Primarch Planets: Best to Worst | Warhammer 40K Lore

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ah a Primark video I love the smell of algorithm in the morning [Music] okay all jokes aside I think you guys will like this one because it's a really interesting sort of thought experiment I'm gonna be ranking all the Primark home worlds from best to worst and my parameters for doing so I think might prove interesting there's four main categories that I'm using best unpleasant dangerous and worst the best ones being obviously the ones someone would most likely want to be born onto that you'd have the best time the unpleasant being ones that just generally suck that are just miserable or even crime ridden dangerous are for those planets which are either geologically unstable or have highly predatory life or climates and worst are for those planets that had a very overreaching consequence for the plot and whose existence May well have doomed the Galaxy and that's the really interesting one now before we get to those planets let's knock out the ones that were the best in my opinion and number one to me is Prospero that world was when Magnus landed on it effectively a paradise Progressive full of learning full of acceptance on any other planet baby Magnus might have just been crushed with a rock but here he was risen up nurtured and allowed to grow it kind of makes magnus's fall all the more tragic because it wasn't the fault of the planet he was raised on he didn't have an awful upbringing he probably had one of the best upbringings of any of the primarks but it was his own fault his own arrogance and his abilities that caused his downfall and the downfall of the Imperium but aside from that Prospero and especially their one city of tiska was probably the best place in the galaxy to be honestly I really can't think of a single thing wrong with it all the problems came after the fact sure it got a little spicy but that isn't something a no dog sign won't fix behind Prospero in my mind would be mccrag Homeworld and the ultramarines because macrag is what I like to call Earth-like it had an effective Administration the climate and terrain maybe not the best but still pretty good and coupled with the high standard of living the fact that they had their own Interstellar Empire and a level of balance in terms of what people could do on the planet it wasn't like a high city or an Agri world where the entire planet is given over to one specific thing you had opportunity and Mobility sure it wasn't the Utopia of Prospero ortiska but it was a very comparable to Earth and even the better parts of Earth I would say I don't want to say better I mean better places to live like Sweden or Denmark in fact people would actually retire to the realm of Ultramar if not macrag itself but similar planets like Carl number three on this list and starting to get into the planets that are more noticeably flawed yeah that was fast is Olympia the planet of the Primark perturabo and the iron Warriors now Olympia could be as thought of as sort of a Greco-Roman kind of vibe similar to the more hardcore Roman mccrag and new Syria this is because it mainly consisted of Warring city-states in the mountains or police as they would be known to us here on Earth now these city-states while they were in constant conflict and squabbled with each other it was at least a more quote-unquote civilized level of warfare these were not Barbarian hordes who would bust down the gates and burn each other alive your city-state might switch hands and tyrants sure but if you were the average person you could get by well enough on your own and the planet itself was fairly technologically advanced that's a big thing we take technological advancement very much for granted but those planets with lower technology were consistently Less Pleasant to live on than the more advanced ones I'm sorry whatever you think that you'd do in the Roman Empire it's not as good as living now you would be given a generally high life expectancy and could be expected to lead a basically average life now the mountainous rough terrain again not great but still not that bad especially in comparison to what we have here on Earth they had a decent economy and a solid social structure which is a lot more than can be said about some of the other planets number four to my mind and rounding out the good worlds would have to be Terra specifically near post-unity Terra where the planet was almost entirely under the emperor's Banner that's because this is where alfarius would land and be found first now I want to specify omegon doesn't count because whatever Planet he landed on We have basically no idea and it was effectively devoid of life he was raised more or less alone so given the lack of any proper frame of reference we can discount him now the reason I put Imperial Terra here is because at this time most of the planet had been brought to compliance by the Thunder Warriors if if you were born in one of those parts that still wasn't compliant yeah you might be in for a rough time but odds are you wouldn't be most of the largest most populous areas of the world were compliant and as such had a standard of living that was decent industry was online the Techno barbarians were gone the rule of law was established it wasn't great and the climate wasn't particularly amazing but also not horrible I guess think of maybe something like Australia where it's a little more arid but not too hot to be unlivable or too cold it was all right more or less and you would be largely left alone to scrape out a basically average life I wouldn't call it ideal and it was probably a little worse than what we currently live through now however it's a hell of a lot better than what it's compared to with the other Primark worlds so that's why I'm rounding out the good planets with this one now moving on to the unpleasant tier these planets are maybe not the worst in the world but there's certainly less than ideal and this section here is a pretty varied category there's definitely a slider here because number one and the best of the unpleasant is chagoras now a lot of you might be seething at that response because you know based Mongol you know for the con but despite that rich culture and identity and the strong people bred by this world as well as the general kind and more human demeanor of the white scars it must be noted that when the Khan got there all the clans were fighting with each other constantly much like Genghis Khan in our timeline United these Clans across the world but that did fall apart as soon as he left however when he landed there it must be noted they had basically black powder or even sub black powder technology and of course sub black powder medicine life there would be nasty brutish and short you're gonna have very little to you and you could get killed in a raid very easily again much like Genghis Khan these are the things jagatai on would help to improve upon but all things considered definitely not a planet You're Gonna Want To Live on but certainly not one of the worst ones now from here on out we start getting into the more debatable Zone and I would love to hear what you guys think about this next set of rankings because number six on the list is tmos the home planet of the Primark full grim and The Emperor's Children you see kimos was a very desolate world all of the natural resources had been almost entirely stripped from the planet and whoever was left behind basically had to work non-stop to keep things functioning and keep boot production at a level where there wouldn't be Mass starvation everyone was on the grind 24 7 to keep the planet alive now this left no time for literally anything else toil from dawn until Dusk and probably through the night as well if I'm being honest absolutely miserable but the reason it's not lower is because people could at least live and survive yes you're gonna be probably pretty depressed and living on borrowed time because your world will run out soon but you were at least alive and relatively safe the crime seems to have been more or less to a minimum because nobody really had much time to commit crime and you weren't in any real palpable danger you were safe but you sure as hell weren't happy and this definitely isn't a planet you were gonna want to be on but again I would take it over a lot of the other ones because if nothing else at least you're not in immediate danger now this next one is going to be the really debatable one because number seven on the list not even halfway down is new Syria now please everyone constrain yourselves I know there's going to be a lot of objections to this one but the reason new Syria the home planet of the Primark angron is so high up on the list for what you would expect of it is because yes it was awful but there was at least a level of Technology and not the absolutely abysmal level of natural Predators or ecological instability you see on the Syria the entire planet was controlled and ruled by a small group of Elites like a top one percent who lived in luxury with large villas and palaces and all they could want and lavish games and basically anything anyone could desire but most of the planet lived in poverty in small slums or in small settlements basically eeking out on very minimal living yeah see this is the other half of the space Rome Spectrum compared to mccrag where it's like the late Roman Empire where everything was really starting to go to now the thing is this sounds awful but it's not too dissimilar from certain places on Earth now as well as the climate and geological stability that is close to what I like to call the current Earth bass line and the reason there's going to be a lot of contention for this choice is because people will say hey just look at angron look what they did to him they hammered the butcher's Nails into him they used him as a gladiator it was awful well that is absolutely true but that's just him most people the vast majority of people are not going to be gladiatorial slaves or have the butcher's Nails implanted in them that was a small small minority angron was just supremely unlucky he didn't have the worst Planet but he was definitely the least lucky Primark in who found him so odds are as a new Syrian that won't be you you're going to be attending those games sure and it'll be bred in circuses to keep you distracted from your absolutely abysmal lot in life compared to what we have here on Earth and what the other better planets had but it's just not one of the worst planets you could find yourself on if you were there you could scrape your way by on your belly you're certainly not going to be happy ever in your life but hey it's something it's better than nothing now the next three on this list are gonna be damn near interchangeable depending on where your values sit and what you interpret as being better or worse number eight on the the list is inwit home planet of rogaldorn now the thing with inwit is that its weather really tips it into the negative here it was icy harsh and absolutely dreary very little sunlight and the sun itself was a dying star which the planet orbited slowly meaning half of the planet would cook and the other half would freeze in darkness for most of the Year again very very unpleasant furthermore what little Wildlife there was was very very hostile and dangerous not like Fenris level of dangerous but still pretty bad and people would have to learn to defend themselves from a very young age because the nomadic tribes who would move from ice cave to ice cave would often come into conflict over the very very limited resources of the world things would get a hell of a lot better with rogal Dorn coming into the picture but before he arrived the average in wittian was absolutely going to live a really struggle-filled life it was wasn't just miserable like new Syria it was hard you had to fight to survive and do so from a young age to make sure you didn't die in a raid or in an inter-clan conflict or weren't killed by a wild animal this one is pretty bad but it is definitely overshadowed by other ones later down the list number nine Nostromo the home planet of Conrad kurs and the night Lord's Legion this planet is generally known for being absolutely horrible it was so polluted that the sunlight would barely ever reach the ground and it was so crime ridden because of how depressed everyone was economically by the upper classes in this society that murder was the single leading cause of death next to suicide and there were a lot of those this planet was horrible because not only was it completely miserable and very very toxic something that would absolutely affect the physiology of people born there you were also in almost near constant danger and exposed to things like drugs or any other kind of Vice or crime that would flourish in a city like this it's like Gotham times 10. it's this absolute lack of opportunity lack of will to live that the people had and the sheer amount of danger you would be in not from Wildlife or geological disaster but from the crime itself that puts it this low on the list now it's not lower because you could reasonably survive or get by as long as you just never leave your house you will never be happy but you can make your way if you're just really really careful and to round off the list of the unpleasant worlds we have Medusa home planet of Baris Manus and the iron hands Legion and would it shock you to realize that I actually had to Rack my brain to remember what this one was called so you know points for sticking to a theme I literally had everything sorted into a list in a document and had to keep recounting to make sure if I was missing one and then it hit me oh yeah Medusa I forgot I am so sorry iron hands fan whoever you are out there this one's for you the reason this one is so low on the list is because of the aforementioned tribal conflict much like chigurus and inwit it can be compared to inward in a lot of ways actually you see this constant conflict between warring factions and clans on Medusa is not only over resources but is also for solid firm land because there is very little safe land on the planet most of it is Shifting unstable prone to earthquakes and yes even volcanic activity the planet is very volcanically active and constantly splitting and shifting apart which is why the tribes need to stay constantly on the Move coupled with the effects of this volcanic activity making the sky very dark almost all of the time full of soot and Ash the fact that if you stay in one place for too long your odds of literally falling through the crust of the earth into the mantle keep going up is a bit of a killer for Real Estate you are never safe and can never truly settle furthermore you also have to deal with other clans who are very very likely to kill you if you have something they want or just happen to be in the way of their well-being you can't avoid trouble on Medusa it's going to find you and while yes it is similar to Inuit in this Regard in almost every way that massive geological instability and even more ruthless Clan Warfare puts it lower on the list this is actually something that has persisted on the planet to this very day where Inwood has definitely improved because of Dorne and the Imperium Medusa has been left the same deliberately to breed hearty people kind of like chigurus so thanks for making things better iron hands great job now from here we enter the dangerous Zone these are planets that are not just bad to live on but where you are consistently under threat and can never feel safe the constant danger will be ever present and color every facet of your life there will basically be no reprieve or respite and it could be completely unavoidable this could be for a myriad of reasons but I am pretty confident in how I ranked these ones starting us off at number 11 is Deliverance the home planet of the Raven guard and corvus corax now the first thing you need to know about Deliverance is it's not actually a planet it's a moon you know a moon without an atmosphere it's actually used as a prison Colony for the larger planet of kevar which is controlled by highly corrupt and tyrannical Tech guilds so if you are born on Deliverance you were either a imprisoned for whatever reason or B were born to people who were imprisoned again for basically whatever reason and forced to work and slave away on a penal colony that's gonna put it really low from the outset but what makes it worse than something like kimos which is also a desolate Planet that's going to require constant toil is that you have basically nowhere to go the only reason anyone can live on this Barren rock is because there are small bubbles of artificial atmosphere and gravity on the planet that you can't leave you literally have nowhere to flee to corax would be able to eventually instigate a rebellion but when he landed there that's it you had no opportunity nothing and the reason it's lower than planets like kemos or the other ones where you would have to constantly toil away to survive in the upper tier is because in those cases you're at least toiling away for yourself your clan and your family here you're not even doing that you're slaving away for something you may not even have done or that could have been just a minor infraction you are screwed it's not for yourself there is no self-determination you just slave away until you die on that Barren moon with devoid of space just beyond the bubble but if nothing else at least you're marginally safe but that can't be said for the next planet caliban on the surface caliban might not seem that bad but you have to remember these tainted Beasts of the warp and needed an entire order of knights across the war world to keep them at Bay so that people could at the very least live the fact that if the knights failed in their duty at any capacity for even a moment you could just be ripped to shreds by a giant monster thing puts this planet pretty damn low on the list coupled with the fact that it was near feudal and had really low levels of Technology the lion like other primarks would do a lot to fix the planet but up until his arrival this planet was horrible it was a complete death world if I'm being honest now any planet to my opinion where you have to get out of the door in the morning and pray please God don't let me get eaten this morning really is gonna be on the bottom of the list here and no Planet embodies that better than number 13. Fenris home planet of Lehman Rus and the Space Wolves benris had all the same problems as caliban but worse the beasts of Fenris were large and vicious and they didn't even have an order of knights specially trained to protect them it was up to the average person to basically fight for their survival at any given moment if something's just gonna burst out of the ice ice that was again more or less ever shifting because Fenris is actually an oceanic world except for the fact that it's Frozen all the time it is so cold and so miserable and I'm sorry but no amount of cool Viking culture is gonna make that palatable at all you might freeze to death if you get lost at any point you could just fall through the ice you could get eaten by God knows what it's absolutely abysmal now changing Pace from something cold and something ecological to something hot and man-made the next planet number 14 is Bal secundus home planet of sanguinius and the blood angels Legion Bal secundus actually used to be pretty nice it was a verdant green world but when the age of strife came along the planet devolved into Civil War which left it devastated completely wiped of most ecological life safer humans and mutated creatures as well as completely soaked in radiation on these other planets you have the luxury of at least going outside for at least a bit even if it was dangerous on ball you had to wear clunky makeshift radiation suits in order to even live people would just get cancer and Keel over dead if they didn't the place was constantly soaked in RADS it was a complete desert and the small human populations were at war with mutant hordes for dominance of what was left of the planet you had constant conflict you had a destroyed environment the constant threat of radiation and no real technology to help you survive or get off the planet that well everything on the other planets is more or less present here really in this one it's the radiation that tips the scale into this being definitely one of the worst but we can go even worse without going into the worst category the the last planet on the list in the dangerous category is Nocturne home planet of Vulcan and the salamanders Legion and a big part of this is one of my favorites geological instability this is one of those planets that is basically a worse version of a different one it's very similar to Medusa but just dialed up in every way heavily volcanically active constantly shifting crust competition over what little land there is as well as dangerous creatures like fire Drakes who can survive the lava a more unstable than even Medusa mind you but what really puts it at the bottom of this tier is the drukkari you see the planet Nocturne before Vulcan arrived was constantly under Threat by drewcari raiding parties who would kidnap people and take them back to Kimura and that is a fate far far worse than death that's what makes this planet so awful the fact that at any time the drukkari could sweep in and take someone you love or you back to some place that is like worse than hell the closest thing you could possibly get to Hell Without actual hell is an enormous thing and a huge deal breaker in any semblance of livability now last but not least let's get into the worst category these are the three planets who in my opinion ruined the Galaxy because of their primark's inclusion on them the primarks landing on the other planets were absolutely formative to their development but the primarks that landed on these planets would be deeply affected by it in ways that would have unimaginable consequences number 16 being barbarous home planet of mortarion and the death guard Legion now barbarous was a toxic hellscape the planet was kept shrouded in pollution and plague winds full of noxious chemicals that would kill anyone who got too close the only livable parts of the planet were the valleys between the mountains where the smoke was not as bad because up on those toxic mountain peaks were Zeno overlords who had horrible sorcerer powers and would Lord over the population through Terror descending on the people to kill and eat them and kidnap them and just do any horrible thing they wanted without any repercussion or anything to check them mortarion would step in and one by one overthrow these rulers but before he arrived those people lived in helpless Terror unable to defend themselves or resist and those creatures were nion Invincible it took a Primark to give these people even the slightest sliver of a Fighting Chance honestly this would definitely make it one of the worst planets on the list but its mortarion's inclusion that would prove particularly damning because watching people suffer under these sorceress aliens instilled in mortarion a fervent hatred of sorcery and warp craft a hatred that would all come to a head when he would be the leading voice for the abolishment of the librarius and the forbidding of sorcery by Space Marines at the Council of Nikia which would see Magnus the red humiliated and Space Marine psychers barred from practicing leaving the Loyalists without one of their most effective tools to face the coming demonic threat something actively commented on by the ultramarines during the Battle of Carl now as bad as this seems it's really nothing compared to number 17 on the list which is cathonia the home planet of Horus lupercal and the Luna Wolves later sons of Horus now on the surface of it cathonia doesn't seem that bad by comparison if it was just the planet it was I would probably put it between Inuit and Nostromo because cathonia was a depleted World very close to Terra you see when Humanity had first set out it was those planets closest to Terra which really did get kind of the worst of it because they were used and abused first like necromunda and cathonia for this example cathonia was actually close enough to reach by sublight travel the planet itself was a bunch of underground caverns and tunnels which used to be abandoned mines but were now populated entirely by gangs the entire culture of cathonia was just gigantic gang culture and gang Warfare very unsafe no opportunity and nothing to really look forward to on a planet like this unless you're particularly vicious or daring or stupid if I'm being honest now again this would be really bad but not the worst in the world it's not even as bad as Deliverance because hey at least there's atmosphere even if there's very little valuable resources but the big thing is the effect that gang culture would have you see what planted the seeds of hate and doubt and bitterness in Horus lupercal when the emperor left for Terra was not just that he felt abandoned it's because the emperor said boris's glories are now my glories other primarks like Lionel Johnson or gilliman wouldn't have taken that personally and people give Horus a lot of very Justified Flack for his childishness about it but you have to understand Horus grew up and was first socialized in this gangster environment in these organized crime cultures respect is everything if you let yourself be diminished or disrespected in front of your subordinates buy another subordinate everyone's gonna come for your throat no one will look at you the same way again you need to react harshly and immediately and if a superior like the emperor disrespects you it will undermine your ability to command the respect of people under you because Horus was a gangster first and foremost he took it in the way a gangster would his ability to command his Legion had been undermined he had been insulted and the only way you take an insult like that in gang culture is to take it personally and get back at somebody in prison they will have these things called do boys where someone who's usually the boss of a group or an area called a pod is going to command people to do things for them go do this go do that that's what a do-boy is and Horus had felt like the emperor had just made him his do-boy you really can't take that lying down when you factor that in this upbringing it kind of makes sense why horse was so bitter by a knee-jerk reaction but what could be worse than that well by process of elimination I think you know the planet of cultures Homeworld of lorgar and the word bearers coaches itself wasn't that bad it was a desert Planet Shore but it wasn't particularly dangerous sure there wasn't a very high level of technology and most people lived generally a lower standard of living but again it was safe it was stable the environment while desert wasn't that bad remember Humanity flourished in deserts first and foremost like in Egypt and sure a corrupt priesthood leading the planet isn't great but I wouldn't even bother to put this one in the dangerous section or even that too low down on the unpleasant section however it is the fact that that priesthood was worshiping chaos that makes all the difference you see the priesthood of cultures much like many planets like North or even Cadia back during the heresy had been unknowingly worshiping the ruinous powers and spreading their teachings lorgar being who he is was found by chaos worshiping priests like porferon and later aribus and indoctrinated into this belief even if he abandoned it later on it still survived in the ranks of the word bearers because they were drawn from that colchesian priesthood this directly leads to the beginnings of the heresy after call if it had been any other planet that lorgar landed on the heresy likely never would have happened and that's why in my mind it is the single worst Primark Homeworld because it led to the damnation of the Galaxy but what do you guys think what in your mind is the worst Primark home world do you think there's any worse than colches do you think my metric and grading system is completely off I'd love to know what you guys think in the comments below because this was entirely an opinion piece and I think it went pretty well but until then I will see you in the next video
Channel: Live! From The Black Library
Views: 44,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer40k, 40klore, imperiumofman, horusheresy, spacemarine, the emperor, Majorkill, Adeptus Ridiculous, Chapter Master Valrak, Valrak, luetin09
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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