WHY do all of EA's builds look like this?!

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You know I make fun of a lot of EA builds But there is like a whole other world of them that we haven't even touched. You ever checked your library In the game and looked at all the Maxis builds in there a lot of times with New Packs They'll give us some extra lots think like with Dine Out they gave us a few restaurants. With Spa Day we got a few spas. We got a tiny house with Tiny Living. We got a Bowling Alley with Bowling Night Stuff. They're basically just giving us some options when there isn't a new world in a pack because like obviously Tiny Living doesn't need a world. They want to give you like a basic tiny house to start with if you wanted to start playing with it and didn't have access to the gallery which I think is really good. But some of the builds are are not really good. It's okay we're used to it. I'm gonna do something. I wanna be like the other girls. Hey Hens I'm, sorry Jesse. I'm, really sorry. You know i've had this green screen for like two years. I never use it in videos I've like streamed it a couple times, but I never use this for videos. Today is our chance okay, we're Gaming anyway. This is one of them. This is perhaps one of the most requested ones for me to renovate. These are by the way just in your library Like if you own these packs You've got these builds so think like Cats And Dogs came with a bunch of them. Like what One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six. There's a few with City Living. This one was Parenthood. They gave us a bunch of Restaurants and Stuff So they definitely gave us a lot of options this Lost Gardens of Healing came with Romantic Garden Stuff So they've given us a build with a lot of the packs and I like the idea of this. I like that. They're like "Hey You know what? I know you guys don't have access to the gallery...maybe" So for example, even the Base Game has like a couple extra Libraries Maybe like to be put in Oasis Springs if you wanted to so these things are just in your base game Everybody's got these there's a New Crest Park which is genuinely kind of cute, but then you also have things like this... I don't really understand what this is, you know, we all sit here and make fun of the Del Sol Valley Museum But like are you seeing this? I'm so sorry that this exists... And so the question is which one of these should we renovate because like they're fine This house isn't necessarily bad. I feel like to begin this quest which I will eventually maybe get to all of them. Look... Look at this one. What is that? Come on? Maybe this should be first. Oh Dear Lord, what is the windows? Oh, okay I'm, sorry, the original inspiration for this was this house, because I know what you're thinking. It's like fine. It's not that bad. Kayla... It's fine think before you speak. So here's the house It's got a little balcony in the front, it's got a little porch in the front, it's not a raised porch. It's absolutely enormous on the inside and you might notice that this room isn't even a room Like... The lighting is weird, because it's not a room The game doesn't realize that this spot is a room. So that it's not even, it's like broken. But granted it's not actually in the game. They gave us this because they stream with it and people wanted it so they were like if you want it you can have it Truthfully, I don't want it. I like the idea of it like the little play area in the corner even the big play area upstairs like I really like the vision they went for and honestly the bathrooms are like, much more detailed than I would ever do. So I'll give them that, that's impressive. But I do think this house could use a little bit of help. Do I need to place it with moveobjects? Is there like something missing? Let me place it again. I don't think so. Okay I don't really understand this part then but that's okay. I don't know We got some work to do but you can see the outside of it is really ugly like, I'm sorry this it's a mismatched mess So i'm gonna renovate it. I can't tell if my face cam is too big or not You'll have to let me know because I don't know. Genuinely Let me... I have new objects on Right. We're gonna make this house significantly smaller. Like that's that is step one I am literally going to just Boom cut it right in half Well, not in half but you know, we're just gonna cut off like a bunch of this area because it is not working Whatever you've done. I don't like it. I do like the idea of them giving a nice like family home in the game How much does it cost? No, like a 100,000 Simoleons? Okay Well anyway I think that's a nice touch like I like that you have access to just A good family home in the game because keep in mind not everybody has the gallery and like back when this pack came out Console didn't have any gallery at all A lot of people are playing on versions of the game that don't have access to the gallery So putting things like this in your game so that you can get some more houses even without the gallery is really nice Honestly, I wish they would do more of this. I know on console for a while They're like porting actual simmers builds from the sims 4 into the libraries of console players Which is super cool because then those people can have access to some new builds even without having access to the gallery But they have the gallery now. So that's a little bit better. Okay, you know what we're going to do Why is this a room and the inside's not? Oh my god. We're raising her up We want to be on at least a small foundation. I don't like how my house looks with no foundation But then this part is a serious problem. Okay, so it's almost like they tried to split level it. Um, but didn't do it Well because it could be cool split level to be honest But I don't think that that's something we should invest in right now because it just looks broken and we don't have any furniture anymore Okay That's cool At least it is now all one room the way that like i've moved things around it makes it look like such a mess Let's just delete like everything genuinely like we're starting over from scratch I hate to say it, but there's not much that can be salvaged in here. Oh boy Alrighty, how am I gonna go about this on the outside? Let me delete this tree so we can figure it out Okay, uh we might I don't know. I hate to say it but we might have to delete a lot of this stuff and then kind of um, Rebuild from the ground up. They used to have like a brick section like a little brick accent somewhere. Can we bring that back? Oh, oh, I deleted the whole house. Okay. Oh, no, that was not on purpose The house just needs to be smaller like as a whole. I think the house is still just too big It's too big to be just a giant square I mean it definitely could be made work like this size but I think we gotta cut off a few a few pieces here because it is really A very large house and it doesn't look good Okay... Next what I want to do is like make these dormers a little bit further back and also Actually centered with the front of the house because they were off center and it was annoying. Oh i'm just realizing that Oh, no, you can't We can't have stairs here because it's not wide enough. Oh, um, well the stairs can go like right just there It's just a little tiny little bitty staircase No, I guess we can put it back down to just the one height foundation It wasn't previously on a super high foundation And that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. I would like for the house to still look very oh, what's the point of this? It's literally nothing. It's by the stairs. There's nothing there. What? Oh that I find to be very disappointing. Okay I'm just gonna get rid of that. Genuinely. I got no patience for that. You know what we're gonna do this could possibly be considered a bad idea by some but I think it's a good idea i'm going to put I Hate it. It's so wide. Can I make it one tile smaller again? I have just full-on removed the entire master bedroom It's okay. It happens and this toddler's room. You don't exist anymore as far as i'm concerned and that's okay It's just a part of growing up, you know your parents they they turn your bedroom into something else Maybe your mom works in there like an office now because she's working from home Because there's a pandemic maybe your parents decided that they didn't want your room anymore and they just deleted it I mean it happens to everybody. So yeah, that'll help Okay, that's it being smaller will be nice and we'll put like an extension like an addition in the back a little bit You know So it'll still look like something but it won't be Uh as wide and i'm going to remove this, I guess we can keep that brick. They had that'll be good I'm, just going to delete this whole house. That doesn't look good No, that's not how I wanted this to look. Okay? Well then How is it supposed to look I am beginning to believe that I am not as capable of doing this as I thought I was I'm starting to realize that I bit off more than I can chew See, I just did something sort of simple with the back and we can get like a big deck or something big deck That's nice. I don't like it that much but it's an ea build. There's not much that can be done I don't want to like change everything about it. You know, I still want it to be recognizable. I just knew here's a question What if the entire first floor was a different color like as in the first floor was brick instead? Oh No, that's super ugly. Okay What are we supposed to do about this, okay i've decided to make the house smaller again Do you feel my pain is my stress like translating through the screen right now? Because let me tell you I am stressed. Okay, i'm trying to add some more like dimension. So I put that window there Uh, it's not that good of a house, but it's like fine. Oh, I didn't use like any parent hood windows. Oh, that's ugly You know what else we can do now that we couldn't before when they built This is put windows like on half tiles and stuff. So we've got that going for us We have those perks the perks of the half tile original plan was not to destroy the entire house I did not come in here thinking I was going to delete everything I've kept a lot of the upstairs and i'd like to keep it that way. We'll see I don't I don't know. Don't worry guys. I restored the original hardwoods. They used to have these downstairs and I put them back Why is there different hardwood flooring upstairs? Maybe we could put the green carpet in the upstairs bedrooms, too It looks good. Yeah. Wow All right. You know what? We might need to do is like relay out this entire upstairs I didn't want to delete the furniture it like hurts my eyes to look at all this furniture everywhere. So I know what you're feeling and i'm sorry But we gotta do another layout and I don't wanna have to refurnish everything so that can be a room That can be a room. Okay, I Can't see anything. So let me delete this furniture. I'm, sorry. I didn't want to but it had to happen All right. I've managed to grab us three bathrooms upstairs For some reason one of the kids rooms is bigger than one of the parents rooms But that you know what happens i'm thinking this room's a parent's room. So they'll have an ensuite bathroom We'll have a bathroom in the hall another bathroom in the hall And then what looks to be four bedrooms, which is good I think you know what? We probably could have managed to have it like another bathroom right here If we wanted it, four bedrooms and four bathrooms upstairs that does seem like a little bit much. You know what no No, that's a good amount That is nice. We got a lot of kids We need a lot of bathrooms and then it'll make the bedroom smaller and easier to furnish. My brain is huge. I'm so smart, okay? Oh god, I just moved the house forward on the lot one, which is probably not like the most realistic renovation decision But I wanted the backyard to be like slightly bigger like that one extra tile makes a big difference I think I don't know why it just does so I added it i'm gonna put some oak trees down Just cover the house with trees and then no one will know how ugly it is. It really doesn't look good. I'm You know what i'm kind of thinking and this might be a bad idea. So bear with me a little bit here Okay, that's not how I wanted that to go. What if we Embraced this and we just had a full-on second floor balcony We have to put a door and the door would be in a weird spot it'd be like in one of the kids rooms which probably isn't the most ideal, but I honestly think that that might Make the house look less silly because it definitely doesn't look great right now. Oh Team I think we may have done something there. It suddenly looks a lot more finished. I like it a lot better It's still weird that this is the kid's room. I don't know but that's okay. Nothing can be done about that It's the kids room. I don't know. Sorry For some reason the kids in this household have a lot better options than the parents I don't know. The floor plan is nice and open downstairs, which is probably not even a good thing I don't want to furnish this house. I don't really want to I don't like it. Okay, you know what we might do They had a bathroom like right there. I might swap it. I can even keep the same color scheme But like they had this little bathroom. It was just a half bathroom So it wasn't anything super fancy. I will literally keep the exact same furniture I will not change a thing and I will just put it here instead If only it were that simple to like rearrange bathrooms and floor plans in real life. Just swap the side It's on it's no big deal. You know. Oh you want a bathroom. You want a new bathroom. Just just place it It's all good. Don't worry about it. Just put just put it down. Yeah, you know what? That's nice. And I feel like it makes a little bit more sense and then the parents had an office So this could be the parents office space again. It's just bigger now. I don't know where the kitchen will go That is the problem. Okay, so originally the house had like a hallway here which Truthfully, isn't that weird? Um and would be totally okay, I think and then the kitchen was like here we could have that again We can make sure the dining room was still like in a nice spot like that I don't know what this is gonna be. Like, why does that exist? I don't know we can also move the fireplace wherever we want because I put the chimney over here So now there's just no rhyme or reason to anything and I can do whatever I want So there's definitely a lot of space down here that is like really unnecessary and there's a lot of bathrooms in this house Um, which is also probably unnecessary like I could genuinely make this. Oh my god What if...hang on this is...I'm so dumb this could like full-on be another kid's room. Wait a minute Wait a minute and the chimney's not over here anymore. So it doesn't matter where this goes Oh that looks really bad from the outside. But that's okay it all does that could be another little kid's room There's just two bathrooms upstairs and we'd probably have to get a full bathroom downstairs somewhere Which like we could put a full bathroom there? I don't think that would be a bad thing or wait This could become a full bathroom and laundry room and it's like an extension which is why it's so big that works Okay. Okay. I don't know what I don't like this house. Okay. Let's do the kitchen Shall we? You know what? I liked their blue counters They had like the more teal colored blue, but we can definitely keep the blue counters. There's no harm in that Oh, I don't like the hallway being that well It doesn't matter the hallway can be as long as I want it to be this is gonna be perfect It's definitely small. Uh Kitchen's a little bit tight because of this giant rug. That's okay if the kitchen is that tight, right? Probably not it's not Okay, I don't know what to do What if we use the rounded ones I like that I like the square counters a lot. I think they look really good but the round ones might Fit a little bit better because they're smaller Yeah, I hate to say it. But it's true I hate where the chairs auto place like that is so not ideal, but I Think I might like fake place the chairs. This one is snapped so your Sims can sit in that one, but I might like fake place two of them just so that it looks better because like That's ideally where you would have it, right? You know...What I don't understand is why these cabinets don't line up with the top of the fridge like why is the fridge by default slightly too tall for it to fit underneath the cabinets like isn't it supposed to be a built-in isn't that the whole point of It looking like that. Anyway, how is the house still too big? After everything we've done how is it still too big? You know what we could do. I like the idea of this being a laundry room. Let's switch it back This can be the bathroom. We need a full bathroom downstairs. Let's make this into a playroom Do you know what that's actually kind of cute I kind of like that idea We can even put an archway into it like just full-on embrace it, you know wait It makes sense. And then the house doesn't feel as like empty Because this whole area was going to just be nothingness because the living room's over here this works. Okay, we did it You know what? I do like is the fact that this house has five bedrooms But could be six and honestly could even be seven if you needed it to be this is like "A 100 Baby Challenge" kind of house, you know like you've got space for everybody here I do feel inclined to keep a lot of their original stuff even if I don't necessarily agree with the color choices, like for example this I don't really I don't really like this but I feel like there's no harm in keeping it and finishing the build faster because i'm tired and Um, I think it looks really good the way that it is, right. Yeah. Yeah, that's kind of ugly. Oh well What can be done? It's not my problem right now. Why do those curtains look so ugly on that window? That's so disappointing I don't care the playroom is done. I can't guys i've been recording this for way too long This house is starting to stress me out. I don't think i've come this close to crying over a sims build in a while That's a lot. I'm not actually upset. I'm just like... Irritated at how it looks because I want it to look good so bad. But i'm like disappointed because it doesn't look good. It just looks fine. I don't think it's ugly. I think i've improved it It's just not good and that disappoints me but considering it started out the mess that it was. I don't know we did our best You know, what I would love is to have my desk in the center of the room and not be a disaster like listen... I'm a streamer, my desk is covered in like lights and cameras and mics and there's just wires everywhere and like The cable management of this setup is pristine like you just know they've got like holes drilled in the desk The wires are running underneath it. They've got like an outlet in the floor Like I just I feel very envious of this person's cable management and it's a sim like it doesn't exist... But uh, I want to be them someday i'm gonna build a house and i'm gonna have an outlet in the floor in my office... And i'm gonna make my desk look so good Like my I think I manage my cables pretty well, but I- listen my desk still looks like this, you know Like there's this isn't this is a very clean setup. Mine's covered in stuff everywhere lights camera action I don't that was a dumb joke. I'm, sorry. I'm, sorry i'm stalling furnishing the bedroom So i'm putting like some stuff in the outside I'm putting like some garden planters You know, maybe we could get like a table. Oh, I landscaped too. I think it looks nice I still have not furnished any bedrooms again I am stalling I don't want to...oh, I should give the toddler a potty upstairs, too. There you go little buddy You can be just like the rest of us... I feel like sometimes I am not cut out for making build videos on youtube. I know that I do it for a living but like I just jump around so much when i'm building it can't be pleasant to watch I mean It's not that bad but I just go through like oh, yeah Let me put down this thing in the hallway and I come back and I work on this some more and i'm like oh Yeah, let me do this thing, too And then I just go back and forth so much. I feel like we all do this though. It's not just me I'm, just making youtube videos on it. So it's more obvious Oh, how about like some playground equipment thingies monkey bars monkey bars. That's good. Okay I don't know if your sims can don't know if your sims can walk around that actually I just can't tell maybe i'll stick these over here instead because I think ...I'm... Pretty sure your sims can walk around that but this is a safer bet because we know your sims can can use this stuff now I might keep them yellow too. I kind of like it. Oh that's in the tree. I didn't even notice Oh, no still in the tree. That's so frustrating. All right, it's time to man up simsie You got six bedrooms to furnish five bedrooms to furnish. You know, what's kind of lucky about This is I could probably keep some of the original furnishing of this room Like it's kind of good to go green carpet is really ugly. It's kind of funny to be honest Like I I feel bad that i've done this it would be a reasonable update if I were to change the carpet But part of me is just so inclined to keep it. It's just so bad that I feel like it has to stay Where is the parent's bed gonna go? Oh this room is really unpleasantly shaped. I don't know what to you know, what no I'm, sorry, the carpet's gotta change. I know you've been waiting for this moment this entire video like you're all Just shaking in your boots. Like when is she gonna fix the carpet? I finally fixed the carpet. I'm sorry Why do all the rooms have couches in them? The kids really have couches in their rooms like what kind of house is this? How much space do you guys have? I certainly didn't know anybody who had couches in their rooms growing up That would have been cool though... I would have felt so special if I had a couch in my room as a kid This room is so weirdly shaped it is so not ideal for a parent's bedroom. Like I don't know where to put the bed There's doors everywhere. Like there's not a good layout for this room And this window makes it so not good. I could just get rid of the window to be honest. I mean There's a full-on door in here. I Have lost all hope for this build. So I am just gonna place whatever I want and then i'm gonna be done What if they had a fireplace? Oh, no, it fits i'm gonna you know, what i'm gonna keep it No, it's on. Well, I guess I could put hardwoods in the parent's room. I don't know it's done We got the parent's room here. We got this kid's room. We got a toddler's room. We got another kid's bedroom. Another kid's bedroom There's an office downstairs. There's a bunch of bathrooms for to be exact. We got the kitchen. We got the dining We got the living and we have a playroom. So there's plenty of toys There's like some stuff to do outside. I think all in all it's a pretty decent house. It's just... ...not... The best looking sauce on the green screen. I feel kind of weird about this... I feel a little bit out of my comfort zone. It won't be like a daily thing Don't worry. I still like my background. I just wanted to try something new. It's like much like the house. It's just fine It's fine. I'll see you guys tomorrow though. Let me know which EA builds I should do next. I'm thinking one of the Restaurants... Honestly that like triangle one is kind of the vibe. But I'll see you guys tomorrow Oh, and also, please subscribe to my Youtube Channel. Please, Please subscribe to me, Please I want A Million Subs so bad. Please Subscribe to me
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 507,258
Rating: 4.9486613 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly, let's build, renovation, sims 4 renovation, livestream, let's play
Id: 89UJMS4V8oE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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