Why Did The Old Ones Create Humanity? | Warhammer 40K Lore

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you ever look at the human race and wonder whose idea was this you're next Susan how did you know my name I created you anyway the Lord piece stating that Humanity was created by the old ones is from the necron 3rd Edition codex all the way back in 2002 so I'm not sure how candid it is anymore but hey let's go with it for the sake of the video and the video is what it says on the 10. why would the old ones make humans at all assuming humans were one of those races first Seated on Earth during the war in heaven the later stage that is after the biotransference because that's when the old ones made races like the Eldar and the crook who would eventually devolve into the Orcs we know today but you can evolve into a subscriber by hitting the button down below and hitting the Bell icon to never miss an upload aha now Humanity in its form was not made by the old ones as it is it's not like Adam and Eve what happened was the first smatterings of primate life that would eventually evolve into humans a sort of Missing Link was Seated on Earth by them many millions of years ago now knowing this it might seem weird to think Humanity had any purpose at all rather than just another species they created but I for one like to think humanity is special it must be remembered the war in heaven lasted millions of years with that in mind and we can make fun of the old ones all we like for their failings we must remember that they were very clever and it would stand to reason that they would have some races in the back line in case of emergencies if those other races possibly failed if they needed some more backup or just any Myriad of reasons Humanity I think was a contingency plan by the old ones and it had three main purposes by their designs two more understandable ones and a third more Sinister one which I will get into later first and foremost let's look at the reasoning for why the Eldar Ari and the cork now known as the Orcs were created at all the eldari were a highly psychoactive race that were used to fight alongside the old ones almost as like a junior partner they were sort of the old ones favorites they were the teacher's pet of the group they could use the web way they could use psychic powers similar to the old ones they could create almost anything with wraith bone just very effective overall sort of the main line corks on the other hand were made afterward they were very strong very brutal and while not Super psychically Active had ingrained knowledge on certain fighting abilities and certain Technologies within them similar to how Orcs nowadays just sort of inherently know how to make a lot of their weapons it should also be noted cork armor is reported to almost be like Space Marine armor better even and a lot of them could get up to 12 feet tall they were incredibly powerful so if Eldar were the mainline troops and corks were like an Armored Division meant to punch holes and really be brutal humans were more like auxiliaries or in a more accurate term cannon fodder see if the war kept dragging on for more and more Millions upon millions of years like the old ones likely would have expected because they didn't plan to lose of course they had beat them already this is just gonna be a longer harder War they would need troops they could call on to rapidly fill the gaps in the line that being humans because humans breed and reproduce very quickly and unfortunate to say our lives are cheap hell even the Imperium acknowledges that our lives are cheap this theory of humanity being sort of the attrition contingency is also backed up by Humanity's ability for production I believe humans were also meant to be alongside auxiliaries as the engines of production for a longer more protracted and even more consuming conflict the human ability to effectively swarm a new planet start shooting up Hive cities and just spread everywhere building things so fast is acknowledged even by the Eldar all the way during the Horus heresy let's say it got to that point where the old ones needed to look back at their monkey race that they Seated on some planet in the galactic South and say hey we need 20 billion troops to plug gaps in the line we're taking losses we could say hey here's 30 billion and all the ships we could ever muster just for you just for this conflict but the problem is that's asking a lot of any race especially one that's gonna see catastrophic losses in a war thought by beings Way Beyond them and not receive any of the real glory because they're just seen as a lesser race you are asking a lot a lot this is where one of Humanity's greatest powers and also greatest weaknesses comes into play the power of Faith to start throwing lies into a meat grinder conflict that predates your entire race and just start pumping out ships and devote Your Existence to this war that doesn't affect you just because you were told you should takes an immense amount of faith and this has proven to be time and again something humans are predisposed to inherently the human power of Faith drives them to incredible Feats the Eldar acknowledges even the Tau acknowledge this as one of the most terrifying things about humans the power to get zealous and just hurl yourself into a conflict because you have faith in it you have faith in who you're fighting alongside it's a uniquely human thing if I actually recall correctly and please somebody find the source for this I did read it somewhere Commander farsight himself has stated that humans faith is their best tool they will just throw themselves into things wholeheartedly but a human whose faith has been betrayed or broken are some of the most dangerous creatures because they have nothing to lose and will only have faith for and fight for themselves they will be the most depraved and dangerous people like it or not the word bears were right you cannot separate Faith from man in 40K even humans in the atheistic Tau Empire are beginning to manifest a warp God that people are just generally calling talva in that near area of warp space because they simply can't help it it is like an ingrained biological thing it's like Eldar being psychoactive you just just can't get it out of them I believe the purpose for this deliberately would be to create a race that will throw themselves in as disposable auxiliaries and just pump themselves into producing more and more and colonizing more and more to supply this war effort for beings they would likely look up to as their gods and creators it's quite Grim yes but if a war was going to go on that long it would get to that desperate point I think it also does explain why humans and Eldar look so very similar because maybe the old ones used some of the eldari biological template when they started laying the groundwork for what humans would grow into and it also explains why humans are one of the most Psy active races in the Galaxy all in all I think it's an interesting Theory and I think you guys can see where I'm going right but there's also a darker Theory as to what humans were created for and I think this one's interesting I believe humans were also meant to serve as the ultimate check and balance against the other races of the old ones 2. if need be destroy them and replace them now for a myriad of reasons I cannot imagine the crook were able to breed unchecked in the same way the Orcs of today are I think that's a really new development in their biology hence why Humanity would stand a chance our ability to sort of press them out by consuming Galactic resources that they would need and defeating them through weight of numbers it's kind of what we do even in the current setting in 40K hey joke about Soviet tactics all you want if the old ones we would probably have a lot of faith towards told us destroy the Croc we would that's part of what human Faith does it lets you turn on people you used to fight beside because you have faith that that's what you're supposed to do and when you want to talk about how Humanity would contend with the Eldar it gets even weirder and more interesting you see the eldari have stated in their lore that the they beat Humanity at their Peak that Humanity with their unliving machines fought against the eldari at their Peak and lost so barring that breeding and reproduction Advantage how could humans really stand a chance against the Eldar well it's because of one simple reason humanity is the only species in the Galaxy with naturally occurring instances of the Pariah Gene like a lot of races have psychers even Orcs have psychers but only humans have pariahs it just seems a really specific to me and even Eldar who balk at Space Marines and even some of the primarks have to acknowledge that blanks are terrifying genuinely horrifying to them because it messes with everything about them like even their technology like wraith bone is solidified warp energy it needs that sort of Base psychoactive activity to function repair itself uh just do what it has to do in the presence of a blank Bank eldar's War gear will start to degrade their tanks won't work as well their systems won't work as well their ability to sense the world around them will not work as well bar Sears cannot detect them it's like this menacing hole in reality from the Third Edition Assassin's codex here's an excerpt by eldrad Ultra and himself showing just how Eldar feel and fear null psychers he is a void in the scheme of time a no thing upon reality the Rune of Oblivion is his sign the Rune of ending is his Destiny my Oblivion my ending it is a creature of utter abhorrence of near unspeakable horror to me only the humans could spawn such a creature so debased are they so lacking in breeding yet even they as crude and as blind as they are can see this creature this thing for what it truly is though they have no real understanding of its in existence I know more about this alien fiend than they do I know why it is a soulless monstrosity for I have spoken to the solitaires who know so well about such things about the stealing of spirits from bodies that yet live on it is unnatural it is not of the chaos that binds all things together it has no life in the other world it has no existence except in the physical it is a dead thing that thinks and breathes a most hideous Abomination even the humans who tolerate the stench and Scholar of Their Own Kind cannot bear this monster Ungifted as they are they're latent psychic powers of which they understand so little warn them of the danger it poses their skin crawls with nameless dread their stomach churns with a subconscious loathing yet this is but a slight reaction compared to the disgust I feel when I consider it's non-existence they try to control it with their clumsy technology using devices which they barely comprehend to guard others against the hungering mob which serves as its Spirit to even consider harnessing such an unpleasant freak of creation is to invite disaster I would laugh at the irony of it were not so offensive the humans will hunt and kill those with the gift fearing for their safety when their true Nemesis the real creature which will be their Doom is nurtured upon their bosom how human that is this thing stalks me now and I I who have seen the birth of stars and the death of galaxies I am afraid if eldrad ultran himself is afraid of something yeah I think it's safe to say there's a credible threat there and I also want to address one other thing he mentions solitaires in this spiel solitaires are not blanks there's a common misconception that solitaires are the only eldari blanks they're not they're not necessarily soulless because their souls are claimed by slanesh but they don't have the Pariah Gene and they don't project that negative psycher Aura we can see that in some books that feature them heavily like the path of the Dark Eldar series or the mask of vile Novella which I highly recommend but for an Eldar to physically be close like close close to something that exhibits that null field is literally lethal and that comes in another passage from the book Atlas infernal now for context the atlas infernal is a book made by the Imperium and possibly even the emperor himself that is a living ever-changing map of the web way the pages are made of the stretched skin of sisters of Silence who are very powerful blanks themselves and it has veins and blood in it that creates an ever-moving road map that lets people find their way around the Elder actually managed to steal the book and have it kept in the black Library an Inquisitor named bronislaus savak actually stole it when they imprisoned him in the black Library it's a long story Armin is involved and all that but when he has it and at the very end of the book a troop of harlequins who have been hunting him for the entire book come after him finally cornering him to get it and what he does is throw the book at him is this what you came for Harlequin savak whispered in the inquisitor's hands held at his chest was the atlas infernal the gold lightweight armor of its casket covers open its pump spine sighing rhythmically the parchment stretched flesh of the sisters of Silence on display the black Soul's ancient life blood coursing through the ever-changing Labyrinth of arteries veins and capillaries winding through the pages screams everywhere Eldritch and involuntary the Witchblade clattered to the hull and smoldered the shadowseer was gone Savox span around with the antique Imperial Tome held out in front of him the shadowseer was on the floor repelled like a demon from an icon of Faith writhing and squirming away from The Inquisitor unsuccessfully as savak approached he looked about the troop had all been closing and had all been stunned by the inquisitor's Gambit the death Jester was doubled over Rich red Gore sputtering through the teeth of his skull face and onto the armor plating the half mask stumbled about the edge of the hull by The Ether vein gallitz at her temples and riverblade and fist Spike crossed above her head whether by accident or design she slipped from the hull and fell off the side of the male site tumbling past the Rogue Traders Cannon batteries and threw the vast emptiness beneath the ship the great Harlequin was staggering at him plume bouncing wildly and slender Plus my pistols clutched in each quaking hand The Troop leader dropped the weapons and hit the metal Hull with about as little Grace as savak had ever witnessed an Eldar exhibit Beaton and soul scorched by the null sphere of the psychic blankness the pages of the atlas infernal radiated the great Harlequin and the death Jester phase field jumped from the danger this bossy Han was beyond such survival instincts his burnt out mind could find no other expression of this than clawing at his mirror mask savak knelt down with the atlas Inferno beside the inflicted alien how does it feel harlequin fear sivak put to the shadowseer listen and listen well I will not be a pawn in some foreseen game of Destiny arranged by a Visionary farseer of your race that's his path my path is my own I will stop as a garden of the Thousand Sons whether I am destined to do so or not the high Inquisitor watched the Shadows here scratch the claps on his faceplate Gore bubbling and frothing up from behind it and running down the Silvery service of the mirror mask it's over Harlequin savak told the dying Xeno I don't want to see your face you will always be just a mask to me yeah holy [ __ ] secret weapon against the Eldar indeed okay now I know that's a little bit cheap because the book is specifically made out of a bunch of sisters of Silence it's like an extremely powerful null artifact item thing but still Jesus this is not some random Eldar by the way either that is a harlequin Shadow Seer the harlequins are some of the most dangerous Eldar and an entire troop of them was just wiped the [ __ ] out by this guy doing one move the witch Blade the shadow Seer was carrying is described as smoldering the thing literally starts going critical their War gear starts to literally break down they lose all composure it is the perfect tool to use against the Eldar if you really wanted to get rid of them and only Humanity has it with the proper guidance and tools of the old ones at our disposal if it had come to that yeah I do believe they could have been the tool that would have brought the Eldar to heal or even just wiped them out if even one calexis assassin is enough to put the fear of the emperor in eldrad oathran for these reasons I believe that was Humanity's backup contingency purpose to be the secret weapon against the Eldar if they should ever turn on the old ones in the same way the necron had turned on the Katan but what do you guys think do you guys agree with me on this do you guys even think the old ones created humans at all that's a pretty good question to ask if I'm being honest or am I just completely wrong I'd love to hear your take in the comments below and I'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Live! From The Black Library
Views: 80,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S1pQNXjCz9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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