50 SpongeBob MISTAKES In One Video

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okay so first up our first set of mistakes can be found in the episode Squid's day off an episode all about Squidward taking a day off of work and making SpongeBob do all of the hard work you get to run the cash register Squidward who's gonna work the grill you are it's part of a promotion I mentioned earlier you're gonna take the honors then you're gonna make them now the first mistake in this episode is pretty bad as during this scene take a look at Squidward's neck not like your tone I'm sure you how's that just do your jobs aye aye Mr tentacles yeah normally Squidward's neck is like the same color as his skin so definitely a mistake and I've got another one as take a look at this [Music] SpongeBob ow I was just testing it I will ring the bell when there's an order but there's no customized here take a close look as Squidward's legs are like transparent it's like the animators forgot to color them in and it looks really bad oh and there's actually a third one in this episode as take a look at the emergency sign at the hospital yeah they spelled it wrong okay Mr Krabs get plenty of rest and if things don't seem right come back guys Bob you can be [Music] our first set of mistakes can be found in the iconic and very nostalgic episode sb129 for those who don't remember this episode just take a look at some of these scenes and you'll like instantly remember it it is a classic [Music] on to the mistakes so this first one I'm going to play a clip and see if you guys can catch the mistake on your own comment it if you do it is Sunday morning in bikini bottom and it's about time for Squidward at the back this is clarinet so get your earplugs ready for some real [Music] [Applause] [Music] ity did you catch it well look this is how SpongeBob's house normally looks it's looked like this since the Show's first ever season it has two windows right we've covered mistakes like this in the past but this one's completely new by the way well in this scene of sb129 what's going on with SpongeBob's house it only has one window which is a very lazy mistake and that ain't even it for this episode I've got another mistake but let's see if you guys can catch it on your own first no I'm not ready I'll never be ready don't you get it here we do it foreign you be at work today SpongeBob but it's Sunday the Krusty Krab is closed hold on a second I'll be right out hello this one is very sneaky so this is how SpongeBob it normally looks he has a red tie remember this it's red it's always been red but in this one shot where Squidward sneaks away to the Krusty Krab um why is SpongeBob's tie black that's a mistake the episode sealer mouth is a classic episode like if you haven't seen this episode go watch it it's so good this is mainly due to the plot where SpongeBob is introduced to swear words here take a look [Music] oh dumpster writing the voice of the people hmm what's this one crabs is a huh crabs is uh do you kiss your mother with that mouth well sometimes but not recently nah not that word that word now due to SpongeBob not knowing that these new words are swear words he goes to work and just begins to swear in front of customers and this is where we can find our first mistake let's see if you guys can catch it on your own hello customers nice thanks for having a huh and don't forget to ask us too it'll be ours pleasure yeah so when we first see this family of octopus we can see this little guy over here and as you can see he's wearing like a red hat but as the scene progresses his hat magically changes to Blue at first it was red and now it's blue the mistakes in this episode don't end here as at the end of the episode Mr Krabs gives SpongeBob and Patrick trouble for using their swear words and as you can see Mr Krabs stubs his foot right here but if you look the foot that he's holding and like soothing is the wrong foot when he stubbed his foot he stubbed this one as punishment purple in the air in me restaurant with your foul words you're gonna give the Krusty Krab a Fresh coat of paint from top top fight him wow but then the foot that he's holding is his left foot [Music] definitely a mistake there he's holding the wrong foot you didn't even stub that toe dude now I'm going to move on to the next mistake but take a look at these clips from the episode they're hilarious we're gonna tell your mom Mr Krabs no please let's [Music] have earned a glass of lemonade yeah mate okay so this next one's really funny as there's two very obvious mistakes in one scene let's take a look at this first one it has to do with SpongeBob's shirt and I mean [Music] you know what I mean foreign and puts people to sleep um not just guess no you're acting did you catch it well SpongeBob's missing the white part of his shirt it's just all brown normally SpongeBob looks like this he has a white shirt as you guys already know but in this one's shot he looks like this now here's the question though did you guys catch the other mistake in this scene well let's take a look at incidental 40. as you can see he's wearing a white shirt what smells rotten and puts people to sleep but then when he tries to diss or burn SpongeBob with his weak insult he's now shirtless um [Applause] so the animators they like Drew him with a shirt and then seconds later removed his shirt talk about a weird mistake let's move on Gary the snail is a very cute and honestly harmless pet right well that's what I thought until I seen the episode Once Bitten take a look at this hey SpongeBob you leave me no choice but to call snail control that little monster hey no dirty boy this isn't like you you mean your pet hasn't been vaccinated for Mad Snail Disease the bite from that infected snail will turn you into a zombie yeah in this episode Gary is wylin and this scene is where we can find our first mistake in this episode it has to do with this old lady I want you guys to watch these clips and see if you can spot the mistake on your own zombie here to dine on your squishy yellow flag [Music] [Music] okay so this one's pretty simple as you can see this nice old lady right here is wearing a purple dress it actually looks pretty nice on her but literally seconds later and her dress has magically changed from purple to a green dress thus making for some lazy continuity errors right here of course though that ain't it I have another one take a look at these clips and let's see if you can spot them a steak let's go all those people think you're a monster but I know you're just a snail foreign [Music] yeah this one is very straightforward but SpongeBob is missing his legs you can tell by the angle that his legs just were not drawn which was a very lazy move by the animators not a big deal but pretty lazy the episode that sinking feeling is a really weird episode with a very strange plot where Squidward makes it that SpongeBob and Patrick can't hang out outside so they build like tunnels here take a look it's really weird and nobody and hair SpongeBob Patrick what are we gonna do hmm have we ever dug a tunnel between our two houses no poor Squidward he loses his house thanks to SpongeBob and Patrick but he's out to get them in this next scene but there's also a mistake let's see if you guys can catch this mistake on your own The Rock's too hard I'll admit this one is really hard to catch but take a look at SpongeBob's sleeve it's supposed to be white like this but in this one shot it's like transparent or see-through like the animators were too lazy to color it in the other mistake is just as bad as boom where's Patrick's mouth it's just gone [Music] stop playing my yard oh we're not playing in your yard Squidward we're playing in our yards now I'm going to move on to the next mistake which is crazy by the way so stay tuned but here's a funny clip of how this episode ends it's hilarious [Music] good morning Squidward another beautiful day under Bikini Bottom our next mistake can be found in the episode of bossy boots but let's just get right into it as it's kind of complicated so during this scene as you can see there is this car in the background okay it's there oh my gosh now as the scene progresses and Pearl and SpongeBob leave the shot that car that we just seen disappears it's a shame old man crab salt the Krusty Krab hey lady do you know where we can get something to eat around here that's it I quit it didn't drive away because it happens in like seconds it seems the animators drew it as you can see here but then forgot to include it in the next shot thus giving us a weird mistake and hey that ain't it as during this scene we have another mistake so as you can see in this picture of a sea unicorn the sea unicorn has a horn on its head you can see it right here reduces stress for only five easy payment to 9.95. Mr Krabs Pearl is ruining the Krusty Krab but for some reason later on in the shot the horn just disappears during this shot barely saving the Krusty Krab what would we do without these beautiful twenty dollars see unicorn wall hangers the animators just forgot to draw it again thus making for another really weird mistake like jeez this episode is full of mistakes and guys I've got some crazier ones coming up so stay tuned next up I have two Gary the snail themed mistakes they're pretty bad I have no idea how the animators miss them let's take a look at this first one and see if you guys can spot it now Gary we can do this the hard way or the easy way or the medium way or the semi-medium easy hard way or the sort of hard with a touch of awkward easy difficult challenging way so that's how you want to play it huh new toy huh new Boomerang pit ball really works this one is interesting especially because it happens really fast but as most of you guys know this is how Gary's eyes look they're red they're beautiful Gary has some beautiful eyes but they're red okay as you can see right here but for one frame in this shot Gary's eyes are purple and they look really weird I have no idea how the animators made this mistake because it's for one frame but it's pretty bad and there's more let's see if you guys can catch it so if I can't get you to come to the that I just have to bring the bath to you let me bath delivery this one is a lot less complex pretty much normally Gary's eyelids look like this they're like the same color as the stems of his eyes they're like blue or purplish but in the episode Gary takes a bath there's one scene where his eyelids are pink which is a massive mistake that's not right so yeah another mistake bad delivery next up we have the episode dying for pie a really good episode that unfortunately has two mistakes the first mistake has to do with Squidward and it happens at the ending of the episode you need to see it in slow motion for you to really catch it but take a look [Music] so as you just seen a piece of Squidward's head gets cut off like I said you need to see it in slow motion but look it's just missing there's a chunk of his head just cut off now to be honest the other mistake isn't too bad but it's still a mistake now at the beginning of the episode we see Squidward arrive at work and look something's missing work [Music] normally the Chum Bucket is across the street from the Krusty Krab as you can see in this shot and there's even a little path but in this episode's opening shot the path and the Chum Bucket are gone next up is the iconic in very nostalgic episode The Great fry cook games an episode where we learn about well obviously the fry cook games an event where Plankton and Mr Krabs have been Rivals for a very long time but the real story is the bitter rivalry between former competitors Mr Krabs of the Krusty Krab and Plankton of the Chum Bucket who could forget the year Mr Krabs won Gold for this 500 pickle clean and jerk oh one Plankton won the hearts of millions by performing this perfect onion ring routine with a broken antenna the episode really gets interesting though when we learned that this year SpongeBob is going to represent Mr Krabs and that Plankton has somebody that's going to represent him it's a shocker take a look ready this huge guy was carrying the real contestant Patrick Star well it doesn't matter anyway cause you're gonna eat my dust I mean my own dust not if I eat it first man it's sad to see my two favorite cartoon characters fighting and things get crazy in this scene but this is also where we can find our first mistake in this episode let's see if you guys can spot it first though true true yellow [Applause] pink you do care yeah so it happens really fast but for one frame boom Patrick is missing his mouth another mistake that is very similar can also be found earlier on in the episode and it has to do with Plankton as for one frame our favorite green villain is also missing his mouth that's two mouth mistakes in one episode damn look at him in his prime you ain't got no chance that's where you're wrong crabs for I too have a champion the opening of the episode Big Pink Loser has a massive mistake it's really bad but it's easy to miss take a look let's see if you guys catch it almost done [Music] guess what I got it lucky Floyd soon for outstanding achievement and achievement so here's the thing Patrick is supposed to come through that door and we even hear the door open but as you can see in the slow motion footage the door never opens Patrick just pops in he just spawns in randomly and knocks over the house of cards like seriously listen to it again and listen for the door opening they put a door opening sound in but then didn't animate the door opening it's really funny almost done [Music] the other mistake is just as bad here take a look [Music] and at fifty dollars an hour too when I started working here I had to pay Mr Krabs a hundred dollars an hour [Music] remember dude what happened to Patrick's mouth it's just gone the animators just forgot to draw his mouth for a frame and it looks really weird next up I've got three mistakes revolving around signs in the Krusty Krab and these are complicated guys so listen closely so as I mentioned earlier in the Krusty Krab there is the galley grub menu the menu with all of the different food items there's also an order here sign okay but these have major errors throughout the episode let's see if you can catch the order here one yeah I get up can I have a job application I brought my own spatula I called earlier but I hung up cause I was nervous do you have references wait if that was you on the phone and you on the bus who was flickering the lights [Music] yeah the animators definitely need to work on their spelling as they spell order here as order h-e-a-r and the spelling mistakes don't end there so Galley grub is supposed to be spelled as g-a-l-l-e-y-g-r-u-b remember this but take a look at this shot or it'll be closing time light about now eight o'clock so long suckers I've got a hot date with a little lady and her name is clarinet as you've seen it's misspelt as g-a-l-l-y grub missing the E and it's misspelt again in this shot and then the sun will come up and it'll be tomorrow and we'll still be working are you ready The Rock Squidward no good cause we've got customers yeah please hit me as hard as you can with it being spelled as g-a-l-l-a-y grub another spelling mistake so pretty funny but let's move on to another mistake that's even crazier one of my favorite season two episodes is procrastination an episode where SpongeBob needs to write an essay but the dude just cannot focus he just cannot get any work done gee this is harder than I thought come on SpongeBob it should be against the law to have to write an essay on such a super sailorific sunshiny day now this episode has two really funny mistakes now the first one has to do with Spongebob's face let's see if you guys can catch it [Music] [Applause] [Music] eight times [Music] um where is SpongeBob's mouth it's just missing I think he needs his mouth now the other isn't as bad but let's see if you can catch this one it has to do with Spongebob's pants more specifically his belts that was a close one yeah like I said not that big of a deal but SpongeBob's belt is supposed to be all black but one of the parts of his belts is white not that big of a deal but still a mistake now I wonder what would happen if Plankton and Mr Krabs switched places as we've seen in the last episode they're bitter Rivals so it's interesting to see this happen in the algae's Always Greener where they switch places in Plankton is now the owner of the Krusty Krab foreign [Applause] Neptune above huh what's this [Music] I'm in the Krusty Krab the light switcher was a success a Krusty Krab is mine now this episode has two mistakes in particular let's see this scene first and as always let's see if you guys can spot the mistake without my help thick meatloaf again when am I gonna get some real food Mr Krabs gets to eat real food just look at his daughter she's as big as a whale then why don't you just use this switch lives Tuesday your parents must have been like part computer or something [Music] this one is really hidden but during the bubble transition look the word SpongeBob like text can be seen on screen which was definitely in editing error it looks really weird and we have another one as take a look at this scene again let's see if you guys can spot the mistake it has to do with Squidward so what do you want me to do about it I'd like my view to be a little less yellow hope you like hey hey Squidward I can see you through this little window we've covered similar mistakes like this in the past but as most of you know Squidward is a squid so he's supposed to have multiple legs I believe it's six legs but in this one shot our boy only has two legs which is 100 a mistake now that's probably going to do it for today's video guys but I just want to give a shout out to the grapple gang I love you guys you guys are awesome and an even bigger shout out to the premiere gang anybody here at the Live premiere some people think this is a live stream guys it's not it's a Live premiere so yeah shout out to the premiere gang by the way if you're new to the channel make sure to subscribe as I'll be responding to the comments of all subscribers on this video so if you're subscribed and you comment I'll respond it's that simple anyways though I love you guys and I'll see you guys again soon I'll see you guys tomorrow with some more SpongeBob content peace
Channel: Grapple
Views: 1,406,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 27min 22sec (1642 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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