The Imperium's Best Ally? | Warhammer 40K Lore

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with enemies like these who needs friends unless of course these enemies are your friends in which case you're [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you you cool okay so it looks like the current video in the works is gonna take probably a fair bit longer and for the sake of not going two weeks without uploading again I'm gonna work on a little stop Gap video here which will mainly be a discussion of sorts in this I want to talk about who are Humanity's best allies in the 41st Millennium or more specifically who are Humanity's best allies heading into the fourth tyrannic war that will take up much of the 10th edition now obviously there are a few groups we can get out of the way off the bat it's certainly not the tyranids or the gene Steeler Cults because you know obviously they're the entire main opponent of the narrative Arc and it's not gonna be the Orcs again for obvious reasons now it should be noted that humans and Orcs have worked together but whenever that happens it's in a very small isolated capacity usually some military leader or planetary Governor or Inquisitor having to hire orcish mercenaries or pay Orcs to attack somebody else as an act of desperation or to sow chaos to stop an oncoming walk and even then if those Orcs survive whatever Mission they were on they're gonna turn right back around and attack whoever their allies just were because hey they're just looking for a fight like it's not out of the question to work with Orcs for like five seconds but no they're not Humanity's allies in any capacity though let's be honest I think we can all say we wish they were let's be honest we need them they don't need us because Orcs is the best now I want to talk about something right off the bat here any alliance between humans and xenos is usually gonna be smaller scale there's not going to be some Grand Coalition Army it'll be smaller backroom deals by parties with the power to make those deals for smaller goals that will serve a wider purpose so in that vein what about the Tau because the Tau may seem like good allies for humans they accept humans into their empire human auxiliaries they work together they're respected within the Tau Empire to a degree life is just generally better over there even though they don't have the glory of the god emperor in their lives you know sorry for them so could The Tao be considered allies to humanity well not really because they are opposed to the Imperium and the Imperium generally speaking is highly necessary in order to maintain the lives and at least relative security of humanity across the Galaxy the reason the Imperium is such an awful place to live is because they have been firing on full wartime production for 10 000 years only a few years of wartime production will ravage a society or one country so the entire galaxy firing on all cylinders for that long yeah it will eat people alive but it's seen as necessary because of how many threats there are in the galaxy Dark Eldar raiding Xeno attacks Orcs And the constant ever-present threat of chaos and now even the tyranids as well as internal rebellions and people think hey why can't people be allowed to leave the Imperium it's a tyrannical system because when you leave the Imperium you run the risk of falling to chaos worship we saw this happen over and over again during old night and now it's happening on mass to the humans in the Tau Empire because they don't have a belief system that can effectively choke out chaos in the same way the Imperial cult can and the Imperial cult still suffers with chaos incursions and Cults but for Tau worlds in the latest books whole planets are falling to the worship of nurgle and becoming a huge pain in the ass for the Tau in their small region of space things are only good in the Tau Empire because it's so small and localized and they have to deal with comparatively very very little so while yes the Tau Empire is better for humans it's not Humanity's best ally because in the long term would likely result in the extinction of humanity and then all life in the Galaxy as chaos Works its subtle evil however though the Imperium and the Tau Empire working together is surprisingly not unheard of in the book War of Secrets one that often gets overshadowed by the fact that it reveals the existence of the Tau goddess talva we see an alliance forged between the Dark Angels and the tauforth sphere of expansion a lot of people tend to forget that that is a thing that happened it was a quid pro quo back room deal which occurred because they both had enemies within they wanted to get rid of but couldn't publicly be seen doing so the tal fourth sphere led by Commander sure strike honestly one of my favorite characters in The Tau because of just how antithetical he is to so many others in there discovers when they're becomed in the warp the existence of the Tau goddess talva and surestrike realizes its threat is an existential crisis in the making because he feels it could possibly challenge the authority of the Ethereal cast he directly deduces that the existence of this warp entity is tied to the psychic potential of the Tau auxiliary troops mainly the humans with their inherent faithfulness and as such he needs them wiped out but he can't be seen doing so on mass because that would undermine the greater good and could spark like a civil war so he strikes a deal with the Dark Angels the Dark Angels for their part want a few human planets completely wiped out because they know too much they know about the fallen and the Dark Angels cannot risk that so there is basically a you kill my back I'll kill yours kind of deal going on now with this precedent it could be seen that they could set aside their differences and bite the tyranids not side by side but maybe on different fronts though there's a problem with this with regard to the fourth tyranny War while yes the previous tyrannic wars were in the Tao's backyard and that could have been possible there the fourth one is actually in the segment of pacificus on the opposite side of the Galaxy from where the Tower located so as such we can more or less discount them from the fourth tyrannic War as a possible Ally of humanity though they are likely to have their own things going on so don't worry Tau fans I would like to talk about the big stuff going on in the Tau Empire at a later date oh but what about the leagues of votan you might ask yeah well what about them because we've heard basically nothing about them and it's been over a year since they've been announced no books no possible narrative arcs nothing I'm sorry but oh my God I don't know what GW was kind of thinking with that they just kind of told us they exist gave us the models and then just [ __ ] off now we have gotten rumors that there's gonna be the first leagues of voton proper novel either by Mike Brooks or by Ben counter or someone else I think it's one one of those two I heard somewhere and maybe that will bring them into the fold and see them actually engaging in the fourth tyrannic War but again the leagues of voton are mainly located around the galactic core and keep their identity and their true human Heritage a secret from the Imperium so again I'm just not really sure how that would work but still I think it would be cool and a good way to finally bring them into the setting but again no breaths held so that really leaves two options with regard to Mainline factions the first of which being the Eldar and I need everyone to stop bullshitting themselves right now because it's not gonna be the Eldar come on like I have a whole video talking about why the Eldar are basically non-vi at this point we actually do have a little bit of lore already regarding the eldar's place in the fourth tyrannic War one of the Soul blades which are like these Elite task forces set up by the Imperium to counter fleets and slow them down if for the main bulk of Imperial force can get there which was led by Noble night houses and an old and famous chapter called the Silver Skulls who are definitely not iron Warriors successors guys don't you worry they're totally ultramarines come on there's a whole thing with them that like their Jean seed is classified and an Inquisitor was finally able to find out what it was but kept the information under apps because oh it would cause a Schism in the chapter it's iron Warriors they're [ __ ] iron Warriors we're on a world fighting against a high Fleet tendril when they were aided by the eldari and they got so caught up in the Zeal of killing xenos that it turned into a protracted three-way conflict as opposed to a quick hit and run oh yeah those are definitely not iron Warriors everybody so it's pretty clear here the 10th edition is gonna have no break from the tradition of the Eldar getting not even the short end of the stick the [ __ ] sharp end of the steak like come on but yeah the point still stands the Eldar even aside from this are not great allies for Humanity even on the instances they do work together it's such a pain in the ass because the Eldar are so perfidious and so Twitchy about ever taking losses they never commit and are prone to just dipping out of the conflict before anything really gets done they do this even in battlefleet Gothic Armada too they'll just make okay thanks bye before they can fulfill their end of the bargain they're just not respectable or reliable allies and before anyone brings up the yanari the remnants of the yanari are currently being hunted down by the gray Knights I think it's just time to accept the fact that the Eldar are just like a second or third string xenos race at this point and it's actually the Tau and the necrons who are the mainline xenos in 40K at this point kinda like how the Space Wolves used to be that really human and Barbarian chapter that everybody liked but now that exact role is filled by the white scars and speaking of which yeah that's who Humanity's best Ally is gonna be the necrons okay quick aside here I don't know if it picked up on the audio but somebody was just playing a [ __ ] banjo outside I live in Toronto who's got a [ __ ] banjo okay but again back on topic here the whole thing with the Human necron Alliance is that it just feels a lot more viable oddly enough than one with the Eldar because the necrons are the more honorable faction in battlefleet Gothic Armada 2 when high Admiral Spire makes deals with ufraine and the yanari they immediately just push out on him the second he needs them and has fulfilled his end of the bargain they said oh yeah we had an alliance but we didn't say how long it would last haha bye yeah this is why you don't make deals with [ __ ] Eldar they wonder why humans don't like them treason the infinite on the other hand is the reliable and honorable Ally he tells them hey the necron nepharu Dynasty is creating a super weapon here it's a threat to me and it's a threat to you go take it out he just gives them the information they need and they take care of it it's like boom done completely simple straightforward good stuff now you have to remember when humans and necrons work together obviously the necrons are going to be trying to push things into their advantage and gain as much as they can yeah that's just how alliances work but they actually seem to have more respect for humans than the Eldar do and again hold up their end of the bargain better this also ties into the very interesting history between the de facto leader of the necrons zarak the silent King and of all people Dante and Dante has this connection to zaric through sanguineous yeah you may already know this but sanguineous has met the silent King the two actually had a decent Rapport and were on the verge of establishing an alliance zaric reveres him enough to the point where he has a death mask of sanguinius now when Lord Commander Dante sees this on the world of gehenna he's immediately outraged until Zurich explains no no we actually respected him a lot all of this comes from a short story called the word of the silent King which Chronicles the campaign against the tyranids by the blood angels on the planet of gehenna wherein they start out by fighting the necrons but eventually Forge an alliance with them now of course they're not on the same page right off the bat because the necrons for their part actually hide their true numbers and the fact that they do have a fair amount of void capable craft letting humans take the brunt of the harshest fighting and the attrition while the blood angels actually rigged exterminatus tier charges in the area because they plan to kill the silent King once the alliance was over this of course didn't happen because the silent King and his forces had been steadily slipping away over the course of the fighting slowly committing less and less and less until the blood angels realized [ __ ] we've been had they're gone now this all sounds bad but what really sets this all apart from the Sciences with Eldar is that the necrons were pretty careful to hold up their end of the bargain instead of fully screwing the Imperium over and they dealt with the humans in a very direct and forthright manner because Eldar for their part tend to prefer manipulation behind the scenes wherein they'll try and subtly direct and steer Imperials to where they need to be or use I guess greater trickery and a little more deception while the necron said hey there's an enemy here let's fight them together and lucky for their part it was the blood angels I don't think another chapter would have done it but ultimately what truly makes this feel different to me and makes me view necrons as possible allies for Humanity especially against the tyranids really can be summed up best from an excerpt calm yourself my Lord around here the great cesarak does not need the humans in order to defeat the tyranids consider the facts all Fleet had transitioned out of range of their primitive sensors but we were at full battle Readiness throughout our engagement with the Dante Angel's forces as well as afterwards similarly we outnumbered them by many hundreds to one on the ground a thousand or more by the end since it was they who made the greatest sacrifice in the battle against the tyrannans consider the wisdom of noble cesaric he allowed the humans to believe they alone held avoid superiority over the high Fleet so they alone took damage in engaging the alien vessels as part of the Allied offensive our ships remained safely out of the conflict he also allowed the humans to mount what they considered a valiant and righteous defense of the larger City structures a maneuver that held little tactical Merit or advantage and a much higher likelihood of attrition he maximized the effectiveness of the alliance entirely in favor of the necron forces by giving the humans just enough hope for a brighter future and just enough of the truth to commit them to our cause Douglas they would have turned on us if the opportunity had presented itself later most especially if they had learned the whole truth that was a risk that why cesaric could not take even so it was hard not to admire the conviction with which the humans fought they may come to recognize in time the threat of the tyranids like we do for that we wear these Trinkets and adornments to commemorate their sacrifice we honor their dead even if we do not mourn their loss if you would review the specifics of the battle that the Magnificent says Eric thought that day then I will bring you the accounts from the praetorian archives they are exhaustive do not be like the humans my Lord learn from the past we will need allies if you are to Prevail maximize the effectiveness of your alliances and turn them entirely to your advantage prove yourself worthy in this and the silent King may speak with you as well in time see it's that last line there that's very telling normally other races especially Eldar will say haha those dumb humans it's very rare for them to actually give them some kind of reverence but the necrons do just that and these are two necron Lords speaking with each other they state that yeah the humans did fight admirably hell caesaric himself believes that sanguinius would have made a better Emperor than the emperor himself he just did respect him how often is there respect between a human and an Eldar it's usually just open contempt what I like about the necrons is that in their superiority it seems like they're secure in it when there's Eldar in the room they're always like so catty and so tense it's like oh you stupid humans you suck so much like it's like they're trying to affirm it to themselves that they think they're better but necrons it's like they just tossed you their car keys and said hey don't scratch the pain that's like the true Mark of superiority you're so secure that you don't even have to acknowledge it now what says Eric says to Dante Dante reveals this later is that he says you are the shield he views humans as the wall on which the tyranids will break because they do want the Galaxy for themselves to be sure but they acknowledge that the tyranids are the single greatest threat and they're not afraid to get involved so Elder actually have a similar belief eldrad himself views Humanity as the fire break against chaos though he's often ridiculed for not being effective in any capacity because he just doesn't get his hands dirty he just bumbles around now again there was the whole business with the Inari but that has effectively Fallen apart so zaric though proves himself highly effective in the campaign and does broker the beginnings of a rapport with Dante and since we know for a fact there are necron 2 Worlds in the segment in pacificus I think this would be the perfect opportunity to maybe bring that back or have a similar thing occur for the sake of defending the Galaxy because if necrons do view Humanity as the shield against the Devourer the tyranids it would make sense that they would want Terror protected and they're a lot less afraid to stand and fight than the Eldar are another particularly cool moment from this short story is that cesarex says that if the necrons had not awakened when they did or if Humanity had truly risen maybe only a couple thousand years earlier they would be well on their way to controlling the Galaxy in its entirety and not the necrons and he doesn't say this with any kind of bitterness or derision or any kind of spite in his voice it's just an it is what it is kind of statement zarek is looking out for his race the best he can while also working to position them to be the greatest Galactic power at some point in the future but but this ability to work with humans and this recognization of their potential and capability speaks of volumes about him to me and we also shouldn't Overlook the fact that he's respectful enough to have the term human used even when his Lords are speaking amongst themselves unlike certain Zeno who like to use the word that is basically just monkey or even worse in their own tongue means cannibalistic monster like could you imagine how this book would have been if Dante walked in and the first thing zaric said was hey what's up meat ass it's the decorum the sensibility and the fact that necrons are also by dint of their technology the best equipped to fight the tyranids Gauss rifles disassemble things on a molecular level and make them useless to the tyranids biomass that is completely unsalvageable but what do you guys think do you guys also believe that the necrons are the best bet for the Imperium to fight the tyranids alongside or do you not agree do you think some other race could be their salvation in this dark hour or do you think Humanity does not needs allies at all [ __ ] the xenos I would love to hear what you guys think in the comments below and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Live! From The Black Library
Views: 19,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer40k, 40klore, imperiumofman, horusheresy, chaosspacemarines, chaos space marines, spacemarine, the emperor, alpha legion, alpharius, omegon
Id: Dm9jJ3m6JYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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