Explaining HORUS LUPERCAL To My Girlfriend

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Dad yes son are you just waiting by my door oh well sometimes dads wait outside their son's doors you know just just in case how long have you been out there oh you know between 2 and 3 maybe two and three what I love you hello everybody and welcome to another episode of explaining Warhammer to my girlfriend I am your host Ava and joining me as always is my lovely significant other Carrie hello welcome thanks for having me where are we today we are back with humans last we left off Ms was starting to make some oh yeah pseudo clones of himself kids clones the primar the primar thear and era trying to save her children uh did a bad thing she she launched them into space cuz she had a bad day she had a she lost all her sons a horrible realization she threw them into space cuz she thought that was better before we get started we have exciting news we have new merch we have worked with Carrie's sister Jenny to bring you the bones of chaos spy we have a designed for each of the four ruinous Powers with the bones of blood change rot and excess and might I say they look absolutely beautiful and not only that they are comfy coming in black and white for Hood hoodies and t-shirts alike for all sizes these things are so freaking cool they don't even look like merch they're just rad yeah they're just like art designs on a shirt that you can wear so many little details absolutely everywhere Jenny did such a good job she did an amazing job her Instagram she's incredible if you want to pick up any of these shirts please head on over to Orchid a.com sln numskulls Link in the description pick them up while they last because they are full flying off of the store a we love them everybody seems to love them our friends love them our family loves them lastly if you like what we do and want to support us and support the show head on over to patreon.com num schools where you can get access to all sorts of cool rewards like behind the scenes stuff bloopers a private Discord and much much more that's all over at patreon.com numskulls check it out in the description they've known about the shirts for like a couple weeks it's true you get previews on merch they had secret access true they bought them all up it's true it was last last thing use code num skulls at gamer subs for a discount it helped us get through editing this episode it's true oh we love energy my love what do you know about Horus Horus the Egyptian god no okay Warhammer Horus oh there's a heresy right there is a heresy that's true good job right dad's mad dad was mad now this is long before that heresy oh okay so so okay so last time we saw Harris he was flying through space Harris listen Horus dyslexia is all up in my brain so last we left off ERA with um fear in her heart of what the emperor will do during his great Crusade sought to delay him or outright cancel it by throwing her children into the vacuum of space to who knows where yeah it's not a not an ideal situation but it invoked for me the image from Prince of Egypt where the mother yeah Moses's mother places yeah the child into the river because it's it's a better alternative otherwise he will die yeah but if she does this maybe there's like a 3% chance and then it you know it goes about as well as it could um right it's an image that you do see reflected throughout stories sometimes of this it is an act of Hope and Desperation yeah it is OB obvously not ideal and it is and it shows the strength I think often of the woman and the self-sacrifice to basically try to give them an out yes it's like an escape pod when you know the ship is about to blow we got a lot of comments talking about how like oh I don't like era which is like you know fine whatever I'm not here to like change your opinion or anything but I am here to sort of give people broad strokes and what I find so interesting about era in that decision is that she is one of the emperor's oldest and closest allies like they were extensively a couple yes for like hundreds possibly thousands of years and she was seeing what he had become yeah and she had made these primar with him and they were their children essentially and to her throwing them into the unknowable vacuum of space to potentially just instantly die for all she knew was a better alternative than leaving them with him which I love like like I I love Mia tragedy I love M tragedy I love drama Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum just I love that it's so dramatic because it paints Ms in such a really interesting light where when you hear all of his honeyed words just coming out going like I will unite humanity and together we'll we'll get rid of all the ignorance of old night and and all we'll be unified again and when you hear that pitch you're like yeah yeah that does seem really good I like that wow and then you start to get the details of what that actually means and some people start to have questions yes and then Ms goes well no no no you shouldn't question me because I know I'm right yeah and that's horrifying and I love it it's one of the reasons why I as much as I give him shit I think the emperor is like a genuinely fascinating character I love I love it I love it whether or not somebody is a good or bad person I don't I don't necessarily think that takes away from them I think Griffith is a fascinating character I hate him with every fiber of my being yeah I can like as a character a bad character my favorite Star Wars character is Anakin yeah and I'm talking like during the Clone Wars speaking of tragic oh yum yum yum yum and that's why because it's such a it's a fascinating character Arc it's a Fall From Grace it's it's literally the the Fall From Grace and it's so interesting seeing it from a perspective of what is essentially a god walking around and it's not necessarily a fall of Grace it's more of like a like a realization of like what they actually are talking about it's like this God is talking about like salvation and like saving people but behind them is a pile of millions of bodies a devil's bargain yeah oh well you guys can have your whole career go fine and not get caught for this murder but then when you die your children go with you yeah it feels like if you have that doubt in your heart if this does go wrong what can I do you have to be 100% in yes and if you're even if you're even doubting it you're out yeah I mean there are people who can like disillusion themselves and kind of like if they they have a Wandering thought they can kind of get themselves back to like right going along with something that they don't necessarily agree with my mind is actually kind of going to when you look at family structures that are influenced by by a parent who's a narcissist really yes okay so in that situation usually one of the children will become a scapegoat you'll often have The Golden Child and the scapegoat The Golden Child is held to these crazy expectations but is treated better than the scapegoat so you know you end up with a situation of some kind of emotional abuse and then any other person who actually Witnesses the abuse what do they do what does The Golden Child do yeah what are you supposed to do and the term that a lot of people have used and I've seen this up as I've studied this kind of thing is a flying monkey is often what it's called and basically what that means is that you're a flying monkey on the wall like in the wicked witch she had all her flying monkeys and even though she was doing evil things they did anything yeah they just went along with it yeah just go along with it and that's kind of the thing it is a way of self-preservation because of course if they were to stand against the abuser they're likely to be abused it's a defense uh there will be consequences and there might be more consequences for the scapegoat so they might even feel that in doing this they are actually protecting the child air go uh air du uh um but to stand up to something like that a god well your family yeah your family like somebody who you you truly have a relationship with and you've spent time with them your relationship is going to be influenced by what you do I fully head Cannon this is all head Cannon but like I think it's pretty well implied I think era launched the primarch into space fully knowing that she was going to die she was like he's going to come kill me and that's why the fact that it doesn't happen is so shocking yeah cuz she doesn't go off and try to do something else with her life no she goes into Exile she's like in the middle of nowhere which is essentially a self-imposed death for an immortal yeah that's like as close as you can get without she's not exactly alone but that's a that's another thing that we'll touch upon later but like she is not like I'm sure she had Hobbies maybe she is not going out and like doing things no she's become a Hermit yeah she doesn't want a witch in the middle of nowhere she feels that the universe is better off without her yes she feels that she has done a bad thing and to repent for it she has put herself into Exile because even if she thought what she did was the right thing it was a bad thing yeah she possibly damned all of her children all 20 of them to death and how do you live with yourself yeah it's an interesting thing to go back to because I think in situations in our world mhm in our reality you often see single mothers demonized as if leaving their partner or being left is some kind of purposeful abuse of the child yeah but I've been somewhat shocked by some of the reactions honestly that I've seen concerning era it's always interesting when somebody has a different perspective than you so like I initially went down kind of the thought process that you did based on like the text you read and stuff but at the same time if somebody came at it and like maybe read a different piece of text or something I could see them coming to a different conclusion and I could see them being mad at a character but also some of the words that people chose were very misogynistic yeah and that wasn't great to read and that to me shows that there is an element not just of disliking her for something she has done there is an element of disliking her because she is a woman I think also there's a third thing I think it's also a lack of perspective because like I come from a family my parents were divorced and there was a moment where I was researching for the emperor episode and I did not know about era I am not like super caught up on all the Horus heresy books cuz I'm not going to buy 65 novels and read all of them cuz some of them are kind of stinky and I don't want to I eventually want to read enough of them also Alex has read them all and he is like helping us catch up yeah I check with Alex I check with John you know go from there John didn't know about era yeah I was surprised Alex did yeah I wasn't surprised just because from what I understand it's such a small bit Alex is crazy like he can read something and he will remember it like he's so hot I know so like coming from a like a divorc household it really brings perspective into like when arida launched her kids out I don't agree with what she did but like I completely understand where she's coming from I completely get it and I feel like it just comes from it's definitely the two things that you mentioned and also the third thing of just perspective of just like I totally get not liking her because of what she did I don't get it from not liking her because she's a woman that's really frankly loser Behavior but I also understand it from a different perspective issue I completely get it and I could also see why there would be anger in there oh absolutely you know I can I can absolutely see how that would kind of trigger somebody to read about a character like that I saw people saying things like if era had not done that then the events of what would eventually become the heresy would not have happened and I disagree with that I think the heresy would have happened even faster I think what they mean to say is that things would have been better which I don't necessarily agree with I guess we don't really know like we don't have 's notebook of like plan for the universe he's got a crayon he's got a little notebook yeah he's got a schedule he's got a little calendar page and like a mood tracker for all we know his plan was I am going to unite the Galaxy under the rule of humanity I'm going to rise us up back to Greatness by unifying the Galaxy once again right by any means necessary the Galaxy great again make the Galaxy great again yes yes which what does that mean where when was it great um technically never okay um the whole thing of the pitch of things like this time period of Warhammer the age of technology or whatever like when you get the broad Strokes like wow that sounds great or like Emperor talking about like his grand plan when you get to the details of all of it you start to realize like that's awful actually we'll touch upon that a little bit more more during this very episode I think this is a great Prelude to lead directly into what is considered the Primark Golden Child oh Mr Horus Mr R Mr R Horus Looper call Looper call that's fun to say so he's the wolf Daddy no that's he's not the Space Wolves oh okay sorry I saw the we'll talk a bit more about his Legion in a bit okay there's sort of two things that I want to talk about because horus's origin has changed so the first origins of Horus was we knew like where he came from what the planet was like but other than that it's like we don't know what about it because it was O it's a secret oh okay so when we first meet adult Horus is he an adult do we meet him as an adult primark's age weirdly okay so when we meet him it's not because he just crash landed we've moved ahead in the story you kind of meet Horus in the original sense Horus was just kind of a dude and the heresy and all that kind of happened in the background it wasn't like a big deal but then they were like what if we made it a big deal they being Games Workshop but they put his name on it it's because he did the thing so originally the emperor was like here are my Prim Mars and this is Horus and this is Leman Russ and this is rogo Dorne and this is sanguinius fulgrim blah blah blah blah blah right and then EO was like you're not allowed to name anymore though and's like I hate the names you chose from me he's like I didn't choose them I got them from this generator app app it's on like Harry Potter names scrolling all day and he's like I hate this I hate this I hate this oh moon moon there is a space Marine generator app I know that's where he got it it's great oh Horus for a long time didn't really have a origin story so to speak like we didn't know like what his early life was like or like exactly the details of like his upbringing or anything uh until we got a Anthology series called blood of the emperor which is a great book by the way there's a short story it's the first short story in it called lupus demonus written by grah mcneel the wolf demon yeah pretty much okay and it gives a bit more insight into we watch that episode of Doctor Who it gives a bit more insight into horus's upbringing so let me regil you a tale my love I'm ready for Story Time guys we got a shimmy on in here I got I got some gamer Subs oh this perfect yo yo so our Story begins on the planet of cthonia that's cool now cthonia is a planet that its surface is not great okay apparently there was a bunch of Wars unlivable surface now luckily the interior of cthonia is actually quite Hollow so there's a lot of tunnels that like go through the planet and that's where all the people live Mo people yeah pretty much mole people but they don't look like moles they're like normal We Begin our story with a person named nurui oh which is a title for No Name you are like less than dirt oh nurui now nurui is a small scrawny guy okay and he lives in a gang oh now konia has a lot of gangs about it they're all about the drugs and the murder and the all the other bad stuff more than anything nurui has a dream and he wants his very own name because in this Society okay you only get a name after you've killed someone and nur's never had that chance he's too scrawny he's too weak and they never let him come on to the the pillages or anything like that cuz a you're too weak nurg a man you're too weak and he's also kind of scared of things okay but more than that sometimes he goes over to the edge of the caves and he can actually see the sky and he has these Vivid visions and dreams of far off worlds that he feels like that he knows about if only he could grasp it and actually realize that this origin story gave me like heavy berserk Vibes with uh guts and Gambino uh-huh where a gang comes across a baby now this gang is really superstitious so they come across one day this pod right ah yeah and it's going like be and they're like what is that and they're like moving in they see a baby and they're like oh oh there's a baby oh we're going to be eating good tonight we're going to be eating good tonight oh my god listen you got to do what you got to do to survive out here in cthonia it's rough out here man these are humans these are humans humans so they're all like let's eat them let's eat him and then the chief comes by and picks up this baby right and he looks into his eyes no Chomp this isn't I have no mouth and I must scream no no no no it's not because it's the the bite of 86 or whatever so he's looking at this baby and he sees that this kid has bright vivid blue eyes which is not a thing that any of these gang members have seen before now immediately they're into the new is bad mentality so they're like oh oh that's evil that's a bad Omen and for some reason this Chieftain goes stop and he takes the baby in for the next couple years years he raises nurui almost as like uh you know it takes a village to raise a child it takes a gang to raise a nurui yeah yeah yeah yeah and so Nuru grows up and more than anything he wants a kill name he wants to be like the other Warriors of the tribe but it's just so hard and one day after he's like getting made fun of like oh nury you don't have a you don't have a kill name oh you suck we we have so much sex with women look at this guy Jim Jim over there he got Jim Jim's got his name Jim murdered that guy ripped his heart out oh ate it now he's Jim now he's Jim used to be not Jim used to be not Jim now he's Jim who is not a necron by the way no that's Jim not a necron totally not what's it what is that what's a necron I don't know I don't know let's go back in the planet hole so nury one night decides I've had enough and I'm going to go get my kill name so he grabs a knife heck yeah and he scurries throughout the tunnel and eventually he finds like people sort of you know half dead or kind of dead or maybe pretending to be dead so that they can get like a quick heal right and he's just crawling through and he's like avoiding people as he can and eventually he sees something he's never seen before he sees a figure surrounding a strange object looks sort of like a pod Nur feels like he understands what it is but he doesn't really have a word for it and this figure is wearing a red cloak oh my God and more figures show up it's a and they have red cloaks and they have weapons that nurui has never seen before and they have right blue eyes oh it's the mechanic and seem to have mechanical Parts all over their body you know as below when all those people are singing not quite that but sort of that that was terrifying so okay so the mechanicus are in the planet yeah he sees the mechanicus he doesn't know what they are but he's like oh that's perfect if I bring back like proof that I've killed one of these guys they'll have to give me a kill name okay and So eventually he waits and one of the mechanicus is eventually like it's a scari right so it's like a a soldier pretty good soldiers honestly yeah I mean they're kid and noroi jumps him and he assassinates him and immediately all of this oil is like spluttered all over him and he's like oh and he thinks it's blood but it's not blood and he's like it has a weird smell immediately the other mechanicus notice and their blue eyes turn to him and he can hear very vividly over a mechanical sort of staticky voice that's located the boy I thought you were going to say he got Jim he got you so immediately a Chase ensues oh that's terrifying n is running around and he's trying to get back to his family oh that's like my nightmare and after all of this chasing and stuff he eventually escapes okay he's hiding and he very carefully goes back to his Gang family and he goes up to the Chief and the chief is like where have you been nurui and he's like I've gotten my kill name and he's completely covered in like oil and stuff right okay okay and he walks over and he's like see see I did it and he shows him the knife the knife is coated in oil and the chief takes the knife and he sees the oil as it's gleaning in like the fire light and he looks up at nurui and he goes what have you done uhoh immediately bang bang bang bang bang bang the mechanicus followed nurui a and all of a sudden all of his Gang family B There Goes Jim B There Goes Frank oh my goodness everyone's going down bang b b n is so small and he's skittering around and eventually his leader the chieftain the guy who took him in and he crumbles to the floor and nuro goes over to what is essentially his father and he's cradling him he's cradling him in his hands and the chieftain he reaches a hand up to cusp nuro's face oh my God and he leans him close and he whispers to him his kill name oh and then why by aaka starts playing and in that moment nur's eyes shoot open and he can see so many things things he sees the planet that he's on the tunnels the surface and it zooms out and he can see the stars and he can see so many other worlds and so many other places but then it goes and it zooms in on this blue planet and it zooms in past the atmosphere past the clouds past the mountains to a golden palace and inside the Golden Palace is a Golden Throne and on that Golden Throne is a golden man who is in deep deep thought and that man smiles and he simply says it is time in that instant nurui launches his head back and he starts to change muscles begin to grow and his bones change and his mind is full of so many different things worlds and words that he's never heard before that he now understands he can see things the emperor the great Crusade Tera he feels it and he's growing and growing he grows like 11 ft tall okay and then the mechanicus come up to him yeah and they're like pointing their guns and they go what are you who are you and he turns around and he says I am Horus and that's the origin of Horus lool from then on Ms probably showed up was like what's up me boy it's me your dad and brought him on showed him like everything gave him a legion of Space Marines and was like don't you want to go on a great Crusade he's like wow dad that does sound great that sounds like a great great Crusade okay I have a couple questions yeah hit me what you got this this happened to all of them no okay this is a weird situation I have never heard a primarch story where suddenly they shot up 11 ft tall and they have like a bunch of muscles usually they grow normally he awakens yeah he like awakened there was like something locked inside of him I guess that vision of the emperor it like unlocked it and suddenly he became like primaried something about I don't know that it was the name but it maybe was like gaining a sense of identity yeah it was like you have a purpose now or this sense of like you know there's that kind of like threshold of becoming a man like with this is a very g whatever gender very heteronormative but that I mean it's it's a storytelling element like to to ascend into something that you have been working towards yep and thus to change like there have been times when like something like that it kind of psychologically changes you it's why when you go through therapy it's more that you have little breakthroughs then it's all one like constant it's not one gigantic reveal heal Fest it's like we talk we talk we talk oh I get it we talk we talk we talk little tiny things that build what about th you know you you are making realization so like sure realizing something I understand the story element basically but that's fascinating to me that that is not something that applies to the other primar because as you were saying it I was assuming maybe the emps like has a chip in in there basically no that like once they somehow pass that threshold it like activates and calls him I remember asking Alex and then asking John like hey what the fuck is up with Horus growing like 11 feet tall and they were like what and I I told them about the story and they were like yeah I don't know that doesn't happen to the other ones yeah so like the other ones it's it's more similar to what I was talking about where it's like they reach like teenage years like gilan reaches like 13 right but he's like six feet tall yeah they're just kind of big and like they're talented Warriors or like extremely smart like they're superhumans they're demigods and it's very much that sort of Disney's Hercules like he lifts up the temple and everything and it's just like wow he's just freakishly strong so he when he's skinny and little and stuff he's still like Primark no from what I he literally like almost has like a human body until this transfer me he was like a Golem creature running around I don't know something was going on he was a little gollem creature just like it's almost like he was taking some kind of like suppressant which obviously he wasn't but something about his psyche maybe was repressing it was something about the name and then the vision of the emperor and he was like ah it's time well cuz the name like gave him the vision that's why I'm using it as more of a catalyst just because it led to the thing that was the Catalyst uh but it was the identification of this is who I am yes quick question oh yeah hit me babe does he ever use like magic or anything Horus yeah or is he like completely a physical fight kind of guy he's more of a physical find I'm sure if he wanted to he might be able to but that's not really his style he's not really a mage would you say he could use like like are the Primark psychers technically yes but the talent of which varies depending on the Primark like you've heard Magnus Magnus is the best magic primarch period like a fucking Grand wizard would you say that like a Primark is Magic potentially I say they have magical aspects about them yes okay I feel like Horus technically fits into the definition of a magical [Applause] girl I just I just had the flash the rainbow over his body he's getting the big like beefy muscles well cuz there has to be a transformation this is why it came to mind to be trans criteria M was busy watching Sailor Moon and he was upset because like it was just over he saw usagi awaken and he was like oh I'm doing that bitch oh that's a good idea this has to happen he was like this is a Great Hero this is a Great Hero to humanity I must recreate this so let's talk about a bit there's a popular fan theory Sure and this was also a fan Theory back in like the original o it's a mystery cthonia is relatively close to Tera okay so people have noted that all of the events that happen happens seem very coincidental like oh the mechanicus were there and oh the planet like we don't know too much about it and there's all these gangs and stuff so there was a bit of a theory that it was all bullshit and it was all staged right I don't know if there's any like actual Merit to that theory it's a cool Theory to think about there are two ways you would have to take that if you would have to pick one mhm you would basically have to pick who staged it emps okay which would make sense a little like so to say staged it I guess is the part that makes it more or less understandable because we know that M didn't shoot the kids out into space we assume he did not also then pick the coordinates so the staging I don't think would have included maybe the planet I could see him sending the mechanicus to follow the Pod the shooting into space was sort of more warpy so like it was kind of like a portal was opened up and right yeed into the warp and then back out of the warp so that's why some of them are kind of warpy um they're kind of warpy they're a little warpy they're a little warpy me when I'm drunk she just gets a little warpy things start floating around the roof she's a little warpy so the the theory is it has a bit of Merit it's not unbelievable it's not unbelievable and it's really interesting when you think about it that way because it's like well why would he not just immediately go get to him why would he not go get him yeah and the answer is probably there was like some sort of test maybe Horus had like some sort of defect where like maybe they knew exactly like oh it landed on cthonia and they saw like this baby growing up and they were like let's go get him and then they realized like huh he hasn't like grown or maybe there was just a weird thing with Horus specifically that like he needed to sort of like awaken first I don't know it's interesting to think about and we're in heavy Theory territory now so like I'm not really sure what it could have been can I ask in terms of like when this content came out into the public zist when this happened was he the first out of the primarch to like have his story told no no no in fact he was like one of the most recent cuz I can understand sometimes something happening in a story being like exceptional and weird amongst other stories if it's like the first one cuz it's like okay you're like finding well it also makes sense because Horus is exceptional yeah there is something about H there is something exceptional about hor oh my God he's just like the sandwich shop there's something about him there's something about him there's something about him sandwiches so once he had awakened Ms came by brought him back to terara told him all about the great Crusade and everything they had some time to talk and get to know each other yeah father son time that's important first Primark first son found he has arguably the strongest relationship to the emperor makes sense they are I would say the most father Sun Dynamic he is as we were talking about at the beginning of the episode The Golden Child right and here is where we're going to put in the clip of the emperor going ironic ironic so Dad Ms does play favorites okay yes almost like in a narcissistic family unit where there's a golden child he literally has golden children he does it's true that's fucking funny and now they're women yeah I could be one of his golden children so after they found him and they were like here's your legion here's all your Space Marine boys they're yours now you can lead right hey thankfully Horus is a really good leader so when he got to terara he was given the 16th Legion the Luna wolf Wes and they are now horus's guys the moon Wolves yeah they were named that because they had a really great Victory on the moon okay fair enough now is this at all related to Space Wolves no okay this is why it gets a this is why I keep getting confused no it's ridiculous there's so many naming schemes that are very similar hey there's blood angels there's Dark Angels fucking catch up um I will not that's not a choice that's just me letting you know where we're going to be so one quirky thing that happens is that all the legions all the space Maran Legions came from terara originally because where the hell else are they going to come from but once the primarch are found the primarchs get a choice of like well where do you want your guys to come from where do you want your sons to come from cuz now we're using your jean Seed where do you want your hair in Palace where do you want your guys to come from and typically they choose the planet that they grew up on so Horus picked cthonia which caused a bit of contention between the Space Marines from terara and the Space Marines from cthonia cuz Space Marines from Tera are usually Norm noral guys and the ones from konia are like addicted to crack oh and wait why what what oh cthonia is like crazy crime drug ridden hell hole Oh I thought it was like in Dune how like the spice is just in the air I was like no this just in the fucking oxygen and they're all like a no no no no no so there's a bit of a a weird complicated relationship between the legion because there's like sort of this well technically where the first LUN wolves and then the other guys are like yeah but we're the Luna Wolves now but we come from where our primar comes from so we're better and there's sort of like this little there's a rivalry they still work together but there's a bit of a cross scene of Worlds why isn't he making sure that his other Sons also get maybe not addicted to like like I would think it's hard man you would provide them with I don't know a big boarding school or something I don't know this goes into how a space rain is made which we don't have the time for today maybe I'm thinking too much like a human being yeah so to talk a little bit about the relationship with Dad in terms of playing favorites one time Horus got shot in the middle of a battle oh fuck ouch and the emperor stood over him and like tanked the rest of it because I can't lose my baby boy right you're too valuable my son my baby boy my little guy okay and he's never done something like that for any of the others he does not typically do things as that he is not self-sacrificial he is not quite that self-sacrificial no yes I suppose he is in the sense of the chair at least to what we understand at one point during some books malador or someone will be like M how do you feel about your sons right and he goes don't call them that right they are not my sons right they are tools of War okay some of them he doesn't refer to them as their names right he's like oh yeah number 13's a bit angsty yeah or whatever right yeah however it seems that's very different when it comes to Horus right even in books where he will say that he go to Horus and be like hey what's up son what's up how you doing Horus seems to be the closest thing to a real son that he has in his mind yes that makes sense if not a son a friend a true friend like a brother like a brother or Al like an underling brother like you know your little bro yeah your guy yeah he's a little guy now I need to say this most primarch do see emps as Dad they call him father they call him dad blah blah blah blah blah M so that causes a bit of a sour patch of um in the sibling sense dad doesn't like me but why does he like you yeah of course and so that sort of starts like this little sibling rivalry that can happen but um let's talk a bit more about his Legion the Luna Wolves they are basically an allrounder Space Marine Legion they are pretty much they're not like particularly talented in one area or another they're just pretty good all around if you give them a job they can it like they're fine they pretty much have this mentality of like we got to be the best that there ever was we the sons of the first Primark found we got it no Marines ever was I mentioned before that their name comes from a victory on the moon in which our moon our Moon Luna okay yeah yeah the Luna Wolves well technically a moon is just a Celestial body that consistently orbits a planet right but our Moon's name is Luna I didn't actually know that yeah in Latin the Moon moon is called Luna how do I know what Mars is made out of but I don't know the name of the moon during this Victory uh they they weren't called that they were just called like the 16th Legion and as this enemy was being defeated there was like this radio transmission directly to emps just like begging they're like call off your wolves call off your wolves and so they became the Luna Wolves now were they just calling them wolves because cuz they fought like dogs they were ferocious or was it because they were going that's more of a space Wolf thing but I see where you make the comparison oh no actually oh no actually oh no they're cringe oh babe no they're cool no they're cool I'm making a j so the Luna Wolves were pretty good Horus fought with them they had the white color scheme with the black trim and stuff pretty cool color scheme All Things Considered and like a lot of art of Horus is him in his Luna Wolves armor white armor he's got the eyes of Horus all over his armor he's got the symbols of the wolf he's got a wolf like Pelt over his like shoulders love the claw that's cool that's a little necron so let's talk about how they became the sons of Horus sure this is we're kind of jumping a bit because I'm not going to go over like every single battle that these Space Marines did and every single thing that Horus did I'm going to talk about some stuff that's like interesting things that are relevant what I find is interesting is how the legions might change as time goes forward so the sons of Horus came about when dad was like hey son I trust you you can lead your own Legion you don't need my help anymore and horse was like gee Dad thanks and so he goes off and he's leading his Legion he does a pretty good job Horus is a pretty talented leader now during a fight with some Orcs he beat them so bad so overwhelmingly Victorious were the Luna Wolves that they are the reason why the Goof Clan Of Orcs have a black and white checkerboard pattern across their armor okay they've truly influenced the lore they've been here the whole time they've been here the whole time see that's bad writing though the golf Clan got beat so badly that they have just adopted that color scheme because they're like those guys were really strong so if we color ourselves like that we'll be really strong those are the strongest guys so we should be more like those exact do what they're doing so after this battle after this resounding Victory the emperor went to Horus and said you know what Horus your legion is no longer the Luna Wolves they will be called the sons of Horus and they changed their colors so as like a big Mark of like wow you did such a good job it's like no longer will you just be Associated as Horus leader of the Luna Wolves you will have Horus and your sons the sons of Horus they will wear it as a badge of honor and pride because our primarch is so cool and they changed their color to like a dark teal yeah tealish like a darkish it's a very pretty color I love the color scheme of it it's kind of similar to the color that I like some of the nekron paint jobs M yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so their logo changed their Luna Wolves logo was a black and white wolf with like a crescent moon behind it and then he's got the eye of nidhog both of them actually and so their logo once they had changed to the sons of Horus became the Eye of Horus so their logo became the eye that Horus has all over his armor so Horus also changed his colors to the dark teish oh okay uh and one cool thing that you can find is that during the heresy just kind of jumping around when he gets the black armor with all the chosy stuff on it one of his pauldrons is White and the other one is a dark teal oh to like represent both yeah to represent both it's really cool yeah yeah I like it I'm into that um now at first Horus really didn't want this name change he was like that feels really egotistical I don't want to call my Legion the sons of Horus and eventually he came around to it after one of his brothers his fellow primar sanguinius talked him into it he was like no man you should wear as like a badge of honor it's a pride thing and Horus is like you know what sanguinius you're right as far as Horus his personality when it comes to him and his brothers it was kind of like a little bitch don't worry about that it's fine it's also just funny cuz JN would never say that so horus's relationship with his sons was like relatively chill it was like yeah Horus is great leader we follow him we like him right nothing like super toxic could happen right no like everybody including the other primarch everyone pretty much had the same opinion of Horus of like he's very capable he's reliable and he's a good guy that you could talk to everyone liked Horus they didn't necessarily love him that would be more of a sanguinous thing they respected him they really respected him and they knew that if they told him something he could keep a secret or he could like be there for you he would help out he was just a good guy yeah he was a positive influence in their lives he's a very positive influence now however this became a little more uh comp at when the other primar started noticing huh dad's giv you a lot of fucking attention huh that kind of sucks why is Dad giving you so much attention I want attention from Dad mhm the scapegoat often becomes resentful of The Golden Child The Golden Child and or the flying monkeys this becomes even more so when at the beginning of what you could call the Horus heresy and we'll talk about this more when we get into the Horus heresy that's going to be a doozy this relationship between Horus and his brothers becomes a little more strained when the emper has to go back to Earth for some reason there's like a big thing that he needs to work on he's like I have to go and all of his kids are like why and he's like I can't tell you okay they're like okay and he looks over at Horus and he goes by the way you're the war Master you're in charge of everything okay and some of the primarch feel really fucking bothered by that cuz they're like yeah Horus is like a good guy and I like him but like frankly I think I'm a better fucking tactician than he is I see and so that kind of strained the relationship a little bit and we'll go very much into that when it comes to the horror sesy a lot of conversations between primarch going like man it should have been me it's like Cersei Lannister A little bit it's just it should have been me why wasn't it me and the only reason it wasn't me is because of the way that we were born or the timing that we were born or you like Horus more and despite me having a better ability to lead or a better ability to actually continue on at the rate that we're going you're giving it to him because you have a bias yeah it's just blatant favoritism it's latent favoritism dad plays favorites like aggressively yeah yeah that doesn't surprise me at all so let's talk about some things about his Legion in terms of like the quirks how it works Horus has a council he has like a small Council called the mournival or morival yeah it's a stupid that sounds like a party you go to it sounds like a funeral like a party you go to the moral dude I missed that guy where're gym oh shit wish that hadn't happened the maval is a group of four advisers that help Horus with managing the legion but not only that they are like top tier Warriors they are the best of the best power scaling goes like Horus the mour ofal everyone else right yeah they're good dudes you have abdon oh okay who was angry short-tempered violent John has added a note to the script that says a little bitch as well okay abidon is an appropriate name then that works yeah he has a top knot I wonder if he'll be evil I have this Theory and I feel like it almost seems obvious so I wouldn't be surprised if this was like a thing but you know how with the Orcs like whatever they believe like kind of like it influences the world around them right I feel like in the way that these guys are all named they're a little bit psychic right so they identify with their name in a way and I feel like there's almost like a prophetic nature to the namings for that reason like they become what they're called that's an interesting Theory I've never actually thought that way because their names all fit so well into what they are and what their story is but they were named before that happened like if you met a guy and his nickname was angron you'd be like okay I'm not going near that guy but if you met a guy and his name is just angron on his driver's license like you're not really going to think oh he's probably mean because you know that he got that when he was a baby unless he changed it cuz he really liked his nickname in which case get the fuck out of there so we have abdon angry boy yeah we have lokan okay who's chill the voice of reason and very dutiful he's like what you could consider like a noble guy very chivalrous right we have ton tedin twerkin on TW hang on a second toodon he is the comedic relief of the council he jokes around a lot he once talked down a captain of another Space Marine Legion that was like really prideful and the entire time he's roasting the shit out of him and wiggling that mem it's true you know shaking that dump truck my primarch I'm trying to sneak through Enemy Lines but the clap of my ass cheeks is so loud that I can't sneak they're noticing me my primar and finally on the small Council in the morning ofal we have little Horus aximand okay hang on little Horus axan axan aximand axon axon however you say it metri aimon like so so all these Space Marines when they are created they get like Jean seed right okay fellas is it gay to retrieve Jean seed from your homie yes I think not no that's what being gay is I'm not saying it's a negative but despite that the gene seed just kind of allows them to adopt some of the traits of their primarch but like when two space Marin let's say two sons of Horus take off their helmet yeah they're still going to look like individual people it's not clones it's more of just like uhuh you get the juice to kind of be like as good or like have some of the traits as your Primark etc etc these sons of hor these these Space Marines they'll kind of like you know share similar traits but for the most part they look like their own individual people yeah like you can tell two apart in the way that you can tell siblings apart like there are similarities or are they like it really just gives people like the appearance of if I went outside and looked around at a group of people like totally different uh it depends like some of them are more extreme than others for example salamander's Jean seed will make your skin obsidian and your eyes bright red yeah if you were like say Caucasian and you got Obsidian Skin you would still have like Caucasian features with red eyes but just with Obsidian Skin there's a guy in uh pan Nexus which is one of the Warhammer shows who is a salamander and he has the Obsidian Skin and the red eyes but he has like very distinctly Asian features and like it's interesting again you can tell them all apart but it's like they have similar traits um if my theory is correct with how Jean seed kind of functions as that Jean seed got passed along it would differ more and more it's almost like all for one oh the My Heroes yeah yeah I don't know a little bit like I feel like I don't remember much about that just in the sense that it was an answer it snowballed or like the Avatar State each time it goes through another Avatar it takes from the Avatar it just left and take like so you get more and more out of it with a job stone that also does fit in with like we have to retrieve the Jean seed so like the Jean seed is a job stone yeah it's like a job stone from ff14 Little Horus aamand now here's a fun thing his name was already Horus he underwent all the surgeries and everything he became a Space Marine uh and weirdly he looks weirdly like Horus like primarch Horus like really similar like they could have been CL not yeah it's it's Ray looks a lot like that lady who used to work here weird like a lot like her weird it's weird man now also this didn't help that aximand was like really into following orders like he'll do anything like jump I say how high that kind of deal like a dog essentially so sort of mockingly sort of affectionately they called him little Horus okay little hor it's a baby hor to go into a bit of the dynamic between the maval and Horus as like leaders and like as advisers let's talk about some notable battles that I found interesting and there's like a whole list that that's later don't worry if you put it in all caps my eye goes to it rain of spiders let's talk about the Battle of kelik K which was a situation where an alien species had a philosophy to only fight in specific Arenas I thought you were going to say in Spanish so they were like we will fight you Imperium of man if you fight Us in these Arenas and Horus was like what do we do and the mor ofal had this big discussion lokan was like let's go and fight them like we're better soldiers we can totally do it okay and then I don't know who it was exactly it was probably fucking abdon probably like let's fucking bom from space okay my kind of guy though abon's your kind of guy well abdon is how I approach tears of the Kingdom so told this alien species yeah we'll fight you and they all went to the Arenas okay this I like less fucking bomb them the entire time Lan the voice of reason or like sjora of the group was like I fucking hate this this is so dishonor but why did we not we would have won and they're like yeah this is easier though now we have the planet so bam we did it okay so they needed to take over this planet and it was already inhabited yep there was an alien species there there was no way to cohabitate for the Imperium the Imperium does not desire cohabitation no they want the planet for them Z yeah it's ours okay right this will be really funny in just a moment uh let's talk about the waron murder what there's a planet called Murder so um they found this planet and there were a bunch of like these weird beacons outside the atmosphere of the planet and they were like what the fuck is this shit what is this like lights yeah just like little system like satellite things and they were just like blinking and they were like having this code that we couldn't oh fucking get that out of the way and so they got on the planet and there were giant fucking spiders uhh giant Space Marine eating spiders no ah my whole body just got gross giant horrible Space Marine spers right now Space Marine spiders so fucking spiders can be Space Marines I can't no they eat the Space Marine they go okay um Space Marine for dinner it was a bad time go get Dad it's bad we're going to have Space Marine for dinner go get Dad it's bad now eventually they were like what the fuck are we doing we're losing against the giant spiders big big big big spiders guys there's big big big big spiders so Horus is in his chair on his ship just like what the fuck are we going to do and his council is like we don't know man like maybe we just abandon the planet maybe we just like blow it up and then suddenly this ship comes in like who the fuck is is that that's not one of ours and it starts blinking this signal that they can't decipher like what the fuck what is that and then they heard a voice as if it was resonating inside of them that went what did you do this was the first Conta with the interx a subrace of human beings that evolved to have batlike ears very scientifically Advanced zi kind of like zai let's think of Z ho shit what if the voice said children of yamir people of Earth people of Earth hear me so super Advanced technological race they got bad ears okay cool yeah so they can hear real good yeah they hear real good so um they come onto the ship and they're talking with Horus and his gang and they're like hey why'd you come to this planet did you not see the warning signs we left everywhere spiders turn back knowing that this planet's quarantine we left warnings everywhere did you not see them and Horus is like we didn't know what they meant and they're like we made it pretty fucking obvious dude and they literally were like we thought no one would be fucking stupid enough to go here obviously the Imperium is stupid enough to fucking go there so with the help of the interex they reared the planet cut off no one's allowed to go here they left up warning signs again everywhere do not follow the spiders eventually Horus and his Entourage were like wait a minute you guys have the power to quarantine them why don't you just fucking get rid of them why don't you just like exterminate them all this interex like Diplomat looks at them like shocked and says what right do we have to make another species extinct yes oh I like them Queen behavior and Horus and the other people are like they're like just kind of yanking on their collars like oh yeah yeah yeah totally uh uh yeah sure you're not going to like us so Horus props to him he did apologize and he was like I'm so sorry our bad abdon fucking storms out of the room and he's like you shouldn't have apologized to them and Horus is sitting there and lokan is like what do we do with him and he's like go tell him stopping a little bitch and to come back when he fucking like gets a hold of himself yeah he's acting like Badly Drawn Sasuke he needs to it's true true Badly Drawn abon while they were talking to this subspecies of human the inter X they uh they got on to all these like conversations like oh your Tech is really cool how does your Tech work and like oh are there other species of humans out there and like diplomacy we're talking we're chilling and eventually they start talking about like well what exactly is like what what are some other problems that you found in the galaxy and they're like oh you know chaos oh it's now it's h the reveal oh shit oh I didn't know we were doing this right now is this what the heresy is about her brain is making connections guys you can't see my face right now it's making so many she's poggy I only recently found out what that means because I thought it was about the little Circles of cardboard and so they're talking about how they met with a race called the lar her head shot up I know them her head shot up like a I was writing a note they met with this race called the Eldar the Eldar taught them all these things about chaos and how you have to be careful with chaos and it's really important to understand how the warp works and the cosmos and and then they stop he looks over at Horus and he goes great and holy Heavens you don't know do you you don't know about chaos you guys are fucking around in the warp and you're going all these places and you don't know what chaos is how do you not know right okay this has been like thousands of years of suppressing the idea of religion and then and suddenly this is if in you and ours Universe somebody showed up and was like what do you mean you guys don't think dragons are real they're right there yeah yeah and it's not just that it is like literally what is chaos what are you talking about yeah it's like not just there is Magic or whatever and if Horus like called up Dad and was like Dad what's chaos he'd be like I don't know what is this I don't know this is awkward as fuck for the M this is awkward for M cuz he's like he found out the like like it's drama we'll touch upon the interex and their fate at a later time wait no I'm invested well essentially things didn't turn out super great for them they basically relations went sour Horus got upset because the relations went sour no I like these guys this may or may not be one of the things that kicks off the heresy so we're going to save that for that episode is this why there are no zonai yes oh damn we'll touch back on the interex we'll interact with this later I want to talk to you about foe oh okay the most based man alive so you're saying he's for real I want to read you an excerpt from a short story called Miss begotten oh which is from Sons of the emperor yeah some background there's this guy this crazy scientist named foe yeah he was a crazy wacky scientist made all sorts of weird inventions and cyborgs and stuff super like body horror stuff oh okay was exiled from terara left went somewhere else but eventually as the great Crusade happened they found these cyborgs and they're like what the hell these things can kill like a bunch of Space Marines they're super strong we got to stop this guy and so they go over and they're fighting Foe and eventually Horus and his gang find where he is find a way into his base Horus burst in oh Horus sees Foe and he's just kind of standing there right Horus says you were waiting for me foe Shrugged I knew you would come one day and when you did I would not win I resolved to make my stand count for something if not to defeat the enemy then perhaps to eliminate the greatest of its party its leader you knew I would come asked Horus fo nodded mhm you or something like you one day eventually it's been a long time but it was inevitable Tera endures you left there a long time ago my art was not appreciated I have seen it firsthand that does not surprise me Abominations foe Abominations foe smiled and showed small and perfect teeth I see tastes have not changed fox sat back I have been monitoring your activity since you arrived in this Zone 20 months ago he said through my listening stations and watch networks I have observed your dealings with local cultures your message your offer of embrace I knew you would knock on my door before long and you were prepared said Horus afraid for you thought we would judge you as poorly as the people of Terror once did foe frowned no you are mistaken he replied you think I left Tera because I was driven out shunned demonized no no no no no all artists and innovators are misunderstood then why because I saw the start of his rise said foe even then early days but I could still see what he would become your father I mean I knew what future awaited a man who dreamed the dreams he did though it took decades or centuries or longer knew he would not be denied I wanted no part of that I wanted to be as far away as possible why asked Horus his dream is Unthinkable and yet he thinks he has the power to make it real I see he has begun now you you have reached the Stars yes bearing his message his hope to Hope fo shook his head sadly yes naturally he would tell his children that he always made things sound so optimistic a a glor glorious and endless future but of course you wouldn't understand I don't said Horus Rising you are a maker of Abominations a creator of the most obscene things I have ever beheld I presume a mind as transgressive as yours would see only Horror in the Splendor of his ambition and fear the Justice he would meet upon you for your crimes against the human form oh God no cried foe in surprise he hesitated do they still speak of God on Terror do they still believe I suppose not they wouldn't have to now anyway you're wrong I don't fear his Justice you say I have made Abominations look at what he's made what do you mean I mean you you and the beings like you you think I've made monsters in my wildest deliriums I could not have designed monsters like you I practice simple and ingenious Arts of genetics and Anatomy I tinker and I edit to make puzzles and delights and curious wonders things to make us think and Ponder the nature of our being and our place in the scheme of life he looked up at Horus I do not make things that will burn the Galaxy down I do not make things that will Doom our species and Lead it into an endless frenzy of War you are the most abominable thing I have ever seen grotesque sickening Mis begotten I could not hope to kill you all but to abort just one before it reached potential well that would have been some Solace foe got up and brushed down his clothes I would like to die now he said I don't want to live in a cosmos where things like you are on the loose damn damn damn damn oh fuck he fucked him at the end fucking shit holy shit he fucked him up oh my God yo holy shit okay that was a lot that was a lot hey how do you feel a lot okay a lot interesting so foe is human he was a human he was a scientist made a bunch of weird stuff on Tera like cyborg shit and then eventually he left because Ms was there does he have like a human lifespan if he did he's probably expanded it through cybernetics and genetics he he's talking about how he edits things but he's like a mad scientist who has been exiled because he keeps mad scientis thing and some of his stuff isn't super morally great yeah but at the same time he has enough Humanity that he is clearly different and more human than this group of people he is horrified by Space Marines I could never create a space I've seen this before again I keep having these moments where I'm like I've seen this before which is not me saying that anyone is coping anyone it's just that thing my brain likes to relate things to other things what I really like about the Horus heresy getting a lot of elaboration through frankly too many books is that because we know where the story is going we know where the ending is we know that Emperor has to end on the chair and blah blah blah blah blah we know we have to lead into 40K somehow because of that we get to have a lot of really cool scenes and a lot of really cool characters who are essentially like doomsayers who are like accurately predicting what is going to happen there's like a prophecy and it's not good it's not good and it's like it keeps happening yeah so it's like a we heard this a couple of times but it's like we've heard this a couple times and like thousands of years apart with nobody like interacting but the Space Marines and emps they're so embedded in their beliefs that they would never change course and you know what's really funny Horus didn't kill folks he brought him back to terara where he was in prison oh all throughout the great Crusade and all throughout the heresy oh that's worse and all the way through to the 41st Millennium where he smiled and he laughed knowing that he was right mhm I believe the direct quote is that like he was not foolish enough to Believe In Hope yeah and he like was happy about that yeah even though he was potentially deranged yeah he was a bit nuts bit crazy his ethics was off yeah but even that's fucked up yeah I sure do hope these morally questionable Space Marines don't turn evil or something woo foreshadowing is a literary device foreshadowing is a literary device okay well that sucks for this guy like he's just oh he's fine and that pretty much brings us to the end of the Horus focused episode obviously this is not the last time we will be hearing about Horus obviously there is a whole entire heresy to go through but what did you think of Mr Horus Mr Horus heresy how' you how you feel about him as like a baseline how he is I'm glad to see more representation in the magical girl genre yeah because yeah people do get a little confused that it has to be a girl and actually not really it's just kind of where the name originated but they are definitely magical boys I don't know why the gender got attached to the genre I found it interesting and I'm trying to decipher how much of this was me learning more about the Primark the whole system and how it's going to work for everybody else as we keep going through right or if it's like Horus specifically obviously he's interesting cuz he's like the fave and then obviously something happens yeah it's it's we know a tragedy is upcoming yeah the favored son will become the greatest betrayer yeah I feel like coming from the murder Planet might have messed him up a little bit the war on murder as it is called this the reign of spiders he may have been different had that not been where he grew up uh no wrong planet cthonia where was where he grew up you said murder murder Planet they have to murder to get a name I see where the disconnect happened the planet the spiders are from is called Murder oh so this is why that was confusing why would you name a planet that I don't know anyway cthonia starting there I to see how you would really with their objectives and kind of lose some empathy and you know I can see how that he grew up wanting to kill someone that's not great like that's that's not a good motivation to have as you grow up like I don't like him and I have a feeling I won't like most of these guys in the sense of I would not hang out with them they are morally questionable yeah I would not go for a beer with the I would have trouble not bringing up certain issues and asking them to change here's the thing though this is what I think makes Horus so interesting is that like he would be a good friend to you he would chill out and he would be like yeah let's go for a beer let's chill out let's have fun yeah personality wise he seems like an okay dude yeah he's a good dude he's a great dude but what I think is so interesting is that some of the stories kind of go into like but deep inside that darkness is there that honic masculinity it's in there and it's ready to burst out yeah at a moment's notice because like some of the other Legions when it came to foe talking to foe yeah bam done who care he wouldn't have even talked to him like he sat down with him and like had a discussion it's empty it's empty it's the last Church all over again let's talk about it he is oh that is like his dad huh it's like a reflection it's the same story that is very much like his dad it is the oh wow yeah I never even made that connection it was there the whole time it was there the whole time they were always there every time two characters sit down and have a conversation about a difference of Faith we're going to be like it was there the whole time dude foreshadowing no that is it is the exact same thing but I guess the context is different of like Uriah in the last church was like that's bad don't do this and foe it's different of like it's already happened what do you do now well I mean there's a large difference in the time between those two right yeah incredibly large different in the time Ms is like actually taken over by the time this guy yeah they're like working their way through the planets just like one by one just likeo chance in jah's head however small that he could convince otherwise this guy he knows it's not a thing yeah and that's why I think he's so fucking cool he stands up I would like to die now I don't want to live in a world where you guys are running around yeah you guys are kind of messed up not going to lie fair fair enough I mean if you know what's coming asking for a clean death isn't the most unimaginable thing I think also the last Church comparison is really interesting because it's a flip because where Ms and yah were debating about religion IAH was a religious man and he was a man of faith not a man of science foe is a man of science but both of them have the exact same view of like this is fucked this is terrible you're a bad person you could argue that the similarity when people kind of use science and Faith or say that science is a faith faith doesn't always necessarily mean religion like your faith could be like in Justice it could be in like kindness it is a conversation with two men about their life's belief or like their life's passion or the thing that they have lived for mhm it's really interesting because it's the exact flip because Fox is the man of science and Horus is the one who is like Blind Faith he has nothing but faith in his father we will spread our light throughout the G and he's like shut the fuck up shut up shut up yeah I don't care he believes them to almost be divine I mean he practically is yeah but yes I've described Horus and the other marks as demigods walking around CU that's pretty much what they are yeah they're like Hercules yeah how do you feel about horus's Legion like his his mourn ofal and like his Luna Wolves his sons of Horus anything that like particularly like stood out they need therapy but they're so addicted to crack they need that yummy yummy crack they need it lessening that would also probably help no I need it okay now I I was exaggerating a bit most Space Marines like drugs don't do anything to them it's not like part of their system it would be very difficult for them to get drunk Space Wolves can they craft their own special Space Marine beer like if a human drank it they would die they would melt like elves yeah it's very difficult how do you feel about Legion any quirks you like any colors you like how do you feel about the maval funny name it is a funny name again why is he just on like name generator I need my Council I will name them the moral he's letting chat decide on everything he names that's what it is Horus is like chat what do you guys think dude he's talking to the to the bat people and and they're like yeah chaos and he very quick like one second chat is this real chat do you guys see this chat is this real chat look at this idiot look at his ears what if the mor all was called chat chat is this real chat do you see this chat what should we do chat do you see this dude who would leave up all these like flashing lights around this planet that's so stupid just break just break through them whatever oh no chat there spiders spider chat call Dad it's bad call call Dad Dad the spiders Hagrid was wrong dad hag was wrong there's so many spiders cut to fucking Jenny with her aragog plushy like I love that thing I love that thing any particular characters from his Legion really jump out at you uh abidon loan toodon little Horus again immediately therapy get them in if I suddenly was given these guys in mes I would be like okay we're going to go to a doctor and we're going to get a good lunch and we're going to go talk to a really nice lady I do not like nice ladies okay well no I mean they seem interesting as characters they seem interesting and like I said this is like to get the broad Strokes the Baseline when it comes to how you PR torad T I looked down and saw tendon so this serves a like Baseline so when I say later on in another episode so and so was talking to Horus you'll be like I know who Horus is I do I know who abidon is I know who this guy and that guy is and if you don't like it be like it was this guy from Horus disguise and you'll be like ah I know I know that this is why I need to like build myself a little cheat sheet I can share it with the patrons guys you want to see my cheat sheet the I will update it live for the patrons at all times and I'll add to it like as we do stuff that's a fun little but that will help me because I just I have trouble with like names and stuff there is a lot of terminology there's a lot of names and there's a lot of like well primarchs and Space Marines are kind of made from the same thing but the way they make them isn't the same and Emperor completely separated from that and blah yeah it's very expensive detailed very detailed yeah I think a cheat sheet would be really helpful I made a tweet a long time ago that was just like there's so much 40K yeah and that's true but that's good that's why breaking it down into little sections because exactly we have to we have to make the broad Strokes before we get into the detail what we have just gone over we know this through like how many books or like games or what good this part I know the Horus heresy I've seen the Horus heresy so I know when we eventually like get to the Horus heresy this is also like breaking all the prim marks and stuff down like this to get to when we get to the heresy I can say like Leman Russ and Lionel Johnson did this and you'll be like I know who those two are be like check notes right I know who those two are Horus punched Gillan and you'll be like oh my God the drama because you'll now have a connection to those characters you know what I mean no yeah yeah yeah the heresy is really dramatic and it's really fun it feels like real housewife it is it's true and I ready for that cuz I watched and I remember sitting there with Alex at one point and there was some stuff going down I believe it was a woman yelling why would I apologize to you and your ugly leather pants W and I thought to myself I know which Primark that would be and that was when I knew we had something in the way that our brains work getting a lot of betrayal vibes from y Broski that was when I was like I think we should make content we should make content of those the real primar of Tera any other questions when it comes to Mr Horus or anything around him what is this Eye of Horus thing it's just like his logo he just decided one day now with the Wolves he was like the wol wolf aesthetic I'm so bored of it it's over but but I kind of like the wolf aesthetic though but Dad wants me to change the wolf aesthe it's because he used the fantas do you feel like the Emperor of mankind was looking at the Space Wolves and the Luna Wolves and he's like this is confusing Horus baby my baby boy you need to change the name you need to daddy's getting confused you need to change the name he's like me he needs to little C oh my God M has a graph in his office and he's like sh hor which one is that oh no which one's Magnus which number is that malcador is like it's this one my emper and he's like is that the red one every Christmas they all get the wrong present he's sitting with Horus and he and he's just like I really love you Simon Horus gets like a really cool present oh Horus gets all the good shit and everybody else is sitting there with like an orange and a zip tie and one of them is like have you ever had a tangerine though and bur is sitting with Leman rust and he's like I really appreciate your strength Magnus that's like when Rael said I love you too they love you I love you too that's not what I said I can't that was the worst Moment On TV ever malador is just like in the back like trying to cook dinner really wants everyone to have a nice time oh I can finally talk about this in like have it be in context interesting fact at one point malcador is T talking to one of the primarch and this Primark I think it's rogal dor I can't remember at the top of my head man that was chat's great name greatest great name rogal Dorn he's talking to rogul and rog's like really like airing his Grievances and he's like I fucking I hate this my brother and oh my God he's such a bitch and I hate I hate him oh my God I'm so angry at my brother and malcador is just standing there and he's like you know while he was making you I told your dad that it would be a good idea to make you all sisters and not Brothers you'd be far more civilized but no he he didn't listen to me no no no what is that supposed to mean malador was like slipping Ms like you should make them all women make them sisters and M was like no he could just do that oh if he wanted to absolutely so you're telling me you can just take a space marine and turn it into a girl well the emperor could he could have made the primarch wom so it's possible canonically interesting there's a lot of theories as to why he didn't but it's not because he couldn't I don't think it had anything to do with the gender specifically I think it was because I mean there are now women in the custodes I understand why men would be a preferable choice for a giant fucking hulking space Warrior but the fact that there is not one exception it's a little surprising that is kind of funny that he just says that yeah he's like I could have I told him to make you all sisters but no he didn't want to obviously that is problematic to just be like if you guys were women you wouldn't like be so aggressive oh you women like okay sure malador is like 8,000 bajillion years old he's he's a he's an ultra Boomer he's a product of his time and we don't even know when that was that's like the doctor Pew's too old he doesn't know what he's saying transference oh Jim I remember Jim a let's get you to bed peaw let's go a no he's still he's making dinner still I heard he's mad at each other peaw too old no PE no but he makes the best mashed potatoes you've ever goddamn had in your life yeah but he burns the sausages for breakfast so do somebody else make the sausages well I want to it's not about what somebody does badly it's about what somebody does well let's kill pea no you touched the what are some other forms of media outside of Warhammer that you think people should check out dress in files number one where the weaves check out some cool anime yeah that's what God is here in the first place mostly I would just say check out some books there's a lot of really good Warhammer books I mentioned Dres in files just a second ago a um gotrek and Felix if you want to get into Warhammer fantasy we both play Final Fantasy yeah check out Final Fantasy any of them really like this cool free trial yeah it goes up to storm blood now oh yeah I hear it's there's some award-winning yeah there's some award-winning stuff in there wow if you could be any role on a pirate ship what would you be in why I want to be the Navigator so I can scream all day I could be a cook cuz then I can stay where it's not cold and I'm a pretty good cook true nobody asks you of anything other than cooking I can cook yeah that's it I like cooking yeah yeah make sure the crew don't get scurvy I can do that yeah you all want limes y want oranges I got gin and tonic I got to dealt with have you ever had a tangerine so far what are your favorite factions what's a faction you know what a faction well I just like I is a is a demo a faction we didn't even say Deon in the in the ad read de guys I would say anything chaos is my favorite I just like Chaos's whole vibe is that a faction uh demons I like demons I'm assuming this is what we've already gone over oh so what would you say your favorite thing so far has been I like the custodi them and flade ones that's not a faction but yes necros well then you die clearly I do know what a faction no back there are many high fleets each but a facet of the immeasurable tyranid threat even now one is surging towards the eye of Terror
Views: 63,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer40k, warhammer 40k, 40k, imperium, lore, podcast, couple, cute, wholesome, poly, lgbtq, positive, funny, comedy, silly, art, digital art, relaxed, simple, 40k lore, warhammer lore, emperor, emperor of mankind, origins, horus, heresy, lupercal, sons of horus, luna wolves, polyamourous, cute couple, new to hobby, for beginners
Id: MRyzvY0RH7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 45sec (4845 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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