Why Does The Bible Say “God of Jesus”? Who Is He? (Eph. 1:15-17) | Dr. Gene Kim

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verse 15. we left off at verse 15. wherefore i also so paul is saying paul is talking about himself what did he do after i heard of your faith in the lord jesus after he hears of the ephesians church their faith in jesus christ how they've been serving him faithfully and love unto all the saints so he also hears about their love for all the fellow brethren all the saints saved christians in christ around the world so what did he do after he heard of their faith verse 16 cease not to give thanks for you cease not in other words cease means stop so he never stopped what giving thanks for them how did he give thanks for them keep reading making mention of you in my prayers he always mentioned them when he was praying to the lord thanking the lord for these people that at verse 15 of their faithfulness in the lord and their love for all the brethren so that's the pastor's prayer so a pastor's prayer at ephesians chapter 1 verse 15 through 16 it should be common knowledge that the man of god who is preaching out of the word of god that he would be thanking the lord for his people so if you want a pastor to pray for you there's one thing that you should have the pastor pray for you on and the thing that he should be praying for you about is basically thanking the lord for your faithfulness not your problems all the time so that's a good prayer that the pastor should be doing so sometimes you have to ask yourself do you wonder that your pastor when he prays he prays more often about thanking the lord for the people's faithfulness or would he basically be the pastor he's praying more concerning about the members problems that they're going through so that's something that you should pray and think about now that's one of the important things concerning about the power of prayer in the power of prayer or in your prayer life what if some of you don't know how to pray one of the best things that you should be doing is thanking the lord why because he's done so much for you that you and i don't deserve so within the power of a of a mighty prayer life you should be thanking god so that's one of the verses that you should be marking down on the things that you should be doing when you pray to the lord so my question to you is how often do you thank the lord in your prayer life or is it only during the meal time that you thank the lord for the food in jesus name i pray amen and that's it so then how often are you praying to the lord thanking him because the thing is this why should god answer more of your prayer request if you fail to thank him i mean god's like thinking well you know the child's ungrateful anyway is not going to thank me just begging me to solve problems here and there and that's pretty much it so why should i answer his other prayer requests if he's just going to be ungrateful about it keep whining about his problems to me because that's what prayer is it's basically it's almost like you're practically whining to god about your problems now of course god he wants that intimacy prayer is so important and powerful where that intimacy is demanded where you disclose all of yourself to him but i think our problem is that if we keep constantly doing that without thanking him [Music] then your prayer life is not thanking the lord when you're talking to him all he's going to hear is an ungrateful child when you pray to him an ungrateful child about problem here problem there where when you haven't said thank you to the lord one time on what well that he saved your soul from hell i think that's something you should thank him every single day he's given you life he's given you a bible believing church a book and he's given you brethren to love and to encourage you so how often have you been thanking the lord did your prayer realm entered the throne of glory or has it been blocked is his throne of glory merging with your prayer life is the communication merging or is it blocked as you'll notice from this color here it's merging that's what prayer should be and how it can merge better is the relationship connection is better through thanking him thanking him so that should be a part of your prayer life let's keep reading verse 17 that the god of our lord jesus christ so then there's something that paul specifically prays for these people at verse 16. he prays for them to receive what well before we find out what it is at verse 17 let's examine the first part of verse 17 that the god of our lord jesus christ okay so here's the problem that jehovah witnesses might use on you they'll use verses like this and the book of john where jesus said i go to your father my father to my god and your god so the jehovah witness tactic is to use verses like that to prove that jesus himself is not god but that jesus christ himself has a god to worship so notice in that book of ephesians it says the god of our lord jesus christ not that jesus is god so notice over here it does not seem that jesus and god are the same being they're more like connected that's what the jehovah witness claimed but no that's not true we do know as a matter of fact that our lord and savior jesus christ he is god you might say well why is jesus christ called god over here well let me ask you this why did the father call jesus god then go to hebrews 1. go to the book of hebrews 1. all right we're going to look at the book of hebrews chapter 1 hebrews chapter one hebrews chapter one notice what the father called the son he called jesus god you might say why is that very simple the father is god and jesus is god so isn't it correct that jesus calls the father god and isn't it correct that the father calls jesus god duh see jehovah witnesses that's uh i always debase and demean cultic heresies because they make a thing they make you think like that they caught you with their scripture but actually it's a duh statement no the god of our lord jesus christ is simple because to jesus the father is god just like to the father jesus is god why because they're both god i mean look at hebrews chapter one look what the father says verse 8 but unto the son he saith what does the father say to the son thy throne what oh god is forever and ever oh i guess the father has his own god then i mean that's nonsensical all right go back to ephesians 1. so remember when they're trying to use these silly arguments on you that the father is god but jesus is not god because why jesus says my god and your god the god and father of our lord jesus christ nonsense all right don't let that scare you you can find out over here it's very simple simply that the father is god so it is accurate for jesus to say god i mean if the father is not god then what is jesus going to call him right hey dad i mean what else do you think it's accurate to call him god now let's look at ephesians chapter 1 and verse 17. so remember what did paul mention about the saints in his prayers that the god of our lord jesus christ okay the lord jesus christ god that's the father the father of glory so that's self-explanatory the father is in his glory so it's time about the father what does he do may give unto you the spirit of wisdom so he's praying that the father would give the saints christians a spirit of wisdom so that's the question that you have is not only your prayer life should it contain thanksgiving in your spiritual life you should also include wisdom so within you you have a spirit of wisdom or do you and then the next one is not just wisdom but also revelation so revelation means revealing revealing of what revealing of in the knowledge of him knowing god knowing about god so do you have that revelation oh i'm an expert on revelation there are some of these onliners not all of them but there are some who can be very prideful and they'll correct bible-believing preachers who teach dispensational truth from the king james bible and they'll say you don't know much about revelation so i know more bible than you you they don't know what the real well do they have the revelation about god himself or do they know the revelation of when the antichrist is revealed i wonder which revelation they're studying more they're more infatuated with see so that should put you under conviction but a pastor is praying for them uh not just thanking the lord in his prayers for the saints but he's also praying that they would receive the spirit of wisdom and revelation every bible study your pastor would pray when i say your pastor i'm referring to the people in my church all right so there are some nitpicky onliners that says well it's strange where he says your pastor what's because i'm talking to my church okay yeah so please understand that anyways when we return back over here the pastor or your pastor here he would constantly pray before bible study please what give the members he's praying for the lord to give the members the spirit of wisdom remember wisdom is knowing how to use knowledge and revelation what revealing more about god himself knowing about god that's the idea so is that your bible study or does your bible study consist of endless youtube videos in the flesh where everything is catchy that's not spirit of wisdom revelation that's flesh fleshly wisdom fleshly selection of certain revelation not something spiritual now here's another interesting thing some people get uh not just overtly eschatological eschatological meaning study of end times so many people are insistent about end times but they're also obsessed and intense on devotional that's important to understand they think that the idea of spirituality right over here the peak of spirituality is well you know so much doctrine but you don't know much about your relationship with jesus christ says some people now don't get me wrong i believe your spiritual relationship with jesus christ is the most important thing and your pastor here he'll mention so much about people who get so obsessed in heavy meat and doctrine that they overtly look over the milk which is about their devotional life with god but there are people who get stuck on the milk that's what i'm critiquing and they major so much in milk they hardly major in meat of the word of god so some of these pious people who get really deep so listen up they get so deep into prayer life for example and there are some people that i recommend on their prayer life but when you listen to their subjects they're totally off on meat doctrine and they'll sometimes teach wrong doctrine which is sad which is sad so that's why bible-believing preachers are better recommended for listening on devotional topics but the reason why i gave the other preachers is because i want to give a recommendation for everybody's perspective that way they can get uh hearing from all sides but back to the point at hand is that just because you know so much on soul winning and your prayer life and the love of god doesn't make you more spiritual than me doesn't make you more spiritual than a regular christian who's studying so much of the doctrinal meat of the word of god you're both in the same boat actually the knowledge notice is of him did you see that verse 17 that means all about god so everything about god is what i only choose milk says god no it's meat and milk oh i only choose the deep things of the doctrine about the timing of the rapture the identity of the antichrist and yada yada yada no god also looks at the milk not just me so it's everything it's everything about him so if the pastor prays for you on that one especially onliners who are watching me i wonder how you react to that do you reject that spirit of wisdom and revelation that is taught to you and you get offended and mad that because i don't like the pastor's tone of voice he's overtly critical about other preachers he thinks he's all right and everybody is wrong no you just don't like any preacher that you love being called out amen and no i'm not the only one that's right and everybody's wrong there are plenty of preachers of us bible believing preachers that i actually heed and listen to and even take correction from well how come i know it's simple you choose to like popular channels big channels with big preachers that's not who god is going for all right who did jesus go for the unpopular ones usually the preachers are most despised small channels small subscribers if you always go by popularity onliners guarantee you're gonna love the heretical preachers more and you'll stick to those now that's why it's important that as people receiving the spirit of wisdom and revelation don't reject it and you should know more about god how much do you know him his dealings his actions his workings we had one sister in christ saying that her favorite book is leviticus just because you understand god's character personality speech leviticus when you read it it's all just details of sacrifices and tabernacles and i still think it's foreign because i'm in the flesh but every detail of how the sacrifice is burned how the sacrifice should be dealt with and how many inches and feet and how much gold and silver all that shows the personality of your divine god and you understand him numbers in the bible shows your your god's personality and character all how he selects numbers how god does the deep doctrine or the devotional topics everything is about your god how much do you know him do you know the dot deep doctrinal teaching at hand or do you know the mind of god behind it when that is taught that is key
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 18,185
Rating: 4.8891821 out of 5
Keywords: dispensationalism, bible study, end times, revelation, revelation explained, conspiracy theory, biblical prophecy, king james only, bible believer, once saved always saved, rapture, kjv only, how to understand the bible, debunking false pastors, false preachers, right doctrine
Id: r910N1KVQ7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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