Epic Snocat Recovery! Stuck for a month and half!

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so i got a call just kidding i actually got tagged in an instagram post so now we're up here on top of santian pass scouting out our next recovery job it's uh it's right over there yeah we got to get that out so down there is a chevy 1500 silverado i believe it's 1500 i can't tell because it's buried and we are up at uh the parking area for a section of the pacific crest trail that is mount washington over there and the pacific crest trail comes along the side of it through here across santiam highway right actually right here is the trail and continues off up that way towards that is three finger jack right there and the trail kind of goes alongside of it and keeps on going to the north along the cascade range so mckenzie highway which is sanium pass is uh right down here at the bottom of this hill and there's this road that comes up here about a mile or so maybe a little less too this turnaround and parking area here where you can park hike sections of the pacific crest trail hike some other trails in the area and just generally enjoy the woods out here so there's a bathroom out here turning around some picnic tables really nice spot to come up and hang out and do some hiking so our biggest issue is going to be right here at the highways you can see we've got pretty good snow burn here from when they had first plowed this in the first snows and then as you can see by how low my truck is right there this is all from the snow plows going by so this whole berm right here is just a solid pack of of ice like hard as a rock and you can see how tall it is so our biggest hurdle in this whole deal my biggest concern with it is going to be getting through this wall which is you can see it's gonna be a bit of a chore but luckily odot's uh sand yard is right across the street so i'm gonna give them a call and see if they can help out because if so that will make all the difference in the world because this we're not going to drive through all right here we are casey when you got a big job you bring in the big guns and we got to give a huge thank you to odot for coming over here and knocking out a hole in the snow bank giving us a good staging area to work from that is very much appreciated and this probably wouldn't happen without him everything looks so nice and then there's that whatever and the license plate looks like it took something too yeah a pile of snow don't bring too many of those [Music] i'm going to bring one one less than how many people we have yeah i'm holding my stick no i'm going to be the cameraman he has a snow cat and a cab over so he's like pretty much [Applause] how guilty are you of this trip i'm the one who posted the picture got you ready you ready you going man okay i love this [Applause] [Applause] beautiful out here [Applause] we made it christmas tree is still in the back yep from christmas it's still good to use for next year that's right a little bit of water a little fertilizer way to make it look easy all right we made it up here in the snow cat uh this is dylan this is all 100 dylan's fault you're welcome why we're up here so that's why he's doing the most digging now uh i guess the guy who actually got stuck shares a little bit of the blame it's kind of his fault but you know i got you all here yeah he's dylan's who found the thing posted some pictures and tagged a bunch of us and really made all this happen so we got kevin here helping dig is that is that how bad yours is 2.3 is what i got in deep powder snow really yeah so i'm getting flat out three yeah i got 2.3 it's amazing how much fuel those tracks actually take people don't realize it's not it's it's about packing the snow under the tracks yeah yeah the more powder it is the more tracks have to spin to pack it under and keep climbing yeah you're always pushing through it right so you're right you're always at a higher rpm so we have a broken shovel one down already it's okay once you get past the top it's actually pretty soft so i guess the goal is to break a wall you have a deal yeah right up against the body panels and if anyone's wondering why we're not using snow shovels and using normal dirt shovels because it's not snow it's ice chunks no shovels would never get anywhere yeah we already broke one normal shovel yeah yeah can you break the wall there casey to get the door open yeah oh that's way to do it okay there's like 10 shovel pools at once yep yeah that's nice okay the owner just got to the snow park down there they're gonna get parked and start walking up with the keys we'll see if this thing will start and see if we can pull on it i'm not holding my breath that it's gonna start he's got a really good battery in there i brought a jump box yeah not that you can get the hoo open yeah oh i forgot about that part i didn't think about it let me show let me show why we i mean we might not be able to get the hood open but if you want to pop the hood i'm fine i'm struggling with i feel like i could stand on the hood right here though see yeah i don't know that the hood's going to open so we got the receiver shackle we're gonna put in this we pull from the hitch here's the pin yeah so the pin is in my truck at the bottom of the mountain you gonna walk down again no you'll find a pin around the cab kevin do you find a pin i got it luckily we we brought the world's most prepared guy so we'll have another one thank you have you ever experienced any snow here that's even remotely close to russia i mean this is like charles i don't want to break up uh what is the bias about russians in the snow um where i lived we did get a lot of snow up in the mountains too so technically i'm kind of like another side of the world from where i was born in russia because my hometown is also nearby 45th parallel okay technically yeah i'm technically in i am i'm technically from the willamette valley of russia the same thing grapes so agriculturally everything's the same you're like me where you move from russia to oregon where everybody thinks it was super cold crazy climate and here you're like no this is colder and then i moved from california to oregon everyone's like oh how you like living in the country it's like this is the city to me i live my graduating class was 13. i lived in a town of 800. like i moved to the city when i came here i think where i lived in russia we had more snow and we had more cold in the winter but climate wise i mean very very very similar yeah yeah i mean i just always like the snow i mean from the childhood that's yeah i don't know if that's a russian enemy or just a kid in me i don't know maybe i didn't get enough to play in the snow when i was kid because mom would be always like yo get in the house you can get cold and sick most most russian jeepers you're gonna find like to play in the mud i do not yeah i mean the crazy uh videos of people mutton or whatever going through the woods and doing crazy stuff like that you're gonna find you know in russia that's very common yeah i know your idea of a good time is to fit the tent next to a frozen lake and start a fire in a timber tank yep yep and it should be at least you know five or ten zero that helps because the colder it is the drier is right you can dress for that they say uh people you know people don't like the bad weather i say there is no bad weather this is a bad year hey eventually in like six months when my wife watches this uh i have told her that same thing there's no such thing as bad weather only inadequate vehicles and inappropriate clothing yeah anyone who likes overland adventure videos and especially snow cat videos bud nixon on youtube is the best snow cat videos you'll ever find on youtube like hands down nothing else even close and then he does overland adventure stuffed rusty gear and build some of like the nicest cleanest uh overland builders we can try well like your stuff is so meticulous and nice and he's like that's just the ocd and he goes i got a lot of ocd in me i'm like i got a lot of that's good enough in me the next one i said i want to take to him and have him build it because it'll be better than i can like a bite of mine says your job is only as good as your last one so you got to do a good job in order to be presentable yeah your reputation is based on what you built last yep wait wait way to shut me down right there yeah if you go watch bud's channel and go watch his last snow cat video it was right across the highway in those mountains over there and it was the snowstorm that buried this truck he went his snow cat went snow camping right after the snowstorm hit yeah so if you want to see how deep it is that go watch that video and you can see where this was i'll put a link to that video down below here but that that was the same storm that buried this one and it was only right across the road right over there yeah so yeah he thought his truck was going to be gone for like six months until dylan comes up here and finds it post a couple pictures on instagram and i know you tagged me like i got tagged in it and it was like everybody's good everyone's like can you get this out i'm like well first of all whose truck is this can the owner respond and then dylan came back up figured out whose it was and kind of put some stuff together and here we are rigs that get buried like this in the snow we're the winner uh they're what do they call them uh salvage what they call hazmat salvage hazmat because what happens it's gonna just mold up inside right whatever you left in there whatever fruits vegetables food water help recover couple from uh from malala lake area when they were spend the winter there yeah well inside everything just just grows right now it's fine because it's dry if that next storm came and buried it then when the snow melts in the spring it just saturates and soaks it and then it's probably as long as your roof roof part is free you're good because what happens is when the warm temperatures hit it gets all wet and the water gets into every crack it can and at night it freezes so it expands it a little more and plastics and rubber gets used to it and then it gets warm again and it drips down the lower oh okay good no it's an actual call shift so it's in neutral now so okay once we pull it back out of that bank we can open the head and jump it okay the next thing is how much gas is in it uh i think it's have a tank okay well it's good enough yeah we filled up before coming out here and we were able to maintain the vehicle on for a few hours you know thankfully you know we have like the place we got stuck we had service yeah that's yeah you know and we had enough all right well uh truck won't start so we got it in neutral nick's gonna get the snow cat in place [Applause] all right yeah do you like the keys you want the keys in it it locked by itself it doesn't have any battery i don't know how to lock by itself what did you do is it in neutral though is it rolling yeah but the front tires are turned so he was going until the front end tried to start to push himself to the side yeah into the snow bank oh take a break get the knockout kid you should have known better i thought you know and i even thought about bringing this bear key oh my goodness i should have brought it most prepared man doesn't have a lockout kit i think you're the prepared one with the lockout kit in the truck it's all good no worries stop you want me to drive you to the kid yeah you wanna ride in a snow cat hi my name is eric um on december 11th 2021 we actually came out here to uh get a christmas tree with the family and the kids right it was going well till i guess i went in too far into this embankment there was no so i i really couldn't see that there was an embankment so i pulled forward and and the truck went but um yeah we we call our insurance and uh they were able to get a hold of a towing company to to winch us out um and uh 90 minute wait turned into a six hour wait in the snow and it's pretty scary um we actually ended up pretty much reaching out to uh odot there was also an albany search and rescue team underway too we didn't make it down the mountain until 2 30 in the morning and uh it's pretty scary it's fun to see it's black out here and it's just snowing like yeah that's insane yeah it was really insane there's nothing experience i don't want to go through again but this team you guys are awesome honestly thank you for what you do that only took like way too long okay now uh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] hey ben we got a snow cat stuck yeah i mean you get a jeep stuck you can get a snow cat stuck and get a land cruiser stuck we get anything stuck now we just got to get it out all right since we don't trust this dead tree to pull on and that one seems way too small to pull on but we don't have any other good options we're doing a double wrap of them this before where the strap goes around this tree and up and around that tree and we pull here you see we're pulling on that tree and pulling on that tree at the same time and the strap will kind of equalize the pressure between the two hopefully that'll give us enough holding power to pop that thing out [Applause] there we go all right and the tree's held yeah track hole [Applause] i'm gonna leave this here for a minute to make sure the whole fender fix up all right that's the major win is it running yeah it's running okay that's a big win all right so we got the cat out of the hole we got it parked way over there far away because the less cable that is on the drum the more powerful the winch is got to run to the hitch receiver and we got the truck running which is a huge huge deal so feeling good now but i was feeling good last time too so here we go a little [Applause] a more throttle turn towards me a little more right there okay hold up let the winds catch up [Applause] yep yep more more a little throttle one more throttle are you yep straight i'm gonna turn the wheels that way to get away from that hole and hopefully you drag the back in oh that's fine are you in reverse yeah this might work out better than i thought it would am i clearing the hole as i fall into the hole now you're got one more hole right there okay you're out of them now you're not gonna fall on anything though yeah i agree we're gonna go because this is that loop so he's gonna drag me back the loop and then he's gonna go around to the front of me and take you down there and then i'll be facing out so we're gonna go back to that corner yep [Applause] the sun is not helping now totally really [Music] do do [Music] so [Music] perfect load the cat and pull the truck out at the same time double double duty that was either gonna work really good or be an epic fail so well it was all on camera so it worked out really well so either way it's gonna be great good make a good youtube video this might be one of your longer videos yeah i think it deserves to be cat loaded up truck out of the snow nick's gonna get all strapped down here and head back to the valley this gentleman's gonna drive his truck home finally after being here for over a month and a half and we're gonna go have lunch hi eric how you feeling now happy excited i feel better now too i didn't that was yeah until we're all back here at the highway now i feel now i feel better yeah i call my girl she's excited too all right yeah okay i can't believe you know some of that hard work right yeah and it's fine it's fine yeah no nothing dinner then or smooth yeah that was a successful job well ben that was fun we actually pulled it off and you know what it was only about two and a half hours start to finish which really is if you look at the amount of work we did there that's pretty impressive yeah i lost all track of time so i didn't know what it was like two and a half hours went surprisingly well given the situation yeah that guy couldn't be happier no he's thrilled and that's awesome to get his truck back when he thought he was going to be out of it until like may or june well if we'd gone one more week where he got another snow storm coming in that thing would have been buried over the roof yep and then you wouldn't have seen he would have seen it until may so that was a good one i'm really glad it all worked out so here's the big thing about that everybody that was there volunteered came up here on their own time volunteered to do that to help that guy get his truck back which is amazing it was all for the the better good of just trying to help that guy out yeah especially thank mick for bringing that snow cat up like i said go check out bud nixon channel on youtube if you want to see the best snow cat footage out there i think it was awesome yeah awesome dude never got that job done without that piece of movement never would have happened no my track jeep would have made it in and out of there for sure but would not have been able to pull that thing out without breaking through so uh that was the way to go so that is gonna be it for this one we'll see you guys next time at some point whatever it ends up being thanks for watching have a good one
Channel: Casey LaDelle
Views: 285,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tow truck, towing, wrecker, recovery, rescue, off road, stuck, jeep, kinetic rope, heavy rescue, winch, 4x4, 4wheeling, overland, overlanding, snowcat, Snocat, sno cat, Tucker, snow
Id: Q2kYvTIN15E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 26 2022
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