Trazyn the Infinite - The greatest thief in the galaxy l Warhammer 40k Lore

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among the necrons there is one known as the infinite obsessed with preserving and collecting historical Treasures he eagerly fills the underground vaults of his necropolises with various Treasures relics and even living subjects such as members of the retinue of an overly curious Inquisitor his goal is to save everything worthy of remaining for ages in the galaxy and in order to obtain a new exhibit for his astounding Museum even one that may seem like mere trinkets to someone he is willing to reduce entire worlds to dust he holds the position of senior archist of the solemn Galleries and he is called trzin the infinite many attribute the nickname of thief to his activities which he strongly disagrees with preferring to be hailed as the master of rare moments the Lord of The Great Library or the eternalize of histories we must not let the relics of antiquity be broken and crushed by the savagery of unenlightened creatures for only by understanding these Treasures may we conquer the future only we who have broken free from the shackles of mortality and bound the infinite Majesty of the cosmos to our will can be trusted with this task that is why we are here on this wretched pit of a planet eliminate these mortals as you see fit but do try to keep the collateral damage to a minimum trzin the infinite Trin is the keeper of artifacts and the past the vast and numberless vaults burrow through the tomb world of solemnness are crowded with Technologies so rare and Sublime that any adeptus mechanicus Tech priest would give the life of several close colleagues just to know that they existed the sunken chambers of the galleries are crowded with artifacts of all forms the fabled wraithbone choir of The assani alansa Craft World the preserved head of Sebastian Thor the ossified husk of an enslaver and a giant of a man clad in Baroque power armor his face contorted in a permanent scream to name but a few and this is just a small part of trzin the infinitees collection which he has been assembling for the past 60 million years and since trzin was awake while the rest of the necrons slept in Eternal Slumber among the exhibits of his Museum are creatures that became extinct approximately half a million years ago those whose loss was mourned by the entire galaxy as well as other species that L disappeared Without a Trace solemn is located on the Eastern Fringe and is part of the nilak dynasty this gray and gloomy tomb world is hidden in the depths of space where almost absolute Darkness Reigns except for the cold glow of the colorless sun bathing the planet both celestial bodies have an artificial origin the star is a cluster of mirrors the angles of which are precisely calibrated to capture excess energy from the powerful Source within the planet oid's depths the planetoid itself is a colossal Dyson Sphere with a shell of Nano machines and an artificial atmosphere inside there are hundreds of layers slowly rotating around the core where the imprisoned Satan resides The Jewel of trzin the infinite collection and the source of his power according to his own words however it is not the only star God languishing in captivity with him in the late 41st Millennium trzin captured A Shard of Adra zaa the burning one which he barely retrieved from the depths of the planet midgardia in the Fenris system the most impressive wonders of Solem Nas are the Prismatic galleries twisting halls with an extensive collection of sculptures reproducing events that according to trzin the infinite are worthy of being remembered forever among the most grandio exhibitions it is worth noting the underground war on Cal where the word bearers clashed with the ultramarines as well as the diarama depicting the invasion of an entire Shard of the tyranid hive Fleet Kronos however in these exhibitions there are not just statues but also living beings transformed into contrasting Holograms using mysterious technology among them are the true protagonists of History Frozen in moments of Triumph or defeat those taken to Solemn nce remain there forever as a testament to their deeds among them is even a flawless clone of Primark fulgrim trzin gave him to the infamous fabus bile in exchange for Pure Emperor's Children genan seed lost during the Great Crusade thus Fabius bile redeemed himself from Trin the infinite who wished to add him or at least one of his copies to his collection according to trzin the infinite himself centuries ago he was close to capturing another of The Emperor's Sons robut Gillan furthermore before the resurrection of the Primark in a skirmish with Captain K sarius trzin hinted that he was considering visiting mraa believing that rabut gilan would feel more comfortable in his company the treasures of traz in the infinite continue to grow as history does not stand still and accordingly he strives to keep Pace with the times unfortunately few worlds obediently surrender the artifacts tra in need selfishly clinging to a few significant items for their civilization instead of passing them on for preservation for eternity in such cases trzin the infinite has no choice but to gather his armies and obtain what he desires through force and if it requires destroying a city a planet or even entire sectors then so be it Trin views any War raging in space as an opportunity to add new specimens to his collection after all the larger the conflict the more impressive the Curiosities that can be plundered for example a fragment of ban Blade armor is priceless to trzin but only if this Imperial tank is surrounded by Legends and renowned for its exploits such prey is more than attractive to the ruler of solemn and for it he is willing to venture Into the Heart of battle accompanied by Lich guards most lichu guards are equipped with the heavy but nigh Unstoppable warye while a smaller number carry hyperphase swords and dispersion Shields if his own forces are insufficient then trzin resorts to the assistance of other prominent necrons thus he Allied himself with imite the storm Lord to reach the mythical stars of Kan when the tyranid high Fleet Behemoth invaded the Galaxy and threatened solemn a trin's Eternal rival orican the diviner even prophesied his demise and the destruction of his museum by the claws of the great devour however trzin had to disappoint this foolish mystifier by launching decoys into deep space causing the Swarm to bypass solemn us like water around a stone later orican attempted to destroy trz in the infinite's galleries by engineering malfunctions in the stasis systems of the exhibits considering solemnness and isur in the Galaxy clouding his prophetic Vision trzin managed to drive off orican but since then he has dreamed of putting him in a diarama dedicated to the war in the museum that he Unleashed learning that the planet Solem na mysteriously avoided The tyranid Hive Fleet Behemoth the Inquisition raised a question that demanded an answer Valeria LED an operational group to investigate the circumstances and discovered Myriad wonders in trin's vast galleries however when the uninvited guests delved into the depths of the planet the tomb came alive the ensuing battle caused chaos and led to the destruction of several particularly important exhibits what forced him to intervene personally at the climax of The battle Valeria killed the Museum's curator but within moments the master emerged from the Shadows whole and unharmed Valaria ordered a retreat to the shuttles only a few from the Expedition managed to survive and even then they returned empty-handed to Valeria's disappointment the tomb world of solemn I preserved all its glorious Secrets sometime after the conflict valyria received a personal hyperscroll message from trzin himself thanking her for sending five regiments of katakan jungle fighters to add to his galleries accompanying the message as a return gift was a hyperstone maze one of a series of Tesseract labyrinths somehow Helena managed to evade her and even learned to use it as an interdimensional prison where she sent her enemies it is not known for certain what happened to Helena but most likely she fell victim to the Puritan Inquisitor katarin greyfax whom trzin the infinite eventually captured in retali ition for her murder among those whom trzin often encounters Vulcan hastan of the salamander chapter should be mentioned who has been attacked by nekron overlords twice at their first meeting the stranger attempted to rest the Spear of Vulcan from the Warrior's hands trzin the infinite eagerly desires to acquire this Marvel of technology and it is entirely possible though not proven that he is behind the mysterious deaths of several previous Forge fathers later the ancient zenos attempted to lure histan into a trap during the toan Crusade but Vulcan hisan once again repelled him after the opening of The Great Rift many believed that the devastating warp storms and disruptions have made the search for htan impossible however it is precisely in this Darkest Hour that a new clue emerged a bright spot in the darkness of the dark Imperium in a world called zero a clue hinting at the location of another artifact of the Primark called the Unbound flame and All That Remains is to wait and see if trzin the infinite is once again involved in this now we take the treasures valuable to you and one day we will surely take the entire galaxy you lack the wit to accept it as it is so you are Unworthy of either tray in the infinite at times living statues in the galleries shatter due to a malfunctioning kopc wraith crashing into them ceiling collapses or as in the previously described catastrophic case shootouts between trzin the infinitees subordinate Warriors and the retinue of an overly curious Inquisitor most of whom now form a separate composition on one of the upper floors such incidents Vex trzin the infinite as they force him to suspend the search for new valuable Acquisitions and seek replacements for the lost ones of course few statues are replaceable but trzin himself sets the standards in his Museum therefore if he decides that one of the contrasting pictures will serve its purpose even with a replica however inaccurate it may be then he will undoubtedly acquire it for example fully one/ tenth of his death of Lord solar mareas Gallery is populated by holographic Imperial Guardsmen whose uniforms are 300 standard years astray from historical fact but trzin cares only for the spectacle not the details of bootlaces and button holes if trzin the infinite plans to refresh his Museum he urgently seeks out armies engaged in military campaigns vulnerable garrisons or inhabited worlds with flaws in planetary defense depending on the damage inflicted on the exhibition replacement specimens can be gathered in just a few flybys of night sides at low altitude although sometimes it is necessary to mobilize more significant forces for a detailed analysis and cataloging of planetary populations tomb worlds also receive attention from Trin the infinite as he believes that other necrons are no more reliable than aliens when it comes to preserving the artifacts he so avidly collects for this reason Trin makes no special distinction between valuable items contained in Alien worlds or held by his Brethren as a result of such Journeys to his Brethren he has become an unwelcome figure on several tomb worlds under the threat of death he is permanently forbidden to appear in the catacombs of mandre due to his long ago attempt to secretly steal the staff of the Destroyer belonging to imotech however trzin the infinite is warmly welcomed on Mo abius with the strict condition that his arrival somehow strengthens the position of the necis dynasty these cases partly explain why Tren the infinite rarely travels under his own name and uses pseudonyms to conceal his identity he considers the names he invents as a skillful manifestation of deception although although in reality they are simply taken from ancient necron myths or fictional literature and the fact that trzin the Infinate is rarely exposed before he makes his move speaks more to the insularity and narrow-mindedness of other necron Nobles than to his ability to deceive the enemy and although his plans are rarely as cunning as he would like to think trzin has perfected the art of acting through infected kopc nanoc Scarab slaves if he needs to be present somewhere personally Al then justifying his name he transfers his Consciousness from one necron host to another even on orc planets in toep and human colonies where Trin the infinite act strictly through puppeteered individuals with washed brains he strives to keep his identity a secret at all costs he is well aware that his activities have attracted the attention of some Rogue Traders and inquisitors which was simply inevitable as the convoluted history of the Imperium irresistibly draws such a collector as trzin and although he maintains confidence that he can outwit primitive humans trying to lure him into a trap a healthy paranoia helps him take due precautions Trin usually conducts reconnaissance and campaign leadership through surrogates body doubles in which he invests his will in case of catastrophic damage to a surrogate the essence of traz in the infinite simply returns to his shell or transfers to another surrogate many surrogates are real Lords or overlords of the necrons whose bodies were seized by trzin without their knowledge as a result not all incarnations of Trin the infinite can be immediately recognized if he needs to seize someone's body he can do it as easily as with any other surrogate the consciousness of the victim is suppressed for the duration of trin's temporary use and its shell instantly becomes an exact copy of the original when necessary thus protected from any dangers of the Galaxy Trin can go wherever he pleases in cases where Consciousness transference may be complicated tresin resorts to another trick he transforms available surrogate shells at hand but does not attempt to transfer into one of them instead he appears on the battlefield accompanied by his exact duplicates thereby complicating the task for his enemies to kill him although Trin the infinite officially pledges allegiance to the distinguished lineage of the nilak his d Astic affiliation seems to mean little to him and therefore remains questionable likely even to himself instead of the ank on his chest trzin wears the familial Glyph of the nazarus which among the necrons is considered a Brazen act even though the triarch is long gone however considering trzin the infinite ability to transmute and his duplicitous nature it's uncertain whether he truly hails from the nazarus a seemingly subdued ni hilar Dynasty given trin's vassel dependence or if he simply pretends trzin the infinite armed the empathic obliterator is a unique necron staff carried by trzin the infinite everywhere he goes this terrible weapon is rightly feared by his enemies and there is a dark rumor that the staff contains technology derived from that of the long extinct old ones when an enemy is slain by the staff a psionic shock wave bursts forth from his body potentially killing nearby creatures of a similar mind and purpose hence an entire Squad can be wiped out with a single blow of this horrific weapon the empathic obliterator suits the personal combat style of trzin as he disdains physical combat with inferior beings of Flesh and Blood and prefers to cleave them apart with as little fuss as possible recently trzin has been obsessively taking steps to preserve the ancient artifacts that interest him the days of caution and meticulous planning quickly pass by the noisy tumult of battles grows louder in every corner of the Galaxy consuming temples cities planets and even entire civilizations long before trazz in the infinite has the opportunity to catalog everything worth preserving the more the Wildfire of War rages the more Resolute his measures become in order to save a fraction of the Galaxy's greatest treasures and now for the first time in millions of years trzin is mobilizing the full might of the solemn Ace Legions to defend various planets from the onslaught of ignorant barbarians while simultaneously conducting thorough cultural research as a result the armies of trzin the infinite have occupied numerous worlds of the Imperium where the local inhabitants are enslaved by his Relentless minions and it seems that the legions of solemnness have no intention of stopping there among these these bothersome individuals there is a complete absence of a sense of objective perception until I claimed this trinket it was of no use to them they didn't even know they had it wounded pride is such a foolish Reason To Die trzin the infinite throughout his life trzin the infinite has been involved in numerous events including some of great significance below is an account of a few of them raid on solemn 739 m41 following the onslaught of the tyranid hive Fleet Behemoth The xenobiologist and inquisitors of the Imperium were left with many questions that require answers one such question brings Inquisitor Helena Valeria to the Ghost World of solemnness seeking an explanation for why the world had gone untouched when all other planets in the hi fleet's path now lie destroyed nothing could have prepared valyria for what she found findes in the silent Darkness beneath solemn's pitted and Barren surface endless catacombs of advanced technology long lost artifacts from the imperium's history and gallery after gallery of intricate life-size holographic sculptures laid out in silent Tableau to commemorate historic scenes Valeria's party is briefly a struck by what they discover but then the entire tomb world comes to angry life wave after wave of canopic scarabs and necron warriors descend from all sides and the still air is filled with the wine of discharging gaus weapons seeking to regain the initiative for her beset followers Valaria led a charge against the shadowy figure orchestrating the Carnage citing carefully Valaria Unleashed a pulse from her graviton Beamer that reduced the nekron Lord to mangled and fused scrap yet moments later an identical figure emerged from the darkness hail and undamaged this time Valeria plunged the dagger of Midnight's blade into her adversary's heart yet even as her opponent's sparking frame sunk to the ground another identical necron Lord stroe forwards trampling the now faceless ruin at her feet with that Valeria ordered a retreat back to the shuttles only a handful of the expeditionaries that initially set out to the world survived to reach their destination and they did so empty-handed much to Valeria's disappointment the tomb world of solemn kept all of its glorious secrets some time after the conflict valyria received a personal hyperscroll message from trzin himself thanking her for sending five regiments of katakan jungle fighters to add to his galleries accompanying the message as a return gift was a hyperstone maze one of a series of Tesseract labyrinths constructed at the height of the chovar dynasty dear lady let me express my fullsome appreciation for your most generous gift it is so very rare to discover another of my own kind that appreciates my work therefore to find understanding amongst a member of another race is nothing short of a revelation I realized that you briefly trod my galleries but the fact that you spotted in so short a time that my AC cabria War collection was lacking three regiments of Ken Warriors reveals that you truly have a collector's eye for detail and to send five regiments such generosity will allow me to weed out and replace a few of the more sub standard pieces in my collection if I might level a minor criticism the instructions issued to your gift were manifestly not as clear as you thought as most of them had to be forcibly restrained sadly it seems that the lower orders will always behave like an army of invasion whether that be their purpose or not however this is a minor complaint and seems almost cherish under the circumstances so please allow me to repay your gift with one of my own accompanying this message is the hyperstone maze one of a series of Tesseract labyrinths constructed at the height of the chanok dynasty it is a trinket really only of interest to Scholars such as you and I but I trust you will find it amusing assuming you have the wit to escape its clutches of course hyperscroll message from traz in the infinite addressed to Inquisitor Helena Valeria cono 885 41 878 m41 endless animosity Forge father hean kills has in the infinite in personal combat after he attempted to steal the Spear of Vulcan for his personal collection 933 m41 battle for midgardia a necron fleet under the command of trzin the infinite arrives at the planet midgardia located in the fenra system the overlord seeks to find a Shard of niadra zaa the burning one which Slumbers in the planet's core enraged by The Audacity Of The Enemy Logan grimnar leads a massive Force against the necrons the toxic jungles and underground cities of the Guardsmen become the scene of a fierce battle toan Crusade 943 m41 tresen the infinite claims to have discovered the song of entropy one of the missing artifacts of Vulcan instigating a solar decade long war between the salamander chapter and the necron forces of solomos trin's claim proves to be a lie to lure Vulcan hisan into a trap during the assault of tan where the nekron once again attempts to slay the forge father and acquire the Spear of Vulcan the salamanders sixth company fight back to back bolters and flamers defiantly blazing away at the surrounding necrons 40 battle brothers fall during the fighting but at battle's end hean defeats trzin once more and the salamanders stand kneed deep in broken necron bodies the attack on the traitor's gate War doesn't just happen to vanore Trin the infinite learns that this spar vastly populated Imperial Garrison World holds an ancient secret within it as Trin the infinite discovers lie the stars of Cain resembling intricately carved gemstones but in truth they are terrifyingly powerful eldari weapons forged during the war in heaven in pursuit of his own agenda trzin proposes to imite the storm Lord and Lord Ebron the merciless to work together promising each of them one legendary star if they help obtain them Trin himself cares little for the destructive potential of Cain's Stars he is only interested in their novelty in reality he intends to steal the artifacts gifted to his allies if they prove foolish enough to actually use them as Weapons thus the necrons set out to attack unaware of trin's true intentions the Imperial Garrison at vanore plans a meticulously orchestrated raid to secure the stars of Cain however their plans do not anticipate the intervention ion of the alari Riders of the storm 988 m41 Logan Grim Majestic a top his Chariot Storm Rider leads his champions of Fenris in the charge that finally breaks the necron fanes of imch the storm Lord on valo 4 though a great victory over the necrons it is a hollow one for the Great Wolf as the hunt that brought him to valo 44 was intended to locate Tren the infinite to deliver retribution for the attack on midgardia 990 m41 Museum of death provoking the tyranid invasion of the planet furos and then using a temporal Cascade to immortalize the event Trin the infinite creates one of his largest collections to date however he ultimately realizes that the tyranids are highly impractical Museum exhibits and is forced to abandon his project after several large scale battles take place in the halls of solnes the unknowable 991 m41 skari from SES the8 are sent to the diluvian class world of mog when the planet's industry dries up its oceans to reveal necron tier architecture the skitarii fight valiantly against the necrons of the Awakening tomb complexes allowing the planet's Islander people to evacuate to a man but are badly outmatched only their commanding Tech priests hunting for knowledge behind the lines escape the ensuing Carnage however in doing so they clash with trz in the infinite One By One The Tech priests are collected in stasis fields and displayed as part of a monument to magog's fall The carak Campaign 999 m41 anria The Traveler arrives on a planet he supposes to be the tomb world of carac only to find it infested with elder exodites realizing that the tomb if it remains will be buried too deep for him to awaken before the exodites can themselves summon Aid Anri here entreats the necron Lords and necron on overlords of other tomb worlds for Aid reinforcements arrive from mandragora Grim and traon though the most unexpected of all is a contingent from Solas led by trzin the infinite himself all this takes time however and by the time the nighty fleets deploy the invading forces the armies of The aletto Craft World stand side by side with the exodites guided by the Prophecies of farsia Elder starban and the Strat of el nightspear the Eldar attempt to stall The nekron Invasion with a series of hitandrun attacks their aim is to sever the command structure by destroying anra and his closest allies but the peran Lord manages to subvert the Prophecies of the far Seer through the astromatic analyses of orican the diviner though oran's divinations are by no means as focused as those of star Bane they are sufficient to tangle the skaines of fate and leave many details beyond the far seer's reach so it is that Pathfinders arrive at what they thought to be Ana's location only to find him long gone and squads of death marks waiting in Ambush after several inconclusive battles on carnac's verdant Plains anria forces the Eldar to engage in a head-to-head confrontation by marching on the world Spirit Shrine as the tireless necron Legions Advance upon its walls Doom sides duel with elder fighters in the skies above death marks ply a deadly trade of Ambush and counter Ambush with allatto Pathfinders and all the while flade ones prowl on the flanks pouncing on any Eldar foolish enough to show even a momentary sign of weakness the sides are well matched with the necron hardiness counted by the precise strikes of the Eldar Victory finally falls to the necrons when carnac's tomb unexpectedly begins to awaken stirred from dorcy by the tumult above with necron reinfor enforcements now starting to constantly trickle into the campaign the Eldar have little choice but to abandon carac and its World Spirit to their foes Ania is grimly jubilant in the campaign's aftermath and gladly exceeds when trzin requests the entire world Spirit Shrine as Spoils of War for his part orican requests no trophy or payment for victory and merely hopes that when the flush of Victory Fades no one thinks to question the convenient Coincidence of carnac's Awakening the 13th Black Crusade 13 times the bell of St gal tolls in the galleries of Solas after which trzin promptly tosses it into the webway hoping it will Vex the Elder now five spare bodies of trzin are destroyed half of solemn's stasis vaults collapsed or flooded with coolant up to the ankles Legions plunged into Slumber and the management program glitches to unravel The Mystery of the Bells Omen trzin made for Thanatos Crown World of the nekron oroskar Dynasty and home to the wonders of the celestial aary and learns that something Dreadful is happening in the Galaxy identifying the origin of the corruption eating away at the fabric of space he heads to the planet Cadia unsure if he wants to act as a savior or a thief once again Trin the infinite appears before archmagos belisarius call and offers assistance asking for nothing in return He reveals to the tech priest some information about the origins of the cardian pylons and how to control them additionally in the climax of the battle against the black Legion he releases an impressive yet motly Imperial force from his Museum's reserves using the Tesseract Vault among the liberated are ultramarines from the Horus heresy era including a contempor patent dreadnut vostroyan firstborn tanith snipers a custodes and salamanders as well as tempestous Scions and Inquisitor katarin greyfax who had long been a thorn in TR in the infinite side having slain his old acquaintance Helena Valeria while trzin the infinite observes and Ponders whom to add to his collection abdon the despoiler or St Celestine Arch Megos armed with the knowledge obtained from the necrons manages to activate the network of pylons as a result from the surface of the world towards the eye of Terror a colossal pitch black stream of negative energy begins to flow slowly compressing the boundaries however the plan of call and Trin the infinite fails when abdan orders the Blackstone Fortress hovering over the world to be detonated and its debris falls down like asteroids the defensive field neutralizing the warp collapses as soon as the first chunks of the Fortress fall and destroy the pylons tearing the world apart the Battle of kadia is lost but before leaving trzin the infinite takes a trophy with him the blooded but unbowed Lord Osaka eced the sulf heart the cabal of the bladed lotus steals a relic known as The sulfur heart from the Gorgon Forge pursuing the thieves is the harch clan pack whose Warriors ruthlessly Slaughter Intruders yet they once again lose the artifact this time it is stolen by the necron trzin the infinite as punishment for his failure Captain Cadmus Tyro is stripped of his Rank and sent on a pilgrimage for countless centuries I have beheld the Dawn and fall of civilizations and undoubtedly I will see again arrogant Empires absolutely convinced that only they deserve a place Among the Stars dogs chasing after victories glory and even faith I have seen Servants of entropy existing only to spread their malice from one galaxy to another I've seen ruthless champions of disorder occupied with the destruction of everything they once stood for I've seen lovers of debauchery and hordes of Barbarians I have observed how the population of d planets cornered tirelessly fights in empty hope for a better fate Prosperity or survival but no matter how fleeting their existence may be I will be glad to accept them all into my carefully curated collection TR in the infinite
Channel: Imperial Iterator
Views: 26,330
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Keywords: warhammer 40k lore, warhammer 40k, 40k, warhammer 40000, warhammer lore, warhammer 40k lore explained, 40k lore, warhammer 40k explained, 40k explained, wh40k lore, 40k theories, 40k for beginners, Trazyn the Infinite, trazyn warhammer 40k, warhammer trazyn, 40k lore for sleep, 40k lore to sleep to, warhammer lore to sleep to
Id: xWidx1zRrec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 16sec (1996 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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