Flying an UNPRESSURIZED SMALL AIRPLANE As High as The Airlines

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we are heading to Rogers Arkansas the weather is terrible in the middle now I'm gonna have to fly through a squat line this is not gonna work this is number 1 to 2 zeros look at solar power builder returning to Boca you know in aviation you don't have to be in or you just have to be safe hey that weather that we will go pass through yesterday is actually right over us as they out there West I don't like this we will be returning to Boca we're gonna have some amazing tailwind about 23 25,000 feet tell one will be doing 33 and 35 knots we're talking about close to 250 knots over the ground which would make the trip back to Boca just about 4 hours so I calculated my oxygen I should have roughly about eight and a half hours of oxygen left full mask because we need that for above 18,000 feet that's what we're gonna be doing tomorrow and that is the plan [Music] 57 gallons of fuel 15.7 so we do have full fuel 40 gallons Stks fluid has been found to the bat and they take 40 pounds of baggage it's not even 40 pounds for good all right welcome to this flight director Boca it's my first flight into the flight levels Rogers Executive Airport Carter field automated weather observation one four to six Zulu wind two one zero at one seven peak gust to - wretches ground good morning Sears number one two - Sara's looking to pick up my eye partners the book earth to an airport serious one to two series early runs grants towards Boca ratone airborne Rogers two to furniture a smile maintain three thousand when they expect my level 2 3 0 1 0 minutes after departure departure briefings will be Razorback one to six point six five is six and two to six all right just user Louise clear to the book Ritz on airport via the Rogers to departure then a smile climb three thousand then apply level two three zero after 1 0 minutes departure precaution one to six point six five six - six in a squawk cheers to zero zero every background five six two six one two six point six is in there and will climb three thousand and we'll do the Rogers to departure you'll be using run away to zero it's nine hundred thirty six nautical miles got my mask ready over here ready to go and not just ground to say Zulu I do have a weather-ready taxi at the Beaver Lake evasion you sir - sir a Zulu runway - zero tax be alpha runaway to zero via alpha Priscilla what our oil temperature is good on how to 35 degrees Fahrenheit good enough for a run-up it must be a Papa hundred I just our citizens ever want to pursue the holding short one way to 0 all ready for departure to to series only register runway 2-0 cleared for takeoff but when two zeros are at one five two five two zero clear for takeoff what to do sails alone are way to zero check full power 110% that's crazy speed is alive and 77 rotate laptop mr. to zeros over contact Razorback about to save life Sarah over to departure Arizona soul Razorback departure good morning sirs November 1 - Sarah Zulu through 2100 for 3,000 won 8-0 the one who's here deliberated exaggerate subtext combination one five thousand kms getting the f100 thank you for your time one zero zero one five thousand two thousand one five fifty thousand alright how to pedal it on all right rescue that ready to go [Music] and Razorback - Cheryl do you copy number two's here they were Sagan yeah can't you hear me not some taking my mask I can't hear you at this planet is a little bit that I can tell you where you can master other than that I can very good sign that sounds good to hear some things so in a little bit I'm gonna be putting the oxygen and I'm not putting it yet there unless you fear a Zulu contacts epicenter one through six point one today twenty six point one the dangers over Memphis Center good morning now sirs November 1 to 2 serie Sousa through eight point six four one five thousand November want you to do the best better Roger good morning clan maintains all the three three zero I maintain flight level two three zero to see Arizona alright my level 2 3 0 here we go alright oxygen on gotta get my oximeter handy to just get in Nissel reading 94 anyone not to do that we're flying at so it's 11,000 12,000 and November a two-tier Zulu our young forth or you or your on assigned heading now assign heading up on these years do the Roger clutter at the Seminole sorry about that okay that seminars number one species hero Zulu now back up the center one to 6.85 be there 2685 memphis center of good morning sirs November I went to do a little crossing fly level 2 0 0 so IQs here do it and you're fine enough I hope you 3-0 I'm not firm enough no stairs below nice 90 120 1700 a hotter 10 on the climb indicated ground speed 208 knots still developing 89% power I'm gonna look for icing just in case because we have a little bit of visible moisture here it may be a little too cold for icing - 22 Celsius 7 degrees Fahrenheit below zero all right leveling out to fly level two three zero thirteen fifteen point eight gallons an hour carousing 73% power through airspeed 197 196 crosswind 254 mobile and with 23 gallons in three hours 26 minutes were cruising [Music] okay we're climbing to flight level two four zero there's a military operations area about sixty five miles ahead of us and that is why the one is a little higher but I'm seeing a little bit of trace rime ice I just started a bump again and here at the light level two four zero the power is dropped a little bit now I can fill up about 70% power a 30 min half inches mindful pressure and I'm burning a little less fuel 15.3 obviously because we have less power and my gosh speed its 242 knots it was looked better down below so once we cross that I was requestable back down to 23,000 yet the series reporting uh light right here do the Roger without better country - 25 Celsius mm we're in the clouds so this clouds does the come in contact with the airframe some of those droplets the freeze on the airframe the moment I turn down the entire ice these completely melts away so no good morning uh there's November I went to this year so to apply level two four zero there were one piece here do away in fact the way I find it a question to go back down to 23,000 this is called icing thing I don't like it we're still I am seen here in the clouds 42 minutes of entire ice left another two hours in our flight hopefully we're not gonna pick up any more if we do that I'm just gonna request file about two one zero other things that the Lord we get the less tailwind we're getting so it may turn out that we may have to actually do a quick fuel stop somewhere if there's a hold it is something then you know we're gonna be minimum fuel so we keeping an eye on a part of that well I'm also keeping I doubt on the icing situation here all right so the what a giving new rerouting here and let's see what's gonna work with the fuel situation copy 150 so doing and I put a book of the address to heaven in a sexologist Hotel echo Victor Victor November sender Sarasota with the zero Romeo Quebec sabor de papa Delta just a hokey Papa Hotel kilo struck Palm Beach papa Bravo India Bendrick Boca okay who is there to focus on be a heaven source or upon an order the monkey from the incident that I can really relax I think here what's gonna work [Music] [Music] okay it'll be good just added a couple of minutes to our flight time no big deal hopefully on our descent we're gonna gain some speed don't be going towards the East getting some nice tailwind but at some point we're gonna lose a tailwind completely just because of right below 10,000 I becomes pretty calm so we'll see how that works again if I have to land somewhere short of Boca I don't problem with that I have tons of options with lots of fuels this is the most comfortable airplane have ever flown it's even more Gotham is Grace I can fly for hours now this airplane is very comfortable however this mask is not comfortable my limit is 3 hours 3 hours it starts putting our pressure on my nose I start readjusting it just doesn't feel right sever one two two zero Zulu the center maintains but about few one zero doesn't maintain flight level two one zero zero let's go down to 21,000 reduce he reduces that I maintain over 100 zero level one Niner zero [Music] Bertuzzi resilience that I maintain one seven thousand weekend al-sunnah three zero zero four one seven thousand and three zero zero four two [Music] - a life are some tutus dear Zulu our whisper made maintain VFR and squawk code if you want stuff eyeballing alright Vincent life are we're clearable the airspace is here yeah we're clear of everything Miami center I'll go to number one to go see our Zulu descending through 14.5 VFR focus number one two - Sierra Zulu Miami center Roger of the Fort Myers all senators freeze drill drill four - Miami's probably 91 116 back to normal eyes are acquired car we're good we're descending I cannot tell you how cool it is to be able to fly this huge distance in one shot about the the flight levels and be able to get a home right on time man this mask left a mark I'll go away get her head off I know what you get for we're good one eight the weather is better than 5005 temperature two six two point one six altimeter three zero zero one arrivals expect visual approach runway five is the news we are good the puppets serious I've ever wanted to share a Zulu through 7,000 not descending for paper book remember one - toodaloo rather maintain VFR at or above 5,000 pretty long course not about 5,000 and of course and I do it myself in successful thank you takeoff Hey and pop each little book inside i'm mateus here is really radar service terminated to keep your squats on the ground and contact pope now or do you guys good to see reserve these 107 miles west of appeal 5,000 ascending bumbles up the rope you man 1 2 2 0 zu vocab you have to report left base runway 5 [Music] [Music] [Music] that was a phenomenal flight back home I hope you guys enjoyed it learn a lot today about this type of situation and this type of scenario and I hope to see you in another episode by Nico's wings together [Music]
Channel: Niko's Wings
Views: 1,214,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aviation, Aviation news, Cirrus, Cirrus SR22, Cirrus Aircraft, Air Traffic Controller, Flying lessons, Flight Training, small plane, Single engine plane, flying high, maximum altitude, oxygen in airplane, surviving skills, high altitude, airplane icing, ice melting, IMC
Id: 9fpoxWIGcxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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