I tried EA's Official Build Challenge for The Sims 4

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So the sims is doing these new things called Spark'D challenges this is the second one that's come out It's kind of in honor of that tv show They just had they added like a whole gallery tab because of it and they make these like official Sims challenges and there's like three sections There's a CAS. there's a build, and then there's a storytelling one. Kind of the three ways You can play the Sims and they give a broad theme and they tell you like, "Hey go create something!" In honor of this theme" and as many of you know, I love a good build challenge in the Sims this is the website i'll link it down below if you're interested in checking it out and the current challenge is called golden age and On that section you can see the rules for the builder challenge They want you to create a home fit for your elder sims to live out their golden age in including a room for their passions so you pick a residential lot in any world make a home for your elder sims convey a truly unique hobby or Activity for your elder sims and be original and surprise us You can use any dlc any budget any build sheets just no mods basically and I love the idea of this like if you want me to make A cool grandma house i'll make you a cool grandma house and you know what the last challenge It was a destination wedding challenge You were supposed to create like a wedding venue essentially and I did it just for fun I didn't even post my speed build of it. And then I was one of the like featured creators for it look This is my build. I didn't think it was that good. I made this like barn wedding venue and there's like I don't know if you can see there's these are cow plants all lined up for a wedding But it's just a barn. I thought it was cute But like I didn't think it was my best work and then they picked it It's one of the top ones which was very exciting so if I should post this speed build Let me know. I mean it's pretty long. But I mean it's a cute build So maybe i'll post that someday like three months late But I figured today we could try the newest challenge the golden age challenge And so, of course if you tell me grandma I was like I will absolutely do this Yes, please so I started building a cottage and I actually built it in glimmer brook the world that comes with and I actually built it in glimmer brook the realm of magic world I like never use glimmer brook. So I was kind of like maybe this should be my time Maybe we should give it a shot. So I built this in glimmer brook and I made this house for this little old grandma She lives alone. She loves pink. She's got a bunch of cats and she just lives her little dreams here I mean classic kind of stereotypical grandma story right now The thing is I feel like everybody's gonna do that You know and so in my mind, I was like everyone's gonna pick knitting Everyone's gonna pick like these obvious like baking type hobbies for their grandmas and I was like, you know what? No, Grandma is hiding something and so my theory was we could build this super cute little tiny pink cottage For this adorable sweet old lady who just has all these cats as her friends. She never got married or anything She didn't have any kids or grandkids. So she lives alone here in this cottage the town loves her because she's so sweet She's like everybody's grandma cause she isn't really a grandma but the truth is um, she's an evil hacker It started out with her liking video games we were like, oh grandma can be a gamer that would be so cute And then we were like what if she's evil and like a spy who's trying to hack into something? And so I gave her this cute adorable house as like a front So if you came to visit her you would never expect that She was actually evil or anything obviously because she has this cute little house with like floral wallpaper and like the most adorable Little home ever and like her cats are her only friends Her cats literally have a bedroom like i'm not kidding. I made a room for her cats But then if you happen to look behind the bookcase door There's a spooky ladder that takes you up into the attic and the attic is where she has her like hacker layer And so she has this like spooky lab looking space It's like bright blue lights everywhere all these monitors and things. She's got a whole gaming setup also Of course And I just I loved the idea of that. I was thinking we could do a basement, but then I had this whole attic space Upstairs and I was like, oh we could put like a bookcase door and a ladder. This is perfect And so I managed to make it work. I had so much fun streaming this on twitch I'll link my twitch channel down below. I always stream my builds if you guys were curious. I like to hang out On twitch and do these things because it's just more fun when you do it live like this storyline is stupid But when you're like sitting there on twitch, everybody's like brainstorming ideas and and adding to this like pile of nightmare It's really fun. And so the whole time it just the story kept like devolving from like, oh cute gamer grandma to like evil grandma She's an evil hacker. Who's lying? It's all she's a fraud. Her little like front is fake. She's not nice She's trying to get close to you. So she can steal your money. Maybe she like works for the government or something I don't know what kind of nefarious activity she's into but they're not good grandma Can't be trusted. I didn't actually make the sim either. I literally just like invented this storyline and if my mind like Pretended she existed I didn't even make her the closest I came to making anything was making her cats But not even really because there's this little cat statue from cats and dogs. And so I put the cat statues on her mantel I put four up on the mantle. I figured she had four cats And so there's like four different cat statues on the mantel and in my mind She's got like a statue of each cat up there, which I love I think that's hilarious and we were joking too about how like her whole house is covered in this pink carpet And like the litter box is just on the carpet in the living room And like how nasty that would be to have the cats like tracking litter all over the carpet in there Gross, but you know, it's okay four cats one litter box on the carpet. I don't envy grandma and having to clean that mess up You know what? It's not my problem though. That's her problem. Maybe she's got like people for that. I don't know Maybe she has like an assistant or something She's got like an evil sidekick who helps clean her cat's litter. I wouldn't I wouldn't surprise me I don't think but you'll notice the house is really small It's got like a kind of closed off floor plan I was going for that on purpose. I wanted it to be really old house And a lot of times you'll find in like older houses floor plans kind of like this I also wanted it to be sort of outdating with the furnishing and like the color scheme and stuff Obviously, so I went for like the cheapest stove in fridge because of the fact that I figured they'd be older And so she would have like these kind of outdated older looking fridges Honestly the fridge she has kind of looks like my grandma's fridge which she's had for probably like 20 something years which isn't even I guess as old as this house would be obviously, but I don't know I feel like in the uhm in the grand scheme of technology 20 years is is ancient might as well be 500 years old at that point like I loved the greenish bluish counters with the pink walls though. Like that made me laugh so much also You'll probably notice this is another time where like I was being a real brat to my twitch chat Because they were all like put a trash can put a fire alarm Trash can fire alarm trash can fire alarm for some reason I don't know what it is about twitch chat, but there are a few things that they Just love I see it every time i'm streaming every time these people make the same suggestions and i'm gonna tell you what they are number one Bookcase door these people want a bookcase door in every single build It's like a generic suburban house for like your average karen family and they're like put a bookshelf door. And I why why? It's just the hous-- like why what are they hiding or they'll be like put a glass roof and i'm like this is a cottage It's like a little tiny grandma cottage. Why why would there be a glass roof like an ultra modern skylight looking thing? What are you what are you asking for? Where am I gonna put that or they'll be like put a bowling alley lane, like put a bowling lane downstairs? What that one is really out there. I feel like and I get asked that all the time or the cupcake machine and I feel like I kind of Asked for this because we made some jokes about like including a cupcake machine in the cow plant wedding venue build that I did But now they want a cupcake machine in every single build. What do you mean the cupcake machine is like bigger than this house I'm, sorry, it's just not gonna happen. The cupcake machine is not gonna happen in this house I don't know how to tell you, but it's just not it's the cupcake If you guys didn't know there's a base game item that makes cupcakes and it's like an enormous like four by four Maybe it's smaller than that. I don't know but it's enormous Like in classic sims 4 fashion It's one of those giant machines and like that just doesn't it doesn't go here And also sometimes i'll be like what should I build today guys and they'll be like make a cat cafe Literally every single time I ask for a build suggestion It's like make a cat cafe. I said you're like maybe we could try and build like a a sort of modern bar For oasis springs and they're like no no no, do a cat cafe every time without fail Somebody's gonna ask for a cat cafe more than one somebody it'll be like ten somebodies that are like make a cat cafe But now it's gonna become a meme on my stream where i'm like, oh should I put a bookshelf door glass roof on every build? It makes me laugh though, so it's okay But it's it's kind of funny how like those are the suggestions people want the bowling one. I will never understand like listen, I I love bowling alleys too, but like every build really maybe because i've just never done it. I've never taken the suggestion So they just keep asking and they're gonna keep asking every day until I finally do it. I don't know Well, you got your bookcase door though. So congratulations this house works, though I feel like this house fits a bookshelf door Most average houses while it would be cool to have a secret bookcase hiding a secret room Like it just isn't it's just not a thing. Do you guys have bookshelf doors? Is that why you want it so bad I Honestly, I have never seen a real-life bookshelf door in my life. And I don't even know if I want it that bad i'd love to have a secret room, but I feel like the bookshelf one is it's so obvious like if you're gonna have a secret room a bookcase That's how you're hiding it everybody does it that way pick something more original, you know get like a trapdoor in the floor. Oh Kind of like lift up the rug to get under it Oh, I don't know i'd love to have a secret room in my house, though I don't I don't have one of those um, unfortunately, but that could be interesting maybe someday I'll have a secret room I don't even know if I want that that bad like how what would you put in it? A lot of times they have like little teeny doors too. Like how do you get furniture in there? I don't know anyone in the comments if you've got uh, if you've got secret rooms or bookshelf doors, let us know Tell us the details. How does it work? Please we are we are looking to you for education on this subject I loved the interior of this house, by the way, I think I did a good job with the furnishing. I Really enjoyed furnishing. I think it turned out really cute But I feel like by the end of it when I was trying to do the outside Because I made the whole shell put all the windows and doors. I furnished the entire interior And I was putting off the entire time doing the outside Like the whole time I was like i'm just gonna wait to paint the walls until the very end. We can just do that. Later I'll i'll get back to that We'll worry about that when it gets to it And my whole checkup being like kayla you missed a wall on the outside and i'm like oh, no, don't worry It's not just the one you caught a glimpse of the one but it's it's the whole house. I've been avoiding painting the whole house Don't worry. It's the entire thing I missed the entire thing because I I I didn't know what to do I didn't know what colors to pick I like was stressed about it And so I was pretending it wasn't happening, but I eventually got there. I picked like a sort of cottagey-looking white wallpaper from island living Which was interesting because I don't often use island living so that kind of worked though but I went through a lot of phases I cut out all of that because I spent so long like painting the house and then changing it and then painting it and then changing it and just being like I don't know which one to pick I don't know which one looks good And so it took me a while to like finally come to the one that I ended up settling on but we got there You'll see in the bedroom though that there's like a left side It's kind of l-shaped and there's like a left side to it I ended up drawing a wall there and cutting off that left side and making it into the cat's room I put four pet beds on the floor and like made a little bedroom for the cats I felt so stupid doing that. But like it was cute. I put a little fishbowl for them the cats have their own room They are our pride and joy, our only friends literally grandma doesn't have any family. So she she's got her cats and that's it And they've got their own bedroom, you know, my cat doesn't have a bed like that. My cat has two cat trees She is very pampered. She doesn't have like a bed on the floor like that. I feel like maybe I should give her one She likes to sleep on my clothes like if I leave like a hoodie on the floor Like for example, I was wearing this a second ago before I started recording and then I took it off to record Sometimes I just like put it on the floor when i'm recording and then i'll pick it back up and put it on afterward And then my cat will like come in and see it on the floor and then lay on it She just likes to sleep on my clothes And then when that happens, I just leave it on the floor for her because I feel bad taking away from her And so she just has like a hoodie in the corner of my office I also have a blanket She sleeps on a lot in here, but like I don't really have a straight-up bed for her on the floor I never thought she would want to sleep on the floor like that But maybe I could try I could get her like a little pet bed and then put my hoodie in it Then it would make more sense. I don't know. I just worry She wouldn't even care or use it like she's She also just sits on the floor next to her toys like when she wants. I don't also underneath my desk is another spot She spends a lot of time at she lives her dream though. Maybe i'll buy her a cat bed. She deserves the world My cat deserves the world speaking of the world as we're upstairs. Now, you can see uh, grandma's surveillance setup She's got like all these monitors. I put her computer with two tvs next to it so it looks like a three monitor setup and then a giant tv Above her which is like a fourth monitor setup And then she's got two like stranger ville monitors with like information on them to her right And then she has like a little listening station which ended up switching out to be a game station like the big like square Gamer mat that comes with the base game that I never use. So I put that down I just the room It looks so spooky. And I think it really worked out the blue light kind of makes it I feel like I definitely struggle with the walls though because the windows were in kind of inconvenient places I think if it were up to me, it would have no windows up here. Like I kind of wanted to cover the window So that you couldn't see the blue light coming from them, but it was hard for me to do that Obviously because there's like random spots one of them's kind of high up So I ended up just putting like bookcases in front of it and calling it a day, which I felt sort of silly for doing But like it worked it's fine and you'll see the gamer mat I thought turned out so good. Like I never ever use the gamer mat in the game I don't think i've ever had that like actually just in my sims house But I put that here which I was pretty impressed by also her little office space and her desk I put two consoles either side like speakers and there's like a single stack of gold bars behind her on her filing cabinets I didn't want to put too many like Nefarious things like bags of money or anything because I figured it was a little bit extreme But she can have one stack of gold bars. We don't want to flex too hard But like the one stack I feel like is reasonable has that always been purple or am I making that up? Why does that look off to me? I swear it's not always been purple. Maybe I just don't come here I mean you look at this thing one too many times and your brain just fries Please shield your eyes from this. Let's look at this. By the way. This sim is not grandma This was a randomized sim that this is not grandma. I randomized her. It's not that's not her. Look. Okay this Is the finished product? I think the landscaping turned out so cute. I put like gnomes everywhere There's a little rocking chair on the porch the ivy and the flower boxes There's a nice chimney up the side. The backyard is adorable. I think my favorite is the naked gnome Why does grandma have two naked gnomes also like some more rocking chairs and a chess table? These are debug flowers which are like one of my favorite items in the game Those are so pretty I feel like but then actually inside the house you can see we have this little entry room This is where the bookcase door is. Obviously you can see there's some there's a bit of a spooky room next to it There's like a surveillance camera too and everything but I feel like this bookcase door actually fits in here like I think A lot of the time when i'm putting these like bookcase doors in rooms Sometimes they seem so out of place Like you go to grab them and like no matter where you put them you can tell it just looks off But this one right here. I feel like actually kind of makes sense. There's a really tiny dining room granted She doesn't have any friends. So, uh We don't need to worry about having space for guests to come over here is her living room You can see her family on the mantel there She's got like a cat tree in the litter box on the floor all of her cats Have a nice little spot to eat all in a row This is her kitchen, which is really small but functional and cute Did this delete did it delete my cabinet after everything? We've been through that's rude Anyway, that's the kitchen her bedroom is off the dining room. It's really small, but it's pink and floral her cats Have a room right here with like a jazz cat painting bathroom is right here, but upstairs up ladder You can get into her spooky gaming room I don't know why but this This angle makes me laugh a lot like the gold bars being there too is just so random and dumb But I really enjoy this and these stranger role monitors Like I said, I don't know what grandma's up to but I feel like it can't be good she's like tracking the spread of a Dangerous plant. Oh Not a good sign, but I had a lot of fun building this one it's on my gallery if you want to download it and I think On that note i'm going to go i'll link the sparked rules down below if you want to try them There's also a cast and storyteller challenge by the way If you want to try either of those instead and let me know Should I post that cow plan speed build I did or is it like too far gone? Has it been too long? Is it worth it? I don't know. Bye everybody Honestly, it's never too late to post a cow plant speed build It's a beautiful wedding venue like it's genuinely nice there just happens to be a lot of cow plants behind it, but you could delete those if you wanted to I Don't know why you would but you could You
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 570,432
Rating: 4.9782925 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly, sparkd challenge, build challenge, sims challenge, sims 4 challenge, let's build, sims 4 build
Id: 8ZDqINBg7H0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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