with your lady fair. Let's do it! And we should step on it, it's almost time for her break. I'd say it's almost time for your break. [laughing] I should probably use something stronger. Yeah, probably. Trust me Fred, your leg is as good as broken! My sweet nurse Angel, I'll be there soon, my love. And here comes the Love Train, right on schedule. [train horn blowing] [train horn blowing] [grunting] Don't hurt your leg! Don't hurt your leg! Mr. Robot, that is very rude. How are we supposed to break Fred's leg now? [groaning] He's just afraid if I hurt my leg! The doctor will replace it with his leg! Oh is that all? Shucks he can have my leg! It will grow back. Boink! Enjoy. [laughing] Thank you, sponge man. This one is even better than my leg! [siren wailing] [siren wailing] Aww, it's no use, SpongeBob, maybe the nurse and me, were never meant to be. Now don't put your tail between your legs just yet Fred. I've got the perfect plan to get you back to the hospital. Okay, here's what we do. Hey, my leg! [siren wailing] My head and torso! Wow, that's crazy. They hit me everywhere except my leg! [siren wailing] Ah, thank you, SpongeBob. If it wasn't for you, I never would have made it back to my angel goddess! Oh don't thank me, Fred. Your leg did all the heavy lifting. I can't wait to meet this angel goddess of yours. Well, wait no longer SpongeBob! Hello, Nurse Bazooka! Nurse Bazooka? Sponge bath time! [screaming] I don't wanna go, no! [moaning] [groaning] [screaming] Vegetables! That's what you like, isn't it, bunny? We'll see what we got in the fridge. [sniffing] Whoops, I'm out of veggies, but I got something even better, Gary's food, yay! [screaming] Does bunny wunny like his dinny winny? [screaming] All right, Gary's food is out, got it. I'll get you veggies. I'll be right back. [yelling] Bunny wunny! I've got a surprise for-- [screaming] I'm gonna have to chew-proof this whole house, fast! Hot sauce ought to do the trick. [burping] [screeching] [laughing] [burping] [burping] Huh? No no no no no no! [groaning] [burping] My comic books! [screaming] [gargling] I gotta get rid of all that hot sauce! [screaming] [panting] Here we are! Water supply, check, trampoline for hopping, check. teeth sharpener, check, and an adding machine for multiplying. [laughing] Triple check-aroni. Now the bunny will be more than happy to stay in his cage. Huh? [sniffing] [screaming] [panting] Doesn't like cage, check. [panting] [growling] No no bunny, don't go in there and get lost! I need my jelly fishing net! Where did I put that thing? Probably dropped them in here somewhere. Oh, got it! -Hello! -Patrick! Did you fall between the cushions again? No SpongeBob, I fell between the cushions. But I have a solution to your bunny problem. I love the hunt! [yelling] [grunting] [panicking] All right Patrick, that's enough hunting, -you can come out now. -I can't see where I'm going! How do I get out of here? [groaning] SpongeBob, where are I? Stay where you are Patrick, I've got an idea! To the pet shop! Thank you! Patrick, I bought a second bunny to lure the first bunny out of hiding. Hooray! [sniffing] [accordion playing] Hold still Patrick, I see you. Oh, thanks buddy. Aww, bunnies! [laughing] [laughing] One, two, three? -More bunnies! -Yay! Uh oh. Patrick, the hunt is on! [yelling] Yay! [yelling] Oh! That was a close one. See ya later little guy. Smelly garbage truck! Hey Squidward! [screaming] All this fresh air feels great in my holes. [flute music] [screaming] It's my turn to ride on the back. [laughing] It's all yours. Hey, this is kinda nice. [screaming] SpongeBob, watch where you're driving! I'm not driving Squidward, you know I don't have a license. [yelling] [whistling] You ready for a test drive? No problem, we'll try this one. Not to worry, we got plenty-- [screaming] [choking] [screaming] [tires screeching] [screaming] [sneezing] Wasn't that fun? No, just get me out of this filth heap! Oh look at me I'm a disgusting mess! Here, try this hand sanitizer. No no no, wait wait wait, don't don't don't! I wish you would-- Oh wait that's not too bad. Ah, well let's get all this nasty trash in the truck and get out of here! -Oh, watch it! -Sorry Squidward. Oh, oh! What a cute little dolly! He can be our truck mascot and ride with us in the cab. Oh great idea. Why don't I put him up front while you pick up the rest of the trash? Thank you Squidward. [mumbling] [groaning] <i> I want to have fun.</i> Huh? <i> I want to get good grades.</i> Well you should stop saying wanna then! <i> I wanna destroy you.</i> What the-- [screaming] [INDISCERNIBLE] [laughing] That was so fun! You gotta try it. Forget it you nit wit! There's no way I'm getting in the back of that filth wagon. [screaming] Ow, my internal organs! Oh hey look, we fit! [laughing] Isn't this cozy? Please let this nightmare end. your next mission is to find the Loch Mess monster and bring it back, alive! Oh, the Loch Ness monster! [yelling] What color? Doesn't matter, good luck! [screaming] They'll never find it. And if they do, it'll eat them! Ha ha! It's a win win. [bagpipe music] <i> Row row row row!</i> How are we going to find a monster in the dark? I can't see a thing. We don't have to find it, it will find us. [bagpipe music] [growling] [screaming] Ah, I'm he greatest. [door knocking] And here comes the worst. We're back! The Loch-- The Loch Ness monster! How did you find it? -Oh simple, bagpipes. -It likes bagpipe music? No it hates it. [roaring] But it sure loves to eat them. Give us another one! Give us another one! Give us another one! Brother... -Come on, just one more! -All right, it's impossible, but, if only you can find my long lost brother. Brother? [chuckling] I haven't seen him since he was a baby. -Aww! -Baby with a mustache! He was an early bloomer. -What was his name? -Name, uh... -Um... -Um? Aww what a pretty name. If I could just see him again. [crying] That's so sad! Even my armpits are crying! [sobbing] Come on Patrick, We've got some extreme scavenging to do. Yeah! Oh, thank you. I'm free! [laughing] Squidward's brother! Squidward's brother! Squidward's brother! [humming] Squidward's brother? [screaming] [knocking] [gasps] He's right here, Squidward's brother! Little rascal shaved his mustache! [sighing] Good. [knocking] Mrs. Tentacles? You're Squidward's mother, you must know where Squidward's brother is. Brother? Squidward never had a brother. One of him was enough. Aww, that's so sad. Squidward wanted a baby brother so badly he imagined one. Oh man. now it will take even longer to find him. Oh, I'm getting a brainstorm! -I got ya buddy. -No Patrick, let it flow. Oh, I have a plan! [sighing] I love my two new homes. And best of all, I haven't heard from those idiots in months! [laughing] Squidward? We found your brother. [laughing] You urchin brains! I never had a brother. -You do now! -Two brothers, us! What are you morons talking about? Come on in, Mama! -Mama? Isn't it lovely dear? I'm adopted your two little friends. Brothers! [stammering] Oh what a beautiful family. Smile! Hiya! Now this is fun. Yes, quite the civilized sport, eh? [giggling] Oh I say, a little more rough-horsing. And now more you know who killing the casual vibe. Hey guys! [screaming] Mind if I join you? Not at all. Great, I can't wait to kick some jelly booty. Uh, the thing is Sandy, in jelly fishing we don't play to kick booty. We actually catch and release the little sea angels. Well that sounds about as exciting as tap water soup. Oh well, your game, your rules! Hey wittle jelly belly, would you mind? Mine, ha ha! [air horn blowing] [laughing] Ugh. Yeah! Heh heh. Easier than slipping down a mudslide! Okay okay, I know, catch and release. Isn't there anything more to this game? What more can anyone want? Yeah, it's perfect. I have an idea how we can turn things up a notch! Hey Sandy, I don't think we need to kick anything up any notches. Ha! Frankenstein Fish Food! Oh, this should be fun! Ha ha, that's what I'm talking about! They're no longer jellyfish, now they're jelly buzz saws! [screaming] Oh, hey! You're supposed to fly into this! [screaming] [panting] I'm a walking glow stick. [screaming] Hang on jelly! [screaming] Ow. Such a soothing pastime. [screaming] Thank you Super Sandy! Welcome to the jellyfish rodeo! Gotcha varmint! [screaming] [grunting] Hey! That is not how we do it [screaming] Never mind. Hands off that jellyfish SpongeBob, he's mine! Oh you are so mine! No... problem. Whoa! You're out! Hit the showers! Time for spring cleaning! Yee haw! Into the dustbin of history! [yelling] Five... more! [screaming] [yelling] Whammer, bammer, in the slammer! Woo hoo, I'm the queen of Jellyfish Fields! How does that feel losers? [air horn blowing] I don't like it. I can't see or hear you, for my face has been cauterized. We're moving all of my belongings out of my mother's basement, into my grandmother's basement across town. Let's start with my lounge. Okay Patrick, up with the love seat, [grunting] Ow, my bad back! I guess you will have to move everything without me, so I'll meet you both at this address. But don't you have to pack your things before we can move him? [groaning] I guess you'll have to pack my stuff, too. But remember what gastric prizes await your mouths. Oh, Patrick-- [chuckling] [laughing] Okay Patrick, let's get p-p-packing! [mumbling] [yelling] Oh. [laughing] Hmm. [grunting] All right, that's the last of it. [sighing] I hope I didn't leave anything behind. [grunting] [laughing] [groaning] Don't look down Patrick! I turned off my eyes. Whoa, whoa! [hiccuping] Uh oh Patrick, I think I have the... hiccups. Hiccups? I want some, I'm so hungry. Whoa, whoa, whoa! Oh, here comes another one Patrick! Thanks buddy, we're almost there. Just a few more steps and we'll claim that free lunch. [yelling] Well, this is a dilly of a pickle. [yelling] [screaming] Back it up, back it up! [screaming] Ta-da! I hope you didn't damage my goods. Oh your kids are all good Bubble Bass. And we sure built up an appetite for that free lunch. [laughing] Oh yes. About that. I'm afraid I was waiting for you so long, that I... ate them! [burping] [growling] If my friend SpongeBob doesn't get his free lunch, then things are gonna get crazy. [panting] That is the meanest thing I ever saw Bubble Bass, you sir have crossed the line of aquatic decency! You may think you took a couple of bottom feeders for a ride today, but I have got a news flash for you Slappy, these bottom feeders wouldn't eat your free lunch -if you paid us! -I would. Come Patrick, I'll make you a free Krabby Patty for $2.50 plus tax. [laughing] Well you pulled it off Bubble Bass, and you didn't have to flick a fin. Bubble Bass! Why do you think it's funny to pack your mother in a box and drag her all over town? Mother? Let's see how you like it! [panting] <i> I didn't do it, ow!</i> <i> Please, it was SpongeBob and Patrick!</i> <i> I'll dry the dishes Mommy! [screaming]</i> All right my pretties, let's make this place pro-Plankton, pronto! [screaming] Now everyone remember, for the rest of the day, Plankton is the-- [gibberish] Plankton's boss. Hi, Grandma! Happy birthday. Nice to see you again Grandma Plankton. Ugh, who invited the sea? Pee eww! [laughing] All right, I tried. [groaning] Let me help you with your bag, Grandma. Ouch! [humming] Here we are Grandma, welcome to the Krusty Plankton. I named it after you. Oh well, aren't you a sweet grandson? Who are they? They're just my employees Grandma, meet SpongeBob and Eugene. Hello Grandma Plankton! They look like very nice boys, and I'll bet they are even nicer when they're working! You heard Grandma, we ain't running a welcome wagon here! Get back to work! [chuckling] Yeah, sure thing Plankton. [laughing] That's Mr. Plankton to you, busboy. Sorry, Mr. Plankton. It won't happen again. [grunting] Oh look, that one's napping on the job. [snoring] [grunting] [screaming] Okay, who's the wise guy? Oh my goodness! Who is this handsome young man? [swooning] Oh that's Squidward, he's nobody, moving along! Oh Squidward, didn't we meet at an early bird dinner? Oh, I think someone has a not so secret admirer! [laughing] [screaming] All right lady, I don't normally say this, but get off my nose. -Roll with it Squidward! -Or you're fired! [sighing] So, Grandma Plankton, where have you been all my life? [giggling] Call me Lilly. Okay Grandma, you're embarrassing me now! To the kitchen, Squidward. [groaning] Thank you, Sheldon. You really made my birthday extra special this year! All right, Grandma, got your bag. You are out the door, and that is that. Oh, just one more thing. [groaning] My last birthday wish is to get a photo of me posing with the Krabby Patty secret formula. [laughing] Krabs? Fine, anything to get that hag with a bag out of here. [screaming] Say cheese! Cheese! [screaming] [laughing] Finally, the secret formula is mine! I knew your sincerity was insincere, sir! I didn't know anything about this Eugene, honest! But I love it! Now we can rule the world as a family, eh Grandma? Sorry Sheldon, but I'm not sharing this formula with you. But Grandma! Adios, mi amor! [smooching] [screaming] [laughing] <i> Where shall I began?</i> <i> My life smashed to bits, my living room covered</i> <i> in broken dreams, without my clarinet,</i> <i> the world was a drab and colorless place.</i> [laughing] <i> And that's when I saw him, my first suspect.</i> <i> When it came to paying the stupid bill,</i> <i> SpongeBob always tipped 20 percent.</i> <i> He had to be involved.</i> SpongeBob, what have you done with my clarinet? Squidward, you're so hard boiled. Are you playing a game? Oh oh, can I play? I know you stole my clarinet. Tell me where it is! I don't know! [laughing] It couldn't have been me Squidward, I have an alibi. I was at Grandma's house all day, and I had the kissy marks to prove it, see? There's room for one more. [screaming] His alibi was solid, only a family member could stomach putting their lips on this fool. You know, we have lots of friends. Maybe they can help with find your clarinet. I don't have friends, I have suspects. Oh Squidward, don't you know a suspect is is just a friend you haven't cleared of charges yet? So... can I help you solve your case please please please? -Try not to get in the way. -Yeah! It's a play date! I mean... All right, I'll partner up with you this time. Huh? [mumbling] What the-- Hey, Mr. Krabs, how are you doing? Can I get you some tea? Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? Now where were you earlier-- You seem hungry dear, home cooked meal? What are you doing SpongeBob? Manicure? Makeover? [grumbling] Warm blanket? New shoes! [yelling] Enough! Hey, check out the dame. Yuck. What in the salty seven seas are you two doing? Oh we're playing good cop, good cop. Sorry Squidward, I don't know how to be the bad cop. We're looking for my clarinet Eugene, I know you broke into my house this afternoon, I know you stole it now fess up! This afternoon? Well, I was-- I've been here all day, counting my money! Just look at me butt groove! Good contours, and still warm. story checks out. All right Krabs, we'll mosey along this time, Come on, SpongeBob. Boys, if you two do find that clarinet, could you bring it to me? So I can smash it to pieces! well, there's only one person left on my list of suspects. -Patrick Star? -Uh, yeah, how'd you know? [scarfing] Hi guys. Well, the criminal returns to the scene of the crime. Spill the beans Jack, where's my clarinet? I don't know who Jack is, but I would like some beans. Let me lay it out for you, Chuckle, when I took my nap today, you broke in through the window, smashed my living room, got that goo you're eating all over, and stole my clarinet! Oh this isn't goo, it's jelly! The good stuff too, from real jellyfish. Real jellyfish jelly? You can only find that in one place. That means our thief-- Must have been at jellyfish fields, let's go! Right behind you pal. When we arrived at Jellyfish Fields, I could already hear my clarinet's dulcet tones. [gasps] My baby! Ha! Oh, so it was the jellyfish that took your clarinet. But from the sound of it, I'd say they learned that crime doesn't play. [laughing] Look Squidward, the jellyfish are fans of your music. Oh we should solve another mystery now. Yeah, how about the mystery of where all my coins went. Huh? Sold! Boink! [humming] Whoops, sorry! Draw some more! Nice decor. [humming] [gasps] My house! Whoa, oh, oh oh hey! Oops, forgot to draw the ground. I'm starving! No problem, two patties coming right up. Your doodle patties sir. [scarfing] Tastes weird. Yeah, they are a little dry. I miss real Krabby Patties! -I miss Mr. Krabs. -I miss Sandy. I miss Gary. I miss Squidward! You know who I miss most of all? SpongeBob! But, Patrick, I'm right here. [gibberish] -Aww, isn't he cute? -How do you do? [gibberish] Oh I'm next, I'm hugless! Oh, oh! He disappeared. Oh why was I cursed with the hug of death, why? He's not gone, Patrick. He's right there on your tum tum. [gibberish] [gibberish] It tickles, ah! [gibberish] Get them off, get them off me SpongeBob! [screaming] Oh, Patrick! [screaming] -Ah, thanks buddy. -You're welcome. I guess we need to be more careful. Uh... [screaming] Nice Doodle Bob, put the pencil down. [gibberish] Ah, run! [gibberish] Don't worry Patrick, I'm coming for you! Good to know! Surrender peacefully Doodle Bob, or face the wrath of... SpongeBob, Knight of the Square table, Charge! Ha ha! [laughing] Release my friend before I get really tough! [gibberish] [screaming] I got you I got you! [groaning] [gibberish] [screaming] [gibberish] [crying] We'll never get back home! We'll never see our balloon squeaky again! Oh Squeaky... Squeaky! Grab on buddy! [gibberish] Too slow Doodle Bob! [gibberish] Uh, SpongeBob? [gibberish] Here Patrick! [screaming] [gibberish] Well, that's the end of Doodle Bob. But we're still stuck here. Oh yeah. Too bad Sandy isn't here, she'd find a way to get us back home. Wait a minute Patrick! Doodle us home, Sandy! [gibberish] [gibberish] -Yay! -Thanks Sandy! [cheering] What the-- Sandy, we're back! [humming] Catch, la la la la la! [screaming] Yow, oh oh hot hot hot! [screaming] Hot mustard! Whoa! Do you mind? Can't you see I'm trying to read here? Oh, ooo! [groaning] [humming] [groaning] What are you doing? You have a loose thread. Huh? So? I want to pull it! [sighing] If I let you pull it, will you please let me read my book in peace? Mm hmm! Fine, get it over with. [giggling] [screaming] Nobody look down. [chattering] [humming] Seat yourself sir, be with you in a minute. [smooching] My most valuable possession, except, of course, for you, my love. [sighing] [screaming] My appreciation is depreciating. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! One dollar! [crying] Someone order a rusty cab? -I like string. -Congratulations. [whistling] Ow! Ah! There's nothing quite like a brand new shirt. Whoops, forgot the tag. I got it! [growling] SpongeBob! Sorry Sandy. [gargling] Ah, nothing beats cashmere. It's warm for a sweater today though. I can help! No no no no! [yelling] [groaning] Huh? Oh come on! [monkey noises] [growling] [screaming] Da da da da da da! Let's see the twine twirling twit try to unravel this! Huh? Really? [screaming] Whoa, whoa! Whoa! Ah! [grunting] -Patrick, hi! -You have a thing on your thing. [laughing]
Channel: SpongeBob SquarePants Official
Views: 9,265,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: krusty krab, krabby patty, spongebob, spongebob squarepants, squidward tentacles, squidward spongebob, patrick spongebob, patrick star, plankton spongebob, sandy cheeks, mr krabs, spongebob episodes, spongebob music, nickelodeon, nick show, animation, cartoon, classic cartoon, nostalgic, funny cartoons, cartoon food, cartoons for kids, weird moments, #youtubekids, throwback thursday, paramount, amazon prime video, amazon, paramount plus, season 11
Id: cn0-34vY0CU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 44sec (3404 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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