Arrogant Pilot LIES To Controller!

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what happens when you lie to air traffic control and what are some of the things that you want to avoid doing unless you want to be the worst kind of pilot there is we're going to find out in today's video let's check out how this all got started this works out good morning uh super Covenant November 129. uh super cup nine Romeo Bravo New Smyrna yes sir just Departed the creek gonna head south down the beach gonna clip the kind of the South uh west side of your control area uh to the beach to be south of you no not in Romeo Bravo uh Roger going to go uh uh East Northeast to the Shoreline and then South are you going over the interstate South pay attention to what this guy does next my name is Hoover and welcome to your pilot debrief you know I once had an Air Force instructor tell me that if you want to be a great pilot you have to be humble you got to be approachable and you have to be credible unfortunately the pilot that you're about to watch is the exact opposite of that and this scenario isn't a very complicated one November 129 Romeo Bravo just left Spruce Creek and he wants to make his way over here and head south down the beach which should be a very simple thing to do but unfortunately he's going to make this as complicated and as painful as possible as you're about to see but just to give you a quick refresher on the airspace here's Spruce Creek he's right here he's about 500 feet AGL so this maroon line and this other maroon line represent the Class C airspace associated with Daytona Beach International where he's currently at he's below the class Charlie airspace because out here it runs from 1200 to 4 000 feet the other thing he has to worry about is this Dash blue line which is your class D air space for New Smyrna Beach now that airspace runs up to 1199 feet which is what this minus 12 means in the box right here and that's only because you've got the Class C airspace above it now he doesn't need a clearance to enter the class D airspace all you need to do anytime you want to enter class D airspace is you just need to establish two-way radio communication with the control tower which he's done but remember if you're entering the classy airspace and you're talking to the control tower you still have to follow Air Traffic Control directions and what the control tower is trying to do is figure out what does this guy want to do because there's other aircraft in the pattern here so that's why he asks them do you want to stay can you know kind of north of the field here head on over to the Shoreline and then go south or do you want to you know follow the interstate and go south that way and honestly if he wanted to just avoid the class D airspace entirely the easiest thing to do would be just use this interstate as a visual reference stay west of the interstate follow the interstate South and then cut on over to the Shoreline but check out what he actually does Romeo Bravo Rod you're going to go uh East Northeast to the Shoreline and then South are you going over the interstate South I'm going over the interstate now but I'm going to clip just barely clip you on the on the southwest side of the area okay I I I don't understand how you're going to go from there Southwest if you want to go to the Shoreline just fly a heading of about zero seven zero to the Shoreline all right that's what I'm gonna do I am going down the shoron okay so I want you to go north of the field I've got right traffic for Runway two five traffic's ahead and do your right so just uh suggest a heading of about zero seven zero yes sir we're on that now thank you I told you he was going to make this as complicated as possible he's already in The Classy airspace so he's not going to barely clip them on the southwest side so he's starting to lose credibility because he either doesn't know where he's at or he doesn't know where the class D airspace is either way the tower controller is having to devote some time and energy to figure out what this guy is doing because you can see if he continues on his present heading he's barely going to clip the runway he's obviously going to be a factor for these other aircraft that are doing touch and goes in this right hand traffic pattern for Runway two five and that's why the tower controller tells him I want you to go north of the field and he gives him a suggested headache of about zero seven zero and the correct response to that instruction isn't for him to say we're on that now he should have said something like November 129 Romeo Bravo turning left heading zero seven zero and we will remain north of the pattern but watch what he does because unfortunately he's going to completely ignore what the tower tells him to do thank you evergreen.783 I'm not off your touch ago that's fine a while ago okay I've got five zero eight Runway two five fifty options they're way too far away uh apricot 783 stay on the up one seven eight three uh number nine Romeo probably get kind of close to the pattern sir I need you to make a left turn from where you're at you're heading right for the pattern so I want to turn left about 20 degrees I'm gonna turn right I don't want to go near okay I'm turning right and then turn East yes sir I want you to turn left now turn left follow Air Traffic Control I've got you on radar your head right into traffic I see the traffic Roger we're gonna go left for you now you're gonna now you're gonna fly right into them sir I want I don't understand why you can't follow instructions sir you're right over the airport I want you to turn the left turn northbound G no problem with that I'm turning left now and I see the traffic yeah you're right in my pattern sir I want you to turn left heading 360 zero right now okay now if you think that was bad just wait because it's gonna get worse and I'm gonna go ahead and rewind this a little bit so we can see exactly what was happening here but you've got Epic RED 783 who's doing this right hand traffic pattern for Runway two five the tower tells him to extend on the upwind because he knows that if he starts his turn a little bit late or based on where he starts his turn he's going to be doing a climbing right hand turn going face to face with 129 Romeo Bravo and as the tower is seeing all of this on radar that's why he's telling 129 Romeo Bravo to start a left-hand turn to head Northbound so that way he can avoid the traffic there's a chance that maybe if he had caught it earlier he could have had him turn to the right to stay you know further away from the pattern and then he could have told him to go ahead and start his crosswind turn early but it's too late for that now so when he tells 129 Romeo Bravo to turn left and head Northbound the correct response isn't negative I'm going right and then I'm going to go East he should have said Roger starting a left-hand turn right now heading Northbound but he just does whatever he wants to do so he starts this right hand turn you can kind of see that on the vector there and eventually he decides to comply with the tower instructions sort of because the tower eventually tells him not only turn Northbound he gives him a very specific heading he tells them turn left heading 360. the correct response to that isn't okay it's November 129 Romeo Bravo turning left heading 360. yeah you're right in my pattern sir I want you to turn left heading 360. right now okay the number nine Romeo Bravo what's your current heading three uh three six zero you're flying directly Northbound is that correct oh kind of North by East a little bit headed to the Shoreline so you're not following instructions sir uh nine Romeo Bravo possible pilot deviation and uh advise you contact the tower uh when you land I can give you the phone number okay the controller set the perfect trap form and now he's caught in a lie and the last thing you ever want to hear is possible pilot deviation and I've got a number for you to call but listen to what this guy's excuse is four two three five zero very good just a little closer when I called to the internet control area I did not want to go north of the airport I wanted to go south to the Shoreline thank you well sir your instructions were to go north you did not follow the instructions that you were given any instructions that you were given and it's on radar okay thank you sir you just basically did what you wanted to do oh no no not at all been living here 25 years and coming through here so no problem I will call you yes sir living here 25 years has nothing to do with Following air traffic control instructions it's on the radar sir I got that or clear thank you at no point in time did this pilot ever appear to be humble approachable or credible in fact to me he came across as arrogant entitled and defiant and I think that's pretty much the worst kind of pilot there is but you guys let me know your opinion and if you enjoyed this debrief then be sure to check out another video on the channel and I'll see you next time
Channel: Pilot Debrief
Views: 703,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: angry pilot, angry pilot vs atc, worst pilot, pilot argues with atc, air traffic control, pilot debrief, aviation, flying, airplanes, pilots
Id: kIA1rcdhDLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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