Why Did A Dodge 3500 Dually Go Off Roading?

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so we got a call for some kind of a truck i don't even know what it is yeah it's a one-ton dually truck stuck in the sand at the sand hollow so we're gonna head out there and see if we can get it out we got cafe with us today you're gonna have to do the weather man so it's 82 degrees i'm not ed so i have to cheat i have to look at my phone um it's a perfect uh spring evening for southern utah agreed that's why i live down here and i think it's gonna be a good evening max is grounded so we've got lady back there she's just being so polite but max ran off last time he chased a rabbit over the hill and caused a big commotion why uh we tried to find him and take care of people that needed to be rescued so i don't know what else to say about that we have to figure out what to do with max because if he sees a rabbit he's gone you can't call him off from it i think he ran about six miles away [Music] yep we're going to say hi to sand hollow these folks out here are the best [Music] good evening i didn't even recognize you i recognize the beard that's happening how's business good we're gonna go out and get another one are you filming something well have fun we will see ya so that was my niece haven and i didn't know she works here i didn't even recognize her for turn right seven seconds so for all of you who don't know uh i knew matt as uncle sam growing up not mad that's true so my nickname growing up was sam so all my nieces and nephews know me as sam and since i'm their uncle they know me as uncle sam so that's a little secret that i don't want to get out on the internet so don't you guys tell anybody [Music] [Music] how's it going hi you guys will care being on youtube yeah sure all right yeah i thought you guys looked familiar [Music] well hello how are you good how are you good good now that you're here so you must know the channel maybe a little bit or have you been pulled out before maybe we just knew exactly who to call when uh we got stuck here maybe we might have done this on purpose maybe there's a lot of speculation that people do it on purpose so aren't you so excited that we called so where are you guys from california nice out here on vacation we're full-time rving so we're out here for a month my whole life is on camera so go ahead and start it and that won't go straight yet but that'll be straight when that goes when that gets to the top perfect okay and then i'm gonna go find the end of my rope and then back up and then go okay and then your job is just to not run over [Music] yeah i'm lilly nice to meet you meet you i'm making fun of my husband he watches you guys all the time he's like don't tell them that like i'm absolutely telling them that you made me spend money i'm telling them i just worry you did this on purpose well you know he gets a free shirt from getting stuck right so worth it oh i love it yeah your wife tells me you're a huge fan of the channel so did you do this to get a free shirt i just know the channels of course i have to tell on him right yep how can i not all right what size doing it for the shirt i just know you are that's an expensive shirt this is the most expensive shirt that you will buy worth it we'll get them out we'll get them out [Music] what's your name lily lily nice to meet you mike you're here for me aren't you she's the star of the show right you're the star well thank you again absolutely who to call so you guys have a good one [Music] all right hey we have a fun game for you guys what's going on we're going to give her 10. we're going to give one of you a shirt that you have to rock scissors paper he didn't run away he ran after a rabbit oh and we were in a hurry we had three jobs backed up and i'm like okay somebody there was people over there somebody no ten minutes later go i got your dog okay rock scissors paper who's starting is it sudden death i'll do it i'll start okay me and you okay ready husband and wife no karate chops it's rock paper scissors that's fine because he can get it because then i'll wash it and shrink it on purpose and then it'll be mine zach what size shirt you want uh 2x that is awesome can we get a picture of you what size do you wear uh large a large i'm in a good mood tonight and some other stuff too cruise by thursday well thank you very much yeah let's get a picture let's get a picture i want to get a picture how's it going you guys fans too yeah so that was fun we went and did a little job and then met some fans there that were camping at the sand pit campground it has been a good evening and thanks for watching what do you see lady
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 475,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, banana, shop work, new project, shop build, off road recovery, matts off road recovery, jeep recovery, off road towing, off road fails, stuck on frame, dodge ram, 3500 heavy duty, dually off roading
Id: N366sTO3DMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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